The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 07, 1915, Image 7

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NEWS =_ OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM "Not what we have—but what we use; Not what we see—but what we choose; These are the things that mar or bless The sum of human hagpiness. "The things nearby— not things afar; Not what we seem—but what we are; These are the things that make or break, That gives the heart its joy or ache. "Not what seems fair—but what is true: Not what >ve dream—but the good we do; These are the things that shine like gems, Like stars, in heaven’s diadems. "Not as we take—but as we give; Not as we pray—but as we live; These are things that make for peace, Both now and after time shall cease.” U. D. C. Meeting On Thursday afternoon of next week which will be May 13th, Mrs. S. 0. Ham, Miss Pauline Mallet and Mrs. Mote Watts will be joint hostesses to the U. D. C. chapter at the home of Mrs. J. M. Watts. The meeting will be held at four o’clock and the president urges a full attendance as the election of officers for another year will be one feature of the meeting. Carmichael-Funderburk The announcement of the en gagement of Miss Mary Joe Car michael and Mr. Horace Boyce Funderburk, of Bainbridge is of unusual interest here. Miss Car michael is at present teaching in Cairo, and has taught in several other cities where she is quite popular. She has a host of friends and relatives in Jackson and Butts county who are deep ly interested in her approaching marriage, which takes place in June, no date having as yet been announced. D. A. R. Elect Officers On Tuesday afternoon at a meeting at Mrs. P. W. Nolen’s officers were elected by the Wil liam Mclntosh chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, for another year as follows: Regent—Mrs. J. P. Etheridge. Vice Regent—Mrs. L. L. O’Kel ly. Rec. Secretary —Mrs. J. B. Set tle. Cor. Secretary—Mrs. P. W. Nolen. . tt Registrar —Miss Louise Harris. Treasurer—Mrs. B. F. Watkins. Historian-Mrs. J. M. Currie. After the election of officers, the retiring regent. Mrs. J. D. Jones, made an appropriate talk commending the new officers to the chapter and also thanking the members, on behalf of the retiring officers, for their loyalty and co-operation for the past two years. A rising vote of thanks and appreciation for her work was extended the retiring regent. An efficient corps of officers will preside over the destinies of the chapter for the next two years and no doubt great things will be accomplished during the new administration. The newly elected regent pledged her best efforts to the chapter and she will have the support of every member. An interesting program was rendered before the business ses sion and an ice course in pink and white was daintily served by Mrs. Nolen. Mrs. Merck and Mrs Turner, late in the after noon. Thaxton-Brakefield Mrs. Margaret C. Thaxton an nounces the engagement of her daughter, Bessie, to Mr. Charles Marshall Brakefield, of Ocilla, the wedding to take place at the home of Mr. 0. A. Thaxton in Moultrie, early in June. The above announcement will be of cordial interest to the many friends of the bride-to-be whore sided here up until a few years ago. She is the second daughter of Mrs. Margaret Carmichael Thaxton and of the late Mr. D. J. Thaxton. She possesses many admirable traits of character and is popular wherever she is known. It is probable that a good many of her relatives and friends from here will go down to thew edding. PERSONAL Mrs. G. B. Carreker has re turned from Covington. Miss Saralu Hardin will spend Saturday in Macon. Mr. A. F. Pritchett was a vis itor to the eitv Tuesday. Misses Annie and Jim Craw ford have returned from Atlanta. Col. W. E. Watkins spent part of the week in Perry on business. Mr. Hugh Mallet will attend the State Baraca convention in Rome. Mrs. L. E. Walthall, of Atlan ta, is visiting Capt. and Mrs. F. L. Walthall. The Sunday schools of the city will enjoy a union picnic on May 28th at Indian Springs. Miss Nannie Belle Jinks has returned from Millen, where she has been teaching. Col. J. B. Moore, of Baxley, spent the week-end with Capt. and Mrs. F. L. Walthall. Mr. C. D. McDonald, of Atlan ta, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. J G. McDonald. Mrs. Edward Cornell, of In dian Springs, will spend the week-end with her mother, Mrs. S. 0. Ham. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Worsham spent the week-end in Culloden. They are now residing at the Camp Ground. Mrs. Turner Allensworth, of Atlanta, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Etheridge, part of the week. Mrs. C. A. Batner and Master Harry Bob Butner will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McCord in Macon. Mrs. R. J. Carmichael leaves Saturday for Baltimore to visit her mother, Mrs. Buchman and sister, Mrs. J. E. Gonsell. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Julian and Ben, Mrs. M. C. Wright and Charles Johnson mo tored to Starrsville Sunday and were the guests of relatives for the day. Messrs. D. G. McMichael, R. Gunter. C. M. Kimbell, G. E. Mallet, J. Mote Watts, H. M. Fletcher, J. B. Hopkins and J. D. Jones are among the Jackson Shriners who attended the cere monial session of Al-Sihah Tem ple in Macon Thursday of last week. Our Candy Speciality FOR THIS WEEK Crushed Strawberries with whipped Cream Tango Chocolate Brazilnuts Chocolate Roasted Almonds 38c per Pound Remember this candy is positive ly guaranteed to be as pure as any candy at ANY PRICE or money refunded. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY The Owl Pharmacy Mrs. Lucy Dozier Douglas was up from Flovilla Tuesday and at tended the D. A. R. meeting at Mrs. P. W. Nolen’s that after noon. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wright, Miss Nettie Pittman, Mrs. Verna Wright and Col. H. D. Russell will motor to Atlanta Friday for the day. Mrs. S. 0. Ham, Misses Saralu Hardin, Pauline Mallet and Hel en Carmichael are among the Jackson people who attended grand opera in Atlanta last week. Miss Mary Dorothy Willis left Tuesday forLiveoak, Fla., where she will visit her brother, Mr. 0. M. Willis. She was accompanied as far as Macon by her mother. The Jackson Baptist Bible school have issued pretty invita tions to the “Mothers Day” ex ercises on next Sunday. White carnations will be given each one who attends and the program promises to be pieasing in every detail. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularitiesofthe kidneys and bladder in notn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. K. W. Hall, 295*6 Olive Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. SOMETHING NEW Grape Smash BETTER AND CAEAPER than Grape Juice. In bottles or by the drink. Guaranteed not to sour or ferment after it is opened. J. C. KINARD, Exclusive Agent for Jackson. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday, May 9 11 a. m. the Pastor will preach, subject: “Transfiguration of Je sus,” and at 7:45 “Is There a Hell?” The Bible School meets at 9:30 a. m. 3 p. m. the Young People’s Meeting. The Pastor will leave Monday 10th, for Houston, Texas, to at tend the Southern Baptist Con vention and from there will go to the Exposition in San Francisco. During his absence the pulpit will be supplied by our best preachers. City TaxColledtor’sNotice Notice is herein given to the property owners of the city of Jackson, Ga., that the City Tax Books are now open for the re turn of all city and personal property. Parties failing to make their returns, the same will be taken from the 1914 digest and the amount doubled. Please note this fact and make your returns personally and avoid any errors. Books will close June 15th, 1915. This 15th day of April, 1915. W. H. Wilson, C. T. R. & C. 4-23-4 t Jackson, Ga Paul Nolen 6 Company The place to buy your Groceries where you get the be& of every thing at the right price Red No. 1 Irish Potatoes, Fresh Beans, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Green Cabbage, Beets, and in fadt a full line. Kingans Breakfast Bacon With Grocery Order Lemons No limit, all you IA want, per dozen lll'' BANANAS lA r Per Dozen lllv SIMON B\ PURE Thelard is ALL LARD. UNCLE SAM BREAD Received every day. The BEST Bread Yet. The F. O. Stone Baking Company’s CAKES Six kinds, just 10c each Ju& the cake for that lunch. Ma.T(tADI MARK. SUPREME Brand Hams To go Saturday at per pound 13v We also have fresh Dove and Missouri Hams PIMENTOS All you per want at /w can 4 Cans Tomatoes for Sat’day trade LtJ* We Want Your Business As We Have The Goods And Can Deliver Them WE DELIVER NOW Paul Nolen & Cos., Jackson, Ga., PHONES 24 and 60