The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, October 20, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus W. F. SMITH, - KD'i'OE THTJRBDAYMOBNIKG OCT2O 1681 THE FACTORY HORROR. A SCENE OF WILT) DESPERATION AND DISPAin. Philadelphia, October 13.—-The lire at Landersberg’s mill last night, which was so disastrous to jife and property, originated in the finish ing rooms on the second floor, end spread upwards through the build ng with amazing rapidity About 45 of the hands, 12 of whom were were at work on his floor, but a undo. it •* wore en gaged ill the'spinning <U; arl.acnt jn the tairways at either md of thebuild ng were roon ablaze. The bridge connecting the budding with, anoth er mill was r hut off from fmpromd. >? fire-proof door.-, and in the it - -i 9of ire t. cape j at, .Ac lin-tani ensued among the men and ■omen con!: ied withtn the building hey rushed to me whitlows crying rantically to tl. ■ " A to save them. it was proposed by the .row lto f>w; squ: res in the street md cactli U.e men and gh *•: as they leaped out, but before anything could be Cmo a young woman I aped from the fifth story. It < emed tin t e very bone in her body uas broken, for ehe never breathed again after this. The imprisoned people seemed lo become frenzeid, and, although the crowd outside sought to encourage them by shout ing that help would speedily be there, they, began jumping from the windows like sheep. A man, apparently bereft of reason, flung himself headlong to the street and while his body was still in the air pthers followed. Now a man, then a woman or a half grown girl, until .in a few minutes eleven human be ings, one and all unconscious with fractured skulls and broken limbs were being carried by tender hands to a neighboring saloon, on the floor of wli ich body after body was laid in a row until vehicles were procured to convey them to the hos pitals. By this lime the relatives of ihe victims to gather on the out ride of the building, find the cries of the mothers oulside to their chil dren still in the burning room, and their lantetitations over those who had jumped and been literally dash ed to pieces, were heart-rending to hear. When were able to en- they found on the door ij 1 8 ° adieu of two females, burned a, crisp, and a man badly scorched and dead. Before they could search further,the fourth floor, with its heavy machinery came crashing through, and they barely escaped witlrtlieir lives. The firemen were compelled then to de sist in their labors, because the door*! had gone through to the ground, and the machinery, charred wood and what remained of thd un fot ’ mate operatives, ten or a dozen, were mangled together in an unrCc 'gnizable mass, with the seething and. sending out columns of steam h ocf c water was poured upon it. 'even persons are know n to oe dead and twenty-three injured, mostly young women. The victims were carried off in all directions, some to their homes, uue to houses close by, and others ■> various hospitalise that the ex .c; nun oer canndFbe stated. Phv- s olans say that nearly* every one of the cases admitted to St. Marys Hospital will result fatally. The number of deaths will probably ex ;ed twenty—there being ten dead toques in the ruins. Had the fire occurred in daylight, fully 400 peo ple would have been compelled to ight for life with the flasks. Within ail hour the flames were brought under control, leaving the ' alls Handing, but the Inside en tirely gutted out. The loss in prop erty wilhamount to $65,000, to off >ett which there is an insurance of $50,000. Some of the workmen fd ti ibute the origin ibf the fire sparks from the electric light falling among •be waste. Others attribute the udden spread to the influence o ’he over-heated wires. The Fame mill was burned in 1877. Two bodies have‘been recovered this morning from the ruins. Up to noon today the number of dead bodies recovered as reported to the coroner was eleven, of which are at the morgue, two at their home” arid four St Mary’s hospital. The deputy coroner visited the scene of the d ’Raster this morning and learned the means of escape from t o building were inadequate. The only theory of the origin of the tire was that already advanced—the electric light. District Attorney Graham said to-day, in regard to the fire at Lsn dersbergers mill, last night, that tue owner of the mill can be indict ed for manslaughter, for neglect to put un i re escapee. jtffcauhcturera of tag orlc ualpad only genuine • Star Wood Thumps, Champion Wind Kills, Iron Bumps, Bofej Klckl© (ifinlerd, Patent Door ana Win dow Screens, Etc. ). y j ■. Jutt'Sl ivsl Wicd Mills. tl t will not cost you five eta. f \\ day on the investment to p, mp water for all your stock rtUiour Mill. iVery Mill warranted never to blow down while the tower Sold by dealers everywhere, gjy~Serid for Catalogue. Powell & Douglas, Waukegan, XIU a H HENDRICK Y. A. WRIGHT. HENDRICK & WRIGHT, ATT’YS & COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW. JACKsON - - GA. All business receive pro mpt attention collections a specialty, aug-ly $35 To SSO Per Day, Can easily be n ly v.fdrp tlaQi bratefl VICTOR WELL AUGER AND ROCK B 0 R 1 J G MACHINER Injanyfpart of the Country. We mean it, and are prepared to dem onstrate the fact. Thev are operated by eithei Man, Horse or Steam Power, anil boro' very rapid. Thev range in size from* 8 INCH TO FEET IN DIAM ETER, and Will bore toanv REQUIRE].) DEPTH! TheV will \ioie successfully and satis faetbrih in all kinds of Earth, Soft Han and Limkstone, Bituminous Stone Coal, Slate, Hard Pan Gravel, Lava, Builders’ Serpentine and Conglomerate Book, and guaranteed to make the very best Wells in Quick Sand. They are light running, in construction, easily operated, durable, and 'acknowledged as the best and most practical Machine extant. They are en dorsed bv some of the highest State Offi cials., We contract for prespecting for COAL, GOLD, SILVER, COAL OIL AND ALL KINDS OF MINERALS. Also foi sinking Artesian Wells and Coal Shafts, &e. We furnish Engines, Boilers, Wind Mitla, Hydraulic Rams, Horse Power, Brick Machines, Mining Tools, Portable Forges, Rock Diills, and Machinery of all kinds. v~3s~Good active Agents warned In e y ery Country in the World. ADDRESS. Western Machinery Supply Depe.. . 511 Walnut Streep Saint Lou if, Missouri, IT. H. A ,ti , v r Paper you saw the-, iuir £-* Tba tost- SarrSago of tt§ WorW. EMIII ouT _ Jp U® wU* {CINCINNATI, OHIO, muY a gcc.l, Tory JSuggj for SIOO, .and a strong, durable Pliaetoa for G 5 4Cf The uniform excellence of these jyehicles, resulting trom carefuliy selected n> v : :'o •vv.-.i good workmanship, has given their Carriages a favorable repnti • >c. i;.roug;.out the Union, in localities jwhere they have been used for years by Li; uy Physicians, Farmers, and others*requiring hard and constant use .*• vi has mude the firm of lbHl€rSOH> Jlgiier & Cos. the Rcknowlerlgcd ietdir.,: jURRESc BUILDERS of.the American Continent. These Top Buggies are in every State from Maine lo* California, and from the Fakes to the Gulf, and hundreds of testimonials have been! received from every part of the country evincing the entire satisfaction of of Tp5,000 CARRIAGES manufactured by Emerson, Fisher & Cos. tre now in use, attesting their great‘"and merited popularity, and in to meet the demand which has increased year by year, the facilities of their mammoth establishment have 'recently been extended, enabling them now to turn out in good styic, during the busy season, about - ?400 CARRIAGES A WEEK. The unequalled facilities of this firm enables ; / produce good Carriages at A far leas cost than the work of small makers country wagon shops, and that class are now purchasing largely of us to supply their local trade. Send lor Illustrated Price List of Carriages. - 4 EMERSON, FISHER & CO., Cincinnati, 0. Kiglits Adjusted Ail business intrusted to my care will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty Office at •id. .nn’ store,lndian Spring,Ga. june3l--tf J. ifi Neal, J.P. Fine Carriages and Buggies man- FACTUKKD i. FoRSYTH. BRAMLET i'&BRO. At greet expense Lmv erecteuf a large and comniodi Vi? Prick 3 Building for t-ho-manufac ture of CAR R 1 A G II S BUDGIES AND WAGONS. Thmy have employed ,>CILTJ3D PK- Mfifiv, and honestly brliave their work cannot be excelled in Middle Georgia. Wo nre prepared to supply Monroe and a ’joining counties with tbe bes f of work. Have Sold numbers of buggies and othei vehicles that have GIVEN PERFECT S VTUSFAOTION. We are also Agents for the best manu facturers of the country and sell all good fi at bottom prices. PINE NEW YORK THATONS! Soon to arrive—the best carraigo ever sold in Foraysth. All kinds of Repairing and Plantation Work done, as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. U3 a call and be convincd that business. BR AM LETT & BRO. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. I have secured the Agency oi Butts County, for the sale of The Eclipse Engine acknowledged the*best ever made, also the ECLIPSE SEPARATORS AND GINS all standard Gins including feeders and condensers COTTON PRESSES AND SAW MILLS. and will duplicate any broken pipe of piping can furnishany broken part" about an engine, all kind of CASTING! AND BELTING All wh time and J. C. Merideth, Indian Spring, Ga. I ' A D|/CD‘D. El<-~*ntly Tirfcm#*. • p KNtn HamorMDanii’-iS. HA * ■{ B A L& A M B*L’.nM. ~ L All Farmers, Mothers Uusi.ieii jnen, Meehan i ics, l lc., who are tired out by woik or worry, *-,';f9 and all who arc miaera ! Ax .i ■ ' b' e with Dyspepsia, ibiL'-U*? ■} K ..atism.Keur.V.riia i ’< ' '* •{ :- r |r Bowel, Kidney or Liver < V. v ia •/ Complaints, you can be m \ <l. irp '* f / invigorated and cured I * tyusing; | Or nav We,.'mess, v. . v ‘1 And this Tonic the 31< WedicUrr von Ca:i Use for mestorlns Health & Strength, Far superior to Bitters and ether Tonics, as it builds up the system but never intoxicates. 50c. and $1 sizes. None genuine without signature of Hiscox & Cos., N. Y. Large saving in buying dollar size.* FlnrfiOtfin A New, futioMUt aid Eimt riUrtJSSLUll Infl f rHnal p er f umf . gold by Cologne.. 3D eaters taTerfamery it 35 sad 16 Hi. SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Louisville, Ky., PRACTICAL BOOK KEEPING NO TINT BOOKS ever 25 y, ,v. 3 <;> I’r. nk l Act <ur.Mnt, ■ m'mwh by nil the Riomliient met chant? of 1 .onisvtt)*. Ear.'i S- aro ■. v •■(•■‘.a ■- irul !sp n< Imon- penmanship. Bln ,v\ .wa\ uu, i... ipaL 11. E. DichOl.l \it Secretary li, L : • -:fi 4k VO, 9 Eadne, Wli., Minn, ictnrc ra of E'wl Ml .-If til *V£f JFEIJSI&Z3T Sf*£ & O J¥S Also Three-Sprinc and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. W he MITCHELij WAG; >'T it. Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used In tts con struction and made by the b /a ton mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment is entirety separate from the Farm Wagon shops. And for the manufacture of this of *wk ws UY6 facwncs uasuii-asswl. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. MITCUEiLL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, W;g, The Eclipse leads the World For R eiiabl blxceilence. T-ffOS CAMP Genera! Agent, C-OV® 1 ! oil ij) J. C. Local Agt.Butts Cos. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, CottonlGKusetEto . Satisfaction fully Guaranteed in every Transaction. *pril2l-iy UPIGHT PIANOS I ?g§SWi E ?Bs'i^ \ PARLOR ORGAN GEORGE WOO d'S O MBA Nlf — A v NUFACTURE r .a. OAM B 1 TDGE. M ASS AOHUSETTS. CATALOGUES SENT FREE. AGENTS WANTED. a COL PESPONCE SOLICITED. T~ July 14-201 -areycuWgWpaint? THEN use Miller Brotheis’ ' MIX E D PAI N1 . . 6 * Ready for u 3 in White :tnd over One Hundred Different Colors, made of strict • y Pure White Load, Zinc and Linseed Oil , chemically combined, warranted much : a; Jsoaier and eheaprr a..d to last TWICE AS LONG a<j any other Paint. It has taken ihe FIRST PREMIUM at twenty ci tlie State Fairs of the Union, and* is on MANY THOUSAND of the linest Houses in the country. VARNISHES. We have completed our new Varnish Factory, Ring UiG LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE iu the United States, and making Varnish superior to any in the World, and at prices that defy competition ~ St. X ul.:rsbugu,*Pa., Jan lutb 1879. 31ILLER BROS., —Gentlemen V’e have soM quantities of your Paints and Furnishes, and parties having used tho same speak highly of the durability and finish of your Faints, and hud the colors and mixture just as you represent. There can be no netter Faint for exposure to the heat and coid, and anyone using it on e will surely do so again. Your Varnish is also giving the best of satisfaction and is pronounced the best goods ever soil in this section. You are at liberly to use our name as refrence. Respectfully- CHALFANT & GAFF. •• { o ADDRESS, . . ■ MILLER BROTHERS, 29, 31 & 33 St. Clair St., CLEVELyND OHIO SAMI LE CARD AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE. iulv24-0m LEGAL! NOTICES. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA, Butts County : Application will be made to the Com * of Ordinary of ButU county Georgia, ac the fiirst regular term after eypiratioir of foiu- weeks from this notice, for leaviv to sell the lands belonging to tho estate of Alexander Harper, late of said coun ty deceased, for tht benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. sep22.4t C. G. Harper, Adm. /YRDINARY’S OFFICE, Butts Coi vj ty, Ga. Sept 20, 1881.—A petition signed by 50 freeholders of said county ,u now on file in this office, asking that the qnestiou of Fence or no Fence be sub mitted to the legal voters of Butts Coun ty. If a counter petition is not presented within twenty days, the time prescribed by law signed by a like number of free holders ; an election will be ordered, sub mitting the question of Fence or no Fence to bo voted upon, ns provided by law J. F. Cakmicita rl. Ordinary B. C. c County Court of Butts County wih be held at the court House m Jack -on on the 3rd Monday' in October next, and on the 3rd Monday in each m nth thereafter, as its monthly sessions. For tl\e first quarterly session of sai court, the same will be held on the 3m Mondy in January next at the same' place and the 3rd Monday in April and. 3rd Monday in July and 3rd Monday in Oeiober and quarterly thereafter as be fore stated. 1 lie court will be open at all times for the trial of cases on the criminal side for all offences less than Felony if the par ties are ready to be tried. 11. Hendrick J.C. B. C, GEORGIA, Butts County: Will bo sold at public outcry m town of Jackson, by the Court-House door be tween the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November next, all the real estate of Jepthah Ball deceased of said county situaied in the county of Butts Terms cash. Oct 4, 18Sl-4times T. A. Spencer L. J.Bai.l, Admr’s of Jepthah Ball. BUTTS SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold before tho court houses door in the town of Jackson County Georgia on tho Ist Tuesday in November next within the legal hours ol sale, the following described property to-wit: The south half of lot of lane! No. 27 lying and being in connty oi Butts the state of Georgia, containg one hun dred one and a half acres more or less bounded on the north by lands of James Fogg, west by lands of lands of Mary Maples, south by lands of Mrs. P. Head and east by T. L. Williams levied upon by virtue of one mortgage fi-fa, issued from Butts Superior court of Butts coun ty in favor of W. R. Murphy & Cos., vs. Thos. J. Head, levied upon as the prop erty of Thos., J. Head. Tenant in possess? on given written no tice as required by law. J. 0. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. C. BUTTS SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Jackson Butts coum ty Georgia on the Ist Tuesday in No* vernbet next, .within the legal hours of sale, the following described property to-wit:. . 85 acres of land in the Buttrill district, 615 (3b M.dyingand being in thq county of Butts, No. not xnown bound as follows; North by lands of M. Y. Me* Kibben, east by lands , of M. Y. McKib ben, south by Land of M. V. McKibben, west by lands ofJ.G. Kimbell and M. V. McKibben. i Known as the portion oi the James Bledsoe place; levied upon as the property of. Jno. P. Bledsoe to satisfy one fifa issued from the Justice court in said district (615) in favor of D. B. Biv ens vs. M. M. Mills and Jno. P. Bled soe. Tenant in possession given writen no tice. Levy made by James Chasteen L. C. and turned over to me. J. 0. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. C. IIEADQR’S FOR HARDWARE G Hi JOHNSON & SON. No. 16 Hill St.,GRIFFIN - GA We have an Immense Stock for the eoming season of JUST Such Goods as are always needed by the Farmer, Mechanic and Housekeeper, con sisting in part, as follows: Axes, Blacksmith Tools, Bolts. Butts, Camiage and Wagon Mate rial, Carpenters’ Tools, Chains, Cutlery. Grindstones, Ilousefur* nishing Goods, Horse and Mule Shoes, Iron, Locks, Nails, Oils. Paints, Packing, Plantation ware, Plows, Rubber Belting, Saws of all kinds, Sewing Machines, Shov els, Spades, Steel, Farmers’ Tools., Varnishes, etc., etc. The Largest and Finest asssort* ment of CUTLERY ever brought to this market. A Large lot of the “Spa Ming Clipper” Axes, manufactured to our order for this section. We sell our goods at the LOWEST PRICES. C. H. JOHNSON & SON., 3m General Hardware Dealers. W. F. BOTGLAgg N, P. & KX. J. P. Indian Spring, Ca AU business intrusted to his caro wil recieve prompt attention and satisfaction guen. Collection of claims closely looked after and prompt returns made. Court Jay third Mondays in e&e h month. r~ V. r , It-ORD’S PRAYER! iWe will teach you this 2r _ style of .short hand r A by mail cr personal! V for 813. sad fraaraatet 'o®satisfaction,rsituuiioifti k v -V - V I procored for pupil* Tt