The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, June 25, 1915, Image 4

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Notwithstanding the denials of the numerous imitators of Coca-Cola there is the uncontrovertable THERE IS BUT ONE IS IMITATED imcolor V><UC-4l“V><old. And in an effort to get in our “class,” similar containers and packages are adopted. The world C'r\r'<*C'c% la by its KNOWS v>OCd-\j Old INJAIVIE For Its Purity, Its Merit, and its Ever Present Delicious and Refreshing Flavor. Nothing is ever imitated except the best of any commodity, and imitations compliment the original when they imitate. The home of Coca-Cola is Georgia, and it is at home everywhere. It is at home in your town, in every store in your county. It has been with you about thirty years. It needs no introduction. It is advertised over the world. We supply it. All you have to do is pull the cap, make the change, and the Profit is yours. No ar gument. No talk. Its ju^t Gs&Qu “Will you have it when they call?” The Bottling Jackson Company : Butts County News : UNION RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Gene Long and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Long at Sandy Creek. Miss Tassie Fears entertained the young people at a delightful ice cream festival Saturday night. Misses Ruby Maddox. Irene Moore and Clara Norsworth.v, Messrs. Leonard Hodges. Willie Moore and Troy Norsworthy at tended services at Sandy Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Speir were the guests of relatives at Cork Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mayfield and Mr. and Mrs. Whit Moore of Rocky Hill, visited friends here Saturday afternoon. Miss Alma Lavender spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Tassie Fears. Mrs. Sallie Tyler is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. L. R. Dodson. Miss Lovie Maddox visited Miss Estelle Norsworthy Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edwards spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norsworthy. Misses Alma and Irene Laven der called on Mrs. L. R. Dodson Saturday afternoon. Well, I will ring off, wishing the farmers a refreshing shower soon. EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE! Calomel is Quicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dan gerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sick ening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for 50 | cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely veg etable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calo mel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and cannot salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liv er Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfect ly harmless and doesn’t gripe, ad STORE AT THE DAM WAS ROBBED SATURDAY NIGHT The store at the plant of the Central Georgia Power Company was broken into and robbed Sat urday night. About S4O in cash was obtained in the haul. The burglary was reported to the county officers and an inves tigation is being made. FLOVILLA NEWS Mrs. At Maddux and little son, Hugo, returned to their home in Macon Monday. They were ac companied home by Mrs. R. C. Gardner, who will be their guest for some time. Miss Marilu Terrell left last Thursday to spend two weeks with Miss Effie Parker, at her home in Atlanta. Mrs. 0. D. Smith, Misses Mil dred Allen, Lurline Torbet and Falma Funderburk have taken rooms at the Foy Cottage at In dian Springs for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Preston had as their guests Sunday Rev. Arthur Jackson, of Macon, Mi. Jphn Etheridge and Miss Susie Etheridge of Indian Springs. Misses Roxie and Mabel Smith of Cork, Miss Lucy Goodman of Jackson, Miss Annie Kate Lynch and Mrs. W. J. Partridge. Mrs. Allie Vickers and Miss Beulah Vickers spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodson at UniPn Ridge. Mrs. C. G. Turner and family, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs, R. K. Fears, who is occu pying the B. F. Watson home for the summer. Miss Lou Emma Pendley is spending the week with the fam ily of Mr. Johnce Goggans at Cabaniss. Mrs. Bond, of Mcßae, is= the guest of Miss Annice Barnes this week. Miss Myra Miller returned to Jackson Monday after spending several days with Miss Ada Sharp. Mr. Eric Linch returned from McDonough Monday and was ac companied home by Mr. Harvev Brown who will be his guest for sometime. Mr. R. B. Thompson has com pleted his roller mill at Cork and began grinding for the public Wednesday. Miss Fannie Gibson, of Jack son, who has been stopping at the Calumet, Indian Springs, for the past ten days is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gibson, this week. Misses Eunice Bryant and Rosebud Waits, of Cork, left re cently for Warthen to visit Miss Bryant’s sister. Mrs. Walter Brown. Misses Duke, of Covington, are the guests of Col. and Mrs. O. M. Duke this week. Mrs. Web Bryant has returned home after a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs. Tom Thurston, in Griffin. Mrs. J. S. Cumming entertain ed Misses Ray and Paulen at din ner Sunday. Mrs. Dixie Preston and family of Iron Spring, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Linch Sunday. NOTICE Registered Jersey bull ready for service at my farm near Jack son. This animal is a grandson of Lord Tormento's Geronimo, a ;$15,000 bull. 6-28-lt T. H. Nolen. FOUND One red sow pig about one month old. Owner can have same by paying for this adver j tisement and calling on Alex Thurman on Col. Dempsey’s farm, Jackson, Ga. WHEN AT INDIAN SPRINGS DON’T FAIL TO VISIT MORSE’S PHARMACY Here you can find a complete of High Grade Toilet Articles, Imported and Domestic Cigars, High Grade Candies and all the Popular Fount Drinks. In fact anything to be had at A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE When visiting the Springs make our store your headquarters, you are always welcome. Morse’s Pharmacy Indian Springs, Georgia MR. R. C. THOMAS OUT UNDER $3,000 BOND Mr. R. C. Thomas, who hasbeen in jail for some time charged with the murder of Joe Caswell, a young Canadian, was given a pre liminary hearing Monday morn ing before Justice J. A. McMi chael and was bound over to the superior court on a charge of manslaughter under a bond of $3,000. Bond was furnished and Mr. Thomas was released from custody during the day. Messrs. J. M. Greer, N. J. Thomas and J. R. Conner, of Butts county, and Will T. Thomas, of Newton county, went on the bond. THE CALUMET HOTEL Entirely New Management Service Ideal Location Reasonable Rates B. S. Crum, Mrs. J. W. Crum OPENED MAY 15TH 19 15 Week-end and Sunday Fares To Many ATTRACTIVE RESORTS Week-end Sunday Brunswick $7.25 $3.35 St. Simons 7.25 Cumberland Island 7.25 Atlantic Beach 9.00 Pablo Beach 9.00 Coressponding fares to other resorts. Ask your agent or address J. S. BLOODVVORTH, T. P. A., Macon, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Cols. H. M. Fletcher and J. T. Moore, of Jackson, 0. M. Duke,, of Flovilla and E. J. Reagan, of McDonough, appeared as attor neys for Mr. Thomas. The state introduced several witnesses who testified as to the homicide. The defense did not put up any witnesses. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured I.GCATv Arri.ICATIONS, as they rannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tc*rh is a blood or constitutional disease, f.n’d in crib r to cure it you must take in ternal r "~i dies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Ilall’a Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send for te -'monials, free. F. j. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Ual.’s Family Pills for constipation. .