The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 11, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus W. F. SMITH, EDITOR THURSDAY MORNiyq aUG. 11, 18tl NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Miss E. Finley of Jackson, nag aow on hand, and to arrive, A BEAUTIFUL FTOCK OF MIL LINERS GOODS, of the latent ■tyke* She ha* been in the buaineai long enough to un deretand the wants of the trade, and has prepared to meet them, no one should purchase anything in the lino ol MILLINERY GOODS ofore looking through her NEW GOODS she has for sale *llß. L. L. JAUKHDNA and iriakea thorn a specialty. Bo sure to examine liar goods and prico them before purchasing else Where. RiSthN Adjusted All business intrusted to my cars Will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty. Office at Gibson’s store,lndian Spring,Ua. ue3l-tf J. r. Neal, J,P. w. r. TkiugLass •n. r. * EX. J. P.t ladiaa Spring, Ol Ail kuiiuesa inpusted to Aif ear# wil' fecaiv* prompt utteniioa and aatlofaotioa given. _ Ollectien ef claims closely lacked after and prompt return* made. Court days third Mondays in each mofcth. , For bargains, in sash, doors blinds, ana all kinds ©f buildtr’s supplies address B. LL Broonihead <fe Cos., Longjy <fe Rob insbn Atlanta they will, by prompt attention to business and fair deal ing merit the patronage of the public. See their ad in another column. PAR* PR’Q *i*Jpusy rrrfmL ■ ■ •rV, . , Dandruff, HAIR BALSAM. riTntb.mhh. All Farmers, Mothers Business men, Meehan ics, &c., who are tired out ly work or worry, and all who are miseia * Me with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,Neuralgia A-Sjjp Dowel, Kidney or Liver Corjiplaintf, you can be invigorated and cured by using,’ • PARKER’S GINGER TONIC •If you are wasting away with Consumption, Age, or any Weakness, you will find this Tonic the' t nest Medicine Von Can UsO Restoring Health & Strength, Far superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as it builds up the system but never intoxicates. 50c. and $t sizes. None genuine without signature of Hiscox & Cos., N. Y. I^trgepaving ip buying dollar sUe.f: Finmeirtn ‘ A Krw, Kathlonabl. ui r.in4> rioresion rl Frtr , nt k.m by Cologne. Jfralmtal’HfiflMH ) ■n-san-M*. The Great Carriage Manufacturing house of the World. EMEBSON, FISHER & CO. .T* ' *f . ir CINCINNATI, OHIO, make a Rood, FtaUtanlial Top Btiggy for SIOO, and a strops durable for sifO. The uniform excellence of these vehicles* resulting from fearfully selected thaterial and gogd workmanship, h(ts given their Carriages a favorable reputation fhraugkpiit th*>Jjnion, in localities where they have been used for years by Li tr’ Fanners, and others requiMng hard aud constant use. an p l: 10 made the firm of FllterSOIl) Fisher &Cos. the acknowledged leading • CARRIAGE GUILDERS * jf* - i.i. - of the American Continent. The*’C Top TJttjgies are in every State from Maine to California, and from the lakcs to the Gu l f, and hundreds of testimonials have been received from ever y part of the country evincing the entire satisfaction of purchasers. - Upwards of , 9 >5,b00 CARRIAGES manufactured by Emerson, <&> Cos. arc now in use, attesting their great' and -merited popularity, and in to meet the demand which has increased year by year, the'-facilities ofi-thoic mammoth establishment have recently been extended, enabling then how to turn out in good style, during the busy season, about r „, _ .. / .400 CARRIAGES A WEEK. The unequalled facilities-of this firm enables ‘ > produce gbod Carriages at n far less cost than the work of email makers country wagotf shops, and hat class Are rihwtffcuwhasing largely of us to supply their local trade. Send £o* Illustrated Price 144 ©f parqUgaj. „ * EMERSON, FlSHfl-A CO. ClncleAaU. O. BUiLDERS' SUPPLY HCfUSE B. H, ROOMHEAb k CO., Succiifors & EQBINSON, ffice udWitNwm, 26 DECATUR GEORGIA. OORS, , SASH,,. ... BLINOS M i MOULDINGS, BRACKET 3 , 6T,AI^|RAILS, NEWELS,-.- SCROLLS,. , BALUSTERS, i., , , BUILDERS’ HA.RDWAR#,, r . MIXED PAINT, PURE WHITE LEAR, LINSEED , OIL, Color* of all Kinds, Dry am in Oil GLASS, PUTTY, GLAZIERS’, POINTS, KAL SOMININBJFAPER BORDERS •V.-l' • ; > A AND centers. Fine Cakkiaoes and Buggies man- FACTURED IN FORSYTH. BRAMLETT&BRO. At great expense f have erected a ’large and commodious Brick Building for the manufac ture of CA R RI AGES BUGGIES AND WAGONS. They have employed SKILLED WORK MEN, ana honestly believe their work cannot be excelled in Middle Georgia. We are prepared to supply Monroe and adjoining counties with the best of work. Have sold numbers of buggies and othoi vehicles that have GIVEN PERFECT 8 4.TISF ACTION. We are also Agents for Iho best manu facturers of the country and sell all goods at bottom prices. FINE NEW YORK FH/ETONS! Soon to arrive—the best carrnigo ever •bid in Foray ath. All kinds ol RbjiJtiring and Plantation Work done, as cheap as the cheapest and as gobd as the best; Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. give us a call and bb convinced that business. BK AM LETT & BRO. THE BEST IN THE WORLD I have secured the Agency oi Butts County, for the sale of Thk Eclipse,En<jtnk v acknowledged the best ever made, ilso the ECLIPSE SEPARATORS AND GTNB all standard Gins includirn j feeders and-’Condensers COTTON PRESSES AND SAW .. .... MILLS. and will duph any broken, pipe of piping.Qjr vp-}\* ? on a furniabany broken- part about an engLi©, all kind of - AND BELTING? All .who wish t© purchase canavo time and trouble by consultingme. t J. CVM^RTp|ETHy Indian Bpring, Ga. i ". ; ~ - j i - PFA VI/! O''RE. T h •>•( aecß;;fiil ivnifcOy ev-v t\-;~ and is certain in effect • and dees nt klisier. Jie.ui proof bt-100, From &ev. 2*. N, (trailer, Preaiding Elder of (he St, Albans District, f t. Alban, V*., J*n. 20 iftSO. Dr, J. Kcari ol Si Cos., Cos; h ■—lu it* nly to your letter I will say that my ex perience witt Kei'.deii’jj Epiyiu CureA Las been very wiihfauery indeed. Three oi Lur year? •*; o 1 procured si bottle of your & jr*nt, red ith it, cured a horse of I t.tut* ness eanseci by & spavin. -Last season >y hor#e became very lame nod I turned him out for a few weeks when he became bet ter, bvt when I put him on the road he grew worse, wheu I discovered that a ringbone wu®. forming, I procured a bof fb* of KendalPa Spavin Cute and with than a botile cured luin bo that ho is not lame, neither can the branch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N. Gbakocr. Pciseveraiice Will Tell. Stoughton, Mass., March 16th 1880. ~ Dr. li. J Kendall & Cos„ Gents; —In justice to you and myself, I think I ought to let yoa know that I have re moved two bone spavins with Kendall’s Spavin Cure, one very large one, don*t know bow long the spavin hud been there I have owned the horse eight nicntl 0. It took me fur months to take the large one off and two for the small one. I have used ten bottles. The horse is entirely well, not at nii stilly and no bunch to be seen or fu <. This is a wonderful medicine. It is anew thing Here, but if it does for ali what it has done for me its sale will be \ ei*y great. Respectfully yours, Ciias. F, Parkex, Kciulsli’s Spavin Cure. Kelley’s Island, Erie Cos., Ohio, March 28ih, 1880, Dr. R. J. Kendall & Go, Gents;—l have used your Kendall Spavin Cure on bone spavin and am pleased to report that it his taken the enlargement completely off. It took only one bottle to perforin the cure. lain confident ir it is property used it will do all you claim for it. Yours truly, C. M. Lincoln, Statement Mmle Flitter Oath. To Whom It Mat Concern.— ln the year 1875 1 tisated with Kendall’s Spavin Cure, a bone spavin ofßeveral months, growth, nearly half as large as a ben’s egg, and completely stepped the lameness and re moved the enlargcdmeut, I h?ve w irked the horse every since very hard, aid he never hrs been lame, noi could evei- sev any difference in the size of Lhe hoc! joints since 1 treated him with Kendall’*- Spavin Cure. R. A. Gai- _ i'. '. Hburgli Falls, V., Feb. 25th, 1879. S urn and subscribed to before n>< thi- 2.3’ -.i day of Feb. A. D. 18“ Jo.D G. Jknne, Justice ** fh Kciidall’s a g w.*,v i 4 • v i-j. utixr l? 5 .- ' 'ii 5. Patten'.* Mills Wellington Cos., N. Y., February 21st, 3 878. B. J. Kendall, M. 1)„ Dear Sir—The particular case on which I used yonr Spav in Cure was a malignant ankle spavin of sixteen months’ standing.* I had trie many things, but in v.iiu. Your Spavii. Cure put the foot to the ground again, and for the first time e>nee hurt, in a nat ural position. For a 14mily liniment it excels anything we ever used; Youss truly. Rev. P 8 M, Bell. Paster M. E. Church, Patten’s Mills, N, Y. Kendall’s Spavin Cure is sure in its el fects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to re move any bony growth or other enlarge ment, ouch as spaeins, splints, curbs, cal* lous, sprains, swelling* and lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man oi boast It is noir known to be the bet lini m t or man ever used, acting mild anu yet certain in it Send address for n Ciroulai which we think givri, positive r ioof of itr virtues. -hio remedy ha , ever met wei with such cqualifcel success ta our knowl edge. for bead! ;.s well as man. Price sl, per ,or 6 bottles for $5 All Druggists have it or can get it for you or it will be sent to any address on receipt oi price by tht proprietors. Lb li_ Kendall *v t’c,, Enotbur th Fails. Yt Lamar. Rankin & Lamar, ageri's. At lauta. Ga. julyPLty PEARCE’S KJSratOVBD CAKQOSI BwadM^^ei4ew* Sows Grain, Grass Seed, Hemp, StUe 9 Everything] If o man caa do it Boswell by hand. - It doestheVork of 6 men, yi *• It has stood the test of years. Re* oeived First Premiwtt at SI State Fairs in 2 years. Good, Substantial, Reliable Machine, trarranted to do all that is claimed for it Prioo'only __ Bend etampjfor j deeeriptiTO circular^ J. Wildbb ds Cos. Agents, „ Cincinnati, Ohio. W. K. Sfeoulb, Agents, m Indianapolis, lad goooell'cohpant^ b ANTRIM, - v Bole Manufactures,... * SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Louisville, Ky., PRACTICAL 800K 1 KEEPING NO TEXT BOOKS Dyer 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent m erchants of Louisville. Send Stamps forJCirculars fand specimens penmanship. BFN. C. WEAVER, Principal. H. [S. DiSOLLAR Secretary MITCHEJiL, LKWIS A CO., KaciiiC, Wls., Manufacturers of JF J& J FREIGHT WdIGOJVS THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, Also Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. The MITCHELL WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used In Its con struction and made by the best wagon mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment la entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. And for the manufacture of this class of work we have facilities unsurpassed. Sen and for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List, niXCHELL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, WSc. -he Rclipsa Leads the World For Ueliabl Excellence. THOS CAM!’ .Oom-ral Agent, Covington, fia. J. C. Meridith Local Ag’t.Butts Cos. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, OottonJGKus* Etc Satisfaction fully Guarantee'! in every Transaction. %pril2l-ly UPIGHT PIANOS I ?Sfnyi> E ? E s F ,°G R N PARLOR ORGAN GEORGE WOODS & COMPANY MANUFACTURERS —* CAMBRIDGE, MASSAokuSDTTS; ; CATALOGUES SENT FREE. AGENTS WANTED. f ——CORIiESBONCE SOLICITEi). July 14-20‘t • ■ 1 ARE YOU GIONG TO PAINT? Muler Brothers* * MIXED PAIN P. 0 Rcadv for in White arid over One Hundred Different Coloro, made of strict ly Pure White Lead, Zino and T,indeed Oil, chemically combined, warranted much handsomer and cheaprr anu to mst T.\\ aCE AS r.ONG as any other-I aint. It has taken tthp FIRST PREMIUM at twenty .of.the State Fairs of the Union, and is on MANY THOUSAND of the finest Houses hr the country. VARNISHES, 0 i, ’ ,* ' r • ‘ \yb hav completed our new Varnish Factory, being the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE in the* United Sutes, and making Varhish superior to any in the World, and at prices that defy competition. I,r nd i sTmFTfTrTnT ' ' '• *r * '* St. Petersbugh) Pa., Jan.loth 1879. MILLER PROS-., —4h?htlemen: We have sold large quantities-of your Paints and Famishes, and parties having used the same speak highly of the durability and finish of your Paints, and find the colors and mixture just as you represent. There can be no netter Paint for exposure to the heat and cold, ami anyone using it once will surely do so again. Your Tarnish is also giving the best of satisfaction and is pronounced the best goo<Hi ever sold in this section. You are at liberly to use our name as refrence. Kespectfuily CHALFANT & GAFI I . y o vI'DRESS, MILLER BBOTHERS ;: . Iv, 41 S3 Rt; Clair SL, CLEVELAND OHIO SAMPLE CARL v U i'itlCE LIST BENT FREE. july24- ui LEGAL NOTICES. SHERIFF SALES FOR SEPTEMBER, WILL BE SOLDMuefore the Court V V House door in the town c-f Jackson Butts county Ga., on the Ist 'i nos day :u September next within the legal hours of sale the following; described property to-wit: The west half of lot or lap ! number fifty-seven containing one ]ur .- r dred one and ®ne forth, a v : also fin south half of lot number sixty-two con taining one hundred one and one forte acres, the whole containing two hun dred two and one half acres Iving ami being in Butts County,‘bound asim’ows: hy lands of J. B. Brooks east bv land of R. J. Lawson south by land of Jo: Ll* Freeman, and west by lan -.s of >L Mary Gunn. Levied on by virtun- ■ one fi-fa issued from court of Butts County in favor of W. 11. Head vs, R. W. Coleman Levied on as the property of R. W. Coleman, properly pointed out by plain till’. Tenant in possession given written no tice this August 2nd 1881 J. O'. Lea. ii v.-.t*, Sheriff B. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, Butts County , Whereas, J. A. King, Administrator of Alfred H. King, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully administered Alfred H. King’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, heirs and cmdiiory t.f\ - * j —•> *^ v / Bai , adDtiniitrator, should not be discharged from his adniinministration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Mon. day in October 1881. J. F. Cakmichakl. 3m Ordinary B. C APPLICATION FOr LETTERS OF GUarDIaNSHIT. GEORGIA, Butts County: E. M. Bledsoe, residing in the stale o? Georgia, having applied to be appointed guardian of Emma, Johnnie and Eli ;.r Nolen, minors residents oi said county,' this is to cite all persons concerned to' be and appear at the term oi the court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Mon day of September next, and show cause if they can, why said E. M. Bledsoe, should not be interested with th * glut - diansliip of said minors. Witness mi official signature. J. F. Caiouch yr. Junel’o tli 1881-4 t Ordinary. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEIiJ: GEORGIA, Butts County : W. Coleman, having in proper forni applied to me for permanent letters c i administration on tiie estate oi !Mary Coleman la.Le of said county, this js Li cite all and singular the creditors aiv ‘ next of kin of Mary Coleman, to be and appear at my office within the time sl owed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to W. Cole man on Mary Coleman’s estate Witness my hand and oUh 'al signa ture, aug.lst-4t J. F, Carmichael Ordinary B. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, Butts County Whereas M. V. McKibben Adminis trator of Samuel Colline, represents to the court liis petition, thut he has ful ly administered Samuel Collins’ estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, beirs and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said adminis trator, should not bo discharged from his administration, and receive letera of dismision on the first Monday in Octo: her 1881. Given under my hand and Official signature, this July 8, 1881 3m J. F. Camiciiakl, Ordinary B. C. , PYE & BECKHAM, —DEALERS IN — HARDWARE! IRON AND STEEL Table and Pocket Cutlery, Stoves Tinwabe and Hous ef u r nishins Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Harness, Saddle*? and Leather, Guns, Revolvers, Pow der, Shot. Caps aud Cartridges Farming Implements and Pianta; tion Hardware, of all kinds? at Bot tom Prices, Lamps all grades, the un rivaled ‘/Farmer Girl” cooking stove. Also Agents for the celt brated Avery plow® & Wagon id Ponder & Hams old stand, Forsyth Ga. Wagon Cos. - Manufacturers of FARM So spuing WAlrUflo; Buggies & PhMtOß.j Ete&A for dtsigas and prices to EOBIKSON WAGON CO.,' % CINCINNATI, O. - THE HORSITWrS A KEW 550081 HU hieiery. Kncttn, utm aadtxMUmcnl. Also giving a few of tks Important and KfTaotdve ft tk ours of tbs of the hen*. , - BT ValuabU to erory mtr and imr *f the horn. ; v- •“ .. Publkksd by the MfiDfSOST WA#M3 W mB, 0; ud mtc. gestage paid, to any ad irtv. t* receipt of tmsee 3-cxjrr rrAMrt. Three sheets, 19x34, henry plate p*p~. ec rain ing elevations. plans and details £?tht V*v- - 1 slm boek of 20 paces, giviagspeuaeauo. itamitwi estimate and tana of contract—icvalsatls ta evsr> carpenter nr party proposing building, a* a .jyide it making bids or drawing contracts. Pnoe $3,00. Sent by mail, postpaid, an r*B**?T <v pnoe. < H. EL WAJLTON, **o W. Ninth its . Cincinnati. Q