The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 01, 1915, Image 3

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS t *THREATT MOORE, jjfL Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, ■/son : : Georgia. Ipill practice in all the Courts. L. REDMAN, I ITTORNEY at law. nee in Carter-Warthen Building, JACKSON, GA. t ( R. GUNTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jackson - - Georgia. Residence phone 9—Office phone 91. * DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. DR. J. A. JARRELL Physician and Surgeon Office Mulberry street. Residence phone 152-2—Office 152-3. Aijkson : : : Georgia. ~<*uj jr V ... 1 ok. CHAS. R. EITEL ■*-. h Osteopathic Physician 1 I HOURS 9TO o A i jj\ Phone No. 302. Building, Jackson, Ga. Professional Piano Tuning, Regulating & Repairing. First Class Work Guaranteed. Drop Card and I’ll Call. J. T. MA\O Jackson, Ga. f ■■ 1 ■ * DR. C. D. HEARD Office in Mays Building, Resi -4 dence Buchanan Hotel. i 1 r- * Phone Connections. Specializing in Diseases of Wo men and Children. E. M. Smith H. D. Russell SMITH & RUSSELL Attorneys at Law Office in Warthen Bldg • Jackson : : Georgia Deafness Cannot Be Cured local applications, as they cannot reach rhe diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, agd that is by constitutional remedies, •■afness is caused by an inflamed condi ioji qf the mucous lining of the Eusta- MU.'nfnTube. When this tube is inflamed mve a rumbling sound or imperfect Hiring, 'and when it is entirely closed, is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tub restored to its normal condition, hea.lng will be destroyed forever; nine cas<Aout of ten are caused by Catarrh, w 13 nothing but an Inflamed condi /the mucous surfaces. , 1 give One Hundred Dollars forany case of i \ % (caused bycatarrm that cannot be cared by •> • larrh Care. Send for circulars free. If i F.J.CHBSBY.JkCO iSledo, Ohio, " f Druggists, 75c. -r flail’s Vma&lr Pills for const., nion. 4 o itlng to the Pale and Sickly . tandard general strengthening tonic, > TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out f Ltiches the blood .and builds upthe ays -uc tonic. Por adults and children. 54c LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS NOTICE OF SALE. Georgia—Butts County Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in the deed to secure a debt executed by S. M. Thaxton to Carmichael-Mallet Company, on the 10th day of Decembei, 1912, and re corded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Butts county, in deed Book X folio 289, the undersigned Car michael-Mallet Company, will sell at public sale the first Tuesday in Janu ary, which is January sth, 1915, at pub lic sale, at the courthouse in said coun ty, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Forty (40) acres of land lying and be ing in Butts county, state of Georgia, in Iron Springs district and known as a part of the John Marion Hodges place and bounded as follows: On south by lands of Mrs. Eula Thomas, on east by lands of Ben Kelly, on north by lands of S. M. Thaxton, on west by lands of Joe Jolly. For the purpose of paying three (3) certain promissory notes all bearing date of December 10th, 1912, and payable, first one on the 15th day of October, 1913, second one cn the 15th day of November, 1913, and the third one on the 15th day of December, 1913, all of said notes made and execu ted by the said S. M. Thaxton and each one being for the principal sum of 1179.97 and each stipulating for inter est from maturity at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, the total amount due on said notes being $539.91 principal and $49.64 interest, together with the costs of'this proceeding as provided in said deed to secure debt. A conveyance will be executed to the purchaser by the undersigned, Carmichael-Mallet Cos., as authorized in said instrument. This Ist day of December, 1914. Carmichael-Mallet Company, by W. E. Watkins, Attorney. J. M. Bassett I Rule Nisi to Foreclose vs J- Mortgage on RH Stillwell j Realty Superior Court, Butts County. Au gust term, 1914. It being represent to the Court by the petition of J. M. Bassett that by deed of mortgage, dated the Bth day of October, nineteen hundred and eight, R. H. Stillwell conveyed to the said J. M. Bassett an undivided one-half in terest in and to a certain lot on the north side of a street running from Oak street west to new colored cemetery, said street known formerly as Cedar street, now Respass street, lying in front of the iesidenceof Bob Fish, fron ting 85 feet on the north side of said street and running back of uniform width about 225 feet, containing one half acre, more or less, and bounded north and west by lands of C. W. Buch anan, east by Henry F. Gilmore and south by Cedar or Respass street; for the purpose of securing the payment of a note for one hundred fifty-seven and thirty-two one hundredths ($157.32) dollars. It is ordered, That the said defendant do pay into this Court, by the first day of the next term, the principal, inter est and costs due on said note and mortgage or show cause, if any he has to the contrary, or that in default there of foreclosure be granted to the said pe titioner of said mortgage, and the equi ty of redemption of the said defendant therein be forever barred; and that ser vice of this rule be perfected on said de fendant according to law. It appearing to the Court that said R. H. Stillwell resides out of the coun ty of Butts it is ordered that service of this petition and order be perfected on him by publication. Rout. T. Daniel, Judge S. F. C. FOR ADMINISTRATION Georgia—Butts County. To whom it may concern: W. A. Watkins having made appli cation to me in due form to be appoint ed permanent administrator upon the estate of Evans P. Watkins, late of said County, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in January, 1915. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this the 7th day of December, 1914. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. FOR GUARDIANSHIP Georgia—Butts County. To All Whom it May Concern: C. L. Redman having applied for guardianship of the person and prop erty of Gladys May Crowder, minor child of W. A. Crowder, late of said county, deceased, notice is given that said application will be heard at my office at ten o’clock a. m. on the first Monday in January, next. This December 7, 1914. J. H. Ham, Ordinary and Ex-Officio Clerk of Court of Or dinary. CHARTER AMENDMENT Georgia—lrwin County: To The Honorable Philip Cook, Secre tary of State: The petition of the Ocilla Southern Railroad Company, a corporation cre ated and existing under the laws of this State, and having its principal office in the city of Ocilla, Irwin Connty, Georgia, respectfully show’s: 1. Your petitioner was duly incorpo rated as a railroad corporation under the name aforesaid on the 2nd day of December, 1908, by the Secretary of State in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of the General Assembly of this State, and is now operating under said charter. 2. On the 24th day of June, 1911, petitioner was granted by the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia an amendment to its charter authorizing it to extend its line of road from Ocilla, Irwin County, Georgia, in a northerly direction to the city of Macon, in Bibb County, Georgia, a distance of approx imately one hundred miles, through the counties of Irwin, Ben Hill, Wil cox, Pulaski, Dooly, Houston and Bibb. 3. Petitioner desires a furtheramend ment to its charter permitting it to ex tend its line of railroad from Macon in Bibb County, Georgia, in a northerly direction to the city of Atlanta in Ful ton County, Georgia, a distance of ap proximately one hundred miles. 4. The counties through which said extension will probably run are Bibb, Jones, Jasper, Butts, Newton, Rock dale, Henry, DeKalb and Fulton. 5. By its orignal charter petitioner was authorized to build and construct a railroad from Ocilla, Irwin County, Georgia, to Nashville in Berrien Coun ty, Georgia, which road has been con structed and is now in operation. Petitioner desires that its charter be further amended permitting it to ex tend its line of railroad from Nashville in Berrien County in a southerly di rection thrbugh the counties of Berrien* Lowndes, Clinch and Echols in the State of Georgia, to a point on the line of the State of Florida, a distance of approximately sixty miles, and thence through the counties ol' Hamilton, Co lumbia, Baker and Duvall in the State of Florida to and into the city of Jack- FIRST FARMERS BANK, JACKSON, : GEORGIA. Interest Paid On Time Deposits sonville in Duvall County, Florida. 6. That this application for said pro posed amendment of petitioner’s char ter has been authorized as required by law, by the Directors of petitioner, and petitioner tiles herewith a certified ab stract from the minutes of its Board of Directors to that effect. Wherefore, petitioner prays that its charter may be amended so as to per mit it to extend its road as herein set forth, as provided by statute in such case made and provided. Ocilla Southern Railroad Cos., Petitioner. By J. A. J. Henderson, President. H. J. Quincy, Attorney for Petitioner. Georgia—Butts County: I, 8. J. Foster, Clerk Superior Court, of said county do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for char ter of Ocilla Southern Railroad Com pany, as the same appears on file in this office. Witness my hand and of ficial seal of office. This December 9tli, 1914. . 8. J. Foster, Clerk Superior Court. FAMILY MEDICAL GUIDE GIVEN FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS Prominent physicians have esti mated that 68 per cent of the cases of sickness in America could be prevented if there was a more wide spread knowledge of practical medi cine. The majority of ns, up-to-date in everything else, obey the sane rules of health that were the fruits of popular superstition in those days when practically nothing was known about preventive medicine. In the hopes that people will be gin to see how important it is that they learn a little more about the ailments of the body, a practical medical guide is offered to ail the readers of this paper Free of Cost. The name of thi6 work is Dr. Miles’ Family Medical Guide. It is a work that has been very carefully compiled. It has been written in very plain language, omitting, when not absolutely necessary, all tech nical words and phrases. It tells how to recognize various ailments. It tells what to do before the doctor arrives, or if he does not arrive at all. It tells what to do and what not to do in case of acci dent. It gives a few practical laws of health. It tells of how to take care of the sick room, of what to eat, of how to care for infants and other important details. Send your name and address to Family Medical Guide, Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind., mentioning the name of this paper and you will receive one of these valuable books all charges prepaid. BE Prepared With the passing of the old year and the coming of the new, many good oppor tunities may occur for business expansion. If you are considering new or addi tional banking facilities, you are invited to co n sult wirh our officers. I V Vn account with us assures Safety, Ef cy and Satisfaction. •PE-RC-NA The Traveler’s Companion keeps him well. I therefore heartily recommend It.” Those who object to liquid tnedi* cl nee can now urooure Pbruna Tab* lets. CANDIDATES ENJOYED AN OYSTER ROAST SATURDAY An enjoyable occasion of the holiday season was the oyster roast at Mallets Springs Satur day, city officials, the candidates in the recent primary and several of their friends being the guests. Oysters in abundance and all the accessories that make such occasions so delightful were ser ved in the most approved man ner. The event was one of good fellowship and good cheer and was enjoyed to the point of in spiration. J An You a Woman? | i* Cardui I The Woman’s Tonic I I FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGIST^