The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 07, 1915, Image 8

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CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Adts like dynamite on a Sluggish liver and you lose a day’s work There’s no reason why a per son should take sickening, saliva ting calomel when 50 cents buys a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable li quid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, be cause it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty cal omel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomor row. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liv er Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more bil iousness, constipation, sluggish ness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money is wait ing for you. ad. MR. J. A. CARMICHAEL PASSES TO HIS REWARD After a lingering illness ex tending over a period of several months. Mr. J. A. Carmichael passed away Tuesday afternoon at the home of his son. Mr. J. Bluma Carmichael, in this city. Mr. Carmichael had attained the ripe age of seventy-nine and was unusually energetic for one who had reached such maturity. He fought bravely to overcome his last illness, yet when he found death was inevitable, he yielded gently to the final summons. He was a veteran of the war Between the States, having join ed the Second Georgia cavalry in Rome in 1868 at the age of 29. Short funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Olin King at Fellowship cemetery, where members of his immediate family are buried. Mr. Carmichael is survived by two sons. Mr. J. B. Carmichael of this city, and Mr. Joe Carmi chael, of Molena; one sister, Mrs. R. B. Harkness, who is now the only surviving child of the fami ly. Among the out-of-town people coming to attend the funeral were: Mr. Walter Sams, ofSyl- : vester, Messrs. Andrew and Ru fus Sams, of Macon, Messrs. B. B. Carmichael and Harver Car- 1 michael and Mr. and Mrs. Green Copeland, all of McDonough. Stonecvpher’s Pot ato bug killer. Woods-Car miehael. WANTED A Rood gentle family horse. Apply at Progress office. Getting time to raise some pre miums for the Corn, Pig and Canning Club members. Butts has always treated these club boys and girls handsomely and must remember them with some substantial prizes again this year. Bananas 10c dozen. Paul Nolen & Cos. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMKNT falls to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Kase and Rest. 50c. Stop Right Here THE FAIR STORE Our big spring and summer offering is now in full There always be a fir^t time. Therefore our spring and summer offering leads the way to one big money say ing opportunity. It will be a great event to everybody and everybody should share in the wonderful bargains that are now being offered at the Fair Store. If you never visit another bargain-giving you cannot afford to miss these real offerings. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR OFFERINGS: tg-m MEN’S CLOTHING JffsF.a That Has The Right Fashion Swing ' n Men and young' men, and men who stay young and dress young, will find here the V largest and best assortment of the better grade of ready-to-wear clothing in this great town of Jackson—priced on a basis that merits the large clothing trade we have and A your Pa*ronage cV-T/u Genuine Palm Beach Suits That Turns Your f ' W Thoughts to this Store. wju j Special for FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and MONDAY ¥ $7.50 Values for $4.95 The Fair Store Is a thi ngtiiat often brin ß s comment from the l&dfes* Your purchase is made X\ at this store under different conditions, different environment from any other. Not alone are you always assured of getting your one hundred cents worth for your dollar, but you get a store service hore, a polite, courteous attention / , if whether you purchase or not, all of which tends to turn shopping, which is at Ii I times * drudgery, into a real pleasure. Our Ready-to-Wear Sections Offer Many New w Attractions for this Week-end Selling ffljjlK' Ladies Spring Coat Suits sls and S2O Values To go at $7.50 | JM|li|& Skirts, Skirts, $2.50 Values w £!*.?* y 69c Dresses M gSrslo and sl2 "jj” 'i Jus>t , R ot c of v n?ce Voil Embroidered Dresses at $3.49 SHOLb /y AENS LATEST FOOTERY y\ FOR FAMILY WEAR fellMPl' To Fit Your Foot and Your ———————V,.■— n 1 i m MILLINERY We have juSt re- ihem at prices that will cause you to buy whether you want them or not. )fe. SPECIAL For Friday, Saturday and Monday I lOe Hose Fop Men, Ladies and Children | 5c pair, 3 pair to a customer.