The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, June 02, 1893, Image 3

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STORE Is gaining in favor and force every day, we labor to make it popular and are pleased with the Splendid re suits, Ihe Gur.ent of trade that comes to our house is not Accidental. Qonsider the unexcelled bargains we offer, then you may understand why our force is kept rushing from early morn till dewy eve. Kothing oper ates so favoiably towards making a house popular as low prices and good value, so read our low prices cn lird t summer dress goods. 25 pieces Bengal tissue a beau ltifu soft dress good.-; in crams, pinks, tans, and old rose, regu ular ir, c goods now to goat 10c, 15 pieces Syrian Organdies and solt Pongees, lovely dress goods stuff. First of the season sold at 15c Reduced to 12 l-2c. m l-> pieces Organdies stripes and Indian Mulls, anew soft and shear fabric in all the new colors and tints, 20 cents is the price everywhere but at this big sale they go at 15c. \\ e have all the new thing in Laces, Silks, Passemen teries etc for trimmings. Remember no house between Macon and Atlanta can begin to show you the line of dress goods, laces, silks, millinery etc, that we can. Our buyer’s secoud tiip to New York gives us the ad vantage over all would be competitors. low prices we are making, and the big trade we are having— well - competition gtowls, but we are con - tent and our patrons are happy. Come and see us. P. S. Full line of R. & G. Corsets. Jackson Mercantile Company. PROPRIETORS 01 THE STAR STORE. MEABE hIENDRIGK A GrEJV T FOR BROWN COTTON GIN AND BALDWINWILLE ENGINES, Sample Gin can be seen at RAILROAD WAREHOUSE. Ein e can be seen running at H. F. Gilmore’s Planing Mills. * can inaKe prices and terms as favorable as any agent in the State AGENTS Wew tff.SeX ytown DEALERS JACK FROST FREEZER fxesr 'A Scientic Machino made on a Scientillc maohi Save their cost a dozen times a year It is nofnaussy or . A child can operate it Sells at sight. Scud fu L r *EFztir"F pi ices and discounts. 29 Murray St., NEW YORK. (Uakes Ice Cream in 30 Seconds f.'EC K WEAR! NECK W EAR!! Youlig man do you wear neck wear? If you wear neckwear, dont buy neckwear anywhere tin (il you see our line of neckwear, {lien buy our neckwear and you are sur*' to get there. The Carmichael Cos. New York Store. The celebrated and popula, K G corsets can always be found at the Star Store. See those beautiful French Organdies in all the latest color ings and designs at the Star Store. .Ask to be shown those love ly silks which have just been re ceived at the Sta> Store. I)o you wear a corset? if so get celebrated R. & G. from Fen “ell, Thompson and Cos. They ve t hem f om 75c to 12 00. S pieces striped Organdies, lovely dress goods, beautiful colorings; former price 25c, re duced to 18c. 0 pieces lace stripe French Salines in creami, light tans, heliotropes and grays. New York wholesale price the first of the season was 27 l-2c. We can sell them now at 25c. 15 pieces French Organ dies in all the new shades and colorings undoubtedly the most popular light fabric dress goods of the season. Come early and select you one of these pretty dresses . I will not deliver ice to any ones home, in less quantities than fifty cents worth at a time. H. F. Edwards. McElree’s Wine of Cardui and THEDFCRD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Butts county. J. W. Lee ifcSon, Jackson, Almond * Moon, Jackson. R. G. B r yans it Cos, Jackson, W. L. Carmichael, Jackson, .A. Wright Indian Spring, . A. F, White & Cos. Floviila, J. G. Kimbell, Jenkinsburg, M. Cain, Towaliga, D, J. it F. M. Kinard, Towalig G. L. Washington,Worthville. The prettiest and most elegant lines of wash goods for summer wear have just been received at ilie Star Store and prices are low enough to tempt you to buy, whether you need them or not. Stnniy shirts at Fennell, Thompson & Cos. LOCAL BRIEFS. If U U a $, tm~ ’er N. Crops growing. Hot days—cool nights. Blackberry pies are ripe. Good rains fell this week. Jackson needs a crematory. Our schedules aredeplorable. Hnetournouts at Thornton & Hoot (n’s. 1 he Wilkinson House feeds well all the \ear iound. Tell us about your babies and we'll write them up. A arm nights and srrowing crops fund in hand. Idsh potatoes, snap beans and other garden “sass” plentiful. Cool drinks at Gi more & Bick ersat Indian Springs. If Jackson don’t keep cool, Mr. Ed wards is not the blame. He keeps ice by the car load. It you need anything in the gin line call on Mr Mead fiend rick, whose adv. will be seen in The Argus. \\ heat is being ha rvested and next week tlie noise or the steam thresher will be heard in the land. Mr. W. W. Sol onion, manager of the Massey Cotton Gen works of Ma co i, was in town on yesterday. The Weekly edi tors will meet in Brunswick on July 11 and 12 and ex pect to l ave a grand old time. for Weak Nerves Fennell, Thompson fc Cos. are selling sl2 50 cheviot suits for $lO. Now is the (iine to get a bargain it you need a suit. A communication from Stark con cerning the Sabbath School picnic at Bermuda Bottoms on Saturday but was rccieved too late for this issue. It will appear next week. Me ssrs J. W • riiaxton a nil wife ol Albertville Ala. and J. B. Thaxton of Texas are visiting their old home near Towaliga. They were called on account of their mother. Mrs. J. M. C. Thaxton, happening to a serious acci dent some weeks ago. Jesse Jolly, the younger son of clerk of the court Mr. Joseph Jolly, and a studeutof the Jackson Institute, has been appointed by the authorities of the United States a delagate to the Youths Congress to assemble in Chi cago on the 17th and 18th of July next. Wheat is being cat, and the farmers report an average yield per acre, some body will soon have a blackberry pie made of home made flour, free berries, and the crust shortened with home made lard, and kneaded with butter milk. No freight to pay only on soda. Frank Stanton gave a public read ing of some of his poems at DeGive’s opera house on Tuesday night. It was largely attended bv the leading literary people of Atlanta. We are proud of his success for he is the leading poet in the United States. Try BLACSODRAUGHT tea lor Dyspepsia. We raised a howl last week among some of our lady friends in not giving their babies a write-up. We can only say thatwecould not put themallin one issue and will continue these sketches till give them all a showing, at least all from whom we can get the proper facts. The citizens of JenKinsburg and surrounding country have all made an agreement to sell off building lots at reasonable price- and long terms to any white man who will settle there, aud sell farms on five years time to those desiring to become bonifide cit izens. The object in view is to build a good citizenry and to make it a school point second to none in the county. Look out for their “ad” in tins paper. UfcOf* WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic lor Women. A man places a premium on his life so long as he makes the practice of carryiug money on his person or at house. Deposit in Jackson Banking Cos. Cost you notning to do so and it is abso lutely safe and secure and can check it out at any time. Doiit fail to see those new things in scrim scarfs, slashers aud mats which come in sets to match, at The Star Store. FOU^D—A secret order breast pin. The owner can get it by calling at this office and paying oOcts to the finder and 25 cents foi this notice. "cSlrae’s WINE OF CARDU! for female diseases Dry goods at who’esale prices at Fmnell, Thompson & Cos. this week. Two of J* kson’s popular w eelmen rode out to Mr. Levi Ball's on Wednes day evening, and spent a few hours very pleasantly. The beautiful aud accomplished liMle bio de teach ■ tl ere is always ready to make her callers feel pleasant, and on this oc casion was equal to any former occa sion in her wish and effort :o give the young men a few hours along lite’s weary march to which they can look back to as a green spot in their mem ory. The Argus will carry your ad vertisements far and wide and brrng you trade. ry it. Big bargains in towels just reeieved at the Star Store. Ask to see those damask towels at 33 l-3c. More new goods this week at Fennell, Thompson & Co’s. Roy. J. M. Cain, out at Towaliga, was recently robbed of $35 or S4O Deposit your money with Jackson Bank where it will be safe from robbers. All kinds of harness repairing done on short notice, in first class style and satisfaction guaranteed at reasonable rates. Come and see me. M 23 4t. Maj s Block. J. G. Maxwell. Buy your corsets from Fennell, Thompson & Cos. They sell the tamous R. & G. and Thompson’s glove fitting. A nice lot of straw hats at greatly reduced prices at the Star store. Stonvvall Fire Company of Gridin, with a party over three hundred strong picnicked at Indian Springs on Thursday. A leading feature of the days pleasures were a line dinner al the Wigwam followed by a German. Every one enjoyed the day to the fullest and will hail the approach of another visit to our healing wat ters. If you want to enjoy a pleas ant smoke call on Gilmore & B ickers while you are at Indian Springs. We will co\er your head bet ter, cheaper and more stylishly than anybodyelse in Jackson. See our line of Jn?. B. Stetson HATS. Carmichael Cos Some time since we called atten tion to the beauty of a tree in Jaek son, which has caused those who say they have seen a more perfect tree, to talk of it, Mr. W. B. Collins says there is a white oak standing on the line be tween the farms of Mr. John I Col lins and the old place formeily owned by Mr. John Carmichael whose sym melryar.d perfect propor tion is unexcelled in the world. Nature has exhausted her concep lion of perfection on that tree. It has never been touched by the prun ing knife but its beauty even at tracts the hunter who passes near, and he always rests beneath its dense foliage. SNAKE BITTEN. Mrs. K. W. Aiken, who lives near Elgin, w r as badly bitten by a high land meccasin on Wednesday. She had gone into the garden and was gather ing some Irish potatoes when the ven omous reptile planted his deadly fangs into the bick of he r right hand. The bite was exceeding)v painful but Dr Wright was called who applied rein edies that eased her after several hours of torture. As we go to press she is suffering much pain but the chances are good for her recovery. THE TEACHERS’ INS TITUTE. The Institute met on Sa'urday, The commissioner presided :A splen did paper on orthography was read by Miss Elia Pound. Some of the teachers seem to think that they can absent themselves with impunity, be cause of the lameness of ihe law in imposing fines upon absentees. We think how’ever that teachers should attend, w hen not providentially pre vented, as a matter of respect to tnose in charge of the school interest of the state, even though they feel that they are per fect and finished, and cannot learn any more, By reason of this apa thy several had to be substituted and spoke without preparation, but they handled their subjects well. Among those speaking were Profs. Cornwell and Thompson. Prof Maddox made a good talk on science and practice, and Miss Rosa Thornton did exceptionally well on Geography. The teachers are unan imously opposed to the school law now pending before the Georgia leg islature. If you want a cool drink, a fine cigar or cigarrette, or in fact any thing else in the refreshment line when you go to Indian Springs we would advise you to call on Gilmore <t Bickers at the depot. These gentlemen keep a full suppl in all lines of confec tionaries tobacco, cigars, soda water etc. and their prices are the lowest. “Quick time to Chicago.’ ’ TTie E. T. \. &G, Ry., will inaugu rate on A/ay 28th, the quickest time from the south to Chicago. Two daily vesti bule trains, as fine as any in the United states will add much to the comfort o f visitors to the World’s Fair. Rooms secured in the elegant Hotel Ingram directly opposite the main entrance t) the .Exposition without exta charge by applica'ion to Agents. Be sure your tickets read via E. T. V. &G. and Q. ifc C. loads the recognizeb route to the IForld’s /air. THE BABIES. Their Beauties Pictured For Our Many Readers. O, what a delight to write of the littlle ones, these fragile blossoms of the earth rejoicing in the balmy air, happy and beautiful faces and changeful as they are happy with eyes brimful of joy and with hearts mirrored upon their faces like sun beem glinting on crystal waters, Liz’beth, the dimpled pink and white baby girl of Mr. John Sams is pronounced by some partial ones as the very sweetest infant they ever knew, Liz'beth is a well spring of pleasuie, a dimpled darling who ssems 10 be a link between whisparing angels and the friends on earth. Like the petals of a rose leaf soft in her complexions, two blue tenderly veiled star light eyes, two restless dimpled fluttering waxen hands, in her long robes of dainty laces and pure ribbons. Liz’ebeth is truely the perfec tions of babies. Julia .Franklin Thornton is another wee maiden who seems but a messenger of peace and love, a harbor for innocence on earth with her silken rings of sunny hair and translucent skin. The little one seems a pure white snow flake to remain a joy forever. 01 ten, as I stroll down Second street I meet that lovely child whom they call Huson IJryans. His eys a starry black veiled with lashes, behind which •nc can sec a world of merriment anu childish glee. His rosy cheeks be speaks a glow of perfect health. Mahoue Crawley is another bright lit tle fellow and is the pet and pride ot the street on which he lives, with his infrantle prattle and joy ous laugh. He islirile tvonder. The two in some maidens that attract the universal attention of the entire town are Florence and Felicia, the brown haired twins. They are in every way so similar that the ques tion is continually asked : “Which is which?" Even their most intimate acquaintances find it a diftereult mat ter to distinguish them. They are gentle sweet and loving and never tire at the inquires plied them. Now comes the quaintest, sweetest and dearest ot little maidens, Jane Slandfieid. Silver laired grandfathers, gay and dashing young men, joyous maidens and sedate grandmothers all stop to have a pleas ant word with this lovelv child. She is as “lovely as a poet’s dream.” In her large picturesque white hat with silk tulle streamers knotted care lessly at her throat, her plump roun ded petke figure attired in a soft dain ty mull, she embodies the perfection of childish grace by which Titian be came so famous. Master Henry Byron is oui ot the brightest, bestchildren it was ever my lot to know. He is very diminutive in form and has the quaintest, most original manner of giving utterance to the thoughts that arise within. He is always dressed in a manner be speaking the latest in little boy styles. Little Miss Cliff Daughtry is oue of the most versatile maidens 1 number among my little friends. She is very quick at repartee, and is very gifted as an am iteur elocutionist. She re minds me of a pretty, plump Ir'sque doll thrilled and filled with life, vivac ity a id bubbling over with hearted merriment. Master Robin Daughtry, the three year old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Daughtry, is a perfect little “chatter box,” amusing all by his remarkably bright and interesting sayings. He is all joyousness, gayety and anima tion, and sheds a glorious halo in the home circle like a golden sunbeam. In this galaxy of little ones comes the peerless Matter Med Furlow. The memory of this golden eyed in fant will lovingly linger with me for years to come. lid has a happy disposition, genial and winning, that links an enchains for him the love of those around him. There is some thing pleasant to meinthuslingering in the children's fairyland. They are each and every one dear to our hearts They are truly the loyal guests in Love’s own kingdom. L. L. CONTINUED. HUNG ON FRIDAY. Nick Nutting, the negro daspera* do who killed Marshal Harrs in Forsyth in February, and was re leased to the sheriff of Montgomery county, to be tried there for murder was convicted and burnt at Mount Vernon on Fnuav. He confessed of having committed six murders in Georgia and South Carolina. SLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. V GOOD MAN GONE. Mr. U. F. Gilmore, a gentleman well known to our readers, died at his home on Benton Street on Saturday 7 at 11 o’clock after a lingering illness caused from the La Grippe, more than a year ago. Mr. Gilmore was one of our very best citizens and *as a Chris tian gentleman. What more can be said of any one ? His remains was laid to rest in the city cemetery oil Saturday at 4o’clock by his brethren of the St. .John’s Lodge F. &A. M., after a funeral at the Methodist church by Rev. Dock Hansford of Monroe county. HUbe reaved family has our sympathies. VARIETY STORE. 2sl MS W = STOEE. NEW GOODS. Past experience proves to me, as well as to my customers, that I buy at lowest prices and will continue to sell at bottom prices I bought for SPOT CASH and will interest you in prices, quality and style. Yoa will find in my stock, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Spices, Soda, Starch, Tobacco, Cigais and Confectioneries. I have a fine a&sortment of Dry Goods such as: Silks, Veiling, Mulls, Shallies, Henriettas Lawns, Chambries, Cords, Ginghams, Prints, Cheviots, Outing, Cashmere and domestics. Everything is complete in my line of Notions. Shoes to fit EVEETBODV large or small at ROCK BOTTOM prices, A tine and select lot of style and prices guaranteed. West side of the square Jackson, Ga. Xj. IR. Cason, r "--VARIETY STORE. H. F. Gilmore’s Machine Shop. MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, * SASH, * BLINDS, Mantles, Tables, Brackets, Balistcrs, Moulding, in fact all kinds o( Ornamental Work Turned and Pannelled. All kinds oi lumber dressed or rough. Shingles all grades. Anything thing anybody needs for building purposes. See sample of work in J. R. B’S Ciraajt Repoatory. We compete with any work, anywhere both in quality of work and prices. Open at all hours. H. F. Gilmore Proprietor We take pleasure in informing the public that w° have tormed a copartnership for the purpose of doing a General Hinny And Faacy Dry Goods Business. Our Spring stock will consist of of the most complete and best selected lines of Hats. Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, Ladies’ Umbrellas, DRESS HOODS, Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Hosiery Etc., Ete. ever brought to Jackson. DRESSMAKING This department will bo in charge of competent hands and all work will be guaranteed. tkk &&mm ! store. ituated on West side of public srpiare. Very'Respectfully, Mrs. t. W- Nutt, Mrs. Tassie Tucker. ROB T H. SMITH, Late of Smith* Mallarv. CHAR. If. HALL, .IR. SMITH & HALL, DEALERS IN STEAM ENGINES A., i BOILERS, SAW MILL, \ GRIST MILLS. BELTING, JBpinfm MACON GA.