The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 07, 1915, Image 6

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PHONE 134-FANCY GROCERIES Grape Fruit, Oranges, Bananas Postoasties, Grape Nut Postum, Coffee Breakfast Bacon Best Flour For Biscuit Hudnut Grits in Packages Oat Meal Phone 134 Beans Cabbage Irish Potatoes Celery Cheese Spagetti Maccaroni Meal for Good Bread Tea Chocolate Gelatine Tomatoes Fresh Florida Vegetables Direct From the Garden Prompt Delivery—Pone 134 National Biscuit Company’s Line of Crackers Everything in Canned Goods ROME BREAD Evaporated Cranberries Dried Beef in Glass Salad Dressing Pickles COME TO SEE US Phone 134. A Complete Line Well Kept. Neat and Nice. Get Our Prices in Case Cots. J. B. Thomas. SOCIAL NEWS PERSONAL Mrs. W. H. Merritt spent Sun day in Atlanta. Mr. Fred Hopkins spent Satur day in Atlanta. Mrs. A. H. Smith returned Tuesday from Atlanta. Mr. W. H. Wilson is improving from his recent serious illness. Miss Bessie Waldrop spent the week-end with her parents at Cork. Mrs. I. J. Slaughter is spend ing several weeks at Indian Springs. Messrs. W. M. Crawford and Harry Butner went to Coving ton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Williams announce the birth of a son on last Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Lockhart spent the week-end in Atlanta visiting friends and relatives. Miss Lois Ellis, of Atlanta, will spend Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. C. M. Compton. Mrs. L. M. Crawford and Miss Virginia Crawford spent Thurs day and Friday in Atlanta. Mrs. A. T. Buttrill has been ill with an acute attack of rheuma tism for the past few days. Prof. W. P. Martin spent Fri day in Macon attending the High School Meet of this district. Prof. Leon P. Smith, of Ma con, visited Jackson Monday in interest of Wesleyan college. Mrs. E. D. Tolleson and little daughter, Miriam Lenora, have returned to McDonough after a .visit with Mrs. W. P. Nutt. Mrs. Tom McMichael spent Tuesday in Atlanta visiting her father, Mr. Ruck Faulkner, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Middlebrooks at Jenkinsburg. The friends of Mr. George Manley will regret to hear that he is at home suffering from rheumatism. Mr. I. J. Slaughter returned Monday from a two weeks visit with Dr. and Mrs. T. K. Slaugh ter in Florida. l)r. T. K. Slaughter and little daughter, Alice, are expected to visit Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Slaugh ter this month. Mrs. W. W. Wright and chil dren spent the week-end in Mc- Donough as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff. Mrs. Roy Gunter and children returned Sunday from a week’s visit to her mother, Mrs. E. N. Winters, in Atlanta. Miss Florrie Woodward return ed Friday from a pleasnt visit to her brother, Prof. C. W. Wood ward, at Thomaston. Mrs. J. W. Crum returned Sat urday from a three week’s visit to her daughter, Mrs. George Mingledorff, in Royston. Mrs. C. A. Butner and Master Harry Bob Butner spent Sunday in Powder Springs as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Florence. Master Woodrow Wilson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wil son, had the misfortune, Monday afternoon, to have his collar bone broken by being hit by one of his playmates, who was swinging. He is getting along nicely now. a The Value OF THE BUICK MARK On Your Cars Every Buick bears the Buick Mark. It’s the Shop-Mark of the Valve-in-fiead Motor Car. /—? This Quality Mark is the sign of Buick Power and its owner an" uninterrupt - jaj&StxZr' 3^.Model ~c 25 ec j use 0 f investment. The best place to learn , Kimbell & {-eKa. Messrs. W. P. Martin and W. 0. Perritt and Misses Saralu Har den, Julia Thornton, Bessie Wal drop, Davie Fletcher and Annie Lou McCord will attend the Geor gia Teachers Association in Ma con Friday and Saturday. At the regular meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Methodist church Monday af ternoon, Mrs. J. L. Lyons was elected delegate to the conven tion of the Griffin District Mis sionary Societies, which will meet at Forsyth in June. Mrs. J. W. Crum was elected alter nate. The Quinine that Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. Bananas 10c dozen. Paul Nolen & Cos. THE GREATEST SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTEST EVER KNOWN IN JACKSON The contest between the Bara ca and Wesley classes is still ra ging with undiminished interest and is doing more good than any thing of its kind ever seen. The records of last Sunday are as fol lows: Baraca —Enrolled 68, present 66. attended church 42, new members 10. Wesley—Enrolled 59, present 57, attended church 46, new members 10. They are still running close together and this helps to keep the interest at fever heat. They are now planning to have a big ball game between the two class es in a week or two and they want every one in town to be there. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Curb. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It reliever rain and Heals at the same time. 25c. 50c. fl.Ob Notice. Our fiscal year closes this month. We want to collect our mill accounts and get notes for Fertilizer accounts. If you owe us for any pro duces I will appreciate it if you will call and settle at once, and those who have gotten all their fertilizers, we will appreciate it if you will come by and give us notes. No produces will be charg ed to any one. SOUTHERN COTTON OIL COMPANY T. A. NUTT. Buggies, Fords and Automobiles Repainted Right At Reasonable Prices. SEE US AT ONCE Carmichael Buggy Company, Jackson, Georgia.