The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, June 11, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS - OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM A SONG OF TRUST I cannot always see the way that leads to heights above; I sometimes quite forget that He leads on with hands of love; But yet I know the path must lead me to Immanuel’s land, And when I reach life’s summit I shall know and understand. I cannot trace the onward course my ship must take, But looking backward I behold afar the shining wake Illumined with God’s light of love. and so I onward go, In perfect trust that He who holds the helm the course must know. I cannot always see the plain on which He builds my life; For oft the sound of hammers, blow on blow the noise of strife, Confuse me till I quiteforget Heknows and oversees, And that in all details with His good plan my life agrees. I cannot always know and understand the Master’s rule; I cannot always do the tasks He gives in life’s hard school; But I am learning with His help to solve them one by one, And when I cannot understand, to say “Thy will be done.” —Unknown. Dinner Party. A pretty dinner party was given Monday evening at the Ho tel Marie in honor of Miss Bessie Thaxton, a member of the fac ulty of the Quitman High school and a bride-elect. The dinner was arranged in six courses and served from Bto 9:30. The long dining table was beautifully and artistically decorated with Easter lilies. The guest included a mem ber of the popular bride-elect’s closest friends. - Quitman Adver tiser. Harris-Elder Miss Allie Mae Harris, of Jen kinsburg, and Mr. Riley Foster Elder, of Macon, were quietly married at the home of the bride s parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Har ris on Thursday, June 3, at two o’clock, Rev. John P. Erwin, pas tor of the First Methodist church at Cedartown, officiating. Only a few friends and the nearest relatives were present. The parlor, where the ceremo ny took place, was beautiful in its decorations of flowers and ferns. The bride was lovely in her traveling suit of blue silk poplin with hat and blouse to match and a corsage of white car nations and ferns. Mrs. Elder as Miss Harris was once a student of Bessie Tift college and has been one of the most admired of the young set. She is pretty and attractive and possesses a lovely personality. Mr. Elder is a son of Mr. and Mrs J. L. Elder, of Macon, ani, is a splendid young man with many friends. Immediately after the cere mony the young couple with the groom’s father and a few friends motored to Macon, where they were guests of the Dempsey Ho tel for a few days. They are now at home with the groom’s par ents and are receiving the con gratulations of their many friends Thaxton-Brakefield The following invitation has been received in the city: Mr. and Mrs. Oscie Alvin Thax ton request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister, Bessie Thaxton, to Mr. Charles Marshall Brakefield Wednesday morning, the six teenth of June, nineteen fifteen, at half after nine o’clock, six hun dred and three Main Street South, Moultrie, Ga. PERSONAL Master Henry Slaton has been sick for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gelfman spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs. B. A. Wright was up from Indian Springs Monday. Mr. R. O. Settle is in Mcßae on business for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mrs., 0. B. Knowles is recover ing. from a recent indisposition. Mr. E. M. Boon, of Toomsboro, visited friends in the city Sun day. Mrs. J. R. Sams and Miss Ada Sams have been ill for the past few days. Charlie Wagner was down from. Atlanta visiting home folks Sunday. 7 Miss Winnie Maddox and Mrs. TANARUS, Mi Bond will spend Friday in Atlanta. Mrs. M. C. McDonald has re turned from a visit to relatives in Atlanta. William Wright spent last week in McDonough with his grandparents. Miss Mattisu Ham has returned from Waycross, where she has been teaching. Mrs. Pitts McKibben and little daughter, Frances, have returned from Tallapoosa. Miss Jana Setzer of Johnstown, Tenn., is the attractive guest of Miss Nina Harris. Mr. W. T. Powers has been confined to his room part of the week on account of illness. Miss Laura Daughtry is spend ing the week at Indian Springs with Miss Jennie Bryans. Mrs. R. 0. Settle returned Sat urday from a visit of several weeks in Washington, D. C. Mr. Chas. S. Johnson left a few days ago for Hawkinsville where he went to accept a position. Mrs. J. Threatt Moore and chil dren are at home after a visit with relatives in Demopolis, Ala. Mrs. J. W. Hencely and chil dren ar,e. spqqding several days witf* in Monroe county. yrjfr, Mae Maddox and R. 0. Settle wore the guests of Mrs. J. P. Mcßryant Wednes day Mr, W. H. Maddox is improv ing from his recent illness, his hosts of friends are delighted to know. Miss Blanche Johnson has re turned from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Smith, in Monroe county. THE FAMOUS Hot Springs Liver Buttons Are made at HOT SPRINGS, ARK., SOLD AND GUARANTEED EXCLUSIVELY BY ' The Owl Pharmacy Mr. G. W. White of Worthville, one of the county’s most sterling citizens, was a business visitor to the city Monday. Mr. W. H. Merritt has been away from the New York store this week on account of an at tack of rheumatism. Mrs. 0. M. Willis, of Liveoak, Fla., who has been with her fath er who is quite ill in Atlanta, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. 0. B. Willis. r* Mr. W. S. Colvin is in Atlanta where he went a week ago for treatment. His many friends will be glad to know that he is improving. Mr. Walter Furlow, city editor of the Americus Times Recorder, is a prominent visitor to the city, being the guest of his brother, Mr. T. M. Furlow. There Is BUT ONE f vjMMttM NOW that the weather is getting warm, " and our work becoming more arduous we require a refreshing drink to quench the thirst THE genuine Coca-COla accomplishes this as no other beverage does. It is de licious and refreshing truly. j M WE are better equipped at our Jackson plant than ever, and ready to serve the trade with real goods, both Coca-Cola i and assorted Soda Water. REMEMBER that we served you in the |M||§| winter when the roads were very bad. when no other bottler made the effort Give us your trade now and show your endorsement of our service. ___ PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO we BottUn 2 Jackson Company JACKSON, GEORGIA. Misses Faith and Allie Jarrell were among the June graduates of the G. N. &I. college at Mil ledgeville and are spending their vacation here with home folks, Mrs. Z. M. Leverette and little daughter, Jane, of Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Maddox and children, of Valdosta, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hooten, of Atlanta, spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maddox. Mrs. T. M. Bond was the guest of her sister Mrs. W. P. Watkins of Unadilla the past week, return ing Saturday accompanied by her mother, Mrs. C. S. Maddox and Miss Mollie Katherine Tingle who have been visiting Mrs. Wat kins for several weeks. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure The worst cases, no matter of how lon(f standing are cored by the wondeibd, old reliable Dr Porter’s Antiseptic Healinjj Oil. It relievef Pain and Heals at the same tim. 25c. 50c. il .06 Paul Nolen 6 Company Phones 24 and 60 WE DELIVER NOW Let our fast deliveries do the work Wesson Cooking Oil Per can Fri da y ~ and Saturday Lvv Try a can of Tuna Fish The ideal summer dish Choice Hawaiian Sliced or Grated Pineap- jA - pie per can Ivv Or 3 cans for 25c Crystal Domino Syrup The finest syrup lA~ made, per can Ivv TRY A CAN / Imported Genuine Span ish Pimentos regular A~ 15c sellers at per can /v STAR Brand (mmk Hams 162 C pound 'QSp' SATURDAY STONE CAKES Six kinds, 10c each. Kalamazoo Celery has arrived at last Try a bunch UNCLE SAM BREAD Recognized by all as THE BEST Kingans Breakfast Bacon at Saturday price (Fresh) Agent for GRAPE SMASH By the bottle or by the drink CAR BANANAS A bottle of Delaware Grape free with each order. Call for it. Phone us Any time Paul Nolen & Cos. PHONES 24 and 60 Jackson, Ga.