The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 19, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus W, F. SMITH, - EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING * MAY 19 188 FI oreston Cologne. A New, Delightful and Fashionable Perfume. Exceedingly Fragrant, Lasting A Refreshing. Sold by <lnigj.;ist and fanrv goods dealer". Ilibcox & Cos., Chemists, N. Y. •!HMJJ |nj i dinger, Bnchn, Mandrake, Stilling!* and Cmany other of the best medicines known are com-] JUned so skillfully in Pakker’s Ginger Tonic as rto make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the < ? Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used.' fc It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia.] 'Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the Stomach,, [Bowels, Lunas, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs' ( [and all Female Complaints. [ > If you are wasting away with Consumption or] ’any disease,use the Tonic to-day. Nomatterwhat l [your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. ‘ > Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,] [is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely, different from Fitters,. Ginger Preparations and 1 other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-] ertirsofall. Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist., genuine without our signature on outside' wrr pp' r. llisrox & Cos,, Cbcmi .is. New Voik.[ HAIR BALSAM nominal Hair Drewirg BA BYOR GA N." fV)Ar: tt,e N & HAMLIN ORGANS aro now regularly made, from S style 100 (shown in the cut), the latest and smallest size, popu larly known as the BABY ORGAN, at only $22, to a largo CONCERT ORGAN at S9W. Twenty stv les at from $22 to $l2O each; sixty styles at $l2O to $160; FORTY STYLES at $l6O tossoo andup; cash prices. Sokl also for easy payments, PRICE, $22. .from $6.38 per quarter up. The BABY ORGAN is especially adapted to children, but will bo found equally useful for adults, hav ing fine quality of tone and power, and sumcienfc compass (three and a quarter octaves) for the full parts of hymn-tunes, anthems, songs, and popular sacred and secular music geuerally. Money refunded if it does not after trial fully satisfy the purchaser. Guaranteed as durable as the larger organs. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists free. Address, I,Yl>]>£N & BATES, Mnvnunnh, €ia., Managers Mason & Hamlin Southern Depot, Roto Co. Manufacturers of WAGONS. Bug*gles Sc Piiaetons. Bend for designs and prices to ROBIN SOU TJAGOU CO., CINCINNATI, < . m HOKSE & WAGON. A ' ,J ' V BOOK on the Horse. lIN history.- structure, uses .!ud treat:..out Also giving a few • f the most Important and Effective Eemedies tor the ( are if the diseases of the horse, (, Valuable to every owner and lover of the horse. Pul tidied by the HOBW3ON WAG Oil C3., Cbcis aatl, 0., ami Sent, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of TU'.{MIC 3-CI NT STAMfS. IT&n rrSisq . ' A, l av: r. . l t.oama. ‘ NiaEi&shM, X*C. Dialup Lee:.- . ‘ Three A rets. l(\2l, heavy plate } . ' h tng t! :• :> n:. as and ih :.uis l .r tip house: ho i ... of • *1 . ■ via ' sp. . ilh't.ti -S it.:: 11/ed ah .tie a' s'v f ■ i • - - every Uarpcnter or partv pr po->ingl>uililiug. as a guide in nuking hid* or drawing contracts. Price Set t by mail, postpaid, on receipt of H. E. WALTON, *0 W. Ninth S*., Cincinnati, O M . F- DOUGLASS n. r. & EX. J. P. Indian Spring, - - - Ua AH business intrusted to his otrs sv: 1 . iceive prompt attention and satisiaatioa given. Collection of claims closely looked utter and prompt returns made. Court lays third Mondays in each month. Improved E;K : • C A • v * / i. & %.s■'! A CURE YOUR BACK AC HE And all diseases of the Kidney,Bladder and Urinary Organs by wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNY PAD It is a Marvel ol lle&liug and Relief SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, PAINLDSS, POWERFUL. it cubes where all else fails. A rev elation aud revolution in Medi cine. Absorbtiou or direct appltca* tiou, as opposed to unsatisfactory internal medioiues. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by Druggist, or sent by mail, on receipt ot price,s2 Address This is the ‘ONLY’ LUNG PAD CO. Origiual and WILLIAMS BLOCK, Genuine Kid- Detroit, aey Pad. Ask Mich lor it and take tie other. oci27-Gip At wholesale iii Atlanta, G*, Lamar, -.tankini Lamar, ’ rX fTHEUfONIf’I V/ Cures by ABSORPTION (Nature’s way 2 * LUNG DISEASES. £/\T 1 THROAT DISEASES, J BREATHING TROUBLES* It drives into the system curative agenle and healing medicines. It draws from the diseased parts ih poisons that cause death. THOUSAND TESTIFY TO ITS VIRTUES. You Can In* Kelievi'd and Cured Don’t despair nntil you have tried this Sensibc. Easily Applied and radically effectual Remedy. Sold by Druggist, or sent by mail on re ceipt of Price, $2,00, by Set and for tt-sti- THE “ONLY” id'NG mothl* a< t’Ai ■ book, *‘T hree WILLIAMS BLv.ol' Millions a year’’ DETROIi', !ich. gant tree. out-27-Cm Biglits Adjustnl All business intrusted to my care will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty. Office at Gibson’s store, Indian Spring,Ga. juDe3l-tf J. P. Neal, J.P. PEARCE’S IMPROVED CAHOON Broadcast Seed-Sower. Sows Grass Seed, Hempy tticoy Everything . No man can do it so well by hand. It does the work of 5 men, It has stood the test of years. Re ceived First Premium at 21 State Fairs in 2 years. Good, Substantial, Reliable Machine, Warranted to do all that is claimed for it. Price only $6.00, Send stamp for descriptive circular. J. Wilder & Cos. Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. K. SrnouLß, Agents, _ Indianapolis. Ind. GOODELL COMPANY, ANTRIM, N. H., Sole Manufacturers. BOARD, TlfiTl > fW f/j/ TION, BOOKS & STATION. Jr Jf/A ERY FOR 1? WEEKS AT THE /J J Toledo Business College. y (Jf For Boliege Journal containing / . . lull particulars, address, TOLEDO, OHIO? fcP"P!ease say where you saw ibis advertisement. IIOLMES, BOOTH <fc HAYDENS MANUFACTURERS OF FINEST <JUAFFIX *! •*'. TO KEYPAD i ___ 4 t ** % - . : ;i• fi [ > i . 1 T / KENDALL’S SPAVIN] CURE. 1 liemost successful remedy ever discov ered as it is certain in effects and does not blistar. Read proof below. - From Rev. P. N. Granger, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Alban s Vt., Jan, 20 iB6O. Dr. J. Keadall &Cos , Gents : —ln re ply to your letter I will say that my ex perience with Kendall’s Spavin Cure s has been very satisfactory indeed. Three or tbui years ago I procured a bottle of your agent, and with it. cured a horse of lame ness caused by a spavin. Last season my Lorre became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he b :came bet <r. bit vhen I put him on f e road he grp orse, when r ’ 1 that a i'iuf. was forming, I pr ed a bot tle of j’ T ' ‘ Q oav ; n C">e and wi?h thtui so thi.i he is n t iaa:r t i the b„. ” /, h be found, i. -ioctmll yours, P. N. v- ’anueb. Perseverance Mass., March loih 1880. Dr. B. J Kendall & 0,, Gem —ln justice to you and myself, I think I ! ought to let yon know that l have re- I moved two bone spavins with Kendall's i ‘ paVin Cure, one very large one, don’t know how long the spavin haM been there | 1 haYe owned tlie horße eight months. It took me for months to take the large one off aud two for the small one. I have used cn bottles. The horse is entirely well, not at all and no bunoh to be seen or fdlt, This is a wonderful medicine. It Is anew thing here, but if it does for all what it hah done for me its sale will be \ evy great. Respectfully yours, €uas. F. Parker. Kcmiall s Spavin Cure, Kelley’s Island, Erie Cos., Ohio, March 28th, 1880, Dr. B. J. Kendall & Cos, Gents;—l have used your Kendall Spavi.i Cure on ;i bone spavin and am pleased to report that it has taken the enlargement completely ofi. It took only one bottle to perform the cure. 1 am confident ir it is properly usad it Will do all you claim for it. Yours truly, C. M. Lincoln. Statement ITlncle Under Oath. fo Whom It May Concern.— ln the year 1875 1 trsated with Kendall’s Spavin Cure a bone 3pavin of several months growth, nearly half as large as a hen*s egg, .nd completely stopped the lameness and re moved the enlargedmeut, I heve worked the horse every since very hard, and he never hrs been lame, nor could ever see any difference in the size of the hock joints sluce I treated him yvith Kendall’s Spavin Cure. R. A, Gains, Esosburgh Fails, V., Feb, 25th, 1379. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25th day of Feb. A. D. 1879. John G. JknNE, Justice of the Peace. Keii&allS Spnviit cisre on man Flesh. Patten’s Mills, \Vaslnngton Cos., N. Y., February 21st, 1878. B. J. Kendall, Al. D,, Dear Sir—The particular case on which I u3ed yonr Spav in Cute was a malignant ankle spavin, of sixteen months’.stancliag. I had trie i many things, but in vain. Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the ground again, and for the first time s : nce hurt, in a nat ural position. Fora family liniment it excels anything weeveruped; Youss truly, Bey. P. M, Bell. Paster Al. E. Church, Patteu’s Mills, N. Y. Kendall’s Spavin Cure is sure tn its el fects, inild in its action as it does not blister, jet it is peoei gating and powerful lo reach every deep seated pain or to re move any bony growth or other enlarge ment. such as spaeinSj.splinis, curbs, cal lous, spraius, sweilinge and lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man aud „for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast It is now known to be the beet liui m ut for man ever used, acting mild an i yet certain in its effects. Send address for illustrated Circular v.n v<> think gives positive proof o its viii-ue Ho remedy has ever met with v . equalif i d success to our knowl e . r beast a w ell as man, <l, pox- ;,or 0 bottles for So. - nave it. or can get it to: ..r r .it b<_ -ent to any address ou re eiru of price bv tn:* Dr li. Kendall &*Ct. v £ o-burgh Falls. Vt Lamar, liaiikiu ot. Lamar, agenis. At lanta. Ga. julylbly GRAND DISPLAY —OF— ■jSIAPE AND pAJICY —.AND— GKOCEEIES ' _ ii Our stock is im mense, opr Good of the best Quality, our prices are .the lowest, and our Goods must and will he dis osed of. Examine our stock. Vie warrant you the loyvest prices in Jacksojp. A. Me. WATKINS & SONS liuvlO-ly j Jackson, Ga. SOUTHERN, BUSINESS COLLEGE LOUISTLLE KY PRACTICAL BOOK keeping. NO TENT BOOKS T)vor 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed By all the* Prominent merchants of Louisville. Send Stamps for Circulars and specimens penmanship. BFN.C. WEAVER. Principal 11. S. DrSOLLAL* Secretiny, t. r. play rook Has the largest and most complete works for the manufacture of Carriages IN THE WOULD. Bugg.’es for the trade a specialty. CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, CINCINNATI, O, IndjstinctnrirCf J |v : ' r "' ' • ' •u: A-'-'-■ !.*• ' Ng/T iA-4 <?■ - • ...X :,T?L.r ;• y. ". • ,'r ; :VCh - . v!L 5 \V 1/1\ j# it i vy /j \ v v •. "• i v * - .- ■ The Eclipse Leads the World Cor ileiiabl Excellence. TsIOS CAdi' f;,. n t-ai 4 gent. Covington, fs U. J- Meridith Local Ag't. Butts Cos. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, Cotton Q-ius* Ktc* Satisfaction fully Guarantee 1 m every Transaction apri!2l-ly TWENTY DOLLARS The PENNSYLVANIA style Singer Machine is the best SIN&SB Scales of afiV sent by eitpresp or freight, C. anything "upon it. Every Ma 0. 1)., with privilege, of examination. ,Write for ftfig irfrnA _v- _ f ’ j * ' prices and save monev. , WKI c hme fully warranted for five Address, SCALE CO., Chicago years. ADDRESS, WILLETS & CO., 144 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa e mendi:l§lchn PIANO CO Wul make f* r the next <*•:) lavs only, a Grand Offer of PI A NO? AND ORGANS. $845 Squ it ft■ .-_ia*i lia . <;i !v $245. . Magnincuit tesu wood'case, elegant-y -3 (•ctAv Y s full patent cun tante agraffs, out new patent overstrung seal., beautiful carved legs and Ivrcheav y serpentine and large fancy moulding round ease, full IrOu I>amo, Trench Grand Action, Grand Hammers., in fact every improvement which can in aiiV tend to the perfection of the instrument Ims been added. price for this instalment boxed and delivered on board ca<s \t New York, with fine Piano Cover, S tool and Book, only $24-5, G<i, This Piano wifi be sent on test trial. Please send reference if yon.Ro not send money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and Vriegld charges paid by us both ways if. Piano is not just as represented in this Advertisement. 14,000 in use. Send for catalogue. Every instrument fully Warranted for five vears. PIANOS $lO5 To S4OO (with Stool, Cover and Book;. All strictly Tirst-dahs ‘aivJ sold at wholesale, factory prices. These Pianos made of the finest displays at j’he ( en tenial Exhibition, And were unanimously recommended for the ilwiirjssT Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent Scale, the greatest improvement in the histo ry of Piano making. The DprSights are the finest in America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, of the richest tone and greatest durability- The Are'eeeommen ded by the highest musical authorities in the country. Cver 14,(x)0 in use, and not one disatisfied purchaser. Ail Pianos and Organs sent on 15 days’ test trial — freight free if UNSATISFACTORY. Don’t fail to writ tfs befbrt-buying. . Positive ly we otter thebest bargains*. Catalogue mailed free. Handsome Aiustrated and Descriptive Catalogue oi 48 pages mailed 3c. stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. . , . -- . - JUBILEE ORGANS • \ Our “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ,” >tvie 35, is the finest and sweetest toned Reed organ ever offered the musical public. It contains Five < Waves,Five sets of Reeds, four of of 2b_, Octaves each, Oneoi Three Octaves. Thirteen Stops with Grand Organ—Diapason, Melodia. Viola, Flute, Celeste. Dulcet, Echo, Media- Forte, Celestinia, Violina, Flute-Forto, Tremolo, Grand Organ and Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops. Height, 74 in.; Width, 24 in.; Weight, boXed, 360 lbs. The case is of solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely new and beauti ful design; elaborately carved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, tret work, Ac., all elegantly finished. Possessed all the latest and best improvements, with great power, depth, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful so lo effects and perfects and jierfect stbp action. Regular retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash crick to have it introduced, with stood and book, only $97 —as otic organ sold sells others. Positively nodeviation in price. No pavmen, required ufitil ‘you have fully tested the organ in your own home. We send all or gans on 15 days test : rail and pay freight both ways if Instrument is hot as vgpt resented. Fully.ware anted for 5 years. Other styles—B stop organ orlv sfis 9 stops, sbo4 14 stops; slls. 0ver32,000 sold, and every Organ has.-giv't the ful lest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free. Factory and Ivsircrooius -57th bt. and 10th Ave. SHEET MUSIC At one-third pike. Catalogue ot* 3000 choice pieces sent lor 3. M.uiq>. Phis Catalogue includes most; of the popttlur music oi tlte day and every variety of inu laical composition, by tlie best authors Addrex. ■ - i MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. P. U. BOX 2058. New York Cm SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold before the Court Ilousc door in the town Of Jackson Butts coun ty, Oa.. oil the Ist Tuesday in June next within the legal hours of sale, entire in terest 'which M. S r Goddard halfWt the* follow ing described property to-wit; the* house A Ini in the Town of Jackson No not known, bound as follows west by lands of 11. N. Byars, north by lands or John Higgins, east I>y lands of Win.. liaily south by lands of Wm. Baily known as the residence of L. P. Goddard iate on said county deceased, sold by virture of one lit a issued from Butts Sim perior court in favor of the- officers ol said court, ami other ti-fns in my hands' against Martha S'. Goddard. Soldi for the benefit of Plaintiff* in li-i'a • -Property pointed out-by Plaintitf. Tennant in posoession givin vritei noiice according to law. This Aprili •Jflh ’SI-pi .1. O. Bkaicuami*. Sheriff B. C. ■■■HTiiViMTrrrwrifrrirrt —itum-r—n —i — mt. ■. -#> APPLICATION for letters OF’ GARIdANSIIIP. GEORGI A. Bi tt> Cm M V: S A. E. Barron a resident pt said state* and county having applied to be ap pointed Guardian of the person andl property of Gns Finley a minor under the age of fourteen years, resident or said county, this is to cite till persons concerned to he and appear at the June - Term of pm court of Ordinary to In' held on the first Moudtfy in June lsßl,nd show cause it they can why said S. A. E. Barron should not be intrusted with* the (tiuudain shin of the person of Gua* Finley. Witness mv official signature, mayslßßl-4t J. F. Carmichael. Ordinary B. C. - • s i £ . ■ —,■ - - —— ■■■■— ■— APLLICATION FOR LETTERS OK DISMISSION, State of Georgia, County of Butts. Whereas, Henry If. Higgins, ad min is* trator of David lliggins, represents to flip court in his petition, duly filed and ente*‘ re<l on record, that lie has fully adminis* tered David lliggin’s estate:. This is# therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and eVcditors, to show danse, if an y they can, \vhvsaid adbfiiiisirator should not be discharged from his fldmiiiistr;. tion, and receive h*ttefs erf dismission, *'! the first Monthly in June 1881.-Tin March the Ist 1881. Jas. Fi Oaumichaiu.. 3m Ordinary. B. CL ——a———nw hi iiM’- 1 ' Ladies who ARpreciate find b’efeiitv bre using Parker,s Hjm Balsam. It is the best aitiele sol'd id restoring, gray hair to its origin;* color iindbeautv. apir 7 " (>■ PYE (fe BECKHAM, —DEALERS IX HARDWARE! IRON AND STEEL, Table and Pvdve* CuiKyv. Kj - Tiu ware and IT pusefu rhi si Goods, Crockery, Glassware. W and Willow-Ware, Harness, Sad* and Leather, Guns, Revolvers, 1 der, Shot. Caps and Cartrid Farming Implements and Pin tion Hardware,*of fill kinds at tom Prices, Lamps all grades un rivaled “Farmer Girl*’ cooi ie stove. Also Agents for the i •!■ brated Avery plow* A Wagons a Ponder & Ham* old stand. Pursyth ( still Keeps the leads Because it i.ythc most reli able) and best rev. vj'r RaqiiiifC ow > H v onted. 11 ctbe3 ‘its xro: k qulVVx , etly and well, and Gwayssrivee i < v satisfaction. Tt is the resfilt’of 25 years of patter. i .'<m . ;3ii practical o.vporiouco by inert tt co:l!:ic3tbcf-ooil pel: all other trail hit: ■ i U n nc ef if After <*. 7 s ’ < !.rotcacyfc*Vw. jrOiticA i u & raerit in the irtarket, b.:t ::6bs u, ■ r\ - (’ * •“■v- > ii t'.ali ; - 4 posse?** v:. t '*' ? iotvantag? •; >:.} Miyc-ior vv',- r • f iciVf* rtindered th ■ Bcmk .*< • 5 I bas won - r.ji Venn- nf o!I ■ i v sopr jt, bc-ic.T rr.v 1 cyoail * , >nbt tl • • pwhtt Srmir.;; iJaehice In the map <■% A. CItZ MTS W ANTEC i k t • k J ** D .' Lead for Lf: riiptivc Circulars &o e fU APK $4 CC A r.VV'-ira,*N. V. e , ; x .>. t *■ o" •'f yii-.+.j* THE BEST IN THE Wt dg M I $ axe Secured the Agowy Butts CquDty, for the sale oj- Tug Ecltpse En<;i ■ k ack howledgedkh? ?x‘St ever madi also the ECLirsE SUPAIIATIIRS AM- <HN> all standard Gins including iV <b i - condensers COTTON PRESSES AND s\\\ NULLS. and will duplicate .any broken pie ! of piping or vntvs, can mrnish am broken paH -fbontan engine,' al kinil*ot* • CASTIN(I ANO i*Ei/f iNG. All wlio wish to pUrenitse can sa\ time and trouble bv consult log up .T. C-MERtnETiL Indian Spring, Da. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the otaic <4 J<>l m Currie > late of said c< ui m - Iccc. - e<l arc requested to come forward am. settle those having claims against _ >an will present them in tenu- of lu\. apr.l7 ! Bl-fit L* D. Watson Adn*