The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, June 11, 1915, Image 4

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SANITARY STORE OF QUALITY FISH ROE TUNY FISH FISH FLAKES LUNCH HERRING KIPPERED HERRING Telia 134 Asparagus Pimentos Olives Cherries Dessert Peaches Domino sugar Pulverized Sugar Ask the Price of two packages Arbuckles Coffee Buy yourself a case of something. Cornfield Lunch Ham and Bacon J. B. Thomas SOCIAL NEWS PERSONAL Mrs. Amoss has returned to her home in Milledgeville. Mr. J. H. Pope, of Worthville, was here Monday. Miss Mary Maddox from Elgin was in town Tuesday. Miss Myra Myra is the guest of Miss Pauline Mallet. Miss Bessie Compton is the guest of Mrs. C. M. Compton. Miss Sara Smith is in Atlanta, the guest of Mrs. Philip Head. Miss Bertha Jungers leaves Friday for her home in Baltimore. Miss Gladys Redman, of Stark, enjoyed the chautauqua Tuesday. Miss Vivian Hay, of Cork, was in Jackson shopping Wednesday. Miss Bessie Waldrop is spend ing a few days at Hotel Buchan an. Miss Clifford Powell, of Perry, visited Miss Jane Stanfield last week. Misses Sara and Mildred Webb from Blount were visitors here Tuesday. Mr. Otis Ogletree and daugh ter, Miss Mamie, were in town Tuesday. Mr. C. D. McDonald, of At lanta, was a visitor to the city Wednesday. Mrs. Edwards and daughter, Miss Clifford, were in town shop ping Tuesday. Misses Ruby and Nellie Sing ley, of Stark, attended the chau tauqua Tuesday. Miss Lois Biles went to Atlan ta Tuesday to take a special course in music. Five Pound Bucket Coffee GRAIN—PURE GOODS EVERYWHERE $1.25 For 81c Boneless Chicken, Cooked Brains, Roast Beef, Corned Beef, Tripe and Chitterlings. Libby’s Dried Beef, Sausage. ALL NEW, FRESH, CLEAN AND NEATLY KEPT. PAT-A-CAKE Rome Bread Delicious cakes Phone 134 Mrs. Mary Myers, of Locust Grove, is visiting the home of Mr. W. S. Colvin. Misses Lizzie and Ermine Fin cher from Fincherville were in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Ball and little son, of Bronwood, are visi ting relatives here. Misses Vallie and Marguerite Garr and Miss Leila Duncan were in Jackson Tuesday. Miss Fannie Myrtice Biles goes to Knoxville, Tenn., next week for a summer course. Misses Doris Maddox and Hat tie Mcßride, of Cedar Rock, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. W. M. Crawford and Vir ginia have returned from a de lightful visit in Hawkinsville. Miss Nellie Miller and Miss Terrell, of Flovilla were week-end guests of Miss Lucy Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bluma Carmi chael and Mrs. Sallie Ball will visit the Panama Exposition in July. Miss Laura Huckabee, of Ma con, has returned home after a j delightful visit with Miss Lucy Pace. Mrs. W. W. McCord and son, Mrs. Frank Cash and small son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lewis in Flovilla. Mrs. Lena Folds, who has been visiting Mrs. Marv Pittman and Miss Nettie Pittpnan is now in At lanta with relatives. Mrs. James Burney and Miss Hattie Kate Burney were in Jackson Tuesday en route to At lanta to attend the graduating exercises of Tech, where Mr. Charlie Frank Burney gets his diploma. MACKEREL SHAD POT HAM POT BEEF Lunch tongue Veal Loaf Pot Chicken Phone 134 Canned Strawberries Bartlett Pears Heinz Goods Pickle, Salads Pine apple Sliced, Grat ed Chunks Misses Sallie Watkins and! Fredna Allen are at home from the G. N. &I. college at Mil ledgeville. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mc- Cord, of Atlanta, were guests, Sunday, of Misses Florence and Jeannette Barkley. Mrs. Ed Cole, Miss Eddie Joe Cole, Miss Mary Moss and Mary Willard Lewis represented Fio villa at the Chautauqua Tuesday. Mrs. R. W. Oxford, Mrs. J. B. Settle, Mrs J. M. Currie, Mrs. W. M. Mallet, Mrs. Olin King, Mrs. Verna Wright and Mrs. J. T. Har ris represented the Womans Mis sionary Society of the Jackson Methodist church at the district meeting in Forsyth this week. Don’t miss seeing those Ladies hats at THE BUSY CORNER, for 98c. Carmichael-Mallet Cos. INSTALLATION EXERCISES Rev. I. H. Miller will be in stalled as pastor of the Stock bridge Presbyterian church Sun day, and in the afternoon at 3 o’clock he will be installed as pastor of Flat Rock Presbyterian church. Dr. Barkley, of Mc- Donough, and Dr. Davis, of At lanta, will officiate at these exer cises. Miss Bertha Jungers will close her engagement with us THIS WEEK. Anyone wishing her to trim their hats please come at once. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. June 14 Beginning Sunday. June 13, special meetings will begin. Dr. L. E. Barton, of Atlanta, will aid the church in these ser vices which will be held twice a day. The church building is large aud cool. The building will be supplied with cool air from the electric fans. There will be no excuse to stay at home be cause it is warm. Dr. Heard will lead the music and Mrs. S. 0. Ham will preside at the piano. All the singers and lovers of good music are invited to seats in the choir, irrespective of church affilitations. The good people of our town and the faith ful pastors are invited to share in these meetings. Teachers meeting Friday night. It is important. Let all the teach ers and officers be there. The Swimming Pool The attention of the public is called to this delightful resort. The water is clean, the pool is deep. One can have a good swim. No cooler place in town. A good place to visit. Buy a season tick et just for your own pleasure. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularitiesofthe kidneys and bladder in Dotn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months' treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. We have about 100 Ladies hats worth up to $5.00 which we will sell as long as they last at 98c. Carmichael-Mallet Cos. MAYBE it would be better to modify it and say “We are seldom out of anything”--so seldom, in fadt, that we are justified in making the above statement. And best of all, everything we have is fresh —and pure, which is of paramount importance where drugs are concerned. Whether you have a prescription to be compounded, or come for patent medi cine, or drug sundry of any sort, your desires will be met satisfactorily and for the least possible outlay. SPECIAL Stationery, plain or colored, Perfume, Toilet Articles, Complete stock Patent Medicines Nunnally’s, Huyler’s and Norris’ Candies ICE COOLED WOODS-CARMICHAEL CORNER DRUG STORE Opposite Monument Phones 62 and 319 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ELECT THEIR OFFICERS At the meeting last Thursday night officers were elected by Jackson lodge No. 131 Knights of Pythias for the ensuing term, as follows: J. P. Etheridge—C. C. H. M. Moore—V. C. C. E. McMichael—Prelate. A. R. Conner—M. W. W. E. Merck—M. A. Van Fretwell —K. R. & S. J. H. Ham-M. Ex. S. P. Nichols—M. F. T. J. Hammond—l. G. H. C. Thaxton—o. G. T. B. McMichael —District Dep uty Grand Chancellor. WAEN AT INDIAN SPRINGS DON’T FAIL TO VISIT MORSE’S PHARMACY Here you can find a complete of High Grade Toilet Articles, Imported and Domestic Cigars, High Grade Candies and all the Popular Fount Drinks. In fact anything to be had at A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE When visiting the Springs make our store your headquarters, you are always welcome. Morse’s Pharmacy Indian Springs, Georgia TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OAT CLUB Gentlemen: Please have your yield of eats and your acreage certified to and mail me as soon as you have threshed. You may use this form: I hereby certify that Mr. threshed and measured the oats off of one acre of land and made bushels. Witness Very Respectfully, H. L. Worsham Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents.