The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, June 11, 1915, Image 3

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w SAVE A DOLLAR? Go to J. ARENSON’§ And Make Your Dollars Act As If They Had More Cents SPECIALS For June-The Whole House Ablaze With BARGAINS Ladies White Embroid- t / ered Voile Dresses Worth 55.00 and $6.00 Special for this sale $2.98 / \ Ladies AH C P Towels 1 \ / Undervests DL Stockings 25c value TUL Wj \// Ala# / Millinery Any hat in the Middy Blouses 48c I i |bjjj||l |jk 1 Underskirts 49c . |Jp / Spool Thtead \ lc per cpool NOTICE With every $5.00 pur chase we will give FREE A Beautiful Pidture al ready framed 26x22. : Butts County News : W ORTH VILLE. Mrs. W. F. Stodghill returned Sunday from a two weeks’ visit with relatives in Atlanta. Miss Laßue Pope will spend next week in Jackson. Mrs. G. W. White spent sever al days last week with relatives in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Lenney Wash ington announce the birth of a daughter. Messrs. J. H. Pope, G. W. White, Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Stodghill spent Mon day in Jackson. Misses Lessie and Lucy Jane Stodghill spent Sunday in Jack son. Messrs. Harvey Hodges, Tom Sitton and Miss Gladys Hodges visited friends here Friday. Miss Mabel Hammond, of Jack son, is visiting relatives here. Miss Laßue Pope spent the week-end with Miss Gladys Hod ges. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cawthon an nounce the birth of a daughter. Messrs. Fred Lofton and Rob ert White were visitors to Jack son Saturday. Mrs. George Harper and little Pecan Trees Choice budded pecan trees fifty cents each. Order direct, cata logue free. Empire Pecan Com pany, Parrott, Ga. 5-21-tf If you want BARGAINS, REAL BARGAINS, you will come and trade with us—The Store that sells the goods and CUTS THE PRICES. J. ARENSON'S Don’t miss seeing those Ladies hats at THE-BUSY CORNER, for 98c. Carmichael-Mallet Cos. daughter, of Stark, were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Lenney Washington. Messrs. W. A. Aiken and W. M. Chambers spent Monday m Jackson. Pressing Club We have opened a pressing club in the jail and will be glad to receive a share of the public patronage. Good work and sat isfaction guaranteed. Henry Thomas will handle patron’s suits for us. R. C. Thomas E. R. Kaderlv JENKINSBURG Mr. Chester Harris returned Wednesday from Emory, where he has been attending school. Mr. Grady Ingram, of McDon ough, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Thomp son, of Jackson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Middle brooks. Mrs. W. M. Glass and daugh ter, Jewell, spent Monday in Jackson shopping. Mrs. J. W. Childs spent a few days last week in Atlanta. Messrs. A. B. Stallsworth, 01- lie Woodward, Gordon Bankston, Thurman Bowden and Howard Minter returned home Monday after a visit to Macon. Mrs. Jim Ingram is spending a few days this week in Atlanta. Mesdames W. T. Thurston and Joe Vandegriffe spent Monday in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White and children, of Atlanta, visited rel atives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith an nounce the birth of a daughter. Many Jackson people attended the singing here Sunday after noon. Mrs. S. L. Johnson spent Sun day in Jackson. Mr. J. L. Barnes, Misses Grace and Birma Barnes visited Mr. and Mrs, Troy Saunders Sunday. Mrs. V. P. Manning is spend ing a few days this week in At lanta. Miss Ruth Middlebrooks spent Tuesday in Locust Grove. Rev. John P. Erwin, of Cedar town, Messrs. Lamar Clay and son. Lamar Clay, Jr., and J. L. Elder, of Macon, dined with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cawthon Thurs day and attended the Harris-El der wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Merritt have as their guests Mrs. Mary Bai ley, her daughter, Miss Lillian and her son, Merritt Bailey, of Asbury College, Wilmore, Ky. Mr. Bailey who graduated at this college in May is a splendid young man with many friends. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, aa the formula is printed on every label, showing it is ?uinine and Iron in a tasteless form. he Quinine drives oat malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents Men’s Palm Beache’s To Go QQ at While they last —Vj t|y KV“ We also handle the Famous BOSTONIAN SHOE FOR MEN \ 6 $3.50 and $4.00 :Tp * J nR MEN’S AND ’SPL 'iWin!! V LADIES Shoes | flfr'lFT^vl One lot worth f -'|[ IJp ’T/w i ||p^ Suspenders 5c M ; rfjr =a=J You have the money Ja m We have the goods \J LET’S SWAP For Sale Good second-hand pony phae ton. Apply to Dr. J. Lee Byron. Every little road in Butts county is good enough to be a Dix ie highway. 017 AFI THE advertisements and Patronize the Advertisers Telephones on Farms I -- - ----- - - 50c per Month and Up If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet telling how you may get service at small cost Ad drett FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY DAB J. RRYOR STREET ATLANTA, CA. FREE, FREE With every purchase of SIO.OO we give a BEAUTIFUL MIRROR 25x29 Ladies! Ladies! See those hats at THE BUSY CORNER for 98c. You will miss a big bar gain if you do not get one. Carmichael-Mallet Cos. Ths Quintas That Oms Not Affoct The Hoad Because of ita tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE it better than ordinary Quinine and doea not cauae nervouanea* nor nnglng in head. Remember the full name and look tor the ■ immature of 8. W. GROVE. 23c.