The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 12, 1881, Image 3

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Kith le Georgia Argus • SMITH, - EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING MAY 12 188 ears roa the Million i . Loo Crroo’s Balsam or \tjkV Oil yosilively Re tores Ibn He aring, ami ip ih* Only Absolute ( for Deafness Known -- Oil t 'mm stnall pj>e- A r s of firuall \\ hiio SLr. . tv u -lit in the ' ' ; A’ v t Tr oa >,. K *‘ r • ■ " t arcar'odon i. jiiu.e*.etii, Evm • ( hiuoso fisherman, knows it. It3T iturcb s ! r oral ive of herring were tIA;oT::-d Ly .1 Budd hist Priest about ihe vea r 1410. Its eures wove nnwerous ari l many "c e< ininglv i miraevlons, that. 'i- v . rflicial iv proclaitif and oyer f r tire Empire Irs uve Became so Vat f<,i over3ooyears no lAnAir-ts has existed am< nr the ( hiim ve j < ople. Sent charg es prepaid, to any address at iM on- hot tl ■ ' rjorted by ll WT.O.CK <k CO., a< vers ror. ameuic a. V J y 1 :ti4*et, Ae w Pork N. Y. t * ■ res arc unquestionable and <'iaraet( i uOpMute, a.- th< writer can personal!v f- city, both from ri *nc<* end observati a. Among the many readers of the lie view in one part <L,.I otlu r of the coun try, it iffprobablt; tia. obersan'aflik ted with deafness, a:, i • . ueh it may be said; “Write at on to if ay lock and Cos., 7 J ’ey Sfje* t, jo n dor.' , enclosing ;1, and yon will r-, jd-* ’ return a rem edy that willenabi* . hear like nnv ;>ody else andw lion env:uive effects wii I be permanent. -.: I never regret doing po. ; ’—Kdj. .. r • w York Mer cantile R\iew, fy. A, ißp>o. Robuiouu Wagon Cos. Manuk.... * of FARM r*j A ff OMCP spi-tiKa I “ .^OrBiS. Buggies 4c Phaetons. Send for dcairUH an<l gi ■i _ W VON CO., < i\v? ■ ■ i, * He msE & wagon. .j.,* . v XKW 800K 1 w/ on the Horse, f -..ISJt- |' ' .oiv. • iructurc, uses andt v ' .uif Ale* .* fc •■ t’ the most Important and Remedies jr Uit cure of the of the liorsc. , £JV Valuallc to every < ;*c. and lover of the horse. * ... i-übmii- .1 by tile mixm VA3BH C3., Cincin eati, 0., tent, j ; : • u* any address, on teceipt of 'UrrV *- r r \jps, t lhumg Room 11. Hall. ' Three sheets, 19x24, lieavy plate paper, rontain i .'g cllvatlws. clans gutf details for theabove house: Cos bdoktff 20 pages, giving specificatiort*, itemized :ima|c and firm of contract—invaluable to every tart:enw cr party proposing building, as 1 a guide in making kids or drr.'viug contract?. Price S2,W. • beut by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. * IT. K. WALTON*, •90 W. Ninth St-, Cincinnati, O Iff. F. m&GLASS •N. I>. & EX. J. F. - - - (?a All Easiness in'u’sC' ’ j Us caro w:IT receive prompt eCcntion anil satisfaction given. Collection of Rums otosely looked after and p pt rauins made. Court Zaya third Ztionuu,. in each mouth. il?BoP,€L£iZ! ri y%g CLUE YOUR HACKAftHE Arid all u seases ot ihc Kh tu-y,Bladder and Urinary Organs e ’.Eg the IMPROVED uXcxLSIOII. KIDjN 1 L 1 > It is a Marvel o: i ; and Rebel SIMPLE, bE2tel Lr,, DIRECT, & PAIRLDiSS, POWERFUL. It ccrrb where ali j.os L,u3, A ekv elation and jfthiVOL-j .*N ii Medi cine. Absorb!ioii " applica* tiou, as opposed !o unsatisfactory internal medioiucs. \ tor our treatise ou Kidney UuaoUs, sent Iree. Sold by Dru an i of sent by mail, on receipt, ot on * Annßr*s Ihis is the ‘OA’IY’ LINu PAI) CO. Origiual and WILLIAMS BLOCK, Genuine Kid- i'tiuoiT, hey Pad, Ask Mich tor it and take <uo oilier. cc.2<*on> At wholesale in \daiiui, Lamar, Aankin & Lauiai , X* * Ay' .-V •' V /./ ' ' \ \‘ -t • i LUfjeU^gfLEi Cures by ABSORPTION (Nature’s jv-ay , i LUNG DISEASES. r Aj 1 TARO AT DISEASES, / BREATHING TROUBLES- It drives into the syiten curadve agoais and he :ling medicine?. It draws from the dis parts the poisons tnal caae'C death. HIOUSANS TESTIFY TO IT VIRTUbS. You Cun tie Relieved and tun and Dond despair until you have tried this Sensible, Easily Applied and radically effectual Remedy. Sold by Druggist, or sent by mail on le (dpi ot Tvice, $2,30, by deed fer lesti- THE “ONLY” LUNG ruonitvls and c ir PAD (JO. t..(ok, •‘T i> )• e e WILLIAMS LLOt E, Millions a year 7 ' DETROI l , Mich, free. oct27*Gni * Atljiistftb Ail bußinoßS intrusted to iny care will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty. OlKce at Gibson’s Btore,lndian spring,Ga. juuc3l-tf J. I*. Neal, J J*. PEARCE’S IMPROVED CAHOON Broadcast Seed-Sows?, Sows Grain , Grass Seed, Hemp, Rice, Everything , No man can do it so well by hand. It does the work of 5 men ; It has stood the test of years. Re ceived First Premium at 21 State ) Fairs ia 2 years. Good, Substantial, i Reliable Machine, warranted to do all ( that is claimed for it., Price only $6,00,. Send stamp for descriptive circular. J. 'Wilder & Co.’Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. K. Si’Roule, Agents, , Indianapolis, Ind. UOODELL COMPANY, 7 \ . ANTED,I, U. H.,1 v Sole Manufacturers. . \ounsMP ft PAY BOARD, TU171(% (% f/1 / TION, BOOKS & STATION- A*/} ERY FOR 12 WEEKS AT THE Cj /J J Toledo Business College. y IS Cr Tor College Journal containing / full particulars, address, TOLEDO, OHIO. say where you saw this advertisement. HOLMES, BOOTH &c HAYDENS MANUFACTURERS OF FINEST QUALITY ~ ; ,4 Silver-Plated Spoons, Forks,. Knives, etc. , jfT “JAVAMBSE” I*ATTES:r,.-latcntcd. Factories: Wateubuuy, Conn. KIS'^EVPAD KFN’DALL'S SPAVIN] €ULE. '1 he most tuccesrsful remedy ever diatc-Y- I f red as it i certain in crlocts and does not blistor. Read proof below. From ISev. i'. N. Giatif;er, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans I'istricf. St. Vf., Jan. 20 iSVO. Dr. Ii„ .1. K .dall & Cos., Gents ;~Li re ply to your letter I will say that my ex perience wiiL K -ndali’s Spavin Cure’ has beta very sat : of.istory indeed. Three or fur ye:.; ■ ago 1 procured a bottle of yvur agent, and with 11, cured a horse of lame ness caused by a spavit;. Last season my bor e became very lame and I turned him ■-'t'* for i lev v.teks wi.euhe became bet ter, bvt when 1 vut him •u the rood he grew wo;so, when I discovered thai a ringbone was forming, L procured a Lot tie of Kendall’s Fpavin Cure and wbh than a bottle cured him so that ho is not iauie, neither can the brauoh be found. liespectfulh yours, P. N. Grander. Persevoiiiiice Will S'vll Stoughton, Mass., March ldih 1880. Dr. B. J Kendall & Ct „ Gents; —In- justice to you and myself, I think I ought to let voa know that 1 have re mov.d two bone spavins'with Kendall's Spavin Cure, one very latgo one, donh knovv how long the spavin ii id been there i have owned the horse eight months. It took me for nivnlhs to take the large one off and two for the small one; I have used ten bottles. The horse is entirely Well, not at all stiff and no bunch t 6 be seen or fdlt. This is a wonderful medicine. It is anew thing here, but it it does for all what it has done for me its sale will be v cry great. lit spec f luily yourii. CiiAii. F. Parker. ttcmliiH’s fe’=iievisj Cent*. Kelley’s Island; Erie Cos., Ohio, March 2'B;b, 1880, Dr. li. ). Ktudall & Cos G' ms ; I nave used your Kendall Spayi • Curt on ‘ bore spavin and am pleased to report that d-Iras taken the enlargement completely ''d. it iei'k only one b t'tlo to perform the ' cure. I a*'i C' ofidei.t ir- it is proj erlv used it will do ail ytu claim for it. Yours truly, ( . M. Lincoln. Stufi'KMiU iflride Uikder Oasli. I’oWiiom It May Concern.—l: the year 1875 1 trsated with Kendall’s Spavin Cure a bone spavin of severa l months growth, nearly halt aslar.e as a hen’s egg, . tul completely stepped the lameness an l re moved the enlaigedmeut, I have worked 'he horse every since very hard, m l he never hrs been lame, nor could ever, see any difference in the size of the hock joints tinee I treated him with Kendall’s Spavin Cure. R. A. Gains. Esosburgh Fails, V , Feb'. 25'a, IS7‘J. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25t.h day of Feb. A. D. IST'J. John G. Justice of the Peace. lieiitliliN SjjsjlvbD Csirc on aswisis Flesli. Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos,, N. Y., February 21st, 1878. 13. J. Kendall, M. D,, Dear Sir—The particular case on winch I used yonr Spav in Cure was a malignant ankle spavin, of sixteen months’ standing. I had trie i many tilings, but in vain. Y r our Spavin Cure put the loot to , the ground again, and for the .first >imc s ; nee hurt, in a nat-; ural position. For a family liniment if excels anything we ever used:. Youss truly. Rev. P. M. Bull, i Paster Al. E. Chureh, Patten’s Mills, N. Y. Kendall’s Spaviu Cure is rure in its of fects, mild m its notion as i< dees not blister, jet ii is pe..c’* ruling and pawerfii to loncu every deep rented pain or to re in vo i.nv bur growth or other enlarge ment, such ;ts sp.ieiiis, splints, curbs, cal lous, sprains, awe.Ungs and lainenC'S and ail enlargements A the joints or limbs, or. rheumitis'm in rnau and for auy purpose for which a lin mont is used for mm or bensi it is hot known to 'oe the nea lini m t.l for man ever used, actiug mild ana. yet certain in its effect 3. Send address for illustrated Circular which we ti: ink gives pt suiveprop! of.its virtues. No remedy has ever met iyet, with such equalised success to our knowl edge, for beast as well as man. Price jl. per bottl:,or b bottles for £ls. All Druggists have it cr can get it for, you or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dn B. Kendall it Cos., Enosburgh Falls. At Lamar. Lankin & Lamar, agents. At l*jita. U. julylbly ; GRAND DISPLAY —OF— £tAPE AND f AfICY —AND— GROCERIES Our stock is im mense; our Good ol the best quality, our prices are the lowest, and ottr Goods must and will be dis osed oil Examine our stock. We warrant you the lowest prices in Jackson. A. Me. WATKINS & SONS noylO-lv Jack #on, Ga, SOUTHERN, BUSINESS COLLEGE LOUISILLE KY FUA -ICAL LOOK KEEPING. xo TEXT LOOKS Dvcr -5 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed ly all tlie" Prominent morclicnts of Louisville. /Stainj>s lor ( irculars and specimens penmanship. . J'.FN.C. WKAVKU. I’rincljtal 11. K DeSOLLAU Sgcxctary, T. T. HAYJDOOK lias the largest and most complete works for the manufacture of Carriages IN THE "\\ OP Id). tor the trade a sneeialtv CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, CINCINNATI, O, ft! |:IS ■ \ r; r- ■- ■. v. • - ; cl •' f die Eclipse Leads the World For Reliabl Excellence TiJIOS CAM F Croiii-ral Agent. Covington, C.Ja. ’ T - C: - Moridith Local Ag’t. Butts Cos. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, Cotton Gtius* Etc* Satisfaction fully Guarantee! m every Transaction. xpril2l-ly I ' % i : ••••• •■••■• - -* - v > -• -~-^ Scales of any kind sent by express or freight, C. O. D., with privilege of examiitatiou. Write for prices and save money. <- v< t Address, FORSYTH SCALE CO., Chicago MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO Wiil make, for the next 6Q days only, a Grand Offer of PIANOS AND ORGANS. $845 Square Grand Piano for only *245. t ..STYLES;, . i Magnificent rosewood case elegantly finished, 7 Octaves fall patent ean tante agraffs, our new patent cvei strung scale, beantiful carved legs and Ivreheav y serpentine and large fancy moulding round case, full Iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact every improvement which can in any tend to the •pertection of the instrument has been addod,- <- : . • price for this instilment*boxed and delivered’on board cars at New York, with fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, only ‘*245,00; This Piano will be sent on test trial. Please send reference ii you do not send money with order. Cash Sent with order -will be refunded and f’rieght charges paid by us both ways.if Piano is not just as represented in. tins Advertisement. 14,000 muse. Send for catalogue. Every instrument fully Warranted for five vears. * .PIANOS *lO5 To *4OO (with Stool, Cover and Book). All strictly First-class and sold at wholesale factory prices. These Pianos made of the finest displays at the Cen tenial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommended for the Highest Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent ScalJ, thy greatest improvement in the histo ry of Piano making. The Upriglrts are the, fines Pin America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, of tlie richest tone and greatest durability. The are reccommen ded by the highest musical authorities in the country. Over 14.000 in use, and not one disatisfied purchaser. All Pianos and Organs sent.on 15 days’ test trial — freight free if unsatisfactory. Don’t fail to before buying. Positive ly we ofler the best bargains. Catalogue mailed tree.- Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed 3c. stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. JUBILEE ORGANS Our “Parlor Grand Jubilee (>rgan. ,: style3s, isthe finest and sweetest toned Reed organ ever offered the musical public. It contains Five Octaves Five sets of Reeds, four of of 2 G Octaves each, One of Three Octaves. Thirteen Stops with Grand Organ— Diapason, Melbdia. Viola-, Flute, Celeste. Dulcet, Echo, Media- Forte, Celestinia, Violina, Flute-Forte, Tremolo, Grand Orgarf and Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops. Height, 74 in.; Width 24 in.; Weight, Ixixed, 360 lbs. The case is of solid walnut, veneered with choi* • w.x>*i.>, and is of an entirely new and beauti ful design, elaborately carved, with rate and panels, music closet, huso stands, irn work, occ., all elegantly finished. •<*d ail the 1 1 i jin ■ 1 f with wer, depth, bfilkancy i- 1 ,'iiiW ' 1 1 'y*" ■ IT 1 V lo effects and perfects and | T 1 1 ■ WE -Ai. E NET (ASH IMIICIffJ ■ . TJfiTv —as one organ sold sella ■ || 1 ** Jd— * muwoit HI ]UT(T-. men, requ i re* l until you have tulfc® me nrgafiln your own home. We send all or gans on la days test trail and pay freight both ways if Instrument is not as rept resented. Fully warranted for 5 years. Other styles—B stop organ only *63 > gtops, *BS; 14 stops, *115.’ Over 32,000 sold, and every Organ has given the ful lest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed Factory and Warrerooms 37th St. and 10th Ave. " <HEET MUSIC 1 Ot one-third price. Catalogue of 3000 choice pieces sent for 3. stqmp This odialogueo dialogue includes most ,ol the populm; music of the day and every variety of mu *i, and composition, bv the best authors." Address, MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. P. O. BOX 2058, New York pity , TWENTY DOLLARS The PENNSYLVANIA Style Singer Machine is the best SINGER EVER MADE; mSBESBRfc . Pr°P Leaf i two large drawers, ’* * ancy cover ith castors on winds the bobbins without ■FjTJCi ' funning the Mafchinel for $ 20.00. ■LJia 4 Remember we send the Machine 4 be examined before paying anything CporS it; Every Mai thine- fully warranted for five RESS ' 1 Wk N, Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa, * £ *7HWrA* SA wE. t\ ill he sold before tin* Court : f , <lopr in the town of Jackson Lutis coaii* ty, i ).. on the lsi Tuesday in JVn-.e i.eirt within tii l ' legal hours of sale, entire terest which M. S. Goddard ha. .. tiio following described properly t., no ,:.e house A lot in the Town of Jackson Xu ?to( known, hound as follows \ver b la?,*} of iI. N. Lyars, north hy lands of hum Higgins, east by lands of Win. daily south by lands of Wm. Haile known as the rcsidenee of L. P. < ioddard late of said eountv deceased, sold by virtnre of iuie lifa issued from Letts Su perior court- in favor of tin* olliccvs ot said conn, and other ti-fns in my hands against Martha S. Goddard. sdd for the oeiu’iit of Plaintiff in fi-fa Property pointed out hy Plaintilt'. Tennant in posoession givin writeit notice according to law. This April _’7th 'SI-td J. O. Ll’.U t H AMP. Sheriil L. U. 1 • lies who A]>pveeiate 1 h - ;i n. and beauty are using Parker,.- Hah Balsam. It is the best article add lo> restoring gray hair to its .ns own color and beauty. spi-rT ' In* ■BNBBBNHHBSriCBMfenMnMHMSIWKV* Mt"' \ PhT.H’ATI* *N t-Wd 1,14 rrc: li - -IK DISMISSION. State of Georgia, I’minty of Units. Whereas, Henry H. Higgins, adtninis tratoi-ot David i iiggins, represents to the court in his petition, duly tiled and cnU* red on record, that he has fully adminis tered David Higgin'n estate-:. This is, Ju re fore, to v i tv* all ptu'wns eoneevnodj heirs and creditors-, to show cause, if un/ they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from Ids administra" tion, and receive letters of dismission, m* the lirst Monday in June 1881 .-Thi£ March tlie Ist 1881. <i.\s. F. Ca mi a el. 3in Ortlinary. L. C. PYE & BECKHAM, —DFATKHH IN HARDWARE! ML)N VNi> STEEL, Tabic and Pycket Cutl’efy, -Stoves* Tinware and II i>it si>fu r nisliing Goods, Crockery, Glassware. Wood and "Willow-ware, Harness. Saddles and Leather, Guns. Revolvers, Pow der, Shot, Caps nidi Cartridges* Farming Implements lin'd Planta-' tion Hardware, of ail kinds at Birr-’ tom Pricks, Lamps all grades, the un rivaled ‘‘Farmer Girl” Cooking stove. Also Agents for the eelif brated Avery plowe & Wagons, at Ponder & Hiims old stand. FoVsyth Ga*. Pi ores toil Colopie; A New* Dolight/ful and Fnsliioniiblo Perfume. Exceedingly Fragrant, lasting & Refreshing. wv/ld by druggists and fancy good* dealers* Illscox & Cos., CliemUta, N. Y. t dlnger r JJncliu* Mandrake, SitllingU and .npny.other of the best medicines known are com-j 'binc'u so skillfully in Parker’s Ginger Tonic as [to roalfe it the greatest Blood Purifier and the [ Best Health aud Strength Restorer over used.! ! It cures Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,; 'Sleeplessness, and ail diseases of the Stomach,- BowetagLungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs ,ana all Female Complaints. > • It you are wasting away yrith Consumption or! ;any disease,usc the Tonic tf-day.- No matter what' ,ycur symptoms may be, it Ivifl surely help you. Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness, us the Best Family Medicine ever..made, entirely, [different from Bitters, Ginger Preparations and .other Tonics, and combines the bestefiratfveprop >ertiesof all. Buy a 50c, bottle of your druggist.! [None genuine without our signature on outside! [wragper^Hiscoi^^CfmChemistOlewYoncJ PA RUTR'C IIAIR O Ai CA M >Th bt and most eo rnnlYCß O nnln pnLonlTl nomical Hair Dreisiny ▼HE ÜBHT-RUNNM6 IBW SOME STILL KEEPS THE LEAD I Because it is.(be rimplcst, most reli able, and best Sowing Machine ever in vjnted. I-t does itd work quickly, qui etly ai.dWcll, and always gives perfect satieiacUtm. It is the result ol 25 years of patient labor and. practical, experience by most skillod mechanics. It combines the good points ol all other ith none of defects. There are many Sewing Machines Of merit in tho market, put none are so bmplcte and perfect I*} detail | nope possess the marked advantages and superior worth that have rendered the New Home so famous. , v It has won the confidence of all who have seen it, being now beyond doubt the most perfect Sewing Machine in tho market. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Descriptive Circulars &c. JOHNSON, CLARK h CO. 30 Union Square, N. Y. - *?'-*■ aur.sgat of Orange. Mma THE BEST IN THE WORLD. I have secured tiiiß, Agency of Butts County, for the able ok The; Ecupie Engine t acknowledged the best ever made also the ECLIPSE SEPARATORS AND GINs all standard Gins including feeders and condensers COTTON PRESSES AND SAW MILLS. and will duplicate any broken piee of piping or vnlvs. can furnish an brokeu part about an engine, a lItSTING INI) BELTING.- —vtn who wi-h to purchase can sav time and trouble by consulting me J. (f. Meridkth, . Indian Spring, Ga. NOTICE. ' ■ ■■ 1„ ■■ All persons indebted to the estate ul John Currie, late of said county deceas ed are requested to come forward and .settle those having claims against saio estate will present them in terms ui law apr.l7'Bl-0t LD. Watson Adm