The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 07, 1915, Image 10

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VALUE, PRICE, STYLE, SERVICE After reasoning it from every angle the above four words cover the ground. Leave out any one of them and the retailing of goods will go to the bad, and you will wonder what’s the matter with trade. They are the four power plants and we spec ialize on all four, that’s why the wheels of our business run like they were greased all the time. These four things are all adjusted. That’s why we had a big April business and the same thing is making our cash drawer clink in May. THIS BIG FOUR WORD COMBINATION is hard to beat, it’s the foundation of THIS BIG STORE, and on it we have built an enviable reputation and a fasl growing business. If you are not already our customer, why not? We want your regular trade and will pledge our efforts and personal attention in every transaction. Hook up with the OLD RELIABLE NEW YORK STORE. fjg READY-TO-WEAR New shipment wash dresses $2 to $7.50 Ti? ll if' C Ladies Palm Beach Suits worth $7.50 \o ? fct-3 /i fK at $4.95 /7 \\ /''W a\ 22 all wool ladies suits HALF PRICE /.WMb II 18 ladies wool skirts all colors and /\7'y \V ' * (f "M> \ black HALF PRICE. / \SdSV\ I ' l§r>/ 24 white wash skirts HALF PRICE ]JA \ 1/7 21 ladies white waists soiled 15c //l \ -vj j y. 151 pairs childrens drawers 10c j "°/ J 48 pairs ladies drawers 25c j J 9 63 ladies corset covers 25c IJ M I \ 6 ladies gowns new goods 25c /$ M / \ 6 ladies gowns new goods 35c JrJ N. il Ji 27 ladies gowns new goods 50c I \ \ 24 bungalow and cook f j • \ \\ [~7\ 12 new style white oink //I 1 \ i Vl *m W and gabardine skirts $1 / / f \ white voil waists new ! I I < 1 11 \\ /I 1 \ taffeta silk petticoats II llj * J L_,l II \\j \\\ New line silk poplin '“'/‘j JJ w L-L \ V dresses $4.96 Big line °f P orc h dresses tfJ W if and middys. &F iditiPff MILL^I^YSACRIFICED. // [ / It mav be that you have been waiting for Just Such an Opportunity. This Jwr IiTH ' \ < \ is where and when we say good bye to high priced millinery. Don’t wait for / m I !V\ cwwwS' anything, make it pay. and pay you well. We are selling it for less than we <<4f' Brut*ri £t Q), •i 1 B S!!£. ac * paid early in the season. We have just made a big scoop and you will at once " , au “ t ‘ recognize the great values at a glance. Come see for yourself what we are doing up stairs in millinery. WHITE GOODS Right at the time when you need them most we come to your aid with a big stock at little prices, consisting of every kind of White floods, I jßces and Embroideries. We don’t wait until you have bought, but instead want you to get the benefit of the reduction when you new! it. 40 inch Lawns, Pajama Checks, Long Cloth 10c Nainsook, batiste, Crepes, Lingerie, Madras 15c Voiles, Organdie, Mull, Tangerie Cloth I’oc Linen, P. K., Gabardine, Rep Klaxon 15c to 80c Table Linen, Napkins, Red Spreads Pillow Tubing. Cambric, Rice Cloth ETHERIDGE, SMITH & COMPANY. READY-TO-WEAR Of Melba Toilet Prepa rations \ That Cut Glass display case \ Royal Society goods and \ Flosses \ McKinley music at 10c copy \ New arrival of Ladies I Neckwear A \ New shipment of Ladies I \ \ Silk hose \ Have you seen our rem- nant P ile? Matting, Art Squares and Rugs JUST TO REMIND YOU OUR MENS AND BOYS DEPARTMENT. THIS IS WHERE WE SHINE. Palm Beach Suits men and boys Palm Beach odd pants men and boys Palm Beach Hats men and boys Palm Beach Socks men and boys Palm Beach Slippers men and boys Mens pin check and khaki pants Manhattan shirts for you all Scriven drawers and union suits Silk half hose 25c and 50c Stetson new hats New straw hats New shipment of neckwear New E. & W. collars men and boys All kinds of hot weather suits B. V. D. Underwear men and boys Caps and silk hats men and boys Stetson and Barry slippers up-to-date Real Bargain Feast of Crockery, Enamelware, Glassware, Tinware, It has been some time since we gave a sale on this line. We want you to see our windows. Sale begins Saturday 9a. m. the Bth. This gives every one a chance to be present at the opening of the windows. This a cash consideration and to get your share you must be here on time. It is undoubtedly a big money saving opportunity and we want to ask that you tell your friends. SATURDAY, MAY BTH 9 A. M. Trunks and Suit Cases Alarm Clocks and Cutlery Water Pails and Ice Cream 1 Freezers Oil Stoves, Screen Doors / and Windows / Lamp chimneys, School / Crayon I Galvanized tubs, Hoes and / A Handles / / ) Water Buckets, Flower //^ pOtS, Jars / / New Toilet Paper " ' Poiatex,, We frame pictures.