The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 12, 1882, Image 2

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Middle'(jteOTgia Argus plußUSßiu * horning. t J c eP iSS. LOCAL MATTER* k Mr- C. A. Nil*? fce sold Griffin Iftwg to Mr. Gtefr*ner, of Firfdtey, OMc. P ; ke doutety ha if voted “no *snce ,? hr rmehuixlvtd majority. Mi. Jtfc j >mou i tax returned rroxaJOj-b&ma., bsjuys he *av? f<j much lit *he Fxvoaltion he cant tell pwhfng eLbftt ItT Allefe Tnrner. an aged citizen 0/ V/wtaifi md%*t tuesday. He * nd high ]v^tfnyecttl|Citiaefib qf that ceunty. #f?T‘ r,otfh|fst Daugh- * iec * of ).aeob Mayo of 0 miu died in Atlanta last mouth tr tb fever lean/ e** a li . t. ajSm. ■3** . atmnnon, of ua bi uiii. one Cf?Mesro Conn ties olever- W\yctta§ man accompanied by hie ContinOfTV'iyya Court** ha* been; jj our County this week. Wt et ouf friend Andrew Brown vn oil* streetl ’lasi Saturday ho loot* like the f*r tetsiiud #md h wHB OF. * * v . Me* Fouvy. Greer had hie hard LrAte r* t la e t v '*'>ok by gte icir • >f wp ; ay‘sa the hand o f one of inn me and white-; A;'' g mud*ail!* r :r ;co ya< * T . ~int- near J:*. Kk>h Bf 8 F ftnßh and Mr f.*be ThdyuiSQn ha*. bought the ?om tlhptlyi William* Plant-aU i. in ■I pr r " •'.. i; 1 v Its ar. ved ft -a v 1; o aoiftaaptentiid ri ver bottoms. (tare ii r xi a?). Govr^oion. J.iu. G. —The prellmi njner emwov'of the Oovi niton and Octynj.gee railroad b complete from •hejGemSU Railroad, near the. Cov \ngsk*'fa'Ctt. to the Ocmulgce river n?jprtlKb.£ Farn\ Work mill V* coQMfceacK-Q a* mi early adr m ixwlflilftei * * i • , Mr. R, V. Smith bought a doll are worty of Sugar from Mr. W F Do ag iosduring curbum**, vnd ‘th : te his Jitti# daughter wan etirrhifc eon . of thejragar m hei cedes a lew Jays afu#7 She fund a five ‘dollar tHd ple<|e in the sugar. Wo would like to make & draw on that bsir!, Phariey Douglaia think*, that ac boupta for the disappearance of his chriatmaa gift. Mr. Preston tells of one of bis revive* ‘in Ala finding a silver t* r atch baiiis farm that he loet twen ty yew before and as soon as wound uj> it began running ss perfectly as if itntrir had btanon Rip Van With tie spree of twenty years. It fc?d sustained ’no ' perceptit’l'e damags> sxeopt the rust had ’erden the Spring that held the op e. 4,this watchman, A gentle raafi.pstsing along the street Tees day night overheard the following conversation between twr negroes: i‘Bay, Jim, what ydu think cf the sheriffs lection?” “well, Uncle Pe ter, if e gwine to be a tight race? fur late of white folks and niggers, to, cad’t wots, kaae dey ain't r aid detfguanner hills.”,- tr . Tamers Meeting of a meat infest t# farmers of Lawrence clip the following t?n gible ♦ r!*olutioni that command tb enseal ves to the farmers every whare. whereas we .the citizens of Laure ns county have met to consider qve- of vital importance *c the of ourselves childrsuand oufecwmty therefore; R*.solv*arnis! *1 honest people, wish juUeo by *ll mm, and to • cof&lfy vrltfr. rJ! hcnast obligation wt-do Hereby plods?© ourselves to ud cHM*g*sdl o\ir obligation lureY-.o™ guauo and for ell to the tAui of, , JQ&* ‘•-r: ■■ • 1 ;~. Ji''* "'■ .* fn % -** Vi r * k '• iU ' * } p afcibifu W-^r,.-*0 Th'A T'^CO*’TC our- 1 1 .*4'’f viß, -is) l* j*6 ; 4 t ii. ..iOi, ; . it#olsa" £♦ TF sr< - T Cl*. • far* i r Rffoper-noii; ?3*o n'is,* c.ii ou: | • 'B? and ichC- supplies it*': ■ • n sou ! -♦ rhntive Tt'* 1 not trlrot ~r- *e i acres cico .too • c ihn i rnedeir balance wo wffi C’vote to y-ffu o_>*i pY j :*n t :c? n; i.r. I • :itt *"• ie?64felii%' •■*** * iff y t ,r f : * •'. >'•*- gjnnm mt&k'iH ntits ,' aod ,:- ure crvr• ‘~~- r*t : : ■ ■■,r l , - r • IMP I ■§>,. - , , - V ’ * ' -* ; -•' - >Q**re nh<Ut tOv* ci auttiuiaii.,' lie .* ion - Paul Collier left our towTVtmfcjday morning for Albany, where hs ha* secured tatisfactory employment. Paul baa made a ho*t ot friends in butts by his obliging manner- and will he very much missed by the ’’ teisrs Lawson and their customers, ra, those who expect to life* battles must aim at the beat op por* unitie*. So we concluded that he ha* benefited himself'by the change, we wish hiai success. we hare received a copy of the “Tragedy of Abraham Lincoln,” or the ri?e and fall of the Confederate State* ia five act*. In which is •hliue interesting scenes. The scene in front of the white House, Bull Run panic. The callico bail Presi dent manion Richmond. The evaluation of Richmond , And war down souf on de okomulgee, is piaed in splendid style. The play contains 6j page* published by Dr. f w. Solilsn. 132 Lexington Ave aue New Tork. Prica by mail 15cis We publlKh in this issue a com munication in regard to the free school system in tills County, and we think the matter should eom mand the attention of those inter ested in the matter. The free tiohool was intended to benefit the poor, and It shonH be so arranged J* to enable them to avail tbem selves of its bontfiU.- The msiori ty of the patrons*of the free school desire it. to beo arranged that each can have its school at any * m luring the year to suit a raa. :,i ;i;yoithc patrons, out school ! .irl have power tea regulate t i> matter, and they should give it their careful consideration to ac n rds'.c thy patron? should be • o ii< t c ii* -jerati^n. PUBLIC SCHOOL. To. Arqus.—without attempting to o’ the merits of the present C --V;o ] i'vstMn. or detracting an iota •’ on vU impetus and success; 1 or . hng ago conceived the idea Ci.d, there are no sixty-five consecu .: y- <1 v between the first of April and 'Mo ember in which the chril dren who are entitled to the benefits ( ! the i.H he school” can make an average attendance of more than fift;* per cent of the time. Its true the o are exceptions, wheutit comes t;■ c'iiee. towns and farmers who are pecuniarily Better favored than their neighbors, but of that class !*o are less favored who are com pelled to labor and who are 1 ' equal ly entitled under the law: ‘ mult ei ther sacrifice the industnes of the “farm” or the advantages of the “public school”. Now there is a remedy for thia evil, and in •aohiewwmtiirt it i* fur nished bv allowing every school community to declare when their Public schools shall, opeh, say Jan uary Feb. and Marcher, if necessi ty demands; run one half of the public term before the working sea son open 3, and the other half after crons are laid by. To sum it in a nut-shell ; I would say that I have been a participant in the public schools ever since the system was inaugurated, and am ef the opinion that the “school’’ boards should look after this mattsr, as early as practicable; and authorise the pub lie schools to be taught daring the w; ate* months: I would say that four fifths of the school patrons that I have heard express an opin ion want the school outside of the working season. Dec 31st 1381. Finca pa No FfifoK. GEORGIA IJfD* PEN DJENTB T lie following dispatch was sent out Irom Atlanta, last week, and *howe the political drift for this ysar Atlanta Ga., December 30. — There was a large gatheriug of in dependents in Atlanta to-day from all parts of Georgia. Among the prominent persons were Hen. w. H. Felton, Dr Miller, Minister Serugge, General Longstreet and Judge Hook A platform was formulated abolish ing the poll tax and advocating young men for promotion, and con demning conventions. it was agreed that Dr. Felton should make the race for governor and he consented to do so. Independent* will run in ev*ry county for the Legislature, and in every congressional district. A big paper will be istued here advoca ting the movement and favoring the tariff President Arthur endorsed the departure, and the light will be warm Mothebs ! Mothk*3 !! Motiixrs i Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a eiefe child sit during and crying with the excru ctaving pain of cutting teeth ! if so, oo ••. ->oce and get .a bottle of Mrs. TN v -LOr*y soothing syrup. It will “ the poor little sufferer imiue !irtcly-depend upon it, there is no *rus* ke about it. There is not a ■ v tber on earth, who has ever used . rV ' v, hi not tell you at once that 't • regulate the bowel)*. and i ive rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating iike magic. It is perfectly safe to in all c.w>e, anchpleasant to the r, and -s th* prescription of one i i#e oldest and oest female phyai ciaAiand nurses in tba Tim ted. State*. Sold every where- 25cent* a bottle. The Victory ,v Norri* Horror 1 Equaled by a Reatucky Outrage The Ashland Ifoi^or. The newspaper a few days sine* announced the outraging, and kill- ing of two girls at Ashland, Kentuky the murder of their defender and the burning of their dweling. The parti ulars of this crime make up a chap ter of horror* that put k> shame the eenaational stories of the age. In Geigerville, a üburb of ashland, there dwelt a lady named Gibbons.On Friday, two days before Cristinas, she left her home ; accompanied by, her son Sterling to -go to ironton ohio upon a visit . Her daughter \ Fannie aged iourteeen and her other son Rodby a onS-leggeb *eventeen year oldsiad, were left in charge of, the house. The two were£joineddn the evening by Emma Thomas, a girl of four-teen, who oame oyer to spend the night. The next morning the house was discovered in flame A at and the neighbors broke in and dragged out the half burned remai ns of the young people, it was dis covered then that they had been ifiurpered and the girls Am id the most intense ezeiteznent the funerahtook place and detect!v- and es set to work to hunt up the perpet rators of the crime. Three men were at test arrested. Two cf them were married men aud none over ttfefitveigh' yeani oVF drills Craft coni eased the wlioleuriuis. They had gone to the house, outraged the girl*, killed, the hoy with an axe when he interfered, and dtsbod the girl*’ brains cut. Then saturating the bed slothes wfth coal oil they sot fire to it and left. ‘For Safety, tli® men wars immediately taken to Catletsburg. People gathered form sixty miles around, and soon & force of fifteen hundred men filled place. It seeme pimpossible that the lives of the fiends could be saved but a hassy preiirninary trail was ; had and under a strong guard they were remanded to jail Finding that trouble was brewing the authorities ordered the steamer Mountain Girl to get up steam, in order to carry the prisoners to MaygyiLle. The prisoners bould not he gotten to the steamer, however and were started in a canal boat/ The mob took pos session of the steamer aiid pursued them. The prisoners were trans ferred to another, steamer, the tliepVlouatain Boy, and telegrams ient to Maysville for assistance. The military of that place, seventy five strong, were put upon the Hud son. It met the' pursuers twelve miles above Portsmouth and trans ferred the militia. The pursuers there upon turned back. The tele gram this morning announce the arrival of the prisoners at Maysville. taken all in all it is a ' fctofy with terror and excitement enough to satisfy any one. Xd. Argus.—As I was perigrima ting over the paciffic slope of the State of Butts, a few days since J met up with that genial, and whole soul fellow citizen Jas. M. Thomp son —You know Mr Editor that it is a rars thing for a man to hoist his sail so gs to catch the in fluence of every breeze that wafts the elements; yst lam responsible for the assertion that Jim thompson is as near all wool and a yard wide as this countv can offer. After enjoying the hespit&lities, and a pleasant Hour with Jim I meandered my way farther to the South pole, when I met a couple of pedestrians, one of whom looked rather moody; but not so very San key. This gentleman Stated that he had sent a eum of money to I. G. ftideaut of New York for Goods, and E. G. had forgotten to send the Goods and rede off with the money and he guessed it would be the last cent that this man would ever rid eaut for him unless the Goods rode in very soon. I rode on soliloqui zing that it would be cheaper to buy when.the money didnt have to rideout so far when upon a sudden j I hove upon a party in .he lagroad, arraigned bv officer of the law fai stealing and as the It*hi gentleman had a mots in bis own eye, h# could not clear the* beam out of theirs so the J, P. admonised th* colpriti, in his best style, when they pleaded i guilty, and implored the mercies of ths court whereupon the limb of the law pronounced the benadictien and proclaimed them Man and wife ! I observed the young man to Hop around with #. splendid Hose in his hand and mit was the nth of Jan., 1882 and very cold to boot, i conclu ded ffart t was a winter tqs9 } retrod i for this special occasion. I asked 1 the yeung ady if she was net cold : | 8b• pa.d shr bad been but she was ; not a hit Cole r.ow. A fie r the usu -lai congrntulrtione of a big-road ! Marriage the bride and groom Rose and Hopped In their buggy and went tliefr eay re^oioing # when I could only recall the has* Hath the ! ittiv busy bee, improved aing hour And will gather honey all the days fiom one sweet chosen dower, And may this hive ifHea veufplease, Raise a swarm of htt’e bees. INDIAN SPRING. DIRECTORY. THO§. X SaUNDIBS. . General Merchandise. John, W. Gibson. General Merchandise. Wines Liquors A Cigars. E. E. Pound. General Merchendise. Wines Liquoss A Cigar*. R. J. Lawson Aqt. General Merchandise. J. G. Daught*y& Bro. General Merchandise. Dr. T. S. Saunders. Druggists <k Practiceing Physi sian, " Dr J. H. Bryans. * Druggist & Practical Physician. N. 0. Alexander. Wines Liquors & Cigars. Mrs Wright. General Milinery Go octe. Mclntosh House. By B. W Collier. Elder House. By W. A. Elder. Sr. ”• i Varner House. : By Mi*s Varner. ti • W. B. Hoard. Boot and Shoe Shop. W A Elder Jr. wood Shop J P Britton, Masonry, JACKSOM DIREC TORY. Byars A- Mallett. Gensral. Merchandise. M L. Duke. General Merchandise. Carmichael & McMichael. General Merchandise, A. Me Wat kins & Son. General Merchandise, Man, and Barfield. General Merchandise. Watkins. Wines liquorg dr Cigars. J J. Easton . wines Liquors & Cigars. Miss £ R. Finley, General Milinery Goods, John Higgins Jeweler, ft T watkins, Livery and Sale Btable Dr Robt Bryans, Practicing Physician, Dr, Carmichael, Drugs and Medicines, Benton House. By HO Bento I?, M. V. Mckibben. Attorney at Law. Hendrick, and W ight. Attprnies at Law j BUTTS SHERIFN SAL I. will Bn Sold Before the court house door in the town of Jackson, Butts county Ga. on the first Tues day in February next 1882, within the legal _ hours of sale, the follow ing described property to wit; Sixty acres of land, being a part of the Coleman iand situated, lyiug and being in the county of Butts, bounded as follows : N erth by lauds of R. J. Lawson, west*bv Mrs Lucy Laweon; East by Joeiah Freeman. Levied upon as the property of R. W. Coleman, by virtue cfonefifa issued from the 614 District G. M. in favor of R. F. Brooks, vs R. W. R. W. Coleman, levy made by J. B. Brooke, L. C., end returned to me. this Dec., 2nd 1881. J. 0. Beauchamp. Sheriff B. C WillEiigoLi> i efor* hie court house door in the town of Jac<son Butts county Ga. on the FIRST fUGSDAY in. FEB RUARY next, 1832. ' .in the ?ega ! hou'-i of s*lo, the toitowing desc*-I>*<3 rropert y to wit: Forty acres of land in the North comer of let of ‘and number not known, and being in the conniv of Butts ftndbounded as follow*; North by lanes of Mrs Bffbop : West by iaads of Mas ton Hen 'rick: South by lands of the *s t£‘.e of .Telm fh’rrie; East by lands sold by M. V. Mckibben as administrator or, th* estate- ofTbos. McKibben, on the Ist Tuesday in October 1881. Le vied upon as tha property cf John Currie, by virtue of ono h fa is*ued ? rota the Justin# court of the GO6 District G M. in favor of Robt G. Duke v*. John Currie. P roperty pointed out by plaintiff. Tenant ui posidssion given notice as required by law. I.rvy made Get, 1881, This Jan.,orti •i.O, BEarcua^fp. Bhanfif B C. ' before ,tbe house door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, Ga.. withiu the legal hour* of salt on the first tuesday in February next 1832, .the following ' de*cr ib ! ed property to-wit \ ‘ Ten Acres'ofliihd in th# Korth East corner Of lot of land Jfo. not known/Yitdared; Beirig and Wing in the County of Butts, and boun ded as folletvs by lands of Dr. J. H. Bryans; West by lands of of the estate of J. B. Dumble; Bast by land* of w. A. Elder, Levied up on as the property of the estate of J. B. Dumble, by virtue of thre tax fi-fas issued by J. 0, Andrews and W. C. Nutt, tax collector* of Butts county lor the years 1879-80-81 in favor of the State of Georgia and county of Butt* v*. the estite of J. B. Dumble.Tenant in po**es sion notified in terms of the law. Levy made and returned te me by J. M, McMichael, !, C, This Janua ry 3rd, 1882. J. 0- Bbauchamp. Sheriff B.C. Will Be Sold before the court hou*e doer i*n the town of Jaokson, Butts county Ga., on the first Tues day in February next, 1882, within witnin the legal hours of sale, the following to wit: OneWoodtaber and Morse En gine, five horse power* levied upon as the proper tv ofW. D. Martain, T. J. .Ridgway <fc Willian Thaxton, by virtue of onofi.fa issued from the Superior Court of Butts county in favor of M. V. McKibben vs W. D. Martain' T. J. Ridgeway and William Thaxton* This Dec., 24th 1881 • : ; . ; V • J. 0. Beauchamp. V- * Sherifi. FELTONS PLATFORM. “1. Political “caueus r ii oaly ad visory in it* aharacter —should have no binding force upon the ac tion* and conscience of free citizen* or a free government; but every bal lot eapt at an election ehould repre sent the conviction of the individu al voter. “2.we insist that it is essential to ire® government to have a free bal lot, and a fair count of all the votes honestly cast at any State or nation al election ; and the machiner j of managing and lupervieing elections should be guarded and protected by law so that fraud will be imposiible. “3. Honorable payment ef all hon e*t debts—especially the payment of national and State debta—as rap idly as our surplus revenue will au thorise. “4. Tn our financial matters we recognise gold and silver as the money of the constitution; and all paper issue—greenback er other pa per currency should be redeemed at the will of the holder, in coin at the treasury of the United States. ’ “5. As soon as the reduction of the national debt will permit, w* favor the repeal of all internal revenue law* and believe that all the reve nue of the federal government should be raised By a tariff upon foreign articles imported into this country and which tariff shall so discrimi nate in its proaiseons as to afford ample encouragemen and protection to all home industries. ,‘fi we advocate a liberal system of internal improvements by the fed eral government for works of a na tional character only especially our water routes of transportation" “4th national government ie the supreme authority known to the people of this country, and its laws haye the firit claim to our obedience Every Citizen of the United States is entitled to a full protection of his personal and political rights under tboee federal laws. “8. we believe every cnild should have the opportunity af acquiring a common Englith education in schoool forever made free by a lib eral support from the State govern ment. ‘ ! 9. Monopolies, by which a privi leged elas* exerciaed a controlling power over th* property and labor of a multitude of citiiene, are op posed tc the genius and spirit of our government; and we will stead ily resist &ny meaeure or system that tends to concentrate political pc- er or undue business opportu nities in the hands of the few at the expense of the many. “10. The present system of leas ing the state convicts must be wiped from our states as a foul blot upon our civilization and humanity. “11. Party prescription and sec tional prejudices have greatly retar ded the material growth and devel opment of our State which mateiial prosperity we earnestly desire and will did gently foiter: and to this end, will use every means to sup press proscription and to liberalize. sectional prejudice* racoguizing ihe unity of our common federal gov emment, and equality of all kkq befere th* law. tMAL ' • NO!IIBS. GEORGIA Butts County.—The R. viewers appointed by this Court having reported that the Road eommenceint a point on the Forsyth Road near M> ' Oastlebmry*. in -aaid. Oounty, running 'weitward through lands belonging t* 'Dr. J. H. son, there with the road lead ing toward* High FalTs in Monroe Coun ty, on tlie Hue of Butts smd Monro? Counties at 0. B. Standards will bso’' utility an convanienee to tlie travellint public. This is to notify all whatever, that on the first monday in February next, an order will bo final]- granted establishing said road, if nc good dauso is shown to the contrary * Witness my hand officially. J. ?. Cabmihael. ' Deo 31st IS*! Orhinary. Gcakdiay Sale—State cr .Georgu Butts County. By virtue of :'n order o', the court o’ Ordiaary of said county granted at a reg ular term on the first monday inJaiiua -1882 I will sell before the com house door ©f said county on the first Tueidr. being the 7th day of Feb. 1582 beteetL the legal hours of ■sale the following property belonging to Jere Cleveland and Mary P. Cleveland minor* to wit; one fortv fourth undivided interest o. each of said minor* in all that real estate* lying and ar.d being in said county of Butts known ar the Mclntosh Bote property and lands adjoining, the ssic real estate being ail of lot 34 upon which the MeXntoih House, it* stable, and den are situated, less ask ip on th- side of *? ; d lot of Eighty feet treat o? Fifty *h icop, , "* A parts of lets nine 8: IF f: y 1y ng 'rv/h of said let tbirb xciur s•*■} divided fton ’.he same ly street running East nd the si ot 34 and parte of let* 4b and 50 con tarn* hg in. all about Eight anrec more or ho erni? caffh. > N. C. CotLißß, Guakd.cs nfo * the prop erty of the said minors. APPLICATION V. V I/?:T7FRS 01 DIBMIP8 r QN STAT3 OF GEORGIA—Putts County Wliereas G. W, Flnllip.-, *.< !u inistri, tor of A. D. Hoar*in, *<■ c t . court in hi? petition, filed ,• I <>i teretl on record, th r t h“ ha* ffUr a ,ju ministered A I). Hoard’s esta e;—‘Thh- is, therefore to cite all peracr.A cone. ,-4. ed, heir? and creditere, to show c? s* k any they can why paid edministißto* should net. be discharged fro.r hi* 1- ministration, fend receive-ieitera of dig-' missioji, on the first Mondav in April 1852. Jan 4th 1882* j. F. Ordinary B. C. APPLICATION FOR LETTBRS OF DIBMISSION, STATS OP GEORGIA—Buns OoryrrY Whereas Lewis W. Atkinson and Geo. W Key, Executors of Thom** T. Atkin son, represents to the court in their per’ tition, duly Sled snd entered bn recerefi that they have fully adxnmis f sred Thes P. Atkinson’* estate I This is, therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs an 4 creditors, to show cause, if any can, why said Executors ahould net be discharged from their trust as Executors and re ceive loiters of dismission, en the first Monday in April 1882. [3 moj J■’ F„ OABMrCHABT,, NOTICE. On and after the 28 day of December, 18811 shall do rJI Advertising connect fed with my Office Inihc Jackson New* Pnhfithed In Jackson Butts Cos. G*.. J, 0. BsArcHAxr. Sheriff,, B. C., APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OB DISMISSION. State of Georgia, Butts County —'Whereas. Ct. W. Phillipps, adminietra tor of James M Brownlae represams to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered James M Brown!** estate This is, therefore to cita all parson* con cerned, heirs ai l creditors, to show cause if any they can, why eaid admin istrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in Anri! 1882. Jan *ith ISB2. J, 1 . Carmtchaxl, OjtDUrAR?. Nearly all the lllii that Afflict Mankind can be prevented and cured by keeping the stomach, liver and kidneys in ' working There is no meiibi re kcon i thr.t wV. V this as quickly and surely. .terfc ri: % \h you d.jtias f.s \ei tHiUij9r Po~:c le-se ad i. dccS-. . • j -Af voa sue WM’ja* iurmy with Ccaißua&ueo, As*, (cr way Wcrkaesa, y *rts fir u this Taic ihe mt neeiclaa Wow Cr* Ce for : 'a.e*u>rins XleaUM &. sjia eOiar Tack? eskbdUa up -k* bt B*r*r l ßiexte&ev. |3C. uj $1 i fto-oB gtaai** kao*t sigaatwe mi A'*am 4 C*.. ff. Y. - Largaiviag La hdfimg su.e* T X*tlvn’Ji\*r{*r.T7rtin*HTtm. ■gr>r-.^a.iiwiih aa,—i*n—a <mm HMua**■■■■■ f iPARKEir* iHAIft . w.~*.**^|^ .iu. rj^M-