The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 19, 1893, Image 3

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Grireat E^citexELent; AT STORE Our buyer has Bill Fill H YORK the second time this season. New goods and great bargains are pour ing in on every train. Our store rooms are crowded with delighted customers. BUSINESS IS HUMMING We have not time to write any more. Come and see for yourself. Jackson Mercantile Company. PROPRIETORS 01 THE STAR STORE, VARIETY STORE. NEW = STOEE. NEW GOODS. Past experience proves to me, as well as to my customers, that I buy at lowest prices and will continue to sell at bott un prices I bought for SPOT CASH and will interest you in prices, quality and style. You will find in ray stock, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, llice, Grits, Spices, Soda, Starch, Tobacco, Cigais and Confectioneries. I have a fine assortment of Dry Goods such as: Silks, Veiling, Mulls, Shallies, Henriettas- Lawns, Chambries, Cords, Ginghams, Prints, Cheviots, Outing. Cashmere and domestics. Everything is complete in my line of Notions. Shoes to tit ZE'V^EJIR'yiBOIDir large or small at ROCK BOTTOM prie?s, A fine and select lot of style and prices guaranteed. West side of the square Jackson, Ga. Xj. IR. Cason, STORE. H.F. Gilmore’s Machine Shop. MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, * SASH, * BLINDS, Mantles, Tables, Brackets, Balisters, Moulding, in fact all kinds of Ornamental Work Tinned and Pannelled. All kinds ot lumber dressed or rough. Shingles all grades. Anything thing anybody needs lor building purposes. See samp’e of work in J. 1 CARMICHAEL’S Carriage Rspuiiiry. We compete with any work, anywhere both in quality of work and prices. all hours. H. F. Gilmore Proprietor. LOCAL BRIHFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: going noktb 5: 52 a. m. “• “ 11:55 a. m. going south 8: 58 a. m. “ “ &: 38 p. m If U 0 a $, I wr ’erN. Measles yet. The insurance agent, we have with us always. It is about lime for a baseball team to be organized. M iss Tnssie Caldwell visited Atlanta last week as ti e guest of her broth er.-. Prof. Carl Thompson of Jeukius burg, spent Saturday in our lair lit tle city. Nicest line neckwear in town at Fennell, Thompson & Cos. '1 be Baptist pulpit was filled on Sun day by Rev. Crowder Mays to the edi fication of alt present. Blackberries are abundant and will soon be ripe. Then country editors and negroes will be happy. M”. Fitz Hugh Lee with Davenport of Augusta, was smiling on friends generally hero last Saturday. Mr. It. L. Cal to wav, of Louisville Ivy. spent a day or two in the city last week intent upon business. Mrs. M. Robinson of Tolbotton is expected here soon as the guest of her niece, Mrs. J. W. Lee on Third street. the Jackson Buggv man ufactured by J. R. Carmichael. We have a spicy article from our valued correspondent L. L. which is crowded out this week. Cool drinks at GTmore <t Bick ers at Indian Springs. Mrs. J. 11. Settle and sweet, inter esting children were the guest of Mrs. I) N. Carmichael at her picturesque home, Shady Glen, Englauds Chi.pel, this week. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. are selling sl2 50 cheviot suits for $lO. Now is the time to get a bargain it you need a suit. Miss Carry Hit :hcns will leave soon for an extended visit to Atlanta, Ath ens, Crawford and other points Miss Carries charming presence will sadly be missed during herabseuse. G©* WINE OF CARDUIj a Tonic for Women. Ii you desire to please your wife buy her a New Home the best Machine on the market for sale at The New York Store. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanfield, with beautiful and winsome little Miss Jane, have iv turned after amost pleasant visit to Americus and Ma con. Papa, what does Variety Store metin? Why son Varied}' means everything, and store means where it is kept. Miss Estelle Carmichael, after a charming visit to her cousin, Miss Marjorie felaton of Griffin, has re turned home to the pleasure oi her manv friends. How strange; people just found out that the Variety Store has a bargain every day for customers. Mbs Myrtle Pound, after an absence ot several months in Atlanta where she has been attending the Washing ton Seminary, is expected home next week. Miss Myrtle has won golden opinions whilt there. Just iecieved another ship ment o* Guano and Acid for tho<-e who wish it for peas, corn and potatoes. 11. J. R. Carm'chael. YcElree's for female diseases. The millinery department of the star s'ore is the talk ot the country. Every lady who comes in goes away pleased. One of the jurors who served the comity court last week says that more business was transacted in two days than the Snperior court usually does In a week. The prettiest lines of Summer neckwear ever shown in Jackson at the Star Store. The finest field of corn in the coun ty is that of Mr. Toni Spencer along the read in front of his home two miles south >f town, and the finest cats we have seen belong to Mr. J. 11. M< Kibben. Call and see Mrs, Cason at the Variety S.ore before buying your hats, her styles are correct and prices the lowest. Having failed to secure an efficient house keeper, I have de cided to close out my milinary at cost, i onsisting, of ladies fiats, ribbons, veilings, lace, flowers, tips and silks. Call quick aud get a bargain, at the variety store. 3-w Mrs. L. R. Cason, You can buy goods from Fen nell, Thompson A Cc. at whole sal - prices. Fennell, Thompson & Cos are selling dry goods at wholesale prices. Now is the chance of your life for bargains. The Jeukinsburg school will picnic m xt Saturday at Flat Shoals. Hard time i rices rules at the Variety Store. Call and ste foi your self. Marshall Mayo is marshal of JacKson and he should have a martial robe. A street fight between Mr. J. F. (Leer and another man enlivened Floyilla on Wednesday. Fennell. Thompson it Cos are selling flour worth $5.25 for $3 00 a barrel. This is a big bargain Hour. Col C. C. Ray was in the Gate City on legal business last Saturday. Gems fine gauze . uuder shirts at ths New York store for 1G 2-3 c ..ell worth 35c, Rev >tr. J.* F. Edens, represeutidg the Christian Index, was in town this week. BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Big bargains in towels j list recieved at ‘.lie Star Store. Ask to see those damask towels at 33 l-3c. Rey. J. M. Cain, out at Tovvaliga, was recently robbed of $35 or S4O Deposit your money with Jackson Bank where it will be safe from robbers. The Atlanta policemen their wives and friends picnicked at Indian Springs on Wednesday. It required ten coaches to convey the crowd to the pleasure grounds. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. have a few more of those 12 50 cheviot suits to go at 10.00, Now is the time to get a bargain Depty marshals W. r. Croly, Jack Fountain and John Kelly, made a raid Tuesday and arrested Messrs. J. W. Manley, George Folds and Thomas Foldssand two negroes Jake Linsey and Eli Taylor, on warrants sworn out by some unknown party for illicit distilling. They were all form this county. They were carried to Macon and Manley and the two negroes were convicted and are now in Macon jail. Buy your Spring Hats, Bon nets and Fancy Goods from Mrs. M. C. Wright Indian Spring, or Miss Theresa Wright Flovilla,Ga. She has a nice stock cheap. AR DUI for Wcuk N qtvcb A nice lot of straw hats at greatly reduced prices at the Star store. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. sell the finest Hour in the w r orld. Tr}' a sack and be convinced. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. sell Graham flour at 4,00 a barrel. I represent the only Insurance com pany doing bu.-ines in Georgia, that carries a disability clause without ex tra pay, and the only one that writes for a deffinite ammount with a prom mise to pay in ful*, that will carry you for less than 60 % of ihepremiuni of any other company which has the cash surplus on hand to pay at once. N. J. Harmo, Ajit. Jackson Ga. If you want to enjoy a pleas ant smoke call on Gilmore & Bickers while you are at Indian Springs. You may talk about your sympa thies tor an editor and lavish wishes upon him for the success of his paper but the way to make him luppv and add to the prosperity of his paper both as a ne.vsy sheet and to its in fluence is to immitate Mr. J. E. Wea ver, who dropped in on us the other day with a whole hundred pounds of nice homemade flour. Mr. Weaver has our thanks. Try BLACjCDRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. If you want a cool drink, a fine cigar or cigarrette, or in fact any thing else in the refreshment line when you go to indian Springs we would advise you to call on Gilmore <t Bickers at (he depot. These gentlemen keep a full supply in all.lines of confec tionaries tobacco, cigars, soda water etc. and their prices are the lowest. What promi nent character in the Bible, whose name is not men tioned, but a part of whose shroud is found in every family? Any young lady answering *his question will be entitled to a pair of our French Kid Hand Turned $4.00 Slippers. All answers must be sub milled by June Ist, at which time tie winning lady will recieve the prize. Send in your guess, you may be the lucky one. Fenneli, Thompson & Cos. Tee Carmichael Cos, having had such a rush in the clothing depart ment this season t ney were compelled to duplicate their first shipment and have just received this week anothe? nice selection of Bros. Cos clothing. See them. They are prepared to give you inside prices, COUNTY COURT. Tbc county court was in session for three days last week and the fnl amount of business was transacted : 22 cases were tried by jury and 3 Nol Prossed, Of the cases tried 11 were convicted and li acquitted by jury, making 25 case disposed otin 3 days or 8 per day at the cost of $24 00 per day. The cost of run ning Superior Court is $150.00 per day and 3 days would be $450, OUR POSTMASTE It. Mr. Me Michael, our democratic postmaster, took change of the office on Monday to the great delight of our people. To- the victor belongs the spoils aud it is indeed a happy thought to know that our mails will hereafter be hanaled by men of our own wav of thinking. Mr. McMicheal informs us that he will remain at his present location un til September the first when lie will probaly seek a different situation. It is a real pleasure to meet his beauti ful and accomplished daughter, Miss Marie, whose smiling face beams forth ihe emblem of the white roses she \eais. We bespeak for her a popular ity hitherto unobtained in our town. Mr. W. K. Thaxton, of Macon, is ini tiating them in Uncle Sains business. A SCRAP OF HISTORY. We find chronicled in the history of our county, that in the year 1825, Mclntosh signed the treaty forever giving the white rran the famous Indian Spring reserve, which act cost him his life, and we know where his grave nestles in a nook of wood, near Whitesburg. We wonder why the “Red Men.” of his tribe dont remove his remains to Indian Spring or Jackson and build a monument to his memory But we are digressing. In the next year 1820 on the 13th day of September, there was a transaction which has no place in history, anil which perhaps was of more impor tance to Butts county. There were a few pioneer Christians who met in these, then woods, and constituted Macedonia church near Stark. There is no tellii.g the good those eight persons have been instrumental in accomplishing. The church now has two hundred and thirty five members. Rev. Wm. Reeves preached to them the first sermon, Joseph Byars was their first secret tary, Joseph Jolly is their present secretary, some of their children, grand children and great grand children, are now living about here, and some of them may T not know their parents were constituent mem bers. Here are their names: Samuel Leak, W. M. Redman, Thomas Thornes, Joseph Byars, jane Leak, Nancy Thomas, Lillis Lee, Jane Lee. Their first pastor was Rev. James Carter. Rev. J. A, Jackson is the present pastor. WANTED—COTTON SEED. from now untill Ist of June we will buy cotton seed. Jackson Oil Mill. McElree*B Wine of Cardul and THEDFCRD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Butts county. J, W. Lee &Son, Jackson, Almond & Moon, Jackson, R. G. Bryans & Cos, Jackson, W. L. Carmichael, Jackson, .A. Wright Indian Spring, A. F, White & Cos. Flovilla, J. G. Kimbell, Jenkinsburg, M. Cain, Towaliga, D. J. & F. M. Kinard, Towalig G. L. Washington,Worthville. The celebrated and popular R & G corsets can always be found at the Star Store. See those beautiful French Organdies in all the latest color ings and designs at the Star Store. .Ask to be shown those love ly silks which have just been re ceived at the Star Store. It is given up that the New Home is the best machine yet. The New York store have them for sale. The prettiest and most elegant lines of wash goods for summer wear have just been received at the Star Store and prices are low enough to tempt you to buy, whether you need them or not. JACKSON BAKERY. The Jackson Bakery is now in full blast, next door to the post office. All kinds of cakes, light bread ete. kent constantly on hand. A baker of 50 years expeiience will do the baking in a brick oven of 500 loaves capacity. Buy the New Home at the New York Store, the best ma chine on earth. Keep yo rr pants on with the Atwood surspenders, the best in the world. For sale only at the New York Store. NEW YORK STORE. Still rec ; eving new goods direct from New York and other eastern markets. We keep our stock brim full of bright new stylish goods to show you. Something new every time you come. Our stock of dress goods, trimmings, laces etc. you will tind complete in every paiticular. We cany the largest and best selected stock of any concern between Macon and Atlanta. We are headquarters for millinery. Mrs, Thurman our head milliner always has something new and nobby to show you Come and see her french patterns she is designing this week they are just lovely. She will make prices to suit you Scott Tenant our shoe man, hasmore than twenty years experience in the shoe business will interest you on fhoes he carries a large and well selected line con sisting of all the leading manufacture. Goods such as Ziegler Bros. Qhas Heizer, Bay state, Marcy Bros & Cos. and others Be will guarantee every pair to give entire satisfaction and make the prices low.. Clothing and gents' furnishings. Prices marked down in this department you will always find the clever and policy Messrs Splint Wynn and Bob Eth eridge ready to serve you with prices that defy competition. When in town drop in and see our head grocery man John 11. McCallum he is a good jolly fellow and will ) ast the time pleasantly with you, besides giving you the biggest bargains you ever bought in gioeerics. A 11. Smith Jackson’s noted cotton buyer makes his headquarters with us. Sink Wo In Idas ail Mote IK Lm Pros la This Ssstisa. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY. PROPRIFTORS OF THE Iff YORK STORE THE LADIES’ STORE, We take pleasure in informing the public that w Q have tormed a copartnership for the purpose of doing a Gamral Hilary AM Fancy Dry Goods Basinas. Our Spring stock will consist of of the most complete and best selected lines of tats, Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, Ladies' Umbrellas, DRESS HOODS, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery Etc., Ete. ever brought to Jackson. DRESSMAKING This department will be in charge of competent hands and all work will be guaranteed. ituated on West s'de of public square. Very’'Respectfully, Mrs. t. w. Nutt, Mrs. Tassie Tucker. AGENTS Wewa SEM7 to "" DEALERS JACK FROST FREEZER A Scifntic Machine made on a Scientific liiacbi Save the;r cost, a dozen times "a year It is notrnussv or Jgp3sS6slop|;,, A child can operate it Sells at sight. Send fu trgPr pneesand discounts. 29 Murray St., NEW YORK. Makes Ice Cream in 30 Seconds. ROB T 11. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallarv. CIIAS. 11. HALL JR SMITH & HALL, DEALERS IN STEAM ENGINES GRIST MILLS. BELTING,^ Shingle Machine.,; Address, -amt sin ml, MACON', GA.