The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 05, 1882, Image 4

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Westminister Abbey. The last beams of day were faintly streaming through the painted windowß above me ; the lower parts of the abbey are wrapped in the obscurity of twilight. The chapels and aisles grew darker and darker. The effigies of the kings faded into shadows; the marble figures of the monuments assumed strange shapes in the uncertain light; the eveeing breeze crept through the aisles like the cold breath of the grave; and even the dis tant footfall of a verger, traversing the Poet’s Corner, had something strange and dreary in its sound. I slowly re traced my morning’s walk, and as I passed out at the postals of the cloisters, the door, closing with a jarring noise be hind me, filled the whole building with echoes. I endeavored to form some ar rangement in my mind of the objects I had been contemplating, but found they were already fallen into indistinctness and confusion. Names, inscriptions, trophies, had all become confounded in my recollection, though I had scarcely taken my foot from off the threshold. What, thought I, is this vast assemblage of s( pulclires but a treasury of humilia tion ; a hnge pile of reiterated homilies on the emptiness of renowu and the cer tainity of oblivion! * * * Time is ever silently turning over his pages ; we are too much engrossed by the story of the present to think of the characters and anecdotes that give interest to the past; and each age is a volume thrown aside to be speedily forgotten. The idol of to-day pushes the hero of yesterday out of our recollection ; and will, in turn, be supplanted by his successor of to-morrow. What is the security of a tomb, or the perpetuity of an embalm ment? The remains of Alexander the Great have been scattered to the wind, and liis empty sarcophagus is now the mere curiosity of the muesum. “The Egyptian mummies, which Cambyses or time hath spared, avarice now oonsumeth ; Mezraim cures wounds, and Pharaoh is sold for balsams.” Wliat then is to insure this pile which now’ towers above me from sharing the fate of mightier mausoleums? The time must come when its gilded vaults, which now spring so loftily, shall lie iu rubbish beneath the feet; when, instead of the sound of melody and praise, the wind shall whistle through the broken arches, and the owl hoot from the shattered tower; when the gairisli sunbeam Bhall break into these gloomy mansions of death, and the ivy twine around the fal len column, and the foxglove hang its blossoms about the nameless urn, as if in mockery of the dead. Thus man passes rway; his names perishes from record and recollection ; his history is as a tale that is told and his very monument be comes a ruin.— Washington Irving. Imitation Diamonds. Professor Hannay’s imitation dia monds are only one of the many kinds. I speak of them because they are proba bly of the highest grade, but there are other artificial stones sufficiently limpid and beautiful to puzzle the connoisseur. It was once the popular impression that the “gentry”—in the good, old-fash ioned acceptance of the term would deign to wear nothing but gems of the purest water, leaving paste, glass and the like to their imitators; but it was this very creed that first tempted Mad ame Grand Dame to sav. “1 can very well afford to wear artificial stones; no one would dare attach suspicion to jew els.” Instances arc common where la dies of family, often for the liquidation of some private debt, have so.d their sets of real diamonds and worn tor Years their counterpart in imitation; while owners of very rich ‘ ‘ parnres, especially actresses, and other peopb ac customed to travel, are in the haUt of storing them away iu some place of keeping, and having made for common use a similar set in paste ; and jewders state that it is nothing extraordinary tor them to alter diamond ornament/ into the prevailing fashion by mixing them plentifully with imitation stone. In the Middle Ages there was a law against putting false stones in real setting* or real stones in false 1 °d ress - A Rr Voioe * Madam/' would have gladly tJw i OD l e of her Wlt * she could been beautiful. It would ot strange if the equally famous “ George Eliot felt the same hopeless hunger or beauty (for she was a remarkably -_°mely woman). We see how sweet it ijks to her to be praised for a grace that • s akin to beauty. This little story about George Eliot is told by a Maine lady, who met the novelist at a hotel in Switzerland, just after “ Romola ” appeared. One day Mrs. Lewes was reading aloud in French to a little girl in the garden, and the American drew near to listen to the musical tones. Presently Mrs. Lewes glanced at the intruder and said : “ Do you understand ? ” “I do not care for the matter,” an swered the American; “I only came to listen to your sweet ’oice. ” “Do you like it ? ” said Mrs. Lewes, with some surprise. The American warmly expressed hex admiration, and George Eliot’s face lighted with pleasure as she took her hand, saying : “ I thank you. I would rather you famld compliment my voice than my 'Bomola.’”— Youth's Companion, They were standing just by the front gate of the old farm-house, farmer Robinson leaning on the gatepost. “Well, Miss, I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself this summer. We hain’t put on muoh style for vou, but we’ve meant to treat you all right.” “ Don't mention it, pray,” replied Miss Fitzroy. “Its been the most delightful season I ever knew. Why I’ve learned so much about farming that I really believe I shall set out a small watermelon orchard in our garden next summer and will start a pumpkin patch in our conservatory in the winter.” A Kockuahd man saw advertised “a sure cure for drunkenness.” He for warded the necessary dollar, and re ceived by return mail, written on a valu able postal card, in beautiful violet ink, the magic words—“ Don’t Drink.” Prrnr-xioHT million dollars is the estimated ' ®^ ue °t dngr rings of this oountry actually worn, and still then sro people mean enough to go hacking and coughing because thev do inTe * i 88 amts for s bottle of' Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup, Try. Try popcorn for nausea. Try cranberries for malaria. Try a sunbath for rheumetism. Try ginger ale for stomach cramps. Try clam broth for a weak stomach. Try cranberry poultice for erysipelas. Try gargling lager beer for cure of sore throat. Try a wet towel to the back of the neck when sleepless. Try swallowing saliva when troubled with sour stomach. Try eating fresh radishes and yellow turnips for gravel. Try eating onions and horseradish to relieve dropsical swellings. Try buttermilk for removal of freckles, tan and butternut stains. Try to cultivate an equable temper, and don’t borrow trouble ahead. Try the croup tippet when a child is likely to be troubled that way. Try a hot dry flannel over the seat of neuralgic pain and renew frequently. Try taking your codliver oil in tomato catsup, if you want to make it palatable. Try hard cider—a wineglassful three times a day—for ague aud rheumatism. Try breathing the fumes of turpintine or carbolic acid to relieve whooping cough. Try taking a nap in the afternoon if you are going to be out late in the even ing. Try a cloth wrung out from cold water put about the neck at night for sore throat. Try snuffing powdered borax up the nostrils for catarrhal “ cold in the head.” Try an extra pair of stockings outside of your shoes when traveling in cold weather. Try walking with your hands behind you if you find yourself becoming bent forward. Try a silk handkerchief over the face when obliged to go against a cold, pierc ing wind. Try planting sunflowers in your garden if compelled to livo iu a malarial neigh borhood. Try a saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) iu diarrhoeal trou bles : give freely. Try a newspaper over the chest, be neath your coat, as a chest protector in extremely cold weather.— Dr, Foote's Health Monthly, The Albany (N. Y.) Press ancl Knick erbocker says : “ The largest following we know of to-day is that of St. Jacobs Oil; for where St. Jacobs Oil is, there rheumatism is not.” Rtfi:s Hatch, the well-known New York speculator, became one day in August last the happy father of a baby. He bought for him some corn an hour or two after his birth, and in less than a week a profit of $75,000 was realized, which Ims been invested for the lucky infant ip United States bonds. E. L. Loweree, Esq., cashier of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, says the Cincinnati Enquirer , was cured by St. JacoP 3 Oil of a stubborn case of rheu matic which wouldn’t yield to phy sicians treatment. — x / During the White Pine excitement of 1868 Hamilton, Nev., had a population of thousands, two large daily newspapers, and all evidences of prosperity. To-day it does not contain sixty souls. To CoiMumptives. ‘‘Golden Medical Discovery” is a concen trated, potent alterative, or blood-cleansing remedy that wins golden opinions from all who use it for any humor, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the formidable scrofu lous swelling, or ulcer. Internal fever, sore ness and ulceration yield to its benign influences. Consumption, which is but a scrofulous affec tion of the lungs, may, in its early stages, be cured by a free use of this God-given remedy. Bee article on consumption and its treatment in Part HI o r the World’s Dispensary Dime Se ries of paupblets, costs two stamps, post-paid. Address Vorld’ Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Bvffalo, N. Y. A firm at Augusta, Ga., received a csblegram from London for a bottle of medicine. The message cost $7.50, the medicine $2, and the express char go to London is $2.50. A Lady Want* to Know the latest Parisian style of drees aud bonnet; a new way to arrange the hair. Millions are ex pended for artificial appliances, which only make conspicuous the faet that emaciation, noryou* deDilltv, and female weakness exist. Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription” is sold under a positive guarantee. If used as directed, art can be dispensed with. It will overcome those diseases peculiar to females. By drug gists. Senator Sawyer, of Wisconsin, has presented his son with 250 square miles of land in the St. Croix valley, north of Hudson, Wis. The price paid by Mr. Sawyer was $1 per acre, or $160,000 for the whole vast tract. What’s SsTed Is Gained. Workingmen will economize by employing Dr. Pierce’s Medecines. His “ Pleasant Pur gative Pellets ” and “ Golden Medical Discov ery cleanse the blood and system, thus pre venting fevers and other serious diseases, and suring all scrofulous and other humors. Sold by druggists. Laziness grows on people, it'beglns in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish, for he learns to economize his time. What th Director Said. A Boston reporter, while in the office of the New York and Bouton Despatch Express Com pany, had , conversation with Mr. B. F. Lira bee, one of the directors of the companv, who gave the following personal experience: "A little over a year ago I was taken sick. I did not know what the trouble was, but I continued to grow worse, and my oomplaint baffled the skill of my doctors. At last my symptoms de veloped into that terrible oomplaint, Brights Disease, which has been pronounced incurable by all physicians. My sufferings at that time were unspeakable. I was bloated from head to foot; mv heart pained me ;my pulse was irreg ular, and I was unable to breathe except m short, convulsive gasps. While suffering thus I learned of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and although I had been given up to die by the prominent physicians of Boston, and they had told my friends I could not live a week, I resolved to try this remedy as a last re sort. I am rejoiced to say it has effected a perfect cure in my case, and with manv of mv friends who have been afflicted with* kidney troubles, either of long standing or in their acute forms, and who, under my advice, have used this most wonderful rsmedv.” Kotlct. From the 10th of October, 18S1, to he Ist of July, 1882, genuine Rock Bpring Water will be supplied to cus tomers by Ellis & Cos., of Bailey Springs,, at the following rates: Ten gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 15.00 Same can refilled at 4.00 Five gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 3.25 Same can refilled at 2.50 Nine gallons in glass bottles 7.50 Reasonable freight and express rates are given by all railroads. This water has been known for nearly fifty years as a sure cure for Dyspepsia, a sure cure for diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, a sure cure for all curable cases of Dropsy, a sure cure for Scrofulous cases of the Bones or Skin, aud a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi eating drink that overcomes so many worthy resolutions. Deprive a drunk ard of his diain for three days and meanwhile give him plenty of Rock Spring Water, and he won’t want the whiskyj Don’t you think it’s worth trying it. if you do, drop a postal to ElJis & Cos. Jt will cost only a cent. According to the report of the Secre tary of State for India, more than nine teen-twentieths of the total number of 155,634 persons employed on the Indian railways at the close of September last year were natives. The remainder were composed, in nearly equal proportions, of Eurasians and Europeans. Rev. P. L. J. May, Rome, Ga., says : “I have had Asthma seven years, and could not lie down and sleep, and for hours thought that every breath would be my last. Since I have been taking Cone’s Asthma Conqueror, I can lie down and sleep all night.” Hon. Justin S. Morrill, of Vermont, now 71 years of age, is the oldest member of the United States Senate, and the youngest is Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, now 40 years of aere. Rev. J.W. Knapp, Pastor M. E. Church, South Memphis, Tenn., writes : “ As to the power and virtue of Cone’s Asthma Conqueror, you can refer the world to me.” Bismarck is growing fat. In 1874 he weighed 207 pounds; in 1876, 219 j in 1877, 230; in 1878, 243 ; in 1879, 245 ; in 1880, 247, and now he turns the scale at 251. — ; s Rev. J.S.Tevis, Pastor Wall st., M. E. Chprch, Jeffersonville, Ind., writes : “My wife is using Cone’s Asthma Conqueror, and it is doing her good.” The wharf at New Orleans wis be lighted by a hundred electric lajnps, covering a distance of five miles. The necessary machinery is now being put in nlace. The address of the Cone Asthma Company is Cincinnati, Ohio, and Atlanta, Ga. Read their testimonials in this paper. Boys in French schools arc to be taught the use of the rifle. Had French soldiers been taught how to use it, they would not have been beaten in 1870. Uncle Remus says the fhellow apple that drops on the ground wit.hnnt shaking is mostly x/oa mdney-Wort aud rejoice in health. One package makes six quarts of medicine. Germany is overrun with tramps and beggars—an unfailing sign of national distress. On Thirty Day7Ti7al. The Voltaic Belt Cos., Marshall, Mich., will lend their Electro-Voltnic Belts and other Electrio Appliances on trial for thirty days to •ny person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost vitality, and kindred troubles, guarantee ing complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Address as above without delay. P. S.—No risk ia incurred, as thirtv days trial ia allowed. Pure Cod Liver Oil made from selected livers, on the sea-shore, by Caswell, Hazard & Oo. ? New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it eunerior to any of the other oils in market. Don’-t in the Home. Ask Druggists for “Rough on Rats.” It clears out rats, mice. 15c. BIOW TO SECURE HIMLTtT. It is strange any one will suffer from derangements brought on by impure.blood, when SCOVILL’S SARSA PARILLA AND STILLINGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVES SYRUP will restore health to the physical organization. It is strengthening syrup, pleasant to take, and the BEST BLOOD PURIFIER ever discovered, curing Scrofula, Syphilitic disorders, Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipe las, Malaria, Nervous disorders, Debility, Bilious com plaints and Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, etc. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures pain in Man and Beast. DR. ROGER’S WORM SYRUP Instantly destroys WORMS. (TbU Engraving rvprtMou tha Longa In • healthy atata.) i STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. .K° r ®?W>i Croop, Bronr-hltta and nil ether affections of the Throat and LUKOS, U stauds unrivaled md utterly beyond all competition. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It .ppracbM .. Mr . ipwiflc thlt "" pw * r * cored, where the direction* are compiled *lth. There la no chemical or other in gredient# to harm tho young or old. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL T CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Proprietors, CXMCUTJI ATI. O. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. s"f "? "F A TEAK and (Ssmim m agatw TONY PASTOR IN TROUBLE. Hk.wbo it* n/-Ay P? nffKi ind' Character < is|j ad hlmttge-. and that was y severe panis, tacks or colds complaints ol aracter never dm long, as he dout a remedy uch annoying ..Ja^cobsuil eOl i l !^r. C rpltpf Of :e or relief ot rheumatism, ana iui H, was the only thing used among professional people for that distressing complaint. He took bottles of it w b him whenever he went traveling, and would not be without it, and knew that it y, as \ ery popu lar with a number of members of his own com nnnv The foregoing, from the Brookij n v*- Sic. recalls to our inind on item wherein the SKt Cairo (111.) tribute to the enterprise of the St. Loins ct>6i via and expressing his sorrow at tne loss by lire which the latter paper sustained, says. The whole office was knocked into ten thousana JS|_all except the St . Jacobs ment, which was mercifully Piesened. the closing remarks in the aboteand the following incident are a true index of the unexampled popularity the Cheat German Remedy enjoys everywhere: At a St. Louis theatre recently whilst the play was in P ro F£* wwe i performers met with a painful mishap, wiiicn SSte disabled her. The Wo of the Piece equal to the emergency, called out to one of the ushers to “bring a bottfe of St. Jacobs Oil quickly. The thundering applause throughout the entire house which promptly followed this happy mg ecstionwas an unmistakable proof of the tact that the audience “ had been thcrethemseUos as the expression goes, and experienced, the ben ciits of this wonderful ar icle. Mr. Charles A. Whitney, advertising agent, oi Talk Garden, Providence, R. 1., writes: lor three years I had inflammatory rheumatism in iuv right hip and knee. I employed many noted physicians, and tried numerous remedies for the ailment, but found nothing to help me until I used the Great German Remedy, St. Jacobs oil, which cured me at once. Xam now entirely well.. D! BULL'S COUGH IHHtI Iff SYRUP In Hosts of Families tetter's Stomach Bitters is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this s that years of experience have proved to be perfectly reliable in those cases of emergency where a prompt and convenient remedy ia demanded. Constipation, liver com plaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and other troubles are over come by it. For sale by Druggists ana Dealers, to whom apply for Ilostetter’s Almanac lor 1882. CptTC ) A handsome Stem Winding Imitation €oil i . Watch, on receipt of the address ol twenty five persons and fifteen 3c. stamps for packing and postage. Standard Jewelry M’fg Cos., Schenectady, N. Y. ° PB t6ll t S Bend stamp for instructions. Pns nkbaker, Simpson & Cos., P.0.80x enstons 65. Washington, D.C. For Two Generations The good and staunch' old stand-by, MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT, has done more to assuage pain, relieve suffering, and save the lives oi men and beasts than all other liniments put together. Why? Because the Mustang pene trates through skin and flesh to the very bone, driving out all pain and soreness and morbid secretions, and restor ing the afflicted part to sonnd and supple health. $ £ND FO R CATAL OGU ETS a H f ffITTT] DO K you would ewape the il I nr.Mn pains and dangers of child J iuuuu birth send gtamp U) Dr Stainback Wilson, At lanta, Ga., for “GLAD TIDINGS FOR MO THERS,” containing ™.MOST IMPORTANT IXFOR- I MATTOX FVER PUBLISH eiy. WHT wun Mount Timwya ® If yen *■ * l*xnri*i wotatAche. tayla* C %> ” THIcFES‘,*SraENC.THIN 4 CmR C* nOOEATE U. HAIR n<*un do.'t U hnilßig|4. Tr ta.rrMt Scans,. diMcer? hik til SiFAR TET ywwßfc-ajj. PAUAD. SsadoklT SIX CENTS t. I>i J. GOXZA- *§§jElp£* U£, lu im. Smug, Hw, bmn !*U iaMMtra* lllffF ~ MILL and FACTORY SUFPLIM ALL kinds. BELTINB, Host •nd PACKING,.GILS, IWA *LI KINDS, IRON PIKE, pfTINfIS, RMS 60053, STEAD GAUGES, ENGfNI 80VERN0RS, No. 3wd |or Prlos List W. k DILLINGNAD A CO.. I*3 Dshi Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. P T P m • 1 M Agents goods. 6efia for ■*" * * circular. Cferr Oi Wrii. tUi day M horns easily mads. Costly 3b 4 fros. Addrss* Tgtrh A Os., Angmt*. Ms Bestdent Agents wanted in every town', t pgr-or tioulars address Pr. Fnllgr, 429 canal St., w, On 111 HMI By I. M. WOOLLEY, At feiJ? E|i |V| lanta, Ga. Reliable eri -1 denes #**n, A reference* u A ni T tocuredpationtsand phys “ABIT jelans.Send for mjf bSok ss ClI R E. Ths Habit A its Cars. FrsS Fac-Similes of U. 8. Treasury Aim national dank bill*. Consisting e# nine exact Imitations of Onited States Treasury Notes,and nine ol National Bank Bills, 18 in all, of various denominations. Asa rare and instantaneous means of detecting counterfeit money they are it.valua ble. J. A■ MAT. 297 Greenwich Street, _New York City. roC’NG HEN gJSoSSLfff Stion, address VALENTINE 880., Janesville, Wie.. I ASTHMA German Asthma Cure never fails to gifttfm-1 mediaU relief in the worst cases, insures comfort- B abl£ sleep; effefi s cures where all others fail. A ■ trial convince* the Otoit *keptical. Price, 60c, and fl S 1.00 of Druggists qr by m ill, Sample FREE I f f 1 Violet from Mother’s Graved’ and I / u other popular Songt, words and mimui entire, II Saa art'for 12c. Patten & Cos., 53 Barclay si., N, T. GOLD and UER MEDALS Awarded By the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics’ Exhibition to CIUCHEKINe A NONS for Best Grand Nqnai e aud I pright Plano Fortes. Phonography, or Phonetic Shorthand. Catalogue of works, with Phonographic alphabet and il lustrations, for beginners, sent on application, Address BENN PITMAN, Cincinnati, O. fitnCjCl |VQ Career, (2d edition), from Tow-Path UAnrIELU o to White House: full account of Ob sequies. Handsome Quarto drawing-room style, Steel Plates. Price, sl, 51.76, Gilt-edee, $2. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Address J. A. AR. A. REID, Publishers, Providence, R. I. rniTKin ns it To rUUIvLf UU I Send SI,AO and receive a hand some Electro Plated Present, consisting of a handsome Cup Gold Lined Chased, a pair of splendid tonjtkln King*, a handsome Frtitt Knife with Niil'rirk, nice Tobacco Box. Send to H. KRAEMER, P. O. ?16, Meriden, Conn. JERSEYS, BERKBHIRES, COTSWOLDS, BRONZE TURKEYS, PEKIN DtCKB, LIGHT BRAHMAS, COOLIE DOGS. C. **. MATTOCKN, Portland. Mo. One Dollar iL IT3QAJI. The Best Story Paper in the Week AS eotuSSfll vt or final and choleely-eeleoted reading matter, printed npoa Ir.rge, plain type. Issued Weekly, and mailed te any address in the United States, postage paid, for One UoUttr a Year. Every now subscriber gets a premium. Send for sample copy. Address CHICAGO LEDHIM, Qhieaga. HI, a week in your own town. Terms and go outfit 5)00 free. Add ess H. Hali-fttACo., Portland, Me, ggggggggggggg Gentlemen: i \-is suffering from tiCfbirjl debiiiry to bik-U ou extent im.t my labor wasexceedlngryjrar densometome. A vacation of aiucmth diet lityi give me much relief, but on the contra, y, wiia followed oy increased prostration and sinking chUle Atthisft:n I began tba use of your Ikon Ton A.', from wmen X HP aliped almost immediate and wonderful results, "i ho Old Cnortry returned and I found that my natural rorcet was oot permanently abated. I have used three bottles oft ho Tonic. Rinco using it 1 have done twiceitne la bor that l ever did in tho same time during my illnosr.. and with double the ease. With tho tranquil nerve' and vigor of body, has oerthe also a clearness of thought never before enjoyed. Iftbe Tonic has not done tne> work, Iknow not what-. I give it the credit. J. P. Watson. Pastor Christian Church, Jroy, G. (The Iron Toniti it* rf 1 preparation of JPrO- i tovitie of Iron. Peru vian Stark, anti Pit os- S phates* associated 3 icttfi the Vegetable, m -4LrN>mrr/rfc s M4t every purpose, where f la Tonie. is necessary, f urn * T „!> ,v Tc r*P. M e **r- wniCMOP CO., pn, 2l:t NORTH MAIN Stuwr IT. LOUIS. tRSTABLIbHRD 1344. COSEPHO. TODD, f Engineer and Machinist. . F i“ B ®P. Jute, Rapa, Oakoot, aad Bagging Machinery, Steam Bnghtes, Boilers,, ®c. Sole agent for Maybor*s New Patent Acme Bleam Snainkand Force Pump corn bmed. Also, owner and exclaatve auntttoetmar f The New Baxter Patent Portable Steam Engine. These engines are admirably adapted te all kinds of light power for drifiog pric ing presses, pumping water, sawing wood, grinding coffee, ginning coftca, and all k*** of agncaltnral and mechanical purposes,, end me Asm is lied at the following low prlcsaf. 1-horae power JjgQ (IM-bome power. Al9O 2-horse power 345 2)§-horse power 273 3-hwse power 290 { 4-horse power Vtt J. C. TODD, Paterson, N. J. Or Ho. 10 Barclay St, New York. _____ Valuable Christinas* Presents Free to^AIII IN BEAUTIFUL and useful holiday gifts NAMED ADVERTISEMENT AT NO COST WHATEVER J • Conditions/ W* pabltoh *•**••" Eight-page, 32-oolumn Agricultural and Boa. Paper enured The Rural Homs JowrnaL at the low pries of Fifty CtnU Ff m design, which will he much admired. 4. Buckner** Musical Chert, by the kid of whToh eny*eSe ny learn to play •*•***♦ Piano, Organ or Hslodeon In aahort time. 6. Ten Perforated Card Board Mattoea, for working with worsted or til* ii*> book-raarka or other sonrenira. 6. The Mechanical Orasahopaer, a asw and CbrUtma* toy. which wUI delight the whole family with it* antics. Remember, we send all of theso .alu.ble and useful articles absolutely free to ail who tend fifty cents for a year s subscription to 2*ha Rural Horn* Journal. We make this great offer simply to introduce ©or piped and obtain tbooai4J or new subscribers. It is one chance in a life-tima to get a very large return for a very email sum of money. Tbiak of it! a eploadld paperawhoie year for only fifty cents, with six reliable and aseful premiums free 1 We offer do obeap trash* hut oaly articiestf genuine value and usefulness, and a paper excelled by none. Ail orders filled prcmptly. and perfect satisfaction rtrnraateed of refunded As to our reliability we refer to any publisher in Hew Terk, likewise to the Commercial Agencies, as we keea buffo business, are well-known, and our reputation is established. If you wUI show this advertisement and get up a elib at feur, we •end you an extra copy with the premiums free for your trouble. Send at ©wee for this unprecedented bargain. Address, F. M. LUPTON, PuMbser, ? Park Place, New Terk. IMPROVEMENTS—HEW STYLES—NEW CATALOGUE THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN 00. ®** la * t M F* r **f er C* at h*T* wen iitlUT koror* AT Ifni own of lh* OUAT wo*m>’ moniui RXirn**i B T * A “ boloj iho only Amerioan organs which hr* bn fosnd w.rthy *f each *4 any), hT* effect*# .= , ** fn. faloa*!,* nutouinm in Organa In th* tun tras than Id any similar perl*# a sc. >h9 Si st introduction of t.Ai* instrument by tbm f twan tv years since; and are now offering oboajts qJ mxczllemcm and ggLABCcn cafacxtt: also popular mxuzlm and smalls* emu at imtxotx* *oalxty # and at Lowsfi r?*V n 22 ’/ 30 * £? 4 ’ u P wtr,i '- A Sbff ILLI oTRATED CATALOGUE, M pp., 4to. i* mo* ready IMi j, fu’.i y aeaci ibing and illustrating mor* than 100 style, of Organa. Thia, with nsinriese, and drsulaM oaAt* “I n.uch in.oroLatioa *hout ergaaa genarallT, which will b useful I* *ry or* thinkiuf of Barahaaiof, wtlT bV ►'f T* V 'r W %. S , if kMLtM CO.. 1M Tramuat **„ RoTrOßt OtaM 14th it.. 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Penuile Hi*- 1 eases, ft r ant of Vital-m Ity, Xorvotts Prostra-m Hot), and ConVulen-w c-encc from Fevers sAe.f