The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 12, 1893, Image 3

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G-reat ElxLciteicrxen't AT STORE Our buyer has an feon 10 ym the second time this season. New goods and great bargains are pour ing in on every train. Our store rooms are crowded with delighted m cfniTi pvci BUSINESS IS HUMMING We have not time to write any more. Come and see for yourself. Jackson Mercantile Company. PROPRIETORS 01 THE STAR STORE. VARIETY STORE. 3STE3'W = STOKE. NEW GOODS. Past oxpirience proves to me, as well as to my customers, that 1 buy at lowest prices and will continue to sell at bott im prices I bought for SPOT CASH and will interest you in prices, quality and style. You will find in my stock, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Pice, Grits, Spices, Soda, Starch, Tobacco, Cigais and Confectioneries. I have a line assortment of Dry Goods such as: Silks, Veiling, Mulls, Shallies, Henriettas. Lawns, Chambries, Cords, Ginghams, Prints, Cheviots, Outing, Cashmere and domestics. Everything is complete in my line of Notions. Shoes to rit EVEBXBODY" 1 irge or small at ROCK BOTTOM prices, A hue and select lot of style and prices guaranteed. West side of the square Jackson, Ga. TANARUS, IR. Cason, r “ “ oKOI VARIETY STORE. H.F. Gilmore’s Machine Shop. MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, * SASH, * BLINDS, Mantles, Tables, Brackets, Balisters, Moulding, in fact all kinds ol Ornamental Work Turned and Pannelled. All kinds o( lumber dressed or rough. Shingles all grades. Anything thing anybody needs for building purposes. See sample of work in J. E. UMICM'S Carriage Sepoatory. We compete with aiy woik, anywhere both in quality of work and prices. Open at all hours. b H. F. Gilmore Proprietor. v LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: 001x6 kokth 5: 52 a. m. “ “ 11:55 a. m. going south 8: 58 a. m. i “ “ S: 38 p. m IfU and a $, ’erN. Much rain. Set out cabbage?, potato slips po matoes etc: Col. A. W. Lane, of Macon attended county court on Monday. Air. Gus Murry, of Cochran visited, his cousin, Mi-s Mattie Paul, Sunday. R**v. Walter Crawly, of Cla rkston is visiting friends ami relatives in J ack son. Mrs. duo. Crawley and sister Miss Gussie Mahone, spent Saturday at Locust Grove. 1 he garden ot The Argus man is fur nishing some of Covington people with cabbage plants. IE rd time prices rules at the Variety Store. Call and see foi your self. Jackson ought to have, must have and cant do without a two hundred thousand dollar yarn factory. M sscs Mary Lou Heflin and Min nie Maiione spun t several days visi iting Airs. Jno. Crawley this week. •uamo.v. IOJ oinox v hfiaUVO JO 3N!M A man who would hunt r.r fish on another man’s land, knowing the oth er man objects, would go in l is smoke house, if it. was fashionable. 1f you desire to please your wife buy her a New Home the best Machine on the market for sale at The New York Store. The people who attend the three churches in Jackson will many times thank The Carmichael Cos. for placing numerous fans in our houses of wor ship. Nicest line neckwear in town at Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Papa, what does Variety Store mean? Why son Yariecty means everything, and store means where it is kept. How strange ; people just found out that the Variety Store has a bargain every day for customers. fA c * !. r g { ?.’ B .0P n CABDUI for female diseases. Col Y. A. Wright, the Great Sachem of Georgia accompanisd by Messrs Hitchens, Alills, Stanfield, McMichaei, Bryans arid Thaxton attended the annual Great Council in Alacon on Tuesday and Wednesday. The millinery department of the star s*ore is the talk ot the country. Every lady who comes in goes away pleased. Jackson is a hustler on trading, We see people here every day from Mon roe, Henry, Spalding, Jasper and other counties, to say nothing of our own Butts county folks. Try BLACI<J3RAU(SHT tea for Dyspepsia. Rev. J H. Eakes, who was on the sick iist last week, we are glad to state is on fool again and rapidly regaining his strength. The prettiest lines of Summer neckwear ever shown in Jackson at the Star Store. The heart is the center of physical life, whose pulsations manufacture, actually spins out the thing we call life. It you give it to God wontyou give it tho thing it produces—life. Therefore the scripture says. “Son give tne thy heart.” Call and see Airs, Cason at the Variety Store before buying your hats, her styles are correct and prices the lowest. Rev. T. F. Pierce, the presiding el der, preached a sermon Sunday in 30 minutes that some men cant preach all day. On Monday quarterly' con ference convened for 2nd quarter where the business was dispatched harmouiouslv. Having failed to secure an efficient house keeper, I have de cided to close out my milinary at cost, consisting, of ladies iiats, ribbons, vailings, lace, flowers, tips and silks. Call quick and get a bargain, at the variety store. 3-w Mrs. L. R. Cason, \ Master Bvrou Mills, the niue year old sou of J. E. Mills, of Jenkiusburg, killed a wild turkey Wednesday with a rock tin own by the hand and had a nice hake. Many men have failed to ac complish this feat with a gun. You can buy goods from Fen ueil, Thompson &, Cos. at whole sale prices. Fennell, Thompson & Cos are selling dry goods at wholesale prices. Now is the chance of your life for bargains. The Carmichael Cos, having had such a rush in the clothing depart ment this season tney were compelled to duplicate their first shipment and have just received this week anothe? nice selection of Schloss Bros. Cos clothing. See them. They are prepared to give you inside prices. The stand of cotton is perfect. The corn is hu-Uing after tlie show er?. The Jael sou iub-a'iianceis requested to meet at 2 o’clock Saturday' evening. The Methodist Sunday School wil meet next Sunday morning, promptly at 0 :30 o,clock. Master Robert Lee May?, who has been dangerously sick, we are glad to state is recovering. Fennell. Thompson & Cos are selling flour worth $5.25 for $3 00 a barrel. This is a big burgai n flour. g£g“- BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. The infant of Dr. O. 11. Cantrell died on Sunday. The parents have our sympathies. Big bargains in towels just recieved at the Star Store. Ask to see those damask towels at 33 l-3c. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. are selling sl2 50 cheviot suits for $lO. Now is the time to get a bargain if you need a suit. As T ve discontinue our morning vis its for the presen we take this meth od of thanking our customers who have patronized us in this w r ay and solicit a continuance of their patronag i\ the future. T. W. Nutt, “The Grocer.” Rey, J. M. Cain, out at Towaliga, was recently robbed of $35 or S4O Deposit your money with Jackson Bank where it will be safe from robbers. Robberies are occurring almost every day. It does seem people would, after while learn it is dan gerous to keep money around the house especially when the Jackson Banking Cos. agrees to take care of it wi ihcut a cent of expens-?. Fennell, Thompson* Cos. have a few more of those 12.50 cheviot suits to go at 10.00, Now is the time to get a bargain Buy your Spring Hats, Bon nets and Fancy Goods from Airs. M. C. Wright Indian Spring, or Miss Theresa Wright Flovilla,Ga. She has a nice stock cheap. A nice lot of straw flats at greatly reduced prices at the Star store. Rev. G. H. Carter is attending the Southern Baptist Convention in Nash ville this week and Rev. Crowder Mays, son of Rev. Jesse Mays of Flo villa, will fill his pulpit on Sunday and Sunday night. A tine line of men’s underwear at S tar store. Time was when “go West young map'’ was thought to be good ad vice, and nine-tenths of those seek ing new fields of operation, turned their faces to the setting sun. Of late years, however, the order of things have changed, and instead of the old injunction we now hear the advice on all sides “go south young man,” and thousands today have cause to congratulate them eelves that they were thus advised. To the young men the South owes much of its prosperity and there is yet room for more. —Norfork Vir* ginian. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. sell the finest flour in the world. Try a sack and be convinced. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. sell Graham flour at 4,00 a barrel. COMMENDABLE. The negroes bad a picnic down near the holiness camp ground, Saturday and there was not a single row nor was there any drunkness on the grounds. Such conduct is highly commendable, and will meet the approval of all lovers of peace and good order. There will be no lawsuits nor trouble grow out of it as at the High Falls. It does not cost a cent, for defense, to do right, It seems the negro problem is solving itsself. Cheap whiskv, a ninety cent pistol and the cowards and fools who carry them, is a shame to civ ilization. THE RED MEN IN COUNCIL. As stated in our local column tie noble Red Men of Georgia have been in council this wees in Macon. Cos). Y. A Wright of Jackson, the Great Sachem presided. The meeting was in deed a pleasant and instructive one and many measures for the benefit and advancement of the order were adopted. One of the leading measures put forth at this meeting,in ouropiu lon. was the providing for the estab lishment of an Orphans Home. The order in Georgia has grown to ex tensive proportions and the plan of erecting a home for the orphans of deceased members if it can he made a success, aud we see no reason why it should not be, will give it an ad ditional impetus that perhaps nothing else could. We will write more ex tensive articles in these columns in fu ture issues. Mclntosh Tribe was again honored by the election of Past Great Sachem Wright to represent Georgia in the LA S. Council which meets in lowa in September and also iu putting others of our members an important commit tees. TO HIGH FALLS. - On Saturday morning abeut 9 o’clock a gentle tap on our office door called “ye editor” hence when we were greeted by friend Dr. C. A. Butner with an invitation to take a seat in his buggy for a ride to the High Falls picnic. It is well known that an editor takes all with in his we willingly accept ed the kind offer and hied a way be hind a dashing steed to the noted pleasure resort. We arrived about 11 o’clock aid found a large crowd already gathered. As usual the crowd had assembled under the spreading bough of the large oaks in the grove on the hill where a pa villion had been erected where those who wished could trip the light fantastic to their heaits content, A band composed of one violin and a rickety tambourine made the music while the rustics “balanced all and swung their ‘partners/” At the noon hour a hundred baskets were opened the hundreds of happy people gathered in groups and en joyed a dinner as none but Georgi ans seem to knowhow'. We accepted an invite from Messers Will Allen and B. F. Watkins with their inter esting families to dine. The repast consisted of broiled ham, baked fowl dressed in many tasteful styles, different varieties of breads, pies cakes etc. in greatest piofusion. All of which was enjoyed to the ful lest extent and our many thanks are extended. The afternoon was spent as the forenoon: in viewing the beautiful cataracts, dancing etc. while soj and sweet words of love werewhis pered under closely drawn umbrel as and in shady nooks along the love frought stream. But alas, the scene was marred on every side by drunken men, and bad language, until pistols was drawn by reckless young men and wildly fired into crowds of innocent people. One man, Mr. Jack Goins,was killed out right and several others seriouslv wounded. As to the origin of the “fuss” there was none, more than a full supplv- of red Lquor and the fool bravery of a few wild young men. The writer left however, at 1:30, before any disturbance and not so unfortunate as to witness it, Thus ended the great High Falls picnic on May 6th and it would be a God send if it was the finis of the thing forever ! One man. who had a large family often children, dead, four others wounded and several familes wrecked and ruined ! Cer tainly all decent people will stay away hereafter. McELREE’3 WtNE OF CARDUI for Weak Nerves. m Measles are still raging in Jackson. Mr. It. L. Daughtry has returned from Hew York. The celebrated and popular R & G corsets can always be found at the Star Store. A community picnic at Weavers Mill tomorrow. See those beautiful French Organdies in all the latest color ings and designs at the Star Store. Askto be shown those love ly silks which have just been re- ceived at the Star Store. It is given up that the New Home is the best machine yet. The New York store have them for sale. The preltiest and most elegant lines of wash goods for summer wear have just been received at the Star Store and prices are low enough to tempt you to buy, whether you need them or not. JACKSON BAKERY. The Jackson Bakery is now in full blast, next door to the post office. All kinds of cakes, light bread ete. kent constantly on hand. A baker of 50 years experience will do the baking in a brick oven of 500 loaves*capacity. WANTED. Twenty head of young or dry cattle. Will pay a fair price. M. V. MoKibben. Buy the New Home at the New York Store, the best ma chine on earth. Keep your pants on with the Atwood surspenders, the best in the world. For sale only at the New York Store. Go to the New York Store for you r clothing. They haye just reoieved a fine line of Schloss Bros celebrated Goods which is the best aLd neatest fitting clothing in the world. '•any Persons vs '.rove:-. 0./\\n from overwork or &ousehc!t Brown’s Iron Bitters rtko’-Msiiie vy-'cni. aids d'jrestion. removes ex- LiU;.", ui&fiiiia. <Jet Thei r euiiir K NEW YORK STOKE. Still rec ; eving new goods direct from New Vork and other eastern markets. We keep our stock brim full of bright new stylish goods to show you. Something new every time you come. Our stock of dress goods, trimmings, laces etc. you will find complete in every paiticular. We carry the largest and best selected stock of any concern between Macon and Atlanta. We are headquarters for millinery. Mrs, Thurman our head milliner always has something new and nobby to show you, Come and see her french patterns she is designing this week they are just lovely. She will make prices to suit you Scott Tenant our shoe man, who has more than twenty years experience in the shoe business will interest you on shoes he carries a large and well selected line con sisting of all the leading manufacture. Goods such us Ziegler Bros. Chas Heizer, Bay state, Marcy Bros & Cos. and others He will guarantee every pair to give entire satisfaction and make the prices low. Clothing and gents’ furnishings. Prices marked down in this department you will always find the clever and police Messrs Splint Wynn and Bob Etl eridge ready to serve you with prices that defy competition. When in tow r, a drop in and see our head grocery man John 11. McCallum li iis a good jolly fellow and will pa?t the time pleasantly with you, besides giving you the biggest bargains you ever bought in giocerios. A 11. Smith Jackson’s noted cotton buyer makes bis headquarters with us. Dilute We ire Leaders ait taluk Hi Lev Prises Ii This Sectiea. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY, PROPRIETORS OF THE If YORK STORE We take pleasure in informing the w* have formed a copartnership for the purpose of doing a General Hiller; AM Fancy Dr; Boots Bosks. Our Spring stock will consist of of the most complete and best selected lines of Hats. Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, Ladies’ Umbrellas, DRESS GOODS, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery Etc., Ete. ever brought to Jackson. DRESSMAKING This department will be in charge of competent hands and all work will be guaranteed. ituated on West side of public square. Very’Respectfully, Mrs. t. w. Nutt, Mrs. Tasste tucker. AGENTS We town DEALERS JACK FROST FREEZER A Seismic Machine made on a Scientific inechi Save the.r eo.-t a dozen times‘a \ear It i> notmussy or . A child can operate it. Sells at sight. Send fu ices and discounts. 29 Murray St., NEW YORK. Makes Ice Cream in 30 , Seconds. ROBT H. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallarv. CHAS. H. HALL, SMITH L HALL, DEALERS IN f, STEAM ENGINES si-j | BOILERS, SAW MILL, j 9 GRIST MILLS. BELTING, ;J LUBRICATING OILS, EfC. Special Agents tor Perkins’ fwJtgShingle Machinery. Address, MACON f’