The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, February 26, 1915, Image 7

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, Jackson : : Georgia. Will practice in all'the Courts. C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Carter-Warthen Building, JACKSON, GA. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea “sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. DR. J. A. JARRELL Physician and Surgeon Office Mulberry street. Residence phone 152-2—Office 152-3. Jackson : : : Georgia. DR. CHAS. R. EITEL Osteopathic Physician HOURS 9 TO 5 Phone No. 302. Harkness Building, Jackson, Ga. Professional Piano Tuning, Regulating & Repairing. First Class Work Guaranteed. Drop Card and I’ll Call. J. T. MA\O Jackson. Ga. DR. C. D. HEARD Office in Mays Building, Resi dence Buchanan Hotel. Phone Connections. Specializing in Diseases of Wo men and Children. E.* M. Smith H. D. Russell SMITH & RUSSELL Attorneys at Law Office in Warthen Bldg Jackson : : Georgia With the passing of the old year and the coming of the new, many good oppor tunities may occur for business expansion. If you are considering new or addi tional banking facilities, you are invited to consult wirh our officers. An account with us assures Safety, Ef ficiency and Satisfaction. FIRST FARMERS BANK, JACKSON, : GEORGIA. Interest Paid On Time Deposits : Butts County News : CORK Miss Ruby Lane spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. F. J. Lane. Mr. John Cochran returned Saturday morning after a few days visit to his brother, Mr. George Cochran, at Macon. Miss Lucile Moxley of Flovilla, spent Saturday night with her uncle, Mr. A. H. Pope. Mrs. C. A. Towles returned Friday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Towles, near Rawk insville. The visitors to Jackson from here last week were: Messrs. A. H. Pope, Aldine Torbett, C. B. Waits, J. F. Lane and Misses Ruth Hays and Rosebud Waits. Mrs. B. F. Mason spent sever al days of last week with Mrs. C. B. Waits. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Will Smith. Mrs. Charles Smith is on the “10 GENT CASCARETS” IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headaches, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels-They Work While You Sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, In digestion, Sallow Skin and Miser able Headaches come from a tor pid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to be come filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That’s the first step to untold misery— indigestion, foul gases, bad breath yellow skin, mental fears, every thing that is horrible and nausea ting. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thor ough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months, adv BE Prepared sick list this week. Misses Ida Mae and Luzella Smith had as their guests Sun day Misses Luna Leverette and Ella Waits. Misses Estelle Niblett and Viv ian Funderburk spent Sunday with Miss Rosebud Waits. Little Ida Mae Brooks from Flovilla spent Saturday and Sun day with her grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Lane. Miss Roxie Smith spent Satur day with Mrs. Charles Smith. Finis. STARK Miss Mappy Hilley spent Sat urday afternoon with Miss Lottie Mae O’Neal. Messrs. Arthur McClure and Sam Cook were visitors here Sunday. Mr. Robert O’Neal visited friends in Jackson Sunday after noon. We are very sorry that so many of the people of Stark com munity are on the sick list this week. Messrs. Boyd and Edgar Mc- Michael and Mrs. Waymon Cole and family spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Matt McMichael. Messrs. Tommie Maddox and Paul Mote of Iron Springs, at tended Sunday School at Stark church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jack Leverette was a vis itor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Duke dined with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berry O’Neal Sunday. WANTED Speckled and Unknown peas, Kimbell & Kinard, at Railroad Warehouse. 2-19-4 t Let Joe Edwards frame your pictures. CATARRH OF HEAD UNO STOMACH Took Peruna Five Bottles Cored Me Mr. Frank Richter, No. 309 East ||9H| “My catarrh was principally located tried* sevTral doctora, bid they were V'- J||| in tho papers, and five bottles cured me. j t^w pleasure driest if y the curative I effects of this medicine. Peruna Is Ml a well tested and frequently used All remedy, and for catarrh'of the stom- ach it Is unsurpassed.” •Asa rule, people when ailing apply very propci •*0 a doctor before re "„S!ng to a ready-to-take medicine. . The grea. ran doctor. But a per cent, of chrome cases f.ul i ' a CU F* an . l last begin to use reauy-10-take medicines. It ie w" ■'■ • ■lc.cable indeed the number of people among our testifiers who say tr.u Pctum dSSor had failed to cure them that they were to ■ Pcrutuu Then they find to their relief, to their surprise, to thu.i joy, that peruna is the remedy they should have taken at first. JENKINSBURG Miss Inez Brinkley spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs. Gene O’Neal of Cedar Rock was the guest of Mrs. J. F. Whittaker Sunday. Miss Eunice Strickland of At lanta, is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. W. H. Barnes of Jackson, was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. William Saunders, Sunday. His friends will be glad to know that he is somewhat better. Misses Ada Sams and Ruby Cawthon, of Jackson, were the guests of Mrs. Bayne Whittaker Sunday. The sewing club was delight fully entertained Saturday after noon by Miss Jewell Glass. Af ter the work hour delicious re freshments were served. Rev. F. G. Spearman’s friends are grieved to know that he is sick. He was unable to fill his appointment at the Methodist church Sunday. The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. H. C. Chiids Saturday afternoon. Ko roea was the subject and several enteresting talks and papers were enjoyed by those present. After the business hours the Saved Girl’s Life *1 want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedforcfs Black-Draught made diem break out, and she has had no more trouble. 1 shall never be without BLack-DraugHT In my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. guests were ushered into the din ing room where a sweet course was served. The friends of Mrs. W. W. Swetnam were glad to see her out again after a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins of near Griffin, were guests of Mrs. McGough Sunday. Miss Carrilu Harper is* on the V sick list this week. Miss Nelle Millen visited home folks at Flovilla last week-end. Raise better cows. Breed your cows to my thoroughbred Jer sey bull. Fee $1.50 cash. 2-12-3 t Gordon H. Thompson. Are You a Woman ? Cardui The Woman’s Tonic M SALE AT 111 MIIMISTS ¥4