The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 21, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS - OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM WATCH YOURSELF GO BY Just stand aside and watch yourself go by; Think of yourself as “he” instead of “I” .Note closely, as in other men you note, The bag-kneed trousers and the seedy coat. Pick flaws, find fault, forget the man is you; Confront yourself and look yourself in the eye— Just stand aside and watch yourself go go. Interpret all your motives just as though You looked on one whose aims you did not know. !Let undisguised contemptsurge through you when You Bee you shirk, O commonest of men! Despise your cowardice, condemn whate’er You note of falseness in you any where Defend not one defect that shames your eye— Just stand aside and watch yourself go by. And then, with eyes unveiled to what you loathe— To sins that with sweet charity you’d clothe— Back to your self-walled tenements you'll go With tolerance for all who dwell below The faults then of others will dwarf and shrink, - Love’s chain grown stronger by one mighty link— When you, with “he” as substitute for “I,” Have stood aside and watched yourself go by. —Christian Companion. Civic League Meeting The members of the Jackson Civic League are requested to meet Saturday afternoon at four o'clock with Mrs. Bryant Thomp son. Officers will be elected for another year and several busi ness matters will be taken up. Recital A Success The piano pupils of Miss Viola Slaughter delighted an enthusi astic audience with their artistic renditions, Monday evening, when they appeared in their semi-annual recital. Several players responded to hearty en cores and each number was pleas ing and splendidly rendered. U. D. C. Elect Officers At the meeting of the local U. D. C. chapter, held Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Mote Watts, the following officers were elected for another year: President, Mrs. L. D. Watson. Ist Vice president, Mrs. L. L. O’Kelly. 2nd Vice president, Mrs. S. 0. Ham. Rec. Secretary. Mrs. R. N. Etheridge. Cor. Secretary, Miss Hattie Buttrill. Treasurer, Mrs. H. W. Cope land. Press agent, Miss Mary Newton. Historian, Miss Bessie Waldrop. With the exception of treasur er the same officers were re-elec ted. Several standing commit tees were named by the presi dent and the meeting was har monious in every way. Th< res ident, Mrs. Watson, was rising vote of thanks for and splendid work dugpesl past year. _______ Mrs. Watson and her^|* corps of assistants will have the co-operation of the sixty chapter members and will no doubt ac complish much good work during another year. The chapter meet ings were discontinued during the summer months. PERSONAL Mrs. L. R. Akin and little daughter have returned to Macon. Rev. Olin King spent Tuesday in Atlanta on business. Miss Jennie McElroy will teach in the West Point public schools another year. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McElroy, of Conyers, were visitors in the city Sunday. Miss VaHie Garr, of High Falls, spent Friday with Mrs. W. W. Wright. Mrs. Mary Pittman has as her guest Mrs. Lena Folds, of St. Augustine, Fla. Mrs. R. Faulkner spent Friday in Flovilla as the guest of Mrs. S. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Britt of the Camp Ground were in town shopping Saturday. Miss Julia Wade, of Cochran, is the attractive guest of Misses Vera and Jessie Jones. Mrs. E. L. Smith, Miss Hattie Buttrill and Mr. A. T. Buttrill spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Conner and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMichael. "\ Little Miss Virginia White, of Flovilla, attended Miss Viola Slaughter’s recital Monday eve ning. Mrs. J. P. Etheridge entertain ed a few friends at dinner Mon day evening in celebration of Mr. Etheridge’s birthday. Mrs. F. Z. Curry and daughter, Elsie, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, are expected the first of June to visit Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Head. Mrs. Dixie Morton Preston, Miss Nena Morton and Mrs. A. B. Lindsay and small son were guests part of the week of Mrs. W. M. Andrews. The entertainment given Tues day evening by the second grade pupils was thoroughly enjoyed, the children showing that they had been skillfully trained by their teacher, Miss Saralu Har din. The proceeds will go to wards beautifying their school room. Announcement of the engage ment Miss Leila Youngblood, of Augusta, and Professor A. H. Bruce, of Macon, was made Sun day and is of interest to Jackson people on account of Mr. Bruce’s residence here during his terms as principal of the Jackson pub* lie schools. The Senior play, “Cupid at Vassar,” netted the class about one hundred dollars, the door re pots amountiofir to one hundred Lit twelve dollars. From this he expenses of the zradua- P will be paid and der will be sriven to Our Candy Speciality FOR THIS WEEK Crushed Strawberries with whipped Cream Tango Chocolate Brazilnuts Chocolate Roasted Almonds 38c per Pound Remember this candy is positive ly guaranteed to be as pure as any candy at ANY PRICE or money refunded. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY The Owl Pharmacy CHAUTAUQUA DATES JUNE 8,9 AND 10 Several of the business and professional men of the commu nity have underwritten a three days chautauqua to be held here June 8 to 10. The exercises will be held in the auditorium and the price of a season ticket is $1.50. The local association has enlisted the co operation of the Civic League and tickets are now being sold. The guarantee fund is S3OO and the promoters would like to have your support to make the enter prise a success. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard ■•acral tr*n#thenin* tonic. GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive* out Malaria.enriche* the blood,and build* uptheaya tem. A true tonic. For adult* and children. s** PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. andßp. m. Subject: “God’s Revelation and Man’s Obliga tion.” Prayer meeting and S. S. teach ers meeting at 8 p. m. Thursday. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Re member and do not neglect. I. H. Miller. SERVICES AT MOORE’S CHAPEL Rev. Mr. Gilbert will preach at Moore’s Chapel Saturday night, May 22, at 7 o’clock and Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Mr. Leon ard Hodges will conduct prayer meeting Sunday night at 7 o’clock and the public is invited to at tend all these services. For Sale Cheap One second hand Piano. Reasonable terms to right party. Apply at Wigwam HoteL Sherwood Thax ton, Mgr. 5-21-3 t Pecan Trees Choice budded pecan trees fifty cents each. Order direct, cata logue free. Empire Pecan Com pany, Parrott, Ga. 5-21-tf CANTATA AT LOCUST GROVE MAY 22 8 P.M. One of the features of Locust Grove Institute commencement will be the Cantata, Ruth and Boaz, to be presented Saturday evening at 8 o’clock, under the direction of Miss Venita Dud geon, the talented reader. The program for that evening is one with many strong points and a treat is in store for all those who attend. Jackson people are in terested in this number of the L. G. I. commencement program and a large crowd will enjoy the Cantata Saturday evening. Miss Dudgeon has done good work at Locust Grove and pos sesses many friends in Jackson who are interested in her work. WINNING OF LATANE ATL.G. I. FRIDAY NIGHT The Winning of Latane, a four act comedy, will be presented at the auditorium of Locust Grove Institute Friday evening at eight o’clock, under the direction of Miss Lucy Pace. This is a very bright and interesting play and a liberal patronage is assured, sev eral Jackson people planning to ■ i * go up for the performance. Miss Pace is an accomplished young lady who is devoted to her art. She has carefully trained her pupils who will no doubt ap pear to advantage in the play Friday evening, GRADUATING EXERCISES ON FRIDAY EVENING Twenty-five members of the Senior class of the Jackson High School will receive their diplomas Friday evening. Dr. W. N. Ainsworth, of Macon, will deliv er the literary address and Prof. Martin will award the diplomas. A large crowd will doubtless attend the exercises. Paul Nolen & Company The Grocers Phones 24 and 60. WE DELIVER NOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 3 cans Libb y * s Rosedale Pineap- 'IC-, aple for Lv\t Grated or sliced. The F. O. Stone Baking Company’s CAKES Six kinds, 10c each. The finest Irish Cobbler Eating Potatoes per peck £vv UNCLE SAM BREAD Received everyday fresh from the oven. 5c yet. iSH Armour’s Star Brand Ham, /figSWl The Be&Ham 16k pound Cooked Canned Brains per can Lv* A bottle of the famous DELEW ARE GRAPE with all orders Saturday to those who ask. GRAPE SMASH By the bottle or by the drink. Try some it’s fine. Agents. ierniT^SF I'l-per Plenty for all lirfvdozen No limit. HEINZ i GOODS IpSlI A full &ock. fgi The kind of I pickles We have arriving daily Fresh Beans, Tomatoes, New Irish Potatoes, Cel ery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Beets, Onions, Pineapple 7 Cans Baby Pet Brand Milk with Gro eery order for Lv v Try a 3 lb can California Peaches, regular lA -35c seller, now LvC PHONES 24 and 60 We deliver now [Paul Nolen & Cos.