The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, April 23, 1915, Image 8

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GOOD NEWS BULLETIN No. 1 Ten Cent Cotton. Good Weather. Good Health. Conditions Improving. Money Plentiful. America at Peace, and Neu tral. “Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow.” Look on the bright side, things are not half so bad as you have been made to be lieve. The season is. here for Spring and Summer Merchandise And we are going to tell you the GOOD NEWS in few words—about what we have and the price. We got busy some time ago and bought a large lot of goods at the lowest prices that have prevailed for several years. We are fixed for BIG SALES. BIG BARGAINS will be offered the buying public. You want to watch out for our ads and prices. Our Windows will present each week New Goods, New Fea tures. We want your trade and want you to share in this lucky purchase we have made. We have the goods you want when you want them at the RIGHT PRICES. THE OLD RELIABLE NEW YORK STORE SELLS CHEAPER / A \ , // / Ai /||||||S # Mens and Boys Department Shirt, Suit, H_m and Slipper talk should interest every man and boy now. The weather and the day for these are here. OU R BI'SIN ESS is tilting up men and boys from head to foot in a way that does credit to all connected w ith the t ransaction. We are agents for E. Jt. W. Shirts and Collars. We are agents for Manhattan Shirts. We are agents for Onyx Hosiery. We are agents for John B. Stetson Hats. We are agents for B. V. 1). Underwear. We are agents for Barry and Stetson Shoes. COTTON GOODS ARE ADVANCING But we are protected and we will not only protect you but during the re maining days of April you can make it pay well by taking advantage of these SPECIAL PRICES. TAKE OUR ADVICE AND LOAD UP. 2000 yds 10c fine yard wide 1 AA bleaching 15 yds for 1000 yds Cotton Plaids for F _ dresses and aprons 1500 yards Calico light and T * dark, only 100 dozen Ladies White Hem | _ Stitched Handkerchies $4.95 ATTENTION LADIES $4.95 Our Ready.-to- Wear Department is enjoying a big season. Now to close April and make a big month we otter the following special inducements to early comers: Ladies silk Poplin Dresses A Q Big value for Ladies Tarteta Silk Dresses /i Q C oniy Ladies Black and White /IOC Wool Check Skirt Ladies White Serge /| QC Skirts for Ladies White Wash Skirts all prices. Crockery, Glassware, Enamel ware, &c Sale begins Saturday and ends May Ist. These items will interest you as will the prices, Get them here. No l and No. 2 Lamp Chimneys only 5c Screen Doors $l.OO up, Windows 26c up Set Ice Tea Glasses only 39c D. & H. Scovill Hoes best made 39c Flower Pots and Jars now 10c gallon 9x12 Matting Art Squares only $1.98 Big lot Cotton, Silk and rhaofl Wool Remnants l/IIUQp Look over our large table of values choice 10c Set cups and saucers, plain white only 39c Set of 6 white plates, big bargain only 19c “Newly wed” 42 piece set crockery ssat sB. 9B DRUG PRICES Mentholatum 25c size for only 15c 1 lb pure epsom salts w orth 19c at 7c 1 lb pure sulphur worth 10c only 7c Pure castor oil worth 25c for 10c Pure turpentine worth 20c for 10c 85c bottle Fletcher’s Castoria at 29c 25c bottle Sloans Liniment only 20c 50c bottle Sloans Liniment only 39c $1 bottle Peruna we sell it 79c Compound Cathartic Pills 10c 3 in One machine oil 1 ozsize 10c 3 in One machine oil 25c size 20c Diamond Dyes any color 10c SI size Wine of Cardui only 79c Hynes Honey and Almond Cream 89c 50c Liver Tone sold by us at 39c 25c size Cheney’s Expectorant at 20c 25c Jacobs Liver Salts 20c 50c Syrup of Figs reduced to 39c Robinaires Flesh Tint Face Powders for 25c Pow dered Borax only 5c Carter’s Writing Ink 5c Carter’s Mucilage 5c 25c size Simmons Liver Medicine 15c Hick's Capudine just 10c Sauders and Vanilla Ex tracts 10c Gilt Edge shoe polish 25c Baby Elite shoe polish 10c Standard brand Blueing only 5c Full weight Seidlitz Powder 3c Gets It Corn Cure 25c Etheridge, Smith & Cos. 1250 yards 10c assorted styles Ql- Dress Ginghams now 02v 75 dozen unbleached Towels large size 10c now Q4I/ 15 pieces colored Linene and \\n Suiting 15c value llv 1000 yds 38 inch 81c value Sea L n Islands QC Ladies and Misses Sport fit/I Q C Coats for Ladies Skirt and AQC Waist for Ladies Wool Coat QC Suits for Ladies Palm Beach /< QC Suits for This is a big Skirt and Waist season. Oil stove wicks our price only 15c Clothes pins during this sale 21c dozen Look at our big table of articles tor 15c Set of heavy tumbles, special 25c PUNCTURED. 1 lb Petroleum Jelly 10c Blue Seal Vaseline 5c Florence Prophylactic tooth brushes 19c Colgates Small Dental Cream 10c Colgates Imperial Lilac Soap 10c Colgates Florizel Perfumed Soap 10c Colgates Turkish Bath Soap 5c Colgates Shaving Stick 15 and 25c Juicy Fruit and Pepsin Gum 5c Wm. A. Rogers Silver Polish 25c Oceda Floor Polish 25c Cashmere Bouquet Soap, large cake 25c Cuticura Soap, large cake 25c Colgates Pine Tar Soap, big cake 25c Colgates Shaving Powders 25c Colgates Cold (’ream only 10c Pen and Pencil Tablets 5c Pencils lc, 21c and 5c 1 lb box stationery worth 20c for 15c 1 lb box writing material Alpine Flax 25c Spices, Cinnamon, Red Pepper, Gin ger, Cream Sal-Hepatica 25c Large bottle machine oil only 10c 1 lb package mixed bird seed 10c 50c box of Refeulin try it 40c Robinaires Cold Cream 25c Vicks Pneumonia Cure 20c and 39c Swamp Root 49c . / y \ / 9 \ / 9 / 9 | \ M L 10l V——<4 /Iflf ' I\AV fra I I V |j]Y /|H j | |,l jTM \\\ \ fM 1 ' XJsm j \ JnlLiLJtjJ'M / If i\WT / yVIIA \\l'\ I | J 11V \ 1 jl ?\\l UR Afnf v vL_L ' J II j h \\ j \ |\\Vl // || J if. \\! \ ]\\ \ ft\\ \ l/JjL | fTrfl \ I fl f TTM\ f \ l7 Ll I' W| \ \ ( JJ \\ l| \ \\ ' 'll \\\ V ') V\ IH' \\ | fj Y\ h, K v