The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, March 12, 1915, Image 4

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COLDS An up-to-date remedy for colds. That is what Peruna is. In successful use over 50 years. Colds are caught in many ways: Illy ventilated rooms; rooms that have direct draughts; crowded rooms; damp houses; stuffy school rooms; offices illy heated. A dose of Peruna at the right time, at the first symptom of cold, before the bones begin to ache, before the sore throat manifests itself, or the cough, or the discharge from the nose, just a dose or two of Peruna before these symptoms begin is gener ally sufficient. But after the cold is once established with the above symptoms prominent, a bottle of Peruna, or maybe two, will be necessary. "For several years I have been troubled with colds at each ehango of season. I took Peruna and have not been troubled with the slightest cold this entire season." Mr. ilarry Fisher, 1928 Mosher St., Balti more, Md. "I give the children Teruna If they have a cold, and It always relievee them.” Mrs. I. I), Hayes, 1937 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. "When I feel a cold coming on I take a little Peruna. and It does me good.’’#Mr. Charles 8. Many, 12 Water Kt_, Ossining, N. Y. "No family should ever be without Peruna. for t Is an unfailing cure for colds.’ - Mrs. M. F. Jones. Burn ing Springs, Ky. • Personal Mention Mr. W. D. Crawford was in town Saturday. Judge A. H. Ogletree was in the city Thursday. Mr. S. K. Smith, of Cork, was in the city Saturday. Mr. J. O. Gaston made a busi ness trip to Macon Saturday. Hon. T. P. Bell was a promi nent business visitor to the city Monday. Mr. Charles L. Maddux of Iron Springs was a visitor to town Wednesday. Mr. W. F. Duke, of Stark, was in the city Wednesday and re newed his subscrition to The Pro gress. Mrs. C. E. Carter, of Concord, sent in her subscription to The Progress for twelve months this week. Mr. S. D. Johnson was in the pity from Hawkinsville sundav. Eie guest of bis parents. Mr. and rs. J. S. Johnson. Mr. J. Luther Joyner leaves | ihis week for Detroit, Mich., to accept an position with the S. S. fcresge Company. Mr. W. C. Smith was in the city Saturday and advanced the subscription of tyis m<jtht*r, Mrs. J. P. T. Smith, to The Progress. . . .. . ,t Mr. T. M. Bond has been at home for several days and was a recent caller at this office and ad vanced his subscription twelve months. Mr. J. J. Hammond was in the city Saturday and had his sub scription to The Progress marked up and subscribed for the Daily Constitution. During the past few weeks there has been an unusual num ber of cases of colds, grippe and pneumonia throughout the coun ty. Hardly a family has missed having these complaints. Ned Furlow was at home this week from North Carolina for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Furlow. He left la ter in the week for City Point, Va., to accept a position with the DuPont Powder Company. Good 128 egg size incubator for sale cheap. Apply at this tffice. 8-5-4 t SMALL BOY BADLY BURNED CLOTHING CAUGHT FIRE Little Dan Merritt Suffers Serious Injury While innocently attempting to make a fire in the stove with a match he had found, Dan, the three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merritt, was pain fully burned Wednesday after noon at 5 o’clock when his cloth ing caught fire. The flames were extinguished by Mr. Gordon Car michael, who saw the plight of the child, and his prompt action no doubt saved the little fellow from a horrible death. The child was burned from the waist to the shoulder, both the back and stomach and chest be ing injured by the burning cloth ing. The burns are serious and painful, but if complications can be kept down the little fellow will probably recover. The many friends of the fami ly will wish for the injured child an early recovery. MR. HUGH MALLET IS THE NEW C. S. SUPT. •*i4 • V . , Mr. Hugh Mallet was elected County School Superintendent by the Beard of Education Thursday afternoon to fill the unexpired term of Mr. C. S. Maddox. Five applicants asked for the place. Mr. W. F. Huddleston, a member of the board, was elected but re fused to accept; the office. The election of Mr. Mallet was said to have been unanimous. Mr. Mallet is a graduate of Emory College and a prominent young business man of Jackson. His friends are congratulating him on this new honor. LIFE SENTENCE OF JOE LAWRENCE STICKS The state supreme court ren dered a decision this week affir ming the verdict of Butts super ior court in the case of Joe Law rence, sent up for life last Au gust Lawrence was convicted of trie murder of Walter Taylor, near Worthville, the slayer and slain both being negroes. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. March 14 The Pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Hear the ser mon qn the Triumphant .Shout of Christ —“tt is Finished”—at ll a. m. The evening seripon wjll apply to our business men.— “Chasing the Dollar” is the subject. Who is after it? Then the sermon is for you. Don’t forget! 9:80 is the hour for Bible study and 3:30 is the time for our young peoples meet ing. The Week of Prayer for Mis sions. Because of much sick ness the meetings were postpon ed until Monday, 15th. Special Meetings I •# , . ;.' . • f ' I ' * $ a . t * * Are being arranged for about the middle of April. The Boy Scouts are going to entertain the public on the even ing of April 9th. Look for fur ther announcements. Plies Cured In 0 to 14 Days Vebr druggist wilt refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any cate of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Esse and Rest. 50c. Southern Cotton Oil Cos., "Fertilizers” We are going to have what you want When you want it. We have always advocated goods with from 2 to 4 per cent Potash, and if we believed you could make a well balanced fertilizer without Potash, we on 1 1 sold ours at an enormous profit, as some of our friends have done, and then advo cated a meal and acid mixture. Decide what you want and see us Before You Buy. T. A. Nutt T. W. Ham 6IVE "SYRUP OF FIBS” TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious/‘Fruit Laxative” Can’t Harm Tender Lit tle Stomach, Liver and Bowels. i Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one’s stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn’t sleep, eat or act naturally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath baa; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a tea spoonfuj of “California Syrup of Figs,’’ and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undiges ted food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Askyour druggist for a 50-cent bottle of ‘ ‘California Syrup of Figs, ’ ’ which contains full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups. adv PANIC BOOSTS BACK TO THE FARM IDEA Atlanta, Ga., March 11.—One good effect of the recent depres sion in the cities has been to send many young mep back to the farm, according to one traveling man who observes as he travels, and who told a local organization that one of tne most hopeful signs he saw was the tendency just now of young men out of work in the cities, and many of them, not too long city dwellers to forget their raising, have re turned to the country and say they will stay and make the soil earn them a living. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in Dotn men arid women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. Let Joe Edwards frame your pictures. NO. 5709 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Fir & National Bank of Jackson At Jackson, in the State of Georgia, At the Close of Business March 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ...$127,690 72. Overdrafts, secured, $ unsecured, $ 55 69 55 69 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circu lation (par value) $20,000 00 Commercial paper deposited to secure circulation (book value) 13,638 61 . Other securities deposited to secure circulation (book value) 3,587 14— 37,125 75 Premiums on other U. 8. bonds 200 00 Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve banks4,2oo Less amount unpaid.__ 2,800 1,400 00 All other stocks, including premiums on same M 46 13— 2,846 13- Banking house, $4,544 22; furniture and fixtures, 3,384 33 7,928 55 Other real estate owned 977 07 Due from Federal Reserve bank. 719 79 Due from approved reserve agents in central reserve cities.. 354 37 Due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities . 451 05— 805 42 Due from banks and bankers (other than above) 147 22 Outside checks and other cash items, $479 69; fractional cur rency, nickels and cents 70 _ 846 39 Checks on bank in the same city or town as reporting bank 211 28 Advances on cotton 9,246 20 Notes of other National banks 590 00 Federal reserve notes 65 0O Lawful money reserve in bank-. Specie 3t883 75 Legal-tender notes 1,255 00— 5,13s 70 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas., (not more than 5 per cent on circulation) 1,625 OP Total $196,018 96 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ___s 50,000 09 Surplus fund 21,000 09 Undivided profits $ 3,148 58 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 2,335 03— 813 55 Circulating notes - 32,500 00— 32,600 00 Less amount on hand and in treas ury for redemption or in transit Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to cheek2s,2B6 39 Cer. of dep. due in less than 30 days 2,385 92 • Cashier’s checks outstanding 199 77 — 27 872 08 Time deposits: Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days 14,153 86— gg Rediscounts with Federal Res. bank 29,679 47 29 679 47 Bills payable, including obligations representing money borrowed 20,000 00 Total - - - .$196,018 96 State of Georgia—County of Butts: L C. T. Beauchamp, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. T. BEAUCHAMP, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 1915. L. P. McKpbben, N. P. Butts County Ga. Correct—Attest: T. A. Nutt, J. H. McKibben, J. H. Carmichael* i Directors.