The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 14, 1915, Image 3

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: Butts County News : INDIAN SPRINGS. m Prof, and Mrs. Claude Gray, of Locust Grove, were the week end guests of Mrs. L illie Smith. Miss Nobie Clay, of Decatur, is expected soon to be the guest of Miss Myrtice Arnold. Miss Dovie Bryans is expected home soon from Dawson where she has been teaching. Mr. and .Mrs. F. C. Cox and son, Laßruce, of Savannah, are here for a ten days visit. Miss Willis Smith, of Atlanta, is expected Thursday for a weeks visit with Miss Lucile Elder and Mrs. J. E. Cornell. Among those who have arrived to spend the summer here are Mr. and Mrs. Levi Scoville. of Birmingham, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Dolvin and Mr. Sherwood Thaxton, of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Brown, of Jackson ville, Fla., and Mrs. J..W. Crum and Mr. SasnettCrum, of Jackson LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS SHERIFF’S SALE Georgia, Eutts County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June, 1915, at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash certain described property as follows: One vacant lot in the City of Jackson, known as lot No. 61 of the W. M. Scott addition to the City of Jackson as per plat of record in the Clerk’s office, superior court of said county, book “P,” page 170, fronting 50 feet on West Avenue, running back 280 feet to a2O foot street. Levied on to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justice Court of the 552nd district G. M. Butts county, in favor of Buttrill Guano Cos. against S. M. Thaxton. Levied on as the property of S. M. Thaxton. Tenant in possession given written notice. This the 6tli day of May, 1915. L. M. Crawford, Sheriff Butts County. NOTICE OF SALE Georgia, Butts County. Whereas on the 29th day of Decem ber, 1913, S. M. Thaxton, of said state and county, executed and delivered to R. N. Etheridge, E. L. Smith and C. M. Compton a certain promissory note for the principal sum of $203.00, and on said date executed and delivered to said parties a deed to the following land, situate, lying and being in said state and county, to-wit: Twenty acres in Iron Springs district of Butts county, Georgia, bounded as follows: On north by lands of S. M. Thaxton, east by lands of B. B. Kelly, on south by lands of S. M. Thaxton and on west by lands of Joseph Jolly. To secure said promissory note, and whereas said deed contained a stipula tion that should said note not be paid at maturity, the grantees in said deed have the power to sell before the court house door in the City of Jackson, said state and county, the above described real estate, after advertising the same once per week for four weeks, preceding said sale. And, whereas said note became due on the first day of November, 1914 y and the said S. M. Thaxton failed andtin fused, and still fails and refuses to pay the same.. . f - Now, therefore, by virtueof the pow er of sale contained in said deed, exe cuted as aforesaid and recorded in book F, page 376, in the. office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Butts county, the undersigned will.sell at public sale at the court house door in said state and county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in June, 1916, the above described real estate, for the purpose of paying the principal, inter est and costs due on said note. The amount received from the sale of the above property will be applied to the payment of the principal, interest and Miss Carrie Collier has as her ; guests Mrs. Hungerford and ; mother, of Conn. Mr. Paul Collier of Little Rock, Ark., was a recent visitor at “Rock Castle.” Mrs. H. L. Daughtry and Em ily were the guests last week of Miss Jennie Bryans. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. CORK Mrs. C. A. Smith returned Sunday morning after a six weeks visit to relatives at Fort Myers. Fla. She was accompanied home by her mother. Mrs. Boyde, who will spend quite awhile here. Misses Leddie Towles and Ben nie Doice Torbet spent Sunday with Mrs. Jase Moore in Monroe county. Mrs. A. G. Tucker and daugh ter, Miss Lillian Tucker, from Atlanta are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tucker. 1 . .0 Mrs. Senie Torbet and ter, Lurline, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Bob Tor bet. Miss Eunice Bryant, of Flovil la, is visiting Miss Rosebud Waits Miss Oliver Torbet spent sev eral days last week with relatives in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Waits spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Towles. Miss Bessie Waldron was here Saturday morning from Jackson and later left for Macon. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 5Cc costs aforesaid, and the remainder, if any, shall Vie paid over to the said S. M. Thaxton. The undersigned will make to the purchaser or purchasers of said property title to the same as provided for in said deed. This May 5, 1915. R. N. Etheridge, E. L. Smith, C. M. Compton. By Smith & Russell, Attorneys. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia—Butts County. Mrs. Fannie May Maddox having made application for twelve months support out of the estate of Lon A. Maddox, and appraisers duly appoint ed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in June, 1916, why said application should not be granted. This 3rd day of May, 1916. J. H. Ham, Ordinary ~~ i. 1 ir -v " y i 1 GUARDIAN’S SALE County v , By virtue ef an order heretofore paus ed by the Ordinary of Butts county, will, he sold at the court house door ia Jacksqp, on the first Tuesday in June, 1915, within ihe legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, Jhe following prop erty ; One house and lot .in the City of Jackson, Gp., qp corner of Third street and the st, leading from Third st. to depot, known as the T. W. McCord place, said property belonging to Claude Spencer, bounded as follows: On the north by lot of J. C. Kinard, east by lot of T. B. McMichael, south by Third street and west by Depot street. Mks. G. W. Kinsman, Guardian. An Announcement We have installed in connection with our plant a Soaker, whereby bottles will be made absolutely clean and sanitary. This new machinery gives us the facility for putting on the market the highest grade of drinks it is possible to bottle. We are sticklers for sanitation, and every bottle is thoroughly soaked in hot water, sterilized and made clean before using for bottling our goods, by the latest improved machinery. Every bottle is rinsed from Bto 20 times. Our plant is screened and free from flies. Your inspection of our plant is earnestly solicit ed. We want you to see us at work for we believe we can convince you. Call any time. Yours for Delicious, Pure, Quality Drinks CHERO-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Jackson, Georgia Phone 201. JENKINSBURG Mrs. W. T. Thurston spent a few days this week in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Oxford, of Jack son, visited Mrs. Miranda Childs Saturday. Mesdames J. M. and W. J. Bankston spent last Monday in Jackson shopping. Miss Bessie Sowell was the week-end guest of Miss Irene Bankston. Mr. and Mrs. Giddeon and chil dren, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ingram. Misses Inez Brinkley. Belle Pitts, Nell Millen, Mildred Childs Andrew Carnegie Says: “It is not capital that men require, it is the man who has proved that he has the business habits which create capital.” The greater proof of business habits is the HABIT OF SAVING. When you &art an account with us you simply press the Buttoii of Prosperity; Why not call awd talk it over With us Now? First Farmers Bank, JACKSON, GEORGIA. L. O. Benton, Pres. J. B. Carmichael, Cash. Interest Paid On Time Deposits PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and Bp. m. on some more of the mountain peaks of God’s love, grace and power. Come and we will ascend them if we can. Will also preach at Indian Springs Baptist church at 3p. m. Come. Don’t neglect to attend Sunday School. I. H. MILLER. and Messrs. Zelma Childs and Howard Jolly motored to Indian Springs and the dam Monday af ternoon. Miss Claude Guest is expected home this week from Chester where she has been teaching. SINGING AT PLEASANT GROVE There will be a singing at Pleasant Grove church Suuday afternoon, May 16. All singers and lovers of music are especially invited. HOUSE FOR RENT Corner Mulberry and First st., $lB per month. Possession June 1. Apply to W. E. Merck. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents.