The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, September 04, 1914, Image 2

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Bill lb COIN IY PROGRESS Published Every Friday. J. DOV LE JONHS, Editor and Pub. Subscription SI a Year Entered a* second-class matter, Novem ber 1507, at tlm postoWce at Jaeksou, t>a. Telephone No. 166. Communications are welcomed. Cor respondents will please confine them selves to ; ,( K) words, as communications over that length cannot be handled. Write on one side of the paper only, sign your name, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. How about that clean up cam paign? What are you doing to help the county fair along? Why not the second primary plan for Georgia? Join the Optimist Brigade and cut out the war gab. Macon almost had the capitol for a day or two this week. Don’t you think Jackson ought to have a board of health and pay more attention to sanitary con ditions? The war will not hurt the far mer with a hog and hominy slo gan. If you are not that kind get right at once. Macon had a hostile invasion of her own this week —harmless though as it was only the politi cal hosts of the state. Sit steady in the boat and de termine to reduce your cotton acreage by half next year. That is the solution to the problem. Jackson merchants should be gin to plan for a brisk fall trade. Their trade zone can be consider ably enlarged by the right kind of advertising. Now is a good time to begin raising some live stock. Butts county ought to get rid of the cattle tick and take up the live stock industry on a comprehen sive scale. Announcement that Jackson is to have improved express service in the near future will be receiv ed with interest. It will prove a great convenience to the people of the city. Frown down the idle talker who would attempt to array the classes against each other. There is a duty for every one to perform and the big thing right now is CO-OPERATION. The effective work done bv the Civic League in cleaning up the city in the spring should be re peated now. Let’s have another 4 ‘Clean up day. ’ ’ The wholesome effect would be felt throughout the winter. Farmers are reminded that potash, which comes largely from Germany, is going to be scarce and high as a fertilizer next year. Clover will to a large extent, it it claimed, lake the place of pot ash. It is important then that you get ready to meet this situa tion. Take this matter up with the Demonstration Agent at once. Whether they want to or not the farmers of the South must break away from the one-crop plan. This fall is the time to start. The war is going to make living at home absolutely neces sary in the future. Tnere is just as much money in this country today as there was a year ago. If there is anything lacking it is confidence. Pull yourself together and stand by your guns and everything will be all right in the end. It would be a good thing if the people would forget about the for eign war as far as possible. Why not try the plan of quit talking about the war? There is no use in magnifying your troubles. But few of them materialize anyway. Let’s dismiss the war and plan for a greater prosperity for the South. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularitiesofthe kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One Miiall bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. K. W\ Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. Cures Old Sores. Other Remedies Won't Cura. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wondeibd, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It reliever Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c. 50c. $1.06 m m —i— um j// TO THE PUBLIC j L| A \ 111 We are here to an-1 £_ I swer questions and f = 1 to serve the public. I = I What can we do for I AT YOUR SERVICE It is our earnest desire to serve and assist the ship ping public in the use of our facilities. We mean exa&ly what our placard states, for our slogan is “SERVE THE PUBLIC” Southern Express Company “Service is Standard” A-l Taking Calomel Is A Bad Habit So Powerful It Shocks Liv er and Leaves It Weaker Than Before. Dodson’s Liver Tone Is Better to Take Nearly everybody who has ever tried calomel has found that it gives only temporary relief. For calomel is such a powerful drug that it shocks and weakens the liver and makes it less able after ward to do its duty than in the first place. This is one of the reasons why Slaton Drug Cos. guarantees Dod son’s Liver Tone to take the place of calomel. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pure vegetable liver tonic that will cure constipation quick ly and gently, without any dan ger of bad after-effects. It is guaranteed to do this with a guar antee that is simple and fair. If you buy a bottle of Dodson’s Liv er Tone for yourself or your chil dren. and do not find that it per fectly takes the place of calomel, then return to the store where you bought it and get your money back with a smile, adv Notice This is to notify the public that all coal will be sold for cash only. None delivered in less than 500 pound lots. Butts Lumber Cos. 8-28-4 t Will make pictures on Saturday till further notice. J. B. Guthrie. KEEP kool These hot days by refresh ing yourself at Slaton’s foun tain, where the befit of every thing to drink is served. Sparkling, invigorating, ex hilarating, refreshing cold drinks served by those who know how to mix them. Kennctt’s Ice Cream The problem of entertaining will be solved if you will give your orders to Slaton for Ice Cream. Phone orders promp ly filled. SLATON DRUG CO. _:%© Store Undertakers and Embalmers Oldest and Most Efficient Undertakers in this Section Expert Licensed Embalmers Our Undertaking Parlors Modernly Equipped to Furnish the Best of Selections in Caskets and Robes The J. S. Johnson Company Day Phone 121 Night Phone 84 A Time to Economize I MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT You will save 56 cts. per gal. MTHIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. L.&M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, at $2lO per gal. - - $ 8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - - 2.46 You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for $lO-86 It’s only $ 1.54 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Made In a lew minutes Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in. CANS, you pay $2lO a gal. or $14.70. The L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT it PURE WHITE LEAD ZINC and LINSEED OIL, the best-known paint. materials for 100 years. Use a gal. out of any L.&M. PAINT you buy and ii not the best paint made, return the paint and get ALL your money back, Newton-C&rmichael Hardware Cos„ Jackson, Ga.