The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, February 03, 1881, Image 2

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■■ {\ l fi T' I , t\ IV • ‘ - ITT i \ L MOL I DA Y‘OKKK K TO Mi src iirYKiis. :' ■ ■ [}\v il li ■ ’ •>t 11 io . popular fcjLuth( ’Ji _>! ii-iortl Jniinial imike the nslon ishing oiler : ‘*T everv on<‘ injl llif-m Hminjr the month* of Do ♦ '(•mh r and January, a ( ash Order for Slwot Music to the amount of •iU,.*>o, tli> v' send the .Tournn! Free of Charge for one Music Buyers e;m thus ordc v such Millie ■is tin y desire, and in so doing \vi)J net. the Journal AbsolvUrlv J‘Y e of Dost. An easy way to secure a walnjd'le and a}|'.ro]>ri-do t'lirist niie* or Kcw Year’s ( Jiff for some mu e/d friend. A sj imen rojiv < the Joim,:d (onsaining H-LCO vrorl Ii of stamp. Address Ludden A Dates’ Southern Music iiou.-.c. Savannah, (in. Iligiits Adjustnl All business intrust e l v> ni \ rare will receive niniiedia <■ a'tout ion Collections a specially. at ( rihson’s ".tore 's'.'ai *.j ing.Ga. jus’C° ! Ll .L !’, Nku.JT. . I?st*l's r '.ltiles. V o r lose! of first c u-s .anX-s just at v**>l ami oij .Je (or c.'ls’i ... .vid lot • in: present; v. r -a it a. it. 0. Daumier . ).’ f : : 1 wih j a tl.e inarki i price for a! kind <!e’i\re .1 rtfc m\ shop an r.itrn ./ • s hoot ami she * . s■ 111 ■ ’.■ ' -si i islac! io: g'tai'.t. i 4 •, ’,M t ik. M ■■. inn apii'e;' (hi. At”! •:/. c*o . r vssmd'sssi Mr. . L. W iotas is a ''■nt for t.lio .“f a f.> nyaui. and right to Pif he a eh *:p m and excellent fort ■ : and a 1 I u: fariaors hulild v • ; a ;rial mi i -av :-i ney irs i)C tOSt, d-.ICS lit." l i* ■, I [f| VC dOl l hi per lull. A . . f; ,n ,v *‘Tobe kn \v he in iei: a ::• that would tl u it, . ft aw:. ! e can siiow eta s fi ’ .. e> ■nn ■,inh ,e f liters wn 'I ' • .nj r i • • s tae. 1 • * lo ots. <. . . Oil or add* ess Cm m *; i 5 " '"rite, (2 :i . Lf — l LVI.. :L_ r Mho Wii Mule, * V ' .. Jj,- ,rc ihe coiirt-liuuse •• iht t- -s .* o <. •: ou Butts cothi-y, <e " h- i_ * * it. ii -i Xtu-sM-.y in iVfarcii 1 . , .■ <i\; . vi: ’’e 1 gal S oi . ( t<-i djwing (!('sorhivf property t > ' Sieoh-vcl ii< lVb iS.orc or les.. N 1 , rj.i v,- tmt b‘ottn.l ns follows : west h i td it. iyes si. and J. I>. Dund •, north by lands ei J. It. Bumble. tun ' y 1 .mis of E. G. I outicl, 11. 0. Jtyars nr. ar i tlie (ielewii.i.t. tou u by binds ol -tame itoivi-nd All J'yiug in inni c- nly, lh'., and levied on by viiv . ue v)i 11-ei. isoied liom Eu uvrior vs.urL in f i nr Suphia iir the u- v-f (. J, ilt-fike vs Jesse F Cievelamt Levic >oai. s lb. piopvity oi Jes;-e YX v _\ 5 at ’< en* am m }>u* .cssion ivnuiii notice Jon. 16bi. .ait ; , -i W j.*, . i nnv. Buciiil B C, Vivi ICATioS Fv/!; LETTER' OF A1 jVi LIS fs 1 K ATU>X f > • ;tlO 1 i G OVU'giily V. OiUltV of Butts* To all whom it may ooneevm \l. V. Me Ribbon of i • 1 'Gate Living applied. w* me tor letters of .V.huinistra tion with Toe will annexe*! on the estate of Thomas MTK'bben late of said coun ty (.!(-•, ,■ ,*-ed, thi' 1-' to cite all and singu lar tile i ivdit<" id next oI Kill af said iiaam. AX KR.Lcn to be nr.d appear at {he March T. *tn Ski. of the Court of Ordim ! said count y ami show cause ii • y tn . cm; why letters of Adminis m * • ;ho will annexed should \ r.:. i to M. Y. McKibben on T> om..s T LeKibbi'ii's estate. Witne smy hand and signature this the 25th day ot January 1881: Jas. F. Cakmichaei., td Ordinary B. 0. T. A. WRIGHT. Attorney And Counselor at Law. .. acKson, * tdu Ojfice st Court fl ai<e. Ail business entvmted to !>i> car* will receive prompt attention, atm huick returns made. ot c aims a special ty, Fees reasonable. aprl4-ly W, F. DOUGLASS n. r. & ex. j. r. spring’, * - * Cal Ah business int’ustr.' to his wi .oe : vo prompt nttcmu.n and satistVicttoi *7 C*T\. Collection .f el-ims ’.Justly looke l •'iter rad prompt rota.ns made. Court" Guys third Yondays in crch month. '{{OLD ytjND^!L.V£Pi and c!ui * of n". grades, and alt the latest novelties in jew hirv, silver- \v;t’ p lor hiidal presents, riu;:s of all binds,ct gagt ment ring* k specialty. A targe stock ol blocks cheaper than ever before iiftcfctL bpcvtacles of ad kinds in -odd silver steel ami rubber frames 'y ~{| age-. Sewing non chi m oik Mtaebtrcr.ts, etc., at ' c y :<>•.•■! ;rs /if | Ii * * 1 * * keif" 4ar*v:<i ¥‘ * ♦ ftmh arwalst h' ■** o ll A vv I IT fi i l i Oil *.l A I X V 4t) i u A. iSCiIKUhiOIAh WIT! MIS THIRD STOCK OF FALL and WINTER GOODS At nr ices that embarrass my competitors, and eaese my cus tomers to rejoice. One ct‘ the Special Fea tures or my stock is a ittrge and \ aneo assortmßirt of oaks ami ilohnuns I have purchased the above at far Less Titan T heir Actual Value., and pro j >ose to give my patrous the benefit of the bar gain. * Also, just teceived an unsurpassable stock of* i) si ht As l have every thing in this line that can be atked for fium the Cheapest io the high— edt IT ice. I wuuld state Dial I have just received a beauti ful article of iu(* si hick Cashmeres From an Assignee’s sale, which I will offer at doc. well worth (iOc. Jus! received :i large ijuiiiii dy ot Woollen Shawls, S:-;<‘qiies and Opera ('1 w i,s- And remember 1 am the •* A ouc who Keeps Hand l\m \Y u i’ k J oi j uc< j iv ed Overcoats At. prices ranging from $2.00 to each, no one of wiiicn can be purchased in the State at the rice tor which l oflei them. Just received. ' 200 Stiiis Tti C’lotheM Fu fit fey and every stze, all prices, pwine oi them being the gv attest Bargains ever ohered in and rifim. In conclusion I woul-i sy that tbio, my iIiIRD FALL and WINTER STUCK. is, if possible, more complete and at Lower Prices Than any I have heretofore purchased, and you will beam* ply repaid if yoti Vv'ill only come and examine my goods before buying elsewhere. —1 have an efficient force of polite sale-uien who will al ways be pleased to show you through my stock and give '•on every attention. Remember mv motto- SCHEUERMAN tANNOT BE UNDER si. BD. Improved Exceisio'r CUBE YOU • B OKv BE And all u.senses of the Kidney,B ?i Ider aud IJiinary Organs by wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNT PAD It is a Marvel ol Healing and Ilelii 1 SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT. PAINLDSS, POWERFUL. It cukes w here all else l:\iL. A itEV klation and revoluiion in Medi cine. Ahsorbtion or direct npplica* lion, as opposed t<> unsatisfactory internal medicines. bend tor our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent tree. Sold by Druugust, or sent bv mail, on receipt <d price.s2 Add bess This is the L vl.Y' Llift . LAD * o Origiual and Y>LL S hL 1 K Genuine Kid hn^-iT. ney Pud. Ask "i L. for if find Gke no olh*r. 1 o At wljib .. in A Cakta. < be. Lamar, Kan kin tX Lamar. . —*r-*- / w KENDALL’S | fSmVIN Ctlßtf|| MEND ALL'S SPAVIN CURE. TlitMOQst successful remedy ever disccv ired as il is certain in effects and dues not blist-jf. Read proof below. JFroiai Ucv, P. !%'. Grander, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St.. Albarg Vf., 20 ißbo. Dr. B. J - Keadall Cos , Gents In re ly !o your letter ! will say that my ex ptMieuce with Kendall’* bpavin La§ been very sut isfa ;tory inoeed. Three or tvur yiars ..go 1 procured a bottle of your t_ent. and with it, cued a horse of lauu> ness cansed by a spavin. Last season my lior.-e became v, ry lame and I lurlied him eut for a few weeks when he became bet ter, b.t when 1 put him ou the road he grew wotee, when J discovered that a riugboae wan forming, 1 procured a bot tle cf Kendall’s r-pavtn Cure and with than a bottle cured him so that ho is not lame, Deithev can the braucb be found. * Respectfully yours, P. N. Granger. Pui sevt i ance Will Tell istougbtou, Mass., March lGtn 1880. , Ltr. v. J Kendall & (>„ Gents; —In- justice to you .Hid my sell, I think t 1 oa. ht to let yoa know that 1 have re movtd two bone spavins with Kendall's xpatin Cure, one very large one, know low long the spavin had been there i have the horse eight months. took me for imnilts to lake the large one oil' and two tor the small one* I have u&ed on botiles. ibe horse is entirely well, not at all stilij and no bunco to be Sfcen or I'd : t , This is a wouoeiful mediciue. ii is anew tin .g he e. bu: ii il does fji ail what it nos done lor mo its sale will be \ e*\, gre.i:. It Sjnc .i.ilj. yours, Cuas. F, Parkeiu Keiuialii’s &fi>uvin Cure. Kelley’s lsl.ud, Erie Cos., Ohio, March 28. b, 1880, Dr. 13. J. Keu tall A Cos , Gents 1 nave used your Keadall Sp ,via Curt- m i bone spavin and am please l to report ihai it hs taken the cult. rgoiiumL oompleiet^ . Jl. ;• only otie b.ntle t the i:Ur<. 1 m cutidtiut ir it is u o i il will du iitly.u Ciaim for it. Votii'i truly, C. Al. LINCOLN. .M iteiticiit ilLsd.c UiHlcr Oatli, l'o W uo.M It Mat Concern.— In the ycai 1875 1 trsated with Kendall’s Spavin Cure a bone spavin of several months growth, ncariy halt as lar e as a hen’s egg, and completely stepp and the i. : MJteie.-s and ie meved the culargidmeut 1 lit ve ’.forked the horse every since vn-y hard, ;.n i he never hrs been lame, not could ever see .ny ditteience in the stze of tha hoc., joints since 1 treated, him With Kcndill’s Bpavin Lure. li, a. Gains. Fsosburgh Fni*, V , Feb. 2ot.a, 187 b. Sworn and subscribe to beuTle me tiiis 2oth day oi Feb. A. L>. JB7 ( J. John G. J i.Nx,e, Justice of the Pence. Iic(3all ; 8 Spa vi ft Cure on ifiai man Flesh. Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos., N. Y., February 21st, 1878. B. J. Kendall, M. D,, Dear Sir—The particular case on which I used yenr Spav in Cure was a inaligmlnt ankle spavin, of sixteen monihs’ stautliag. I had trie i many tilings, but in vain. Your Spavin Cuie put the foot to the ground again, and for the first time s ; nce hurt, iu a nat ural position. For a family liniment, it exceli anytliiug we ever used: Youss truly, Bet. P. M. Bbll Paster M. E. Church, Patten’s Mills, N, Y Kendall’s Spavin Cure is sure tn its et fects, mild m its action sis it does not blister, yet it is pene: fitting and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to re move any bony growth or other enlarge ment, sucti as, splitvs, curbs, cal lous, sprains, swellings and bumme sand ft;l enlaigtnients if the or limbs, rLe an itisin iu man and for any i urpos. ivi which ai mu enL >s used far m u r oe.isi it is no• known to tie tli•• e. Ilm - ui : t lor man evbi useu, uc'ing mui au yet c.-rtiiin in i h etieois. Send ad l .ess for iduatrated CireuLi auicii we iiiink gives pi sitive proof ot is No lerntdv h..s ever met w i w ;li sncli equ-1 tied succ as t- our knowl edge. to. ie <ji is Wall as m .u. i*r ci- i. , r no li ,or U botths for $5. All D uggi t- b ve it or cm get il for ,uu .r ii wib be gent to tiny address On • ecepr ofpii-ebb iiit- pro/rietors. Dr U. Kem)aljl. bo.. Ehosburgh Falls. Yt L m . K. i kin it Lamar, uginis. At uni . t- : julylnl KIDNEY PAD GRAND DISPLAY —OF— AND —AISD^- GROCERIES O r siock is im mense, our Good of the best our prices are thb IHttbSt, and our GooiL !!!H3t and will be disposed of. ..x.mne our stuck. YY i: warrant y. u the lowest prices It) ;:ck-on A. iVic. WahTrwNb & LONS novlU 1 y Jack toil, ha. Vr '■ t 0 tor until Machines are $0 4-t| received and examined. ISISII Agent* Don’t Take Them if Not Better I'll u Agents Warned Any You Ever Had. Want and in every In every TcW. THE i\EVV L GHT RUNNING Toad. (ombination Sewing* Machine. The Lowest-Price 1 First-Glass New Sewing Machine Ever Manufactured. A Couibiii ition of \ll the best principles of a Sewing machine. None better made by any company at any pi ice. A Machine you can depend upon every day you use it. A Faithful and Reliable Family Sewing Machine in every sense of thq word. Price only $20,00. Perfect in every feature, complete in all its details and without the faults o! m-iny other .nucuiue. Fo strong aud durable it will stand the rouging;! usige an.t continues wear without b-'Comiug out ot order or requiring any re. virs, and will last Uutill the next century begin'. Is sensib.y nude upoa souu I pnnol des and so simple and easy it is a pleasure, to run it* Easy to learn eisy to m in age, and ALWAYS READY To DO ITS WORK! All the working parts axe mmu!a< iu<od from the best steal, aud are tutor changeable; if one part ; -iv s cut or breaks, from any cause, another c- y t be in sert •-! Without cost. o r delay. W r!>.ni iubip hi line .s the beat sktde t v vb >i can produce. We build no Ulterior gou ts. Every machine shipped i-a.m factory in perfect condition, and thoroughly warranted to wear lor live years. A^Hiiiple l e set of new attachments—ton pieces—liemmers. Binders, Tuckers, Qui Iters, Ruffle.B, &e., for nli kinds of work, g : '/eu live with each mieUiue Ihtni large shuttle, with bobbins th it hold au oi " tiuy spool o; til: cad The ruosl solid, reliable uni sutisldoiory m icuiuu ever invented for It Kin 3 ot Eamiiy Work, from linest Cam lie to lac tiller, ■•un at kaid ot iltrerd. It doe; more work at less Cv.Bl aud .abor than any other, adu tie Gneapest 111 tile w rid, iliis machine, so, powerful and j erleCt i . . . on.-til ism, is the must Economic <1 and d.rude, ami me • asiest Mu dime 111 tho m.raei to Set! its merits recoin nu mi it t OLte* Machines shipped to any point lor examination before p tymeui. Agents I’Crrito-y will bo gr till'd Pre \ to gmad agCtits, Igeu Wanted in localities not .lire, iy occn n- 1. Do .naive Wan.c-i in every Book*. with engravings ot aie :l,t• •, prions, to e.cry Town and s*> ciui us .ands. itching lit til l 011 appu ration Tu. dh,;)n to the uttice of :tie C*.bl JUMRI n A fit) AoL >V i N1; dAOif I NR, H>/wU itugi ly <*7 bin fiwiiy, New Yum. .>i. Y. The Eclipse Leads the w orld For lleliable Excellence. r, 'HO 0 A >I V General Agent, Covington, Ga. Also Dealer in Saw IVtillsi Separators* Cotton Gkus Etc* Satisfaction fully Guarantee'! in every Transaction. **pri)2l-ly FINE or Uniform excellence; Liiglit S Stylish. I Warranted t SAVE your MONEY, write for Catalogue and PRICE LIST io The Boston Buckboard Cos., Buocboabo or MURRAY WAGON. NEW HAVEN, CONN. mi'i *\SO:\' X\ HtO Cos, CINCINNATI. - OHIO 0 This Company have just finished comph to shops with every facility of the latest improved machinery, :*nd are pi epared to manufacture STANDARD TitA D E VEHICLES, Snell as Farm wagons, * Spring wagous, Platform Wagons, Ludlow Spring wagons, Farmers’ Two-seated Carriages Standard Trade Buggies, E egaiit ill ewat. i Buggy V ' Etc, Etc: Si-nd lor and juices, to WAGON CU;, aut2l Li Cine idiHi!, O. /t/ v?r. j Ciires oy AB-SI *L* L’ I'll >N (N' llure’s waj , a LtJftG DIS!-:ASKS. C ALL TILItOAT DI.SEABE', / BREATHING TROUBLES- It drives into the system cura-ive .agent’ aud healing medicines. It mt.vws from the diseased parts ih poi.ui*s that cause death. 'J HU ANS 1 LSTIt'Y TO ITS VIRTUE'. Veil Cilai br Hrlicvrd imi Cured Don’t despair nrpii />*u ha ye tried ihi# Sensible, Easily Aryh6d ani* kffkctual Remedy. ' Sold by DtuggC- or f-eui by mail ou re ceiia of i’locK, f- DO. by Se. and for ttVTilli **oN iA ” L U.VU - u iti uf PAD < O. mount Is anUotu , uu l?T- 5 ' ht.TKun M Millions j) c ~ ’ ‘‘Ch. Sent lree. lJv, *i'Gui OSBORN ot WO LCOTT. Mnnuiccturers of the ! WOLCOTT COTTAGE oil UtiS. Dculors in FUSNI I’UEE. ! Gjciffix, - - Geo. This chair iutr stood the lest of 30 years aril gives entire sutistac-* tion. A full line of furniture always on haml Will keep on hand n complete stock of Buggies, Carriages and Wagon?, and prices as low us cat* be found. bpceiai rates n club lots, for cash. Thankful to my former customers for psist favors, l hereby solicit your patronage in. future. C. 11. CSBOHN, OCI2T-3;it Griffin, Ga. " UKKaT SACRIFICE IN MILL. ... V i Mil now offering my eutt.e Stock cf Millinery At and Below Cost ! *ly Trltamiiestf De|inrl incut otmtol ho excelled in the Slate in any particular. Now is tli -• time to get a Nice llat or Bonnot for 11 lit-Mo Money. Also, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATH ERS. Le. TERMS S I niCI’LY CASH. Mils. \. LOWER. ‘M Hill St , Uriffir, tin. HOLMAN’S PADS CURE A THE ONLY simply -JilL. TRUE , by " /jTjQ\MAIARIAI Absorption,L/teflJ Antidote, TrAdb Mark, Holman’s Agile* Liver and Stomach Pad—For MALARIA, AOUBj LIVER ..and STOMACH TROU. BLES. Price $2.00. . Holman’s Special to old chronic cases., Price $3,00. p Holman’s Spleen Belt— For stubborn cases of Enlarged Spleen and unyielding Liver aiid Stomach troubles. Price $5.00. Holman’s Infant’s Pad—Fol* ailments ol Infants and children. Price $1.50 Holman’s. Renal Pad—For Kidney and Bladder Complaints; . Price $2.00. Holman’s Uterine Pad— For FemaU troubles. Price .$5.00. Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Body Plaster— The best plaster made-* jioroud oil irubWi nasiß. frloe 25 G. Holman’s Absorptive medicinal Fool andslug: gish circulation. Price per pair 25c, Absorption Salt— Medicated Foot BatlwA For Colds; Obstructions and all cases where a foot bath id Heeded. Pei* half lb. package, 25c; Por sale by all druggists—or sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt bf pricb. The Absorption not “mailable” and must be sent by Express at purchaser’s expense. The success bf Holman’s Pads has iii spired Imitators who offer Pads similar id form and odor to the true Holman’s, sayingj “They are the same, &c.” Beware of all Bogus Pads, Only gotten up td Sell ou the repu tation of the genuine. See that each Pad bears the green private revenue stamp of the Holmail Pad Company With above Trade-Mark. If afflicted with chronic hilments send a con* cise description of symptoms, which will r& ceive prompt and careful attention. Dr. Holman’s advice is free. Full treatise sent free on application. * Address, (P. O. Box 2,112) 93 William Street, New York; eHAIR BYEis the safest and best; acts Instan taneously, producing the mbst natural shade of black or brown; doe? hot stain the skin;easii ly applied. A standard preparation j favorite? upon every well ap£ pointed toilet for iadjf, or gentleman. Sold by all druggists and np* plied by all hair dressers. J. CRIBTAIX)RO,> . 93 William Street, Yorfc; PM BOARD, TUITI (7jf f/J/ TICN,. BOOKS & STATION* JT Y/A ERY FOR 12 WEEKS AT THE wS /j J Toledo Business College; y Eor College Journal containing f full particulars, address, . TOLEDO, OHIO! e; ?7 Please say where you w this advertisement. THE UGHT-RUNNK STILL KEEPS THE LEAD ! Because it is the HimpSefct, relt^ able, and best Sowing Machine ever in vented. It docs its work qwltkly, qui etly and well, aud always gives perfect satisfaction. It is the result of 25 yours of patient Icboi and practical experience by most tilled mechanics. If combines the good pointsof all other machines, with none of ilel* defects. Therearemanj jewingMachined Of merit in the market, bu ir v none uro &c _f_mpilete and perfect iu ueV*il j possess the marked advuxil*j£jcs’"\ait) superior worth that have rendered New Home so famous- It has won the c onfidence of all who hay? seen it, being novr beyond doubt the perfect Sewing Machine in the market, agents wanted. Send for Descriptive Circulars &o JOHNSON, CLARK c tSfh 30 Union Square, N. Y. < Ail*,, ur Orange.