The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, April 09, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE REALM KEEP SMILING If things don’t go to suit you, It's no use to whine and pout For you’ll find that while you worry That your courage oozes out. Buckle up your belt the tighter, If with stones your path is set; Put a smile upon your features— Say that you’re not conquered yet. Then all things seem much brighter, • And the road not near so rough, If you show you have the spirit— Show you’re made of the right stuff. For this old world loves a fighter, One that doesn’t fume and fret, But who smiles and keeps a smiling, As he says, “Not conquered yeti” Perseverance wins the battle, If you only have the pluck To keep fighting, pushing, shoving— Do not stop to blame your luck. When the outlook seems the darkest, When hope’s stars begin to set, Make your smile a little broader— Say that you are not conquered yet. Though your load may get moreirksome If you’ll only stand the test You’ll yet be crowned the victor If you’ll always do your best. Do not then become discouraged, Say that life is not worth while— It will seem a wnole lot better If you always wear a smile. —Selected. For Mrs. Powell In compliment to Mrs. L. R. Powell, of Newnan, who is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. R. P. Newton, Mrs. R. J. Carmichael entertained at an informal sewing party on Wednesday afternoon. An appetizing salad course com pleted the pleasures of the after noon. About fifteen guests were entertained in acharming manner Taylor-Tyler Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the marriage of Miss Madge Taylor and Mr. Paul Tyler, which took place Monday afternoon, Rev. Issac H. Miller of the Presbyterian church officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler both have many friends here who are extending their best wishes. They spent a few days in Atlanta and are now at home to their friends in Jackson. Easter Egg Hunt Master Robert Franklin enter tained about twenty-five of his little friends at an enjoyable Eas ter egg hunt Monday afternoon at his home on Indian Springs street. The eggs were hidden on the spacious lawn and there was keen rivalry among the little folks in their search for the pret tily colored ovals. The boys’ prize for finding the largest num ber was captured by Master J. 0. Beauchamp and was a dainty Easter chick, dressed in the re galia of the season. Little Miss Ruth Smith won the girls’ prize, a pretty little doll chair. After the hunt was over the children were invited into the dining-room which was attractively decorated in flowers and many Easter nov elties. Cream and cake was ser ved by Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. A. H. Smith and Mrs. Philip Head, of Atlanta. There was a bountiful supply of eggs and lots of fun for every guest as well as the youthful host, on this happy oc casion. Mothers Club toße Entertained Mrs. C. M. Compton will be hostess to the Young Mothers Club next Thursday afternoon, April 15th, at three o’clock. Mrs. Compton will be disappointed if every member of the club is not present. S. S. Classes Entertained The pupils of the Sunday school classes of Mrs. J. W. Crum and Miss Jessie Jones were given an Easter egg hunt Tuesday after noon in the grove surrounding the home of Mrs. L. D. Watson. The two golden eggs were found by little Misses Lida King and Bessie Mae Jinks and the prizes for these were boxes of candy. After the hunt was over an hour of games was enjoyed. Notice There will be a meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association next Wednesday afternoon at three o’clock at the school auditorium. A special donation of books will be made to the school library and any one who can will either bring or send their contributions. Re freshments will be served and a full attendance is urged, as this is next to the last meeting which will be held during this scholas tic term. *- D. A. R. Chapter Members Entertained A thoroughly enjoyable and de lightful meeting of the local D. A. R. chapter was held Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. B. F. Wat kins and Mrs. J. W. Jones at the former’s home on West Third street. The large living room, where the guests were entertain ed, was prettily decorated in spring blossoms of pink and white and the lights were shaded in these colors. Only a few business matters came up before the chapter for consideration. A splendid pro gram was carried out and a de licious salad course with coffee was served by Misses Exie Ham, Laura Daughtry and FlorrieEzell. Adorning each plate was a bunch of purple violets. Mrs. Florence Gresham assisted Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Jones. The May meeting will be held with Mrs. Paul Nolen, when the election of officers for another year will take place. Miss Annie Gilmore Weds Mr. Edward Parker On Monday afternoon at three o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gil more, on East Third street, the marriage of Miss Annie Gilmore and Mr. Edward Parker, of Ly ons, was solemnized. The par lors and hall were prettily deco rated in cut flowers and palms, an arrangement of the latter forming a background before which the couple stood during the ceremony, which was impres sively performed by Rev. Olin King of the Methodist church. Miss Frances Barnes rendered the wedding music in a beauti ful manner. Mrs. Parker, as Miss Gilmore, was a highly accomplished and talented young lady and is popu GARDENSEED in bulk: Below we give a partial li& of Standard Garden Seed we handle in bulk. The seed we handle are Guaranteed to come up, if not, RETURN them and we will cheerful ly refund your money. Large Late Flat Dutch Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, Kentucky Wonder Beans, German Wax Pole Beans, Improved Golden Wax Beans, Tall White Marrowfat English Peas, Early Morning Star English Peas, Pondarosa Tomato, Yellow Crook Neck Squash, Genuine Bull Nose Pepper, Kleckley Watermelon, Georgia Rattlesnake Watermelon, Watson Watermelon, 9 Nasturtium Flower Seed. WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN THE Drug Line A CALL WILL BE MOST HIGHLY APPRECIATED THE OWL PHARMACY THAT we still hold L/01l L r Olgcl the reputation of mak ing the cold drinks that can be had in Jackson lar wherever she is known. Mr. Parker is a prominent young bus iness man of Lyons and is being warmly congratulated by his many friends upon his good for tune. Mrs. Parker’s numberless friends regret that her marriage takes her to another city to re side. After a wedding trip to Washington and New York Mr. and Mrs. Parker will reside in Lyons. PERSONAL Mrs. W. E. Merck is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamlin announce the birth of a son. Miss Jennie McElroy spent the week-end in Atlanta with friends. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Steele an nounce the birth of a son, Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garr an nounce the birth of a son, Tues day. Mr. Pitts Clark, of Blount, was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kinard. Mr. Joseph Edwards was call ed by a telegram Saturday to St. Louis on account of the illness of his brother-in-law, Rev. Lloyd Marlin. SOMETHING NEW Grape Smash BETTER AND CAEAPER than Grape Juice. In bottles or by the drink. Guaranteed not to sour or ferment after it is opened. J. C. KINARD, Exclusive Agent for Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carter an nounce the birth of a son, Satur day, April 3rd. Misses Agnes Duffy and Bes sie Waldrop spent Sunday in Flo villa with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Colvin and daughter, Miss Ethel, spent Sun day in Jenkinsburg. Mrs. A. B. Lindsay and little son are spending this week with Mrs. W. M. Andrews. Mrs. Carrie Maddox, of Atlan ta, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gus White, at Iron Springs. Miss Ada Sams entertained the teachers of the Methodist Sun day school on Monday night. Mrs. John Will Gentry, of Moultrie, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. George Damour, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carmi chael. Mrs. T. H. Buttrill was called to Savannah Thursday on account of the death of her uncle, Mr. Durden. Mr. J. L. Bailey’s many friends will be glad to know that he is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Paul Nolen 6 Company JACKSON GROCERS Is the place to trade if you want to cut the high of liv ing and eat the best Groceries money can buy. ♦ Florida Beans, Carrots, Lettuce, Onions, Cab bage, Beets, etc. In fadt we have a complete stock. Get a STAR HAM, the bedt 16c Friday and Saturday m* LARD will be a SIMON PURE customer. The price is RIGHT. Just received car of WHITECREST FLOUR The finest flour in the world at a price below the market. Uncle Sam Bread Received every day. The F. O. Stone Baking Company’s Cakes, Six Kinds. 10c Each. Received every day Full fresh line National Biscuit, Cakes and Crackers. Just the kind you want for that picnic lunch. Keep our phones busy as wejwant your business. We Deliver NOW. Paul Nolen & Cos., Jackson, Ga., PHONES 24 and 60