The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 29, 1915, Image 8

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SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION £ach “Pape’s Diapepsin” Digests 3000 Grains Food Ending All Stomach Mis ery in Five Minutes. Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No in digestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructa tions of undigested food, no diz ziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quick est stomach remedy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty ceat case of Pape’s Diapepsin from any drug store. You real ize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disor der. It’s the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doc tor in the world. BUUTS COUNTY NEWS ROCKY HILL Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Spear at Union Ridge. Mr. Hubert Fears spent Sunday afternoon with friends here. Mrs. A. J. Hay spent Sunday morning with Mrs. J. W. May field. Mr. Marvin Thomas of Flovilla spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Annie Smith spent last Saturday and Sunday with Miss Mabel Smith at Cork. Mr. W. A. Waldrop was a vis itor to Flovilla Saturday. Miss Vivian Funderburk was a visitor to the Rocky Hill school Friday. The many friends of Mrs. W. A. Waldrop are glad to know of her recovery from a recent illness Mr. W. A. Funderburk has been doing some remodeling on the school building recently. Mr. Morten Vickers spent Sat urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dodson and family at Union Ridge. Mrs. A. J. Hay and daughters attended the quilting given by Mrs. Riley Johnson Thursday. Mrs. Leila Moore visited Mrs. A. J. Hay Friday. Mrs. W. R. Vickers spent Sat urday evening with Mrs. W. T. Nelson. Among the visitors to Jackson from here last week were Messrs. Willie Moss, T. W. and W. T. Nelson. Mr. Hubert Fears was a visitor to Flovilla Sunday morning. Misses Luna and Nell Lever ette of Cork, visited their sister, Mrs. Emma Hodges, Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Hay and daughter. Miss Vivian, spent Saturday with Mrs. S. F. Duffey at Flovilla. Miss Inez Moss visited Miss Birdie T. Gunnels at Cork Sun day. Several from here attended the party given by Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Higgins. All report a good time. Dottie and Dimple. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money il PAZO OINTMBNT fails to cure any case of Itching, Mind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Base and Rest. 50c. 1914 Is Past History Let’s improve the future by our lessons and experiences of the past. Cotton advancing, fair weather, good health Be Thankful. Raise grain and foodstuff. Keep your money in Rutts county. Hhort cotton acreage and economy will soon rectify the price of the staple. Many years of knowing how, good friends and loyal customers, good goods at right prices is the secret of our suc cess and makes us love our business. We Believe in Our TOWN, COUNTY, STATE AND NATION. We believe in her Constitution, her laws, and the principles for which she stands. We believe in her future—in her vast resources, her great possibilities and her wonderful certainties. We believe in our people, their ge nius, their brain, their honesty and de pendability. Nothing can stand in the way of their advancement and pros perity. We believe that what are termed “times of business depression” are but the period of preparation for greater and more pronounced successes. And we believe that in our country are being worked out great problems, the solution of which will be for the benefit of all mankind. If it’s in Town We’ve GOT IT. If You Get It Here IT’S RIGHT. The Big Store SELLS CHEAPER. Our customers the VERY BEST consequently nothing added for those who do not pay. In Times Like These Is when a store like ours plays an im portant part in the economics and gen eral welfare of a community. Our values and prices shine conspicuously, your dollar goes farther, our service, policies and methods are all modern and liberal. It pays to connect with an insti tution like this. If you don’t we all lose. We have been “up and doing” for two months making contracts for goods at prices that will instantly ap peal to you when you hear them. MORAL—Always get our prices. State of Ohio, cfty of Toledo, Lucas County, f ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay' the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. ISSS. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, CORK Misses Eunice Bryant and Rosebud Waits visited friends at Monticello, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Seab Moxley and daugh ter, Lucile, of Flovilla, spent the week-end with Mrs. Fleming Lane. Miss Annie B. Smith, of Rocky Hill, is with Misses Sarah and Mabel Smith for several days. i , Mrs. Whit Torbett visited rela Come up Stairs. Compare Prices. Use Good Judgment. No. 1 and No. 2 Lamp Chimneys only 5c No. 1 and No. 2 Lamp Burners only 5c School Crayon, the best, now 5c Gold Medal Tooth Picks 5c Basting Spoons and Biscuit Cutters 5c each. Oil Stove Wicks, bargain 15c each Tee Picks and Egg Beaters 5c each Can Openers and Potato Mashers 5c each Locks and Lunch Baskets 15c each Hammers and Hatchets 10c each Curry Combs and Brushes sc, 10c and 20c Mouse Traps and Corn Poppers at 10c each Fly Traps and Coffee Mills 25c each 16 inch Glass Vases and Syrup Stands 15c Why Not Save Money On Drugs, Too? Mentholatum 25c size for only 15c 1 lb pure epsom salts worth 10c at 7c 1 lb pure sulphur worth 10c only 7c 8 oz pure castor oil worth 25c for 10c 8 oz pure turpentine w orth 20catl0c 35c bottle Fletcher’s Castoria at 29c 25c bottle Sloans Liniment only 20c 50c bottle Sloans Liniment only 30c $1 bottle Peruna we sell it 79c Compound Cathartic Pills 10c 3 in One machine oil 1 oz size 10c 3 in One machine oil 25c size 20c Diamond Dyes any color 10c $1 size Wine of Cardui only 79c Hynes Honey & Almond Cream3sc 50c Livertone sold by us at 39c 25c size Cheneys Expectorant at 20c 25c Jacobs Liver Salts 20c 50c Syrup of Figs reduced to 39c Robinaires Flesh Tint Face Pow der 25c Powdered borax only 5c Carter’s Writing Ink 5c Carter’s Mucilage 5c 25c size Simmons Liver Medicine 15c Hicks Capudine just 10c Sauders Lemon and Vanilla ex tracts 10c Gilt Edge shoe polish 25c Baby Elite Shoe Polish 10c Standard brand Bluing only 5c Full weight Seidlitz Powder 10c Gets It Corn Cure 25c Had It Ever Occurred to You Why a Big Depart ment Store Like Ours Can and does sell the same goods cheaper than the smaller stores, with in adequate stocks, limited capital? That’s why we built and made conven iently and comfortable this modern store. We wanted room in which to carry lines that we felt sure could be bought and sold cheaper, and that’s why we are daily making new friends and customers. We are steadily growing. We are proud of our store and success. We like our business. WE THANK THE PUBLIC FOR IT ALL. These Are The Whys: 1 Ample capital and modern store 2 Experienced buying and selling, y Big advantage buying in quan tities. 4 Bale and case lots freights are paid. 5 Hundred departments underone head. 6 Every department helps an other. 7 “In union there is strength.” 8 We buy direct from manufac turers. 9 Good established trade of long standing. Etheridge, Smith & Go., Jackson, Georgia. tives at Griffin Friday and Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith are now keeping house. Their home is situated on “South Hill” at Cork. Mrs. Lewis Lane and little son, Lewis, Jr., of Jenkinsburg, are the guests of Mrs. Fleming Lane. Misses Luzella and Ida Mae Smith, of Flovilla, are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith. Miss Rosebud Waits attended the Pendley-Eddenberg wedding Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride, in Flovilla on In dian Spring street. Mrs. Albert Towles is on the sick list this week. Her many friends wish her a speedy recov ery. Miss Eunice Bryant, of Flovil la, has been visiting relatives Sugar Dishes and Cream Pitchers 15c each Preserve and Jelly Stands 15c each Water and Milk Pitchers 50c each Wash Tubs and Stone Churns 3<’c to 75c Wash Boards and Bread Tra>s 25c to 50c Foot Tubs and Basins 50c to 75c Water and Well Buckets 39c to 75c Milk Coolers and Preserving Ket tles 25c to 75c Frying Pans, Biscuit Pans 10c to 35c Baby Carriages, Trunks and Bags $1.50 up Axes, Hames, Traces, Rope, Axe Handles, Backhands, Well Buckets, Cedar Water Buckets Collar Pads, Gun Shells. All Kinds Crockery and Tin and Enamelw r are, Oil Cans, Picture Framing. 1 lb Petroleum Jelly 10c Blue Seal Vaseline 5c Florence Prophylactic tooth brush es 19c Colgates Small Dental Cream 15c Colgates Imperial Lilac Soap 10c Colgates Florizel Perfumed Soap 10c Colgates Turkish Bath Soap 5c Colgates Shaving Stick 15c and 25c Juicy'Fruit and Pepsin Gum 5c Win. A. Rogers Silver Polish 25c Oceda Floor Polish 25c Cashmeur Bouquet Soap large cake 25c Cuticura Soap large cake 25c Colgates Pine Tar soap big cake 25c Colgates Shaving Powders 25c Colgates Cold Cream only 10c Pen and Pencil Tablets 5c Pencils lc, 21c and 5c 1 lb box stationery w orth 20c for 15c 1 lb box writing material Alpine Flax 25c Spices, Cinnamon, Red Pepper, Ginger, Cream Tarter, Cloves Sal-Hepatica 20c Large bottle Machine oil only 10c 1 lb package mixed Bird Seed 10c 50 box of Regulin try it 40c Robinaires Cold Cream 25c Vicks Pneumonia Cure 20c and 39c Swamp Root 49c 10 Nothing added for people who don’t pay. 11 Satisfied with small profits. 12 We turn our stock fast and often. 13 Our customers always come back. 14 The big store sells everything cheaper. 15 What we advertise we sell. 16 What we sell advertises us. 17 Competent and courteous sales people. 18 We give value received. 19 We have a perfect organization. here for the past week. Avery strange and queer in cident is happening to Mr. Flem ing Lane. He is 67 years of age, had his teeth pulled and is now “cutting” anew set. Mr. Charlie Roney and family arrived Friday, their past home having been in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Roney will take charge of the Southern railroad section. Mr. A. H. Pope is still visiting Cork twice and three times a day. The weather being very bad, his friends are becoming very uneasy for him to be out so much in all kinds of weather, so they have agreed to have him spend several days with them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith entertained several at a Rook party Saturday evening at their home. Mr. C. A. Towles is now in Hawkinsville on business. Finis. ' The Future Looks Bright For those who wish to see the bright and happy side of life, and we trust you are one of these. Let’s Get Together. Did you eVerstop to think of the ser vice you got before we entered the field? Don’t scatter, but concentrate your business all in one place. Select The Old Reliable New York Store, the true and tried, with ample capital, modern methods, with many depart ments under one roof and manage ment. A perfect organization. Progress vs Tradition “We shall draw from the open air an In vincible force that will run our machinery, pull our trains, light our cities” said Pro gress. 'Dreams, Dreams; it can’t be done” answer ed Tradition. “We shall build ‘horseless carriages,’ and we shall photograph motion and reproduce It In moving pictures,” declared Progress. “Utterly impossible, it can’t be done,”, re plied Tradition. “We shall send telegrams through space along electrical w'aves, and we shall build a boat that will go under the sea,” said Pro gress. “Ridiculous, it cant be done,” scoffed Tra dition. “We shall build flying machines that w’Ul travel throughout the air and we shall dis cover the North and South Poles,” said Pro gress. “Preposterous, it can’t be done,” protested Tradition. “We shall build, equip, and operate an up to-date Department store second to none, carrying all lines of goods that will meet every demand of the public,” insisted Pro gress. "Out of the question, it won’t pay,” sneered Tradition. "We shall increase sales and raise the standard of Merchandising, make volume and small profits displace old methods and long profits. Do business along lines of least resistance,” urged Progress. “Foolishness, watch what I tell you it’s all wrong,” cried Tradition. The Fadt Remains - That 1250 good accounts are on our books besides the cash trade, all of which we truly appreciate and esteem VERY HIGHLY. We are adding new ones daily. We are steering straight ahead to the stakes we set when we entered upon this line of endeavor which we enjoy and expect to always follow. We want you to join our big happy family. Court of Common Sense. And Whereas, High Cost of Living and prices charged by others have proven a burden in the past And Whereas, It is to the advantage of every person and theirs to make a dollar go as far as it can now. That the evidence now before the Court shall become public property in this com munity Be It Known to all parties in terested that this case of Etheridge, Smith & Cos., is ready for the Jury of every good true man, the evidence is plain. The Truth and Nothing But the Truth We Want Your Trade. (We Await Your Verdict.) It’s human and natural for you and us to to want more business, thats why we operate a comfortable, con venient up-to-date store and employ experienced salespeople, that’s why we buy for cash—in case and bale lots and sell goods cheap. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. FOR RENT Fossett Building, next to Pro gress office, for SIO.OO per month. For five year lease will put in plate glass front. Apply to J. B. Guthrie Realty Cos., l-15-4t Jackson, Ga. FOR SALE Two good farm mules. See 1-8-tf C. W. Buchanan Does the label on your paper read