The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, February 17, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus Vf. THURSDAY MORNING FRR If, 1881. HPECIAI, HOLIDAY OFFER TO ATOMIC BUYERS, For the Holidays, the Publishers if the popular Southern Musical Journal make the following aston ishing offer: ‘‘To every one send ing them during the months of De cember and January, a Cash Order for Sheet Music to the amount oi $1,50, they send the Journal Free of Charge for one Year. Music Buyers can thus order such Music as they desire, and in so doing will get (he Journal Absolutely Free oi Cost. An easy way to secure a valuable and appropriate Christ mas or New Year’s Gift for some musical friend. A specimen copy of the Journal containing SI,OO w orth of stamp. Address Ladder) <\r Bates’ Southern AJusie House, Savannah, Ga. ItlglitH Adjusted. All bosmess intrust ui to my car, \vill receive Immediate Httenlioi Collections a specialty. Office ai Gibson's store,lndian spring,Ga. juue3i-ll J. \\ Nj£au. J.l*. Hales, IH^les. A ear load of first class mnles iisr ar. *ved ami on sale far cash at my lot fo; he preset TowaHga Ga. tt. t. Daughtr . HIDE' I HIDES l i 1 will pay the market price Un all kind of hid** delivered at nn : bop all kind of harness ho* t a* *’ shoe work solicited aatiMaciO' g>i:if tiiteed, 11,0 if Indian Jprn.g Ga. FAKMKIW! Cheap Gitituo ! Mr. T. L. Williams is agent fo liic ►ale of a format and right ia make a cheap ad excelled fertili ami fcll tbe farmers slmuh give it a trial a MJ save mmey a ile cost does not exceed Bre dol lars per ton. All who know ••Tub, ; knows he is not a man thut nou i , in a fraud. lie can show rei* tificates from reliable farmers win have tried it with satsfticunv re sults. Call on or addicss liitn Indian Spring. Ua t it Y, A, WKieMT. ' r I'OHK KV ASU OOUNSRpoB AH’ Law, Jinksou, . (ju, OfH *ai Court 11 oust 1 , Ail Imsintas entrusted to Ids oaie wiil receive prompt :i(U ntion, niid (juiv-k return*, “Colled ion of claims a special ty. Fees reason&hic. aprl4-ly W. t. BOTSLA’i i N. L*. & KM. J. I>. Indian spring. - - - (; \Yi bu*mfs3 int* luted 10 his cuv \vi 2 receive p.o u|? aiiomtou I sati:*!’ oiioi B’.vou Collection of cl lims closely looked alter and prompt retinue made, down days third'L'udays in each month. YourTsMS? zj / PAY BOANO, TWTk m f/J/ TION, BOOKS * STATION* Jf //A ERY FOR 12 WEEKS AT THE W/J J Toledo Business College. '/ (f (Jr For College ieomet containing / . h particulars, address, ia *„ v TOLEDO, OHIO My where you saw ths advertisement. QoLD- ApD^ILVEF{ Watches ami chaius of all grades, and all the latest novelties in jew elry, silver wa**e for bridal presents, rings of all kinds, engagement riog> a specialty. A large siecl* of clocks cheaper than ever before offered. Spectacles of all kinds in gold, silver, steel and rubber trainee to suit ali ages. Sewing machine Mrdles, oil. ettachinents, etc., at A. LOWER’S, 24 i ’ ill St., Griffin. Ga. * i 21 4 a vl.i Fresh Arrivals. ' Fresh j Arri vails. A. SCIIETJhitMAN, WITH MIS t h rr;d stock ** OF FALL M d WiNTtR GOODS At j. rices tliftt ray competitor*, cacsg my cus tomers to rejoice. One of flip Special Fea tures or rpy stop}? is a large *nd variet assortment ot* Cloaks and Dolmans T have pprphased thejlalmve at far Less Than i heir Actual Value, gnd propose to give my patrons the benefit of the bar gain. Also, just received an unsurpassable stock of DRESS CrOODS. As I have everything in this lino that can be as-ked foi frem tbe Cheapest to the high est Price, l would state tlai [ have just received $ beauti ful article utg Blue Black tQashmeres From an Assignee’s sale, which I will offer ct 45c. well worth 60c. Jusi received a large quantity of Woollen Shawls, S/.cques and Opera Cl >aks And remember 1 am the only one who keeps Hand Kni Work. Just leceived 200 Overcoats At prices ranging from §2.50 to §2O each, no one of which can be purchased in the JState at the f rice for which I oflei them. Just received. ;Jot) <Suits <>l ClotlMj. fo fit ant and every s ze, an prices, some of them being tin greatest bargains ev;r nilered in Gridin. lu conclusion i woul # that this, my i iiiUi) FALL and WINTER STUCK, is, it possible, more complete auit at Lower Pricfis Than any I havo heretofore purchased, am] you will beam* ply repaid if you will only come and examine my goods before buying elsewbete. —1 have an efficient force of polite sale-men o will al ways be pleased to allow you through my stock and give you every attention. Remember inv motto— SCHEUhiRMAN iAN NOT BE UNDE R'KLD. Improved Excelsior ( ÜBE YOUR Back ague And all and seascs of ihe Kidney,B a !der and Urinary Organs by wearing Ihe IMPROVED EXCELSIOR iUDNY PAD It its a Marvel ol Healing and Relief SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, PAINLDSS, POWERFUL. It cfcitns " here all else laiU. A kev- KLATION and KKVOLLJION ill Mvifi cino. Absorbtion or direct applica tion, as opposed m uusaiistacLory internal medioines. Stud for oar treatise on Kidney troubles. * tr**c. Sold by Druggist, or rent b;. mail, on receipt ot proe $2 Aud'bkbs Ibis Is the ‘(ldd ’ Ll’Nj PAD CO Origin*! and WlLLlt y ß BLOCK. 0 enuine Kid Dktkoit, ney r .and. AsV Mich, •or it u* f t*kt* at tb'r owi£7-t}n* At v'holo.ok iu Atlaato, JLaour, Rankin & La-U.-.i:*. 7 fkendalbsl% K END ALL'S SfAVINJ CURE. 'J hemoxt tuccessful remedy ever discov ered :ig it is certain in effects ' apd does not blister. proof below. From llcv. P. N. Grander, Presiding Elder cftheSt. Allans District. St, Vt., Jan. 20 i§t>p. Dr. B f J. Keadall & Cos., ply to your letter I will say that my ex perience with Kendall’; bpavin Cure* has been very sfctisfaitory indeed. Three or fvur years ago 1 propured a bottle of your ipent, and with it, cu*-ed a horse of lame ness cansed by a spayhi. Last season my horse became v,ry lame and X turned him ut for a few weeks when he bacame feet er, bvt when I put him on tbe road he grew wotse, when J discovered that a ringbone was forming, I procured a bt -cle of Kendall’s Spavin Cure uud w.ib than a bottle cured him so that he is not tame, neither can the brauph be found, llespectiullv yours, P. N. Grakokr. Perseverance Will Tell. Stoughton, Mass., March 10th 1880. Dr. B. J Kendall & Cos„ Gents/—ln justice to you and my9elf, I think ] rught to let yoa know that I have re moved two bone spavins with Kendall’s •pavin Cure, one very Jarge one, don’t know t ow long tha spavin had been there X have owned the horse eight months. It took me for nuntbs to take the large one tt uud two lor the small one. I have U9ed en bottles. The horse is entirely well, aot at all stitf, and po bunco to be seen >r fdir. This is a wouderful medicine, it is a he* thing here, but it it does for all what it has done for me its sale will oe \ e’-y great. It spec dully yours, Ciia§. F. Parker. Kemiliilfs Spavin Cure, Kelley’s Island, Erie Cos., Ohio, March 28th, 1880, Dr. D. j, Kenuall & Cos, Gents;—l nave used your Kendall Spivi i Cure on bone spavin pd aui pleased to report tha< t h. taken the enlargement completely ff. It took only oije bottle to perforin the cure. 1 n> confident ir it is properly tired it will do all yol} claim for it. Yours truly, C. M. Lincoln. Statemeiyt iHsule finder Out It. I’oWhom It May Concern.—ln the year 1875 1 trsated with Kendall's Spavin Cure i bm e sp.tvin of several months growth, leary halt as lai\e as a hen’s egg, Mid completely stopped the lameness and ie inov and the enlargc4a|euL, I h*ve worked he uorte every since very hayd, f>u . he utvvr brs been lame, not cpuld ever see .y d.tivieuco in the size of the hoc., j *iMs t iui e i ireiiLtd him With Kendalt’s urt-. U, A. Gains. s..s uirgh F is, V , Feb, 2oi.ii, 18711. Sworn uuu s inscribe J to beiore uu i. i-> ti-iiti nay or rVb. A. L>. 1b79. John G J my., e, ,Jusu.*.p of ihu Peace. man Fiesli. Patten’s Mil's, Washington Cos,, N. Y., February 21st, 1878. B. J. K- ml.ill m. JL„ Dpar Sir—The particular on which j nsetl yenrSpav in Cure was a malignant ankle spavin, ol solemn inonjbs’stanfliag. I bad trie, many tilings, but in vain. Your Spavin Cure put ihe foot to the ground again, and for the first time s : nee hurt, in a nat ural position. Fora firmly liniment n excels anything we ever used. Youss truly, Pev. P, M Bell. Paster Ai. K. Church, Patten’s Mills, N. V. Keudall’a Spavin Cure is sure In its el fects, no Id in its action as it doi- no> blister, jet it is penetrating and paweifa io reach every deep sealed pain or to re m. vc any b„ny growth or other enlarge ment, such as spaeius, splints, cal lous, sprains, swellings and lameness an* a>l enlargements of the joints or limbs, oi rhe tui itirui iu niau aid fur any |urpos< for which a l is used f.*r rain cr oe-isi It is .10*’ known to he the ■ lint iii < i for man ever used, noting mild an yet certain iu its effects. bend oddi ess for illustrated Circ.jar;:. we i imk p< sitive pio>f o. its Virtues, IN’o lins ever met wji w th socli equ.i.ficd succiss t* our knowl dge. to. lit iji ..j. well as m i'i v- i. , wo.i: , v .r C bottles for $5. ... i .J c g; ..-s u .vo u or c.iu get it for . j.. ■. t .. .li be sent to any address on ue p ot pi ice by the proprietor*. Db li. KEND.vtL & Cos.. Enofctnugh Falls. Vt Lamar. Ivankin & Lamar. ugu>. At Uuu. Ua. julylt.l KIDNEY PAD GRAND DISPLAY —OF— AND J?AjSCY Bryfiouls —AND— GROCERIES Our stock is im mense. our Good of the best quality, our prices are the lowest, and our Goods must ami will be disposed o|. i’.x.iinitic our stuck. We warrant you the lowest prices in dncksoii- A. Me. WaTk*NS& HONS t -ml') by -Jackron, UH. Mot 10 P i,id f° r iwtß Machines are 'Sf received and examined*- 9fe| J^mai Agent-s Don’t “Tnße Thom If Not Better Tltny Agents Wanted Aaay You Ever Had. Wanted lu every .. .. J n every Town. THE imEW L GHT RUNNING Town. Combination Sewing Machine* The Ivpwest'Priced First-Class Sqwjng Machine Ever Manufactured. A Cjifiibination of All the best principles of a Setying tnaphme. None better made by any cppipqny at any price. A Machine you can depend upon every day you use it. £>itbfyj and Reliable Family Seeing Mp t ph;np in eyery senpe • ot‘ the woyd. Price q^ t lv $20,00, Perfect |u pvery complete in aij its details, and iyitliout the faults ot many oilier :ncnine. fo strong and durable it will stand Ike roughest usage an>l copiinuos wear without becoming out. oV order op requiring any repairs, aud wilt last jjqtjll the next ceutury begins. Is sensibly njade qpou sound principles and sp simple and easy it is a pleasure, to run ii T Easy to learn gtsy to man age, an<i ALWAYS READY TO DO ITS WORK! All thp forking parts are manufactured from the best stool, and are inter changeable j if one part gives cut or breaks, from airy cause, another can be in serted iyithout cost o* delay. Workmanship as fine as the beat skitlei labor cm produce. We build no interior goods. Every machine shipped factory in perfect condition, and thoroughly warranted to wear for five years. A complete set of new attachments —ten pieces—Hampers. Binders, Tuckers, Quilters. Rufi|prs, &c.. for all kinds of work, gtvgu free vyuh each machine. Extra large shuttle, with Dobbins that hold an ore;nary spool of thread- The most solid, reliable and satisfactory machine ever ii}yented for fill Kin sot Family Work, from finest Gan* brie to Leather, with all kind qf threrd. It does more work at less cost and labor than any other, a-d is the Cheapest in the World, This machine, so si.nple, powertul and j erfept i . u; chapism, is the most Economical and ijup ible, and the • asiest Machine in tbp market to Sell—its morit3 recom* mend it >it once. Machines shipped to any poiut l'qr examination before payment. Agents Territory will be granted Free, to good agputs, Agents Wanted |n localities not alre wiy qoeupied. Eeicriptive Warned in every ]£ooks, with engravings or' each style, prices, iu every Town. and specimens of stitching muled on application Town. to the office of tee QiAA COMBINATION SEWING MACHINE. $4" aug-i-ly 737 Broadway. New Yorx, N. Y. The Eclipse Leads the World For Reliable Excellence. THO CAM F- General Agent, Covington, Ga, Also Dealer in Saw Mills* Separators* Cotton Ghius* Kte Satisfaction fully Guarantee! m every Transaction. April2l*ly FINE CA&mI^AM^I^AGONS oy tjniipor.m: excellence, ZaglitS Warranted • SAVE your MONEY, write for Catalogue and PBXOB LIST to The Boston Buckboard Cos., Bvokbojlbo or XUS&AY WAGON. NEW HAVEN, CONN* rill? tiO!*!'\S<>3 W U.O , Cos., CINCINNATI. * . OHIO o This Company have just Hnim.ed complete shops with every facility ,t ihe latest improved machinery, ind are piepared to manufacture STANDARD TRADE VEHICLES, Such fts Farm wngon^ Spring wagons, Platform wagons, Ludlow Spring wagons, Farmer** Carriages Staudard Trade Buggiea, Elegant Brewster Buggy Etc., Etc. ■—■—-e —*—■ Seud for designs and prices, to HOBINSuM WAGON CO., athrfl it O* Sli n Cures oy ABSORPTION (Nature’s way ,a UJNG DWKASKS, C ALL THROAT IHNRASKS, / BKEATiUNG TROUBLES- It iipjvEi into the ay of cm curative agent* and heuling ntedioLte*. It phvw# FBOW the diseased parts ih put utjs ihat cause death, THOUSAND lESTIKV TO ITS VIRTUE-'. You Can bo Relieved and Cured Don’t despair until you bav ■ tried hj- Seuidb.e, Busily Applied and KiuicAM.* FF*OTAi. Remedy, Sold by DrugjtUt, or sene by mail on re eelpt of Pick, $2.00, by Se 4 fcr teeti* TUB ‘•ONLY’* UJNG mfuittla at and our PAD CO. book. T limn WILL AMS I&QCK Millions a v-m" OKTHOJP, Mich, OSBORN &. WOLCOTT. Manufacturers#* the * WOLCOTT COTTAGE Cfl Dealers in FURNJ ru RE, Geiffjn, - - Gko, This ebair has gto.od the test 0$ •30 years and give# entire non. A full Ijne of furniture always on hand r l * 1 .. Will keep eu hand a completq stock of Buggies, Carriages ani( Wagon?, and prices as low us can be found. {Special rates n elufy lots, fur cash. Thankful to my former customers for ptjsl favors^ I hereby solicit ypuf patronage iq Future. C. 11. CSBORN, oct27-pm Griffin, Ga. GREAT SACRIFICE IN MILLiMIii Y £&m now offering my entire Btocfc p# Millinery [4 At and Below GVwt! Trimming Department cannot be oxcelied in the State m any particular. Now is the time to get a Nice Hat or Bonnet for a little Money. Also, RIBBONS, FLO VVERS, JFEATH ER3. Sac. TERMS STRICTLY CASH, MRS. A. I^OWEU. 24 Hill St , Griffir, HOLMAN’S PADS CURE A THE ONLY simply J||L TRUE by * /TTjYIIULJIRIM Absorptionl(Mi|fj Antidote. LITER an STOMACH TROU BLES. Price SB.OO. Holman’s Special Pa4KA<Jted to oh) chronic cnees. Price SB.OO. t Holman’s Spleen Belt— For stubbori cases of Enlarged Spleen ant unyielding Liver and Stomach troubles. Price sß*oo. Holman’s Infant’s Pa*~Por ailments o| infanta and children. Price $1.60 Holman’s Renal Fad—For Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Price s2.ofc Holman’s Uterine Psyl—For Femal troubles. Price $3.00. Holman’s Ahsornttye Medicinal Body Plaster—The best plaster madc-. porous on rubber basis. Price Be. Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Foot Plastere—Fornumbteet sudsing. giah circulation. Price per pair Be. Absorption Saif— Medicated Foot Baths— For Colds, Obstructions mt all cases where a foot bath I# needed. Per half lb. package, Be. For sale by all drsggtris—or sent by nuH, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Absorption feat Is not “mailable * and must be sent by Express at purchaser's expense. _ w The success of Helman’s Pads has ifi* spired imitators who offer Paris similar in voitM and odor to the TBOI Kolmjuts, saying, “They are the same, fcc." Beware of all Bogus Pads, only gotten up to sett on the repu* uuion of the genuine. See that each Pad bears the green rmv.vTs Skvesttb stamp of the Holman Fad Company with above Trade-Mark. if afflicted with chronic ailments send a con* else description of Symptoms, which will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Da. Holmaits advice is tree. Full treaties sent free ou application. Address, (P. O. Box 8,118) NCwVork. nmeRAIR DYEis the safest best; acta iastsn* taneously, producing ssmmsr UUm the most natural shade MMff wmm of black <wbrown;doei| rn 91 OT A BAD flic et* l * l thft “k* o:oai * ■ ItlO I nUlmll Oly applied. A standard IM preparation ; favorite Ffftaß JHVu|k>u every well ap. pointed toilet for Indy or gentlemau. Hold by ail druggists and ap plied by all hair dressers. J. CRLSYADORO, 93 William Street, >’w York- in U&fT-RUNNING *3 W HUM® ST LL 11EEF8 THE LEAD I because it i; th<; Kinapient, moat roll* able, and Lent f owing Machine ever In* v nted. ItdoM Ks work quickly, qol* <*ly and well, nnd always gives perfect *atlsfactlon. * " l 6 T be result of to years of patient labor practical experience by most nwif+j mechanic??. 11 combines the good pointed all other machines, with none or (heir defects. Then* are many Sewing Machinet Of merit in the market, but none are §o f>plte asd perfect In detail* non* possess the marked advantages and superior wertu that have rendered the Nrw Homus so famous. 11 has won the confidence of all who have seen it, being ww beyond doubt the most perfect Sewing Machine in market, AGENTS WANTED. B**al ttaeuriptiv** Circulars bo. •'"MMON, CLARK a CO. Vih;p - Vv'i* V.'' ‘-'s' SKtvon