The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 05, 1893, Image 2

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IHE ARGUS, ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM O IIICIAL ORGAN Ol JACKSON. Oi l it lA L OIIGAN 01 R UTTS CO L'NTY. Entered at the Postoffice at Jackson as second class mail matter. PUBLISHED EVERY IRIDAY. O. J. THAX ’o>, Criitor. IV. J.>, fcocinte. Jackson Ga. May 5 * ADVERTISING KA'IES. Ins. | 1 wk. | 1 mo. | 3 mos. | 0 mos j 1 yr. 1 | .GO j $1.25 | $2.50 | $4.00 [ $6.00 2 | 1.00 | 2.25 | 4.50 | 7.00 | 11.50 3 j 1.50 | 3.25 | 6.50 | 11.00 j 10.00 4 | 1.75 | 4.00 j 7.50 | 12.50 j 21.00 \ cl | 2.00 | 4.50 j 8.50 | 14.00 | 27.50 J cl j 4.00 | 8.25 | 15.00 | 27.50 j 52.5 q col. | 7.00 j 15.00 | 30.00 j 55.00 | 100. General Weaver wants to establish a school of’ political science. If it is ever established the general should enter as a primary scholar. Omaha World-Herald, The Argus most willingly joins the Constitution in its righteous war on Bosh Buck. If there is a man in all Harrison’s crowd that truly deserves remoyal in short or der it is Buck. Let him go and God send that he will never again hold an office in this great govern ment, A Washington correspondent gives figures in regard to the gid reserve ot the country that will be surprising to most people and gratifying to all patriots, showing that the wealth of the country as well as the population is rapinly drifting away from the East. With a secretary ot the treas ury from Kentucky and most of the gold in the west, Wall street is shown of much of its power. And in four more years we will have a Western president and a financial policy adap ted to the whole country. We sometimes think M•. Cleve land is a little slow in removing the offensive partision from office and putting in democrats but we can rest assure that he will make no mistake. Mr, Cleveland has already shown himself to be bigger than his party and in making changes and ap pointments he will show a degree of wisdom that is above the leading party politicions. We believe in the idea that “all things work together for good” etc. INTENSIONS. Good intentions,in themselves, will not atone for our blunders, nor make wrong right,or a lie the truth. When a government loses the confidence of its subjects it is weak. It doesn't matter how poor a law may be on the statutes, we should repeal the law, not evade it, A loy al cit zvn can not afford to evade the laws of his country 7 , It does not matter what the intention of a thing may be, unless it tends to bring about the result sought it is a perfect iaice. Results are the end of the law and gospel. Intentions not carried into effect are shadows, mere flits of the shadows of thought, ‘Hell is lull ot good intentions \ We are today witnessing a practiful de monslration of this misguided zeal. If your intention is as pure as the crystal streams and you see your plan does not produce harmony and good will toward men, stop and reconsider your plan and make it conform to the the intention. Rev. Sam Small doubtless intended to do good, when he attaoted the “German'” in Griffin, but did he do it? Can a man preach the gospel and then be compelled to take it back? No, the gospel cannot be re tracted. When a man has to retract he was not preaching the gospel. Is it possible, that every lecture from the .Bible is called gospel. Will the standard be lowered by sensa tionalists until the people lose cenfi dence in the preached gospel? God forbid. When a so-called expounder of the divine law becomes so indis creet as to place himself in a dile rna so inconsistent that a society man can riss up and brand him in the public press as a “liar and slanderer of the deepest dye M and hi u publicly read his confession, he must b; ve taken a wrong posi tion, and society in this case seems to be the victor or to have had a better representative. A man sh >uld tell the truth at all limes, and iftheje is a place where he should be more particular it is in the pulpit,and after having told it should stick to it “though the heavens fall.” A SAD DEATRU A deep leeling of sadness Spfead over our entire community c W ed nesdav morning at the announce ment that Mrs. E. G. Gilmo re was dead. The news was very unex pected as all thought she w is in a fair way to recover. Three weeks ago she gave birth to a child which died,and it was only by skillful handling that she was saved, but recently her condition grew favora ble and her neigbors and family had no fears of such a speedy death. Baton Tuesday night she expressed herself as feeling well and asked her husband to retire and sleep which he did about 1 o’clock and at 3 o’clock he arose and found his wife dead. She had died while asleep ot heart failure. IB r re mains were laid away in Jackson cemetery on yesterday after a fu neral by Rev. G. II Carter at the Baptist church. Call at 11. F. Edwards for the best and cheapest meats. More new clothing recM this week at Fennell, Thompon & Cos. nig lot of remnant calico at 5 cts per yard. Almand.Moon & Cos. r.ig lot of white goods from 31- to 5 cts per yard, Almand, Moon & Cos. You can go to the Millinery department of The New YorK Store and see the liKeness of many ladies of the town and country reflected in the Hats. Mrs. Thurman is designing for them. Truely there is high art. if you want a Hat to suit your pecular stile ol beauty give Mrs. Thurman your order. A man places a premium on his lie so long as he makes the practice of carryiug money in his person or at house. Deposit in Jackson Banking Cos. Cost you notning to do so and it is abso lutely safe and secure and can check it out at any time. Mrs. Thurman is a veritable artist in the milinary line, when you turn your order over to her somehow with her fe deft fingers she gives the hat a set that in varitably begets the likeness of the purchaser. There is an. eternal fitness of things. Verily she is a true dis igner and artest of no ordinary abilitary. For Victims to Household Cares So many women are willing vic tims on the altar of household duties, merging tlieir lives into a humdrum round which at its end leaves them in the dark, while those for whom they have sacri ficed so much forge far ahead. Neglect of household duties is not the price to pay for mental enlarge ment, but a judicious sifting of the necessary from the unnecessary items will save many an hour that can be put to greater advantage. Keep up your music, keep up your dress, invite people to the house and let them realize that instead of being the social nonentity that too many mothers become, you are a bright, companionable woman who is a delightful friend to both husband and children, as well as a loving wife and devoted mother. That Monstrosity, the Hoop. The magnitude of the hoop which flourished as the “ Farthingale,” under Queen Elizabeth, returned early" in the eighteenth century. The hoop is said to have made its first appearance on the French stage toward the end of Louis XIV. ActressesQwlio personated the heroines of tragedy had. from the time of Corneille, been greatly given to increase the amplitude of their skirts by artificial help They* eagerly adopted the fashion of the hoop from some English ladies who visited Paris after the peace of Utrecht. The well-abused monstrosity reached its greatest extravagance on the stage in both France and Erigland. The Fashionable Voice. The freak of fashion in London now is levelled at the voice. Formerly" one of the characteristics of a lady* was her voice; it was soft, low, well-modulated; poets and novelists bestowed this charm upon their heroines. But now the fashionable voice of the day- is high, shrill and strident; an exag gerated imitation of American intonation would best describe it, say-s The Queen. These voices come not from the outer ring of the circle, but from the charmed inner ring, the highest in rank be mg foremost in taking the lead in this respect. He Was in Great Danger. “Pm sorry- to say, my dear,” said the bank official to his wife, “that I must leave the country-.” “Is it possible?” she exclaimed. “I must,” he sighed; “my defal cation has been discovered and I have received a note from the de tectives saying they will be here in a day or two to grrest me.” STR A Y LOG 1L ITEMS Subscribe for The Argus and be happy. Young lady, wear Evi*-t Bros, shoes and be happy. Fennell, Thompson & Cos sell them and guarantee every pair, Spring has come and picnics will soon be in older, voung man get you a nice straw hat from Fennell, Thompson & Cos. and keep cool. The New Home Sewing; Ma chine is the best and cheapest for sale at the New York Store. The Atwood surspenderj will hold your pants more perfectly than any other, will wear longei than other, ror sale at the New YorK Store. DR. DRUMMOND’S LIGHTNING Remedy lor Rheumatism is used by physicians everywhere, and is known as a remarkably efficient preparation lor the relief and speedy cure of that disease. Its work is so immediate that benefit is felt from the first dose, and that one b.-ttle. bottle will cure any ordinary case Sold by druggists in large bottles, or sent by express to any address with special directions and full in formation, by Drummond Medicine Cos., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York Agents wauted. CEDAR ROCK. Mr Editor: —The rain that fell yesterday did a great deal of good. The mountain rock picnic wasen joyed by all, By the kindness oi Giddeom Gil more, Homer Gray and L. TANARUS, O’Neal a crewu of girls were ac companied to Jenkinshurg literary club Friday night. J, TANARUS, Do by happened to a feaiful accident Sunday night, His mule was Lightened by a dead horse ol Dr. Bryans. His buggy was torn up but none seriously hurt. A'k Bessie Welch how to draw his sweetheart *s nieture. The Cedar Rock literary club meets Friday night before every first and third Sundays, We were pleased to have Misses Linda and Flora Lee with us a few days last week, Tbe young people are expecting a grand time at the Falls next Sat day. Exie. JENKINSBURG, Rev, J. S. Askew is on a visit to Coweta county, his fit-id of labor before he came here. The church in our protracted service was greatly revived. Rev. Thurman of Locust Grove preached Sunday night. Baseball is flourishing at this place. J. J. Jenkins and W. P. Cobb both scored home runs Saturday evening. The school is still booming. Build a good house, get good teach ers and the territory is made. W e can boast of our teachers. They dont ask for patronage, they make their work so beneficial that it is esteemed a great privilege to send to them. A man won't go against his interest it he knows it The school will picnic some time in May. R. G. McCurdy visited us this week, the guest of M. L, Harris. Quite a crowd of young girls and boys were about to be off for Ctdar Rock last Fridav evening, to attend the hterary society at that place but just in time, learned the meet ing was postponed. Our boys can beat the county catching fish, but they are not lazy. II SIOO FOR A BOTTLE. Mrs. S. B. Winship, 112 Wash ington St., Providence, R 1., after using one bottle of Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism wrote to the Drummonds Medicine Cos., 48-50 Maiden Lane, h ew "York, saying she would not take One Hundred Dollars for the benefit re cievrd. It you have any 7 form of Rheumatism, and wish to get rid of it, write to the manufacturers for part : culars. Agents wanted. iu p ! && pi g-jQ icing The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes —40 Years tlie Standard. NOTICE By request of line Board of Direr tors of the Alliance warehouse at Jackson Ga , I hereby call a meet ing of li e Butts coun v AlPance to convene in the court house Satur day the 20. h day of May 10 o'c-ock an. The object of the met ting is to give the sub alliances another opportunity to place themselves in £'->od -ti f h.ig so their members can draw their dividends from Al- liance warehouse. Ihe Alliances in arrears AD. \ error, Corinth, Towaliga, Oak hi rove, Jackson, Fincherviile. H ortbville and Ptekville, Mem hers <4 the above Alliances will please hold a meet ng of their res pective Alliance and elect delegates and send them with proper amount otdues to county meeting the 20th. L. J. Newton. President Butts county Aliiai ce. NEW COOK BOOK FREE, The Pric Baking Powder Cos , Chicago has just published iis new cook booK, called ’Table and Kitchen, ’ compiled with great care, Bt sides containing over 500 receipts for all kinds ot pastry and home coi kery, there are valuable hints ior the table and kitchen, showing how to set a table, how to enter the diningroom etc.: a hundred and one hints in every branch of the culinary art. Cookery ot the very finest and itchest, as well as that ol the most economical and homelike is provided for. “ fable anli Kitchen'’ will be sent postage prepaid to auy lady j atron sending (name, town and S’aO) plainly given. Postal card is as good as a letter. Address Price Baking Powder Cos., 184, 186 and 188 Michigan Street, Chicago, 111. Ihe Great Southern Remedy, People should not be decieved into paying money for trashy mix tures gotten up to seil, Botomc Blood Balm (b b b.) which has been made in Ailanta far the past fifteen years, never fails to give sat isfaction as a superior building uo tonic and blood purifier. It is made from the prescription of an moment physician. The bottle is large and dose small. See their advetise men.ts and buy that which is thor oug ly eddorse 1 bv thousands of grateful patients whom it has cured A trial buttle wiii lest, its merits. A itUSINESS EDUCATION Is the need of every young man and woman who desires to become iudependant in life, No institution offers advantages in lids particular comparable with the Georgia Business College of our sis ter city of Macon. They teach Book- Keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy by purely practical methods. They secure, positions tor all gradu ates w ho take their prescribed course and lefund money if satisfaction is not given, Their apartments are more spacious and elegant and their attendance lar ger than that, of any institution in the southern states. Full particulars may be had bv ad dressing Wyatt & Martin. Macon Ga. GEORGIA—Batts County. C. R. Gresham residing in the state of Georgia having applied to be apnointed guardian of the person and property of Florence Morrison, Felicia Morrison lWillie Morrison and Ezra Moriison mi nors under fourteen yea~s of age, resi dents of said county, this is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the court of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of four weeks from the first publication of this notice, and sli*w cause if they can why said C. It. Gresham should not be en trusted with the guardianship of thr person and property of Florence Morri son, Felicia Morrison, Willie Morrison and Ezra Morrison. This April 25th 1893. Witness my offi ;ial signature. J . F . Carmichael, Ordinary B. C. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Pocket size, 25 cPses, 25Cts. Sold by all Druggbt* on a guarantee. For Lame Back, Side of Chest Shiloh’s Porous Plaster is the best—2ss. ShilohvJjcatarrh E M E D Y. Have you Catarrh ? Then use this Remedy, it will Cure you. Price 50cts. This Injector for its sucessrul treatment, free. Remember- Shiloh’s Remedies are sold on a guarantee PETITION FOR CHARTER. G E ORGI A —Butts Count v TO THE SUPEKIOK COUIIT OF SAID COUNTY.*- - The petition ot \V. F. Smith, A. B. Smith, R. V. Smith. S. L. Thompsou, and A. 1,. /Smith, citizens of said state aud county; C. N. Right, a citizen of Fulton county, said state; T. J. Roads, a citizen of Decatur county, said state; B. W. Wrenn, a citizen of /vhox county said state of Tennessee; and Juo. R. L. Smith, aci tizen of Uibb county, said state of Georgia, respectfully slioweth that they desire, for themselves, their associates, successors aud assigns, to be incorporated and consiitated a body corporate under the name and style of Cedar Mountain Giauiie Company for and during tne full turra of Twenty (20) years, with the priv ilege of renewal at the end and expiration of that time according to law. The object of said corporation shall be to make pecuniary gain and profit to and for the members and stockholders thereof. The residence and principle offices ©f said corporation shall be in siad county of Butts; and the principl place of doing mg business of said corporation shall be at “Cedar Hock” in said county of Butts; but petitioners desire and pray that said corporation shall have the power and privi lege of doing business at any and all such other places as it shall be to the interest of said corporation so to do. The capital stock of said corporation shall be One Hundred Thousand (SIOO,- 000) Dollars; to be divided into one thou sand (1000) hares, of the par value, each, when fully paid up, of One Hundred (100) Dollars.; but petitioners desire and pray that said corporation shall have the power aud privilege to organize aud to commence to exersise thepcwei and p: ivil -ges herein prayed for so soon as Twenty Five (25,00) per cent, of said capital stock shall have been subscribed for, and ten (10) per cent, of the same, to-wit: Ten Thousand (10- 000,00) Dollars shall have been actually paid it., either in cash oi in otherproperty, Pelioners desire and pray that said coi porN atiou shall have the power to incaease its capital stock, from time to time, by a ma joiity vote of the Board of .Director thereof, to any amount not exceeding Five Hundred Thousand (500,000.00) Dol lars. Petitioners show that the particular busi ness they purpose to carry on is that of mining and quarrying minerals, rocks, and stones of every kind and character which may bevalueable or useful as material for electing or constructing any building, structure, edifice, wall or way; or which may be valuable or us eful for the making or manufacturing of goods, wares or merchandise of any kind or character, and of selling said minerals, rocks and stones; aud also of hewing, cutting, carving, making and manufac turing said mineral, rocks and stones into any and all such goods, wares and merchandise as aie usually made or manufactured, in whole- or in part of stones, rocks or minerals, and of selling said goods., wxres an merchandise. And to the ends above stated they, your petitioners, desire and pray to be clothed ax*d invested, under the said name and styie of the Cedar Mountaiu Granite Company with tu>l power and authority, as follows, to-wit: 1 To sue and to be sued, to implead and be impleaded, to contract and be conlr icttd with, and to have and use a common seal. 2 Todoandcarrv on the particular business for which said corporation is to be formed aad constituted, as is more fullv set forth above. 3 To purchase, own, construct and dispose of any and all such michinery tools implements, and appliances as shall be necessary or convenient for car rying on and doing said particular busi ness of said corporation as aforesaid; and to purchase, own and dispose of any and all other such personal proper ty as shall be necessary or convenient for carrying on and doing said particular business, or may be legitimately inci dent thereto. 4 To purchase, own and dispose of any and all such real estate as shall be necessary or ernvenu-nt for carryingan a id doing the particular business of said corporation as aforsaid ; and to improve said real estate by building thereon such houses, structures, edifices, walls and ways as shall he necessary or conve nient to said corpor itions or its agents and employes, in carrying on and doing said particul ir business. 5 To build and construct any and all such ways roads, tramways and rail roads as shall oe necessary or conve nient for the proper ing on said particular business either ever own its lands or over the lands of other persons after having paid or tendered damages therefor according to law. 6 To borrow money, and to issue bo id:, of such character, payable at such cimes, and bearing such rates ofinterest as a majority of the stock-holders shall direct; and to secure the payme it of the same by mortgage or trust deed on any and ah of die property real or or ii any other manner, as the majority f the stockholders shall direct, 7 To constitute and appoint such of ficers, directors, attorneys and agents as dia 1 be reqnir and, and authorise and to empower them to carry on the said bus ness of said corporation. 8 To make, adopt enforce such constitu ion, by-laws, rules and regulations may •e necessary and proper for the govern ment of said corporation j-provided: the -ame shall not be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of said state of Jeorgia. 9 To have such other powers and to lo such other acts a3 are customary and proper to carry on the said business of aid corporation, and to effectuate the ibjects, designs and purposes thereof. And your Petitioners wiil ever pray. Jno. R. L Smith. Attorney for petitioneßs, OE IRGlA—Butts county. I, Joseph Jolly Clerk Superior Court of said county do certify that the above ind foregoing is a true copy of the or iginal petition on file 'in my office this April 21th 1893. * Joseph Jolly. c *s. c. B. C. XL COHEN & BROTHER? Special Bargai]j s LOOK AT THIS' Ladies fast* black hose at 5c worth 15c. Men’s g00( j shirts just for the fun at 20c. Men’s under shirts n on, a worth 50 pieces good quality shirting at sc. Remnants of at 3 l-2c some worth 12 1-2. 10 pieces Chantilly muslin at 7, 10c. S pieces 36 inches suiting cloth at 10c worth 15 o n china mulls at 11 l-2c Wurth 15c anywhere else. 10 tian Mulls at 15 worth 25c. A big lot of embroidered skiif' cost. A big lot new' trimmings just recieved and will sell al - low prices. We have the prettiest line in dress goods ever in Jackson. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Slippers a specialty from 75c up to $2.00. Children red slip* at 75c worth SI.OO. CLOTHHSTG-! The best line of clothing and at the lowest prices, men’s*, from 75c, up $5.25. HATS! Hats! hats Men and boys straw hats from 25c up to SI.OO. You Will Find More Bargaii At Our Store Than Any House In Jackson. !!. 11l I 111, TAX NOTICE. I will be at the following places on the times mentioned ior the purpose of recieving the state shd county tax re turns for the year 189 ■: Worth ville, May 1. Iron Dublin, “ 3. Indian Springs Flovilla, 1 4. Coody’s Mt. Vernon church, “ 5. Jackson Court House, “ (j. Towaliga Cain’s Store, “ 8. Buttrill Jenkinburg, “ 9. C. R. Carter, T. R. of B. C. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Butts county. Notice is ftereby given to all persons having demands against T. J. Carson, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out so as to show their character and amount. All persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. This April 15th 1893. T. J. Carson Jr. Adir’r T. J. Carson Sr. TIE VARIETY STORE. Next door to Carmichael’s Carriage Repository. Goods All Few and bought for SPOT CASH and WILL BE SOLD as low as any goods of SAME QUALITY in town. A full line of select and choice lot of Dry Goods, Millinery, No* tions, Shoes, Groceries, Tin ware Hollow ware in wood, In fact EVERYTHING kept in h general store. All Country People who love fair dealing and who wants the full value of tneir money are invited to call in, and we respectfully solicit our share of the shopping of our Fellow Mwi L. R. CASON.. MAY SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Butts county. Will be sold before the court ha door iu the town Jackson said cos on the first Tuesday in May next 1 within legel sale hours for cash, following described property to- One black horse mule named Bi years old levied on as the property C. A. I’earden J. B- Evans byvii end to satisfy one mortgage fifaiss from the county court of said count favor of R. W. Mays. Property poi: out in execution. Said Bearden in session of said property at the tinu Tiiis April 6th 1893. J. O. Beauchamp Sherriffß .( To The Farmers and Oth| Of Butts County. On account of the low price of col we have put down our machinery to respond. We can sell rebuilt gins—g as new—for one dollar per saw. feeders and condensers $2 per saw. have in stock the Gnllett, Van Wii Hall, Pratt, Gate City, Whitney and" ship. We can furnish feeders and condei for any make of gin, new or second In We have some good rebuilt engine horse power SIOO, 6 horse powers horse power S3OO, 10 horse power I &c., to any size preuired. <Saw woith S3OO for $200; those worth 0 $125, Corn mills worth two hundrf fifty dollars for one hnndred and: those worth one hundred ninety. Water wheels woith three dred dollars for one hundred and t Gin saw filers fifteen to thirty d# (Summers twenty to thirty years, acing levels, good ones $3, Theodolite* to six dollars. We have also the best end cheap® l on the market, for grinding c&Uk peas, cotton seed aud table met^P dollars. You can make fertilizer* costs thirty dollars per ton for $ with this send formu'arwitli If you want any kind of machine want advice as to the best kind or 0 ty &c, write us We take maceine* commission and repair atom - own exp Gin and engine repairing done. Old madejiew for one third the eost of ones. P SWe have several 40-. aw gi° fits, with engiue to pull them, and f for two hundred dollars; 50 sa# 1 hundred; 60 saw four hundred, and saw five hundred We sell swap or' to suit customers. lo the farmers and others of But'* 3 adjoining counties, we make the be* 1 tilizer distributor ever attatched to a i 3 H. N, Cbamek C°*> 555 Msrietta M, dtlant* Buy your Spring Hats, B nets and Fancy Goods from’' M. C. Wright Indian Spnnjj Miss Theresa Wright She has a nice stock chea^l