The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 29, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE — SOCIAL REALM SMILE Smile, once in a while— ’Twill make your heart seem lighter; Smile, once in a while— ’Twill make your pathway lighter. Life’s a mirror; as we smile Smiles come back to greet us; If we’re frowning all the while Frowns forever meet us. ' —Exchange. Mrs. Watkins Hostess Mrs. W. E. Watkins entertain ed the Auction Bridge club de lightfully on Tuesday afternoon at her'home on Indian Springs street. Besides the regular mem bers, Mrs. Harold Mallet and Miss Martha Pound were among the players, Miss Pound making high score for the afternoon. At the conclusion of the games Miss es Emma and Laura Allen serv ed a dainty sweet course. Mrs. 0. A. Pound will be the next hos tess to the club. Parties For Miss Sparks Miss Roberta Sparks, of Eaton ton, who has been the attractive guest of Miss Janie Hearn for the past week, was honoree at a number of delightful affairs. On Friday afternoon Miss Lei la Sams gave an enjoyable rook party. Miss Ezra Morrison made top score and won a pair of silk hose, while the honor guest was presented an ivory fan. At the conclusion of the games a salad course was served. Friday evening Mrs. Lamar Etheridge was hostess at an in formal party, complimenting Miss Hearn and Miss Sparks. Four couples were delightfully entertained. The pretty rook party of Sat urday afternoon completed the series of entertainments for this popular young lady. Miss Hearn was the hostess and she was ably assisted by Mrs. Lamar Etheridge and Miss Leila Sams. The home was prettily decorated in ferns and narcissi and the tables for the games were arranged in the living room. The prizes for the guest of honor and for top score were silk hose, Miss Kate Amoss scoring high in the games. A salad course with coffee was ser ved the guests. PERSONAL Mrs. T. H. Buttrill spent Sat urday in Atlanta. Miss Ada Sams has been ill for the past few days. Mrs. I. J. Slaughter is recover ing from a recent illness. Miss Eileen Scarborough has been quite sick this week. Colonel H. D. Russell spent Wednesday in McDonough. Col. C. L. Redman made a bus iness trip to Atlanta Friday. Mr. Harry Butner made a bus iness trip to Atlanta Friday. Mr. B. F. Watkins, Jr. made a business trip to Atlanta Monday. Mr. M. M. Welch, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ham. Misses Vonie Clark and Mary Kinard spent Sunday with the family of Mr. Reese Clark, who recently moved to Butts county from near Locust Grove. Miss Lucile Elder is spending the week with Miss Pauline Mallet. Mrs. A. F. Millen, of Flovilla, ; spent Saturday with Mrs. C. W. Buchanan. Mr. Paul Nolen spent a few days this week on a pleasure trip in Florida. Miss Nelyia Damour, of Macon, is the attractive guest of Miss Helen Carmichael. Mrs. J. L. Stanberry spent the week-end here as the guest of Mrs. J. W. McCord. Miss Sara Hammond, who is teaching at Worthville, spent Saturday in Jackson shopping. Miss Elizabeth Rogers, of Wes leyan college, spent the week end with Miss Sara Lu Hardin. Miss Jim Crawford spent Sat urday and Sunday with Miss Wil lie Pittman at Pittman’s Ferry. Misses Mattie and Ruth Duf fey, of Flovilla, were the recent guests of Mrs. J. A. Dodson, Jr. Mrs. C. A. Butner returned Friday from Athens where she has been taking a course in canning. Mrs. H. L. Daughtrv has re turned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Burnett, in Athens. Rev. Isaac H. Miller was called to Atlanta Sunday afternoon on account of the illness of his son. Mr. Pierce Wingard, who is attending scdool at Flovilla, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Olin King. Messrs J. T. Harris and O. A. Pound made a business trip to Monticello and Machen a few days ago. Mr. W. M. Crawford returned home Saturday after making a business trip to Hawkinsville and Griffin. Miss Roberta Sparks left Tues day for her home in Eaton ton af ter a delightful visit to Miss Ja nie Hearn. Mr. A. T. Buttrill made a bus iness trip to Barnesville, Monti cello, Hampton and Shady Dale this week. The Young Ladies Mission Society of the Methodist church met Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. B. Settle. Mrs. Paul Nolen and little daughter, Margaret, spent the first of the week in Atlanta vis iting relatives. Mrs. King, representing the Thornwell Orphanage, spent Fri day in the city in the interest of that institution. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Compton and Milton enjoyed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Compton at their country home. Miss Lena White, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Currie, returned to her home at Worthville Saturday. Mrs. Vina Braswell resumed her duties as teacher of the Pep perton school last Monday after an absence of a week on account of illness. . Mrs. P. C. Hawkins, who has been visiting relatives in Spald ing county, returned to Jackson Saturday for a few days visit be fore going to her home in Mari etta. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Damour returned Tuesday from their wedding trip to Florida and were guests of relatives here this week before going to Atlanta where they will reside. Encouraging news has been received from Mrs. Z. T. Buttrill who is undergoing treatment at Johns Hopkins hospital in Bal timore. Her many friends wish for her a complete restoration to health. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday, Jan. 24 11 a. m. The Pastor will preach. Subject: “From the Cross to Paradise.” 7p. m. "A Wasted Life.” 9:30 a. m. Bible School. 3p. m. B. Y. P. U. Of Interest to Every Member We must with as little delay as possible seat the Auditorium. We must plan for special meet ings. Sunday morning an op portunity will be given our peo ple to contribute to the object. We want to offer any one the privilege of paying for one or many seatings at $2.50 a seating. In this way we are placing the cost within the reach of all. Let every member be present and come to help. A Card of Thanks We take this method of extend ing thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindnsss and sympathy during the sickness and death of our husband and father, Mr. W. P. Williams. To each and every one we stand ready to help in any way that we can. We pray that God will bless and keep each one, and to Dr. J. W. Harper we feel and know he was as faithful as it was possible for a physician to be, for which we extend to him our sincere thanks. Mrs. W. P. Williams and Family. Tbs Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the lull name and look lor the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. LOST One black Chase brand buggy robe from Jackson Mercantile Company’s hitching ground Sat urday, January 23. Lilly design with red and white effect. Finder return to Progress office and re ceive liberal reward. 1-29-1. 11 ■ Y Al 1 S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. UNDERTAKING - LICENSED EMBALMER Full line o f Caskets and Robes to select from CEMENT BURIAL VAULTS. My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted to me Day Phone 1M a., c .n.A„.w.„d Night Phone 1M THICK, SLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF — Girls! Try It! Hair Gets Soft, Fluffy, and Beauti ful—Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glistens with beauty and is radi ant with life: has an incompara ble softness and is fluffy and (lustrous, try Hand- rate. | Just one application' doubles the beauty o: your hair, besides ! it immediately, dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not Jiave nice heavv. healthy hair if you have dandruff. This de structive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not, overcome it produces a feverishness and itch ing of the scalp: the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug store and just try it. adv. Business is getting better. The main thing is to cut out the grouch stuff and be a business booster. NOTICE State and Coun ty taxes be paid by Saturday, January 30, 1915 A hint to the wise is sufficient. C. S. BRYANT, State and County Tax Collector. I Are You a Woman ? j !* Cardui I Tin Woman’s Tonic I FUB SALE AT AIL DRUGGISTS IM Seed Irish Potatoes At Paul Nolen & Cos. Paul Nolen & Cos., Fancy Groceries WE DELIVER NOW Phones 24 and 60 Phone 24 and 60 For “Good Eats.” We Deliver NOW.