The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, July 07, 1881, Image 3

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MMdleJ Georgia Argus W. F. SMITH, EDITOR NEW MILLINERY GOODS. ‘ °' v on hand, and to arrive, K BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF MlL linery goods, of the latest Btvks. Sl)e has been h^ rKf ' long enough to un - - • n :’ thc ' vants f 'f the trade, ] | pared to meet them, no ,t t ,|d F’rchase anything in MILLINERY GOODS looking through her -i NEIV GOODS he 1jp v h for pale I. L. JACKSOW’s “DRESB GUIDES Mid them a specialty. Be sure to examine her goods and noee them before purchasing b)se where. .... Kev. W. C. Fells writes: I cert.fy tliat < Gipty Secret is all that is claimed tor if. I have ' '-1 it on lev horse, and its affects are far surpassed my somine r P r ‘ P - Stock holders i t know the merits of “G. *S.” cannot af f to do without it, A trial will 'ii Vi nee the most in^dulous.’ ISigiim Adiusted; AH business intrusted to rnycare will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty Office at Gibson’s store,lndian Spring,Ga. june3l-tf J. 1\ Neal, J.P. I have never, in iny life,' sold "any medioine, for' any purpose, which lias given more universally com plete satisfaction than has ‘Gipsy Secret,’ and I have been in the drug ji ness more than 20 years. GEO. 11. Broadloot W. F, DOTGLASS *n. r. & EX.. J. P.i T'ldlau Spring-, - - -p (; a All business intuisted to his care wip •receive prompt intention and satisfaction given. Collection of claims' closely looked after and prompt returns made. Court days third Mondays in each month. I hr.d been humbugged so often I was loath to try “Gipsy Secret,” hut I have been most agreeably disappointed. “G. S ” cured my herse of severe colic, and I am more than pleased with it. W. G. Croder. For bargains, in sash, doors blinds, and all kinds of builder’s supplies address B. 11. Broomliead & Cos., successors to Longly & Itob inson Atlanta they will, by prompt attention to business and fair deal ing merit the patronage of the public* Bee their ad in another column. The Epercotic left my horse with a bad cough and I feared i would io '3 him • but, thanks to “G. S.” he is flvight again. It is the best med ' cine I have ever used. T. B. Sanders. T>r. J. T. Ellis hastried “GipsvSeeret’ and gives it his unqualified endorsement. Butler Hudson, one of the best known horsemen in Georgia Ten nessee and Kentucky, gives “Gip- n r Secret'' his unequalined endorse ment, after a thorough test, and ecoumiends it heartily to all stock ir en. f, Gipsy Secrc!" is not merely to im prove the genera! o ndition of stock, re tiring the d.u ; ?i 8 of kidneys, stom ach, etc., tc healthy action, which i hi variably does, but in acute attacks of disease, as Grubbs, Colic, Gravel, Ac., It is unsurpassed. IV. G. Kinbo, of Newnan, says: “My Wfia violently attacked with Grubbs, and I felt sure I would lose him, but a half bottle of ‘Gipsy s - completely cured him in a few hours." Wholesale and Retail by Wm. deeves A Cos., Griffin, Ga, BUILDERS’ SUPPLY HOUSE R H. BROOMHEAD S CO.. Successors to LONGLEY <fc ROBINSON, -.08 and Wareroom, 26 DECATI’P Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. CORS, SASH, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, SCROLLS, BALUSTERS, BUILDERS’HARDWARE, NAILS, MIXED PAINT, PURE WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, Colors of all Kinds, Dry and in Oil GLASS, PUTTY, GLAZIERS’ POINTS, KAL SOMININE, PAPER BORDERS AND CENTERS. LEGAL notices. COr TOF ORDINARY IN CHAM BERS. ' k^GRGIA, Butts County: whereas J. pM.i or ha n . appliction for lettrs of AdminitraS on the Estate of John B. Dumhle late of f^ eSe are fhere- i, 1 admomsh all persons near at mvl RaU es . tate he and ap \UCTSt I>WI i? C T fi T the . in August 1881 at Jackson in said county at ten odock mthQ forenoon to show ShSnSY U ‘ ey ha , v ? wh Y letters should not be granted m terms of law. Given under my hand and official sig nature this 31st day of June 1881. j- F. Carmichael, Ordinary B. C. kmoaß J. A. King, Administrator of Alt red II Kmg, represents to the Court in lug petition, duly filed and entered on H ' hdly administered A fred 11. King’s estate. This is to cite all heirs and creditors fo show ranse if any thev can, why said administrator, should not he discharged .rom his adminministration, and receive OI dismission, on f e first yj on day in October 1881. J. F. Carmichael. ‘ u,n B. C. Postponed Sheriff Sale. —Will be sold before- the Court House door in the town of Jackson Butts County Ga. on the Ist Tuesday in August next within tfie legal hours of sale the following de scribed property to-wit: One lot of land Ao. 100 lying and being.'in the eightn Gist, of originally. Henry now Butts ‘ Cos. Ga., all joining land of J. L. Fincher on the south Ruff Maddox on the west, R. I‘. Mann on the noHh on the east by lands of W. It. Tkaxtpn, said lot con taining 202bj acres more or less. Lev ied on by virtue of one fi-fa issued from Butts Superior Court in favor of M. V. M< Kiliben executor on the estate of W. J. Foster vs. W. R. Thaxton and orbers levied on as the property of W. K. 1 haxton, tenant in possession given written notice. Jaw. O. Rkavoiam!’. July sth 1881. SheViir ß. C. ! Fine Carriages and Buggies man- FACTUKED IN FORSYTH. I BRAMLETT&BRO. * \ At great expense have erected a large and commodious Brick Building for the manufac ture of C A R R 1 AGES BUGGIES AND WAGONS. They have employed SKILLED WORK MEN, and iionestly believe their work cannot be excelled in Middle Georgia. We are prepared to supply Monroe and adjoining counties with the best of work. Have sold numbers of buggies and other vehicles that have GIVEN PERFECT 8 SATISFACTION. < We are also Agents for the best mr u* facturers of the country and sell 11 goods at bottom prices. FINE NEW YORK PHOTONS! Soon to arrive—the best carraige ever sold in Forsysth. All kinds of Repairing and Plantation Work done, as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. Give us a call and be convinced that we mean business. BRAMLETT & BRO. BRIDGE TO LET. Will be let before the Court- House door in the town of Coving ton, Newton Countv, Georgia, on Saturday the 9th day of July next, at ten o’clock, A. M. The ’coutract to build the bridge across South River, near Capt. Walthall’s, spec bications can be seen at my office. This June 16tli 1881.' J. F. Carmichael, 4t Ordinary B. C. [SPAVIN CUReM KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. T hemost successful remedy ever discov **re i as it is certain in effects and does not Mister. Read proof below. From Rev. P. IV. Granger, U -esiding Elder of the St, Albans District, Bt. Vt., Jan. 20 1880. Dr. B. J. Keadall & Cos,, Gents : —ln re ply to your letter I will say that my ex perience with Kendall’* gpavin Cure*, has been very satiefaotory indeed. Three or fur years ago I prooured a bottle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of lame ness cansed by a spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became bet ter, bvt when I put him on the road h® grew worse, when 1 discovered that a ringbone was forming, I procured a bot tle of Kendall’s Spavin Cure and with than a bottle cured him so that he is not tame, neither can the branch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N, Granqke. Perseverance Will Tell. Stoughtgn, Mass., March lfith 1880. Dr. B. J Kendall & Cos„ Gents; —In. justice to you and myself, I think I ought to let yoa know that I Lave re moved two bone spavins with, Kendall’s Spavin Cure, one very large one, don*t know bow long the spavin had been there I have owned the horse eight months. It took me for menths to take the large one off and two for the smalLone* I have used ten bottles. The horse is entirely well, uot at all still and no bunoh to be seen or fdlt, Ibis ig a wonderful medicine. It is anew thing here, but if it does for all what it has done for,me its sale will be great. Respectfully yours, Chas. F. Park**. Kendall's Spavin Cure* Kelley’s. Island, Erie Cos:? Ohio, Mar<;h Dr. B. J. Kendall & Cos , Gents l have used yopr Kendall Spavin Cure on a bone epavin and am pleased to report tha[ it has taken the enlargement completely, off. It took only one bottle to perform the cure.' I am confident i? it is properly usod it will do all you claim for it. . Yours truly, C. M. Lincoln. Stnjg;ment Made Under Oath. To Whom It May Concern.— ln the year 1875 1 treated with Kendall’s Spavin Cure, a bone spavin of several montug, nearly half as.large as a hen’s egg, and completely . stopped the lameness and re moved the enlargedmeut, I have worked the horse every since very hard, and he never hrs been lame, nor could ever see any difference in the size of the host joints since 1 treated him with Kendall’s Spavin Cure. R. A, Gains. Esosburgh Fails, V., Feb. 25th, 1879. Sworn and subscribed .to before me this 25th day of Feb. A. D. 1879. John G. Jknne, Justiee of the Peace. Kendall's SpaviN Cure on Hip man Flesh, Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos., N. Y., February 21st, 1878. B. J. Kendall, M. D„ Dear Sir—The particular case on which I used yonr Spav in Cure was a malignant ankle spavin, of sixteen months’ standiag. I had tried many things, but in vain. Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the ground again, and for the first time since hurt, iu a nat ural position. For a family liniment it excels anything we ever used; Youss truly, Rev. P. M, Bell. Paster i\J, E, Church, Patten’s Mills, N. Y. Kendall’s Spavin Cure is sure in ef fects, mild in its action as it foes not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach ' . ed paio -r to re or otl enlarg. , split)-a, „urbd, ea!• lous, • .udlameuc. r. and all *. . or iimbr rheumatism in man and fr dny {.ir’ r for which a liniment id used for n j. or beast It is now known to "u? the uest Ina rm nt ‘or man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in it Send address for .jiidi < Ciroular which we tuiiik gives positive of its virtues. No remedy ha , ever met wet with such equalitied success to our knowl edge, for beast as well as man, Price sl, per botth,or 6 bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr B. Kendall & (Jo.. Lnosburgh Falls. "Vt. Lamar. Lankin & Lamar, agents. At lanta. Ga. julylbly GRAND DISPLAY —OF— jStAPE y\ND pAJ^CY —AND— GROCERIES Our stock is im mense; our Good of the best quality, our prices are the lowest, and our Goods must and will be dis oseti of. Examine our stock. We warrant you the lowest prices in Jackson. A. Me. WATKINS & SONS noTIO-ly Jackeen, Ga. SOUTHERN i BUSINESS' COLLEGE Louisville, Kv., ' ' PRACTICAL • rir>nK . • , VUUK KEEPING NO TEXT BOOKS Dver 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the * I Prominent merchants of Louisville. • Ml Bend Stamps forX’irculars and specimens penmanship. y ’ C> AVER > Principal. H. S. DeSOLLAR Secretary ' ; j-. -* J t*Thaysock^_T..'' Has the largest and most complete works for the manufacture of Carriatres . IN THE WORLD. for the trade a specialty. . CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, * ’ * - CINCINNyTI,O, The Eclipse leads the World For Reliabl Excellence. T HOS CAMF General Agent. Covington, Gel Meridith Local Ag’t.Butts Cos. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, OottontGKpig, Etc Satisfaction fully Guaranteei in every Transaction. M?ril2Uly E STAB L.l SHED 18 4-1 Scaieo of sny kind Bent by express or freight, C. 0. D., with privilege of examination. r ■pVrile for pticcs and save money. . Address, FORSYTH SCALE CO., Chicago. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO Will make, for the next 60 (lavs only, a Grand Offer of PIANOS AND ORGANS. $845 Square Grand Piano for only $245. STYLE 3 Magnificent rosewood case elegantly finished, 7 1-3 Octaves full patent can tante agraffs, our new patent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyreheav y serpentine and large fancy moulding round case, full Iron Frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact every improvement which can in any tend to the perfection of the instrument has been added. £sf”Our price for this instument boxed and delivered on board cars at New York, with fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, only $245,00. This Piano will be sent on test trial. Please send reference if you do not send money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and I'rieght charges paid bv us both ways if Piano is not just as represented in this Advertisement. 14,000 ‘in use. Send for catalogue. Every instrument fully Warranted for five years. J PIANOS $165 To S4OO (with Stool, Cover and Book). All strictly First-class and sold at wholesale factory prices. These Pianos made of the finest displays at the Cen tenial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommended for the Highest Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent Scale, the greatest improvement in the histo ry of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, of the richest tone and greatest durability. The are reccommen ded by the highest musical authorities in the country. Over 14,000 in use, and not one disatisfied purchaser. All Pianos and Organs sent on 15 days’ test trial— freight free if unsatisfactory. Don’t fail to write us before buying. Positive ly we ofler the best bargains. Catalogue mailed free. Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed 3c. stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. JUBILEE ORGANS Our “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ,” style3s, is the finest and sweetest toned Reed organ ever offered the musical public. It contain Five Octaves,Five sets of Reeds, four of of 2% Octaves each, One of Three Octaves. Thirteen Stops with Grand Organ —Diapason, Melodia. Viola, Flute, Celeste, Dulcet, Echo, Media- Forte, Celestinia, Violina, Flute-Forto, Tremolo, Grand Organ and Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops. Height, 74 in. ; Width, 24 in. ; Weight, boxed, 360 lbs. The ense is of solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely new and beauti ful design, elaborately carved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, fret work, Ac., all elegantly finished. Possessed all the latest and best improvements, with great power, depth, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Ik autiful so lo effects and perfects and perfect stop action. Regular retail price $285. Our win a j:s are net cash rim eto have it introduce:), with stood and book, only required until you have fully tested + he organ in your own home. We send all or gans on 15 days test trail and pay freight both ways •fhistmmg’ff G rot as r?t resented. Fully warranted i#r 5 vbars. Giber styh ■—B dop drgan only -bo V) stops, SBS; 14 stops, slls. 0ver32,000 fold, and every Organ has g'rcn the fui iest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free. Fa< t-rv and W metis?!tis 57tli St. and 10th Ave. SHEET MUSIC At, one-third price. Catalogubof 3000 choice pieces ieft lor :h {stamp. This Catalogue includes most of the popnltir Tmvde of the day and every variety of mu sical composition, by the best author*. Add --. MENDELSSOHN .PIANOCO.* P O. JJOa 20*8, >*w York City TWENTY DOLLARS The PENNSYLVANIA Style Singer Machine is the best SINBEB. EVER MADE. tDrop Leaf, two large drawer!, f y cover, with cators ©n ' inds the bobbins without runn'ng the Machine, for sao.oo. Remember we send the Machine to be examined before paying anything upon it. Every Ma* chine fully warranted for five year*. ADDRESS, WILLETS&CO., 144 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. Colog^eS ad Fashionable fSrfhi e I Md fancy* good, Stun. ■JL _ * COt * ch ***tot*t kTy. Qingw, Buchn. Mandrakr^Bttmnirladnd .ntany other ef the best medicines known are can buia o_,killfully in Paries GwgwTon^L': to make it thegrastast Blood Purifier' id t£t < |B®sl Health and Strength lasforor oyer anJ.! • if you are wasting away with Conaumptior it*, any disease,use the Tometo-day. Nomatter whit' ,your symptoms may be, it wiU surely help you/ ' ’• Tim Tonic cures drunkeanOkt,' Modieino ever made, entirelyl .different from Bftters Ginger Preparations Ad' ‘°“i* Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-' ;ertiesof all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your rimcrSt ! None genuine without our signature on outsfce' PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Messrs. Reeves & Cos., I take Measure in recommending “G. *S as the best medicine known for stock, it acts like a charm, and its effects are readily scon. S U does all- that is claimed for 1t Farmers will be convinced, btry ing it, that it is just the thing ihe stock needs. Yours truly, r . W. P. Hemphill. Robinsoa Wagon ( Manufacturers of FARM <fe Iff ii Pfliv,; SPRINGS Buggiec iz Bead for designs and prices to ROBIJISOH W A.CC ; CO., CINCINNATI, o THE HORSE A WM Off, A *“ air l J| on the Horre. llis history, structure, utei and treatment. Also giving a few of the most * Important and Effective Eamedios for the cure of thv diseases of the horse. tST* Valuable to every owner and lor-r c f *L hone. * Published by the BCEIHSON WAGON , .. .r; fi&tt, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any art/ . receipt of three 3-cr.wr stamps Three sheets. 19x2*, heavy plat e pu'.icr. c>iM-tn- Ing elevations, plans and details f.r the ab > \<l also boek of 20 pages, giving specifications, i :tiu estimate and form of contract—invaluable to <vt ■ carpenter or party proposing building, as > , making bids or drawing contracts Price $2.00, Sent by mail, postpaid, ©s ice. .pr . price. , H. B. WALTON, 30 w. Ninth St.i Cincinnati. 9 PYE & BECKHAM, —DEALERS IN — HARDWARE! IRON AND STJEEIi Table and Packet Cutlery, Stove* Tiuware and House fli r ntshl jw Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Harness, Saddles and Leather, Guns, Revolvers, Pows der, Shot, Caps and- Cartridges Farming Implements and Planta tion Hardware, of all kinds at Bot tom Prices, Lamps all grades, this un rivaled “Farmer Girl” cooking stove. Also Agents for the cels brated Avery plows <fcj Wagon afc Ponder & Hams old stand. Forsyth Ga. :."?H HEWINMB :*• msosh ! ' "6 THE LEM I ‘ -c :V( ' ' npleaty moat nil* a owing: Machine ever in \ I i.'K-a 1:a work quickly, qal - , _ r. wed, ?.n<\ alwaysyires perfect * - 'iCrlT*r. i ’ i- • ‘till of 25 y fixrs of patient labor ■ prric-ace by most skill*,, t <•< nbinef the good point®Of ... none of tbehr g*. V" .>ro many Hewing: Machine® t>‘ , ii mark t, but none are so * -'l-i t > a.- t ptrfcctiml.taJlj none i •) ■■■••;! t!o p.iivsntajt* and . . ■* inv w-it '.'i that have rendered the k s v Lion y. ;.o famous. ’ L iiuri won tho confidence of all who hare ke'-n it, being- hove beyond doubt thomoet berfoct Sc wing M&chino in tho market* AGENTS WANTED, lead for Descriptive Circulars &o. vl OrttoSOW, CLARK A CO. **o Union Square, If. Y. ei(Ha., or Orange* Aua THE BEST IN THE WORLD. I have secured the Agency ol Butts County, for the sale or The Eclipse Engine acknowledged the best ever made, also the ECLIPSE SEPARATORS AND GINS all standard Gjns including feeders and condensed COTTON PRESSES AND SAW MILLS. and will duplicate any broken pie (>r pjpiiig or vnlvs, furnish ftn\ broken part about an engine, all kind of , , CASTING AND BET/TT NO All win wish *o b can tbn ;tvl t* ) t ’ * t i ! • •T. C. Merideth, , Indian Spring, Ga.