The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, June 16, 1893, Image 3

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\!. NOTICE TO THE PUB- Jal \ / . • (bricago will proba- I ( v • 1 -‘■ i t u..( i 3- ’, an* i i>i or : ’• ivc a sufficient r. inb* r of ar. wo have decided t* c..- ’ -v -t:;u3 Lr the fu tii1< . • iiii s for sleeping cars for Jut ' v, August and S.-plem (,! , , iii the hands of Mr, E. j.i k i Agent, enr ;■, C • ilous-e, Atlanta. Ga., :n ! l plications should be made as < > o Ohio. B \V. Wrenn, G. P. & T. A. “•QUICK TIME TO CHICAGO ! lie T. \.<k G, Ry., will inaugu *n -3/ay 28ih, the quickest time from . .-ur.ffi to Chicago. Two daily vesti trains, as fine as any in the United Mutfwill add much to the comfort of visitors to the World’s Fair. Rooms secured in the elegant Hotel Ingram direct.y opposite the main entrance to the Exposition without exta eharg In appliea'ioQ to Agents. \\ ■•sun: your tickets l / >, /’ / A <'■ i Q- & C. loads the recogiC/eb j( '<> the 11 oild’s /air. ■ WORLD’S FAIR AND AMERICAN RAILWAYS. 'I i ; .N' & Crescent Route, w dy known as tlie road running the “ - st Trains in The South,” is in the iii ‘ to carry everybody from the South to h‘ World’s Fair at Chicago. No ]>:n of the Southern country is left un ca < and for by this great railway and its connections. The through Car System ’ admirable exposition of the won ;il capabilities of American rail ing. Prom New Orleans, Through I'ing ears run daily—morning and cvi ning—carrying its passengers via < ciunati or Louisville, as they may Prom Shreveport, Vicksburg and Jackson, another Through Sleeping . Car bine comes to join and become a part of the magnificent Vestibuled f i! trough 'brains which,passing through Birmingham and the famous Wills Val ley of Alabama, is joined at Cliatta p""ga by the train from Jacksonville, ] in-., Brunswick and Atlanta, Ga., over t ■ 10. T. V. & Ga. lly., and proceeds r h over tlio beautiful Cincinnati F ii ’em through the gi-andcst natu r enery and most attractive liistori i iai ry in the world, to Oakdale, v, re another magnificent Pullman < r< ived, coming from the Rich ; ! Danville System from Char . C.. through Columbia, S. CP, t • Aiful French Broad country ;i •vdle, N. C. and Knoxville, 'j • ee. ‘to Chicago is made so as to si 1 most convenient hours for • i luvs from the principle cities, and arrivals in Chicago. Ihi -vi: i can pnrclvase tickets good ovi-r one l::n- north of the River, and ml 111 ning v a another, if they desire a variable route without extra charge; or they can go via Cincinnati, return ing via Louisville, or vice versa. • u ml trip tickets on sale at reduced rate s Agents of the Chicago line will, • n “quest, assist in looking up rooms or accommodation for visitors to tlio Pair. everything that an almost perfect ; in ran devise to deserve the praise rad patronage of the travelling public i is been provided. Any of the agents o ihe company named below, will i nvrfnlly give all possible informa i ’ii and assistance; R. 11. Garratt, Few Orleans, La. I. llardy, Vicks burg. Miss. J. R. McGregor, Birming ham. Ala. E. T. Charlton, Chatta r■■ ,i. Ti;im. W. D. Cozatt, .1 unction < ii.v, by., or 1). G. Edwards, Cincin nati. Ohio. ■^COOL inside, outside, and nil the way through, by drinking a HIRES’ReeI This great Temperance drinlc; is as healthful, as it is pleasant. Try it. ROYAL | SEWING MACHINE! |iill in lu mini: sTfinitiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiig s Has a Targe High Arm. J Has a Self-settiiic Needle. “ s Has a Self-threading Shuttle. P Has No Equal in Construction! - Has a Mechanical Appearancei p E Has an Elegant Finish. S Has a Perfect Adjustment. “ Has a Positive Take-up. a " a * Stylish Furniture. ™ ; Has More Good Sewing Qualities ana s s does a Larger Range of General Work r j than any Sewing Machine in the World. 1 Examine THE ROYAL fbp points of | excellence; and you will ” buy no other* ■ 1 ROYAL S, M. CO., Rockford. IIL j 1 * MitillHiHiiii.iiiii.iniiiiißiiiiiiiiiililililllillllillliliiS , . I GH iIYSPEPSIA. % -1. ion, and Stomach disorders, take i tIOWX S IRON BITTERS. • .-alers keen it. f l perlmttle. Genuine ho* **-' Had tr <s-x J r ed lines on \vr.q|>tr. local briefs. train ARRIVALS: G °;f so “ B 4: 40 a. m. TANARUS: 00 .p m. 801X0 SOUT “ 9: 27 a. m. ‘‘ 44 9: 17 p. m If l L) a $, fJik ~ ’or in. See Ihecitt tax receiver’s notice in this paper. Mr. T. L. Williams now owns ‘he L- < . Manley place. I lie Irish potato crop was never finer in this section. Our street force is now putting the streets ii line eonditi n. 1 he sweet girl graduate is among 11 • dnd t lie crop is a good one. Ihe Musical on Wednesday night was a brilliant success. -Miss Clyde Streator or Midway Aia. is visiting lur sister, Mrs. Jud-e Hailey. Mi. A. 11. Smith is adding several looms to his already fine dwelling, on Indian Springs street. The next quarterly meeting of the County Alliance will be held at the couit house on Friday, Julv 7th. Col. Van McKibben has three of the lincst milch cows in Middle Geor gia. They are indeed beauties. Our .signal flags avc been standing tlie same way for quite a while indi cating fairer and warmer weather all vhc lime. Mr. Flovd Williams is ready to build a tine dwelling tor himself on his lot oti Third street, fronting Mr. .J. J. Barnes. fry BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. We have heard many sav that Rev. G. H. Carters sermon at the Baptist Church on Sunday was the finest one ever delivered in facKson. Rev J. H. Fakes, Col, T. J. Demp sey and his son Flam are attending the commencement exercises ofEmorv college'at Oxford this week. On Sunday afternoon two of our best wheelmen, Messrs. Higgins an 1 Wagner, beat the Morrison wagonetl j to tee Indian Springs after giving a half an hour the atari. Mothers give your babies Mc- Crary’s teething powders, 25 cts. per box. For sale by R. G. Bryans & Cos. Some of our old bachelors say that the society of Jackson is too much di vided. There is not enough comming ling together of our young folks to keep up much of a marrying spirit. A nice lot of straw hats at greatly reduced prices at the Star store McELREE’S \ INE for Weak Nerves. Fennell, Thompson A, Cos. are selling sl2 50 cheviot suits for $lO. Now is the time to get a bargain if you need a suit. There L an advertisement In this paper that reads this way: “When you visit Macon don’t fail to call on T. W. Bond.” So wc advise you to follow this direction and you can be supplied with anything you ant in Mr. Bond’s line on dull time’s prices. Hunt ’ ‘ n up when you are in the -_ x/r CARDUIj a Tonic for Women. CiGricr’s almanac says that summer begins on next Tuesday, 20th iust., but if we were put on the stand to testify about tlie matter we would say it begun last monday, but a- Mr. Grier was a Butts county man, and Butts county never failed to tell the truth, wc suppose he was right. Ask for McCrary's teething powders. 25 cts. per box at R. G. Bryans & Cc. The attention of our readers is di rected lo the advertisement of O. P. & B. 15. Willingham, Macm Georgia, in this issue. They are the leading man ufacturers of doers, blinds, sash etc. in Middle Georgia, and will till your orders as cheap as any firm in the state. Write to ihem lor prices. 50 years use lias proven Me Crary’s teething powders to be the best —'25 cts. box. For sale bv R. G Bryans & Cos. Georgia watermelons and peaches are now being sold by the car load and in a few weeks grapes and other pro ducts will be teady to swap for dollars. Why not put half our cotton fields in these crops and scatter money all a ong through the \ ear instead of trying to get it all at otue out of cotton and then often not get more than the cost of production. SLACK-DRAUGHT tea, cures Coustltation. Once try McCrary’s teething powders and you will use no oth er —25 cts. box. For sale by R. G. Bryans & Cos. We have never yet heard of a visi tor to Jieksou who was not nh-ased with our town and people. Not on!., with Jackson and her people but those who have seen any ot the sur rounding country, say that it is one • f the most favored spots on earth. Good water, healthy climate and a soil capable of producing almost any thing needed by man. Not too cold in winter nor too hot in summer, but always pleasant compared with oth er sections. What better country can be expech and to be found ? Crops of all kinds are doing their host. We predict that next year will be the grandest year Jackson Institute nas ever had. On Friday last some of our young people pa-sed a very pleasant evening at Mr. S. O. Ham’s. We learn that several business changes have already been made so far as location goes. Ex-Governor J. S. Boyinton would make things hum in these parts if he should decide to rule the gubernatori al race. Our thanks are extended to Miss Linda Lee for help in our local col umns this week. There are few miss Lindas in the land. We acknowledge an invitation to the annual commencement of the Univer sity of Georgia, 17 to tlie 21 inst., and regret our inability to attend, Sam Jones in a sermon last /Sunday threatened to go back to Atlanta to show up a few things. If he can beat Lewis Redtrine and Harry Hill showing up Atlanta society, lie’ll cer tainly get there. Get a nice summer coat and vest from Fennell. Thompson & Cos. and keep cool. They have a nice line and can pleas© you. The government should pension those left peniless by the terrible dis aster, thecollap-e of the Ford theater building. The dead and crippled were at wo"k for the country and risk id their lives to do then* duty. Rev. W. G. Crawley returned Sat urday to iii.s pastoral duties at Clark ston ami Stone Mountain. He is very popular there, ami accomplishing much good already lie has received seventy eight members in the Church. The Argus will carry your ad vertisements far and wide and brrng you trade, r/ it. Beginning with the first is.-ue in July, we will begin a -series of publi cations of sketches—reminiscences of the late war, by a Butt’s county sol dier. Now is the time to subscribe as no one should miss one of these arti cles. Do you wear a corset? it so don’t forget that Fennell, Thomp son & Cos. sell R & G and Thompson’s glove fitting. J/iss ,3/irjorite Slaton of Griffin writes she will visit Jackson about the 18. Miss Slaton is a voting lady of charming presence and who is uni versa'ly popular where ever she goes. She will be most cordially welcomed by her many warm friends here. Big bargains in towels just recicvc I at the Star Store. Ask to see those damask towels at 33 l-3e. There was a terrible thunder storm near Pecksville Monday. One mule tied to a tree in the lot. of Mr. Shaw was killed by lightning. Mr. Win. Jenkins and his son were sitting in a crib door, near by with their feet hanging ont, and the stroke actually knocked their shoes from their feet. Both men are in a critical condition, and their recovery is doubtful. A man p'aces a premium on his life so long as he makes the practice of carryiug money onliis person or at house. Deposit in Jackson Ba liking Cos. Cost you notning to do so and it is abso lutely safe and secure and can chock it out at any time, Mr. Walker is the happiest man iu Butts county except Mr. G. W. Ray. Mr. Itay is the happiest one, except Col. C. C. Ray, who is hopping around the square like a chicken with his head cutoff, and it’s all about a wee tot of a baby, presented by Mr. Wal ker’s wife, nee. Miss Alice Raj r . Walker is papa, Mr. G. W. Ray is grandpapa and Claude is uncle, which is the closest kin he will ei er be to a baby. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. have a bargain for you every day. Don't forget litis when you want to buy goods. It will be remembered that some time ago we asked the question if there wore any confederate soldiers buried in the Jackson cemetery? We have learned that there are only three. One was Mr. John Turner, a Vir ginian, who was living at the time the war began at Mr. G. W. Thornton’s, lie enlisted in the 45 Georgia regi ment took sick, and was brought home and diet!. Mr Ja:k Guffey, who was n busi ness on the corner now occupied by Dr. Crum, also died, but we could not learn the particulars, and was buried here. The other was Mr. Tom McDaniel, a brother to Rev. Clark McDaniel, lie enlisted in the 14 Georgia Cos. 1., was wounded at the battle of l ie Wil derne-s in the heel and also in the log. He was sent home and died in the house now owned and occupied by Mr. J. 5. McDaniel * ,/o miles east of town. These ate (heonly three who were laid to res 1 here wbile the war was going on, who died while engag ed in the service.* Get one of those Asbestus lamp wicks st Fennell, Thomp son £ Co’s., and have no more Double with your lamp. Misses Mays ami Smith cf Flovilla were the guest s of Mrs. Goggans the past week. 3/rs Twisgs of Atlanta came down and spent Sunday with her daughter, J/rs. Byron. Mrs. Moon has returned from a most delightful visit to relatives and friends at Conyers. Miss Lizzie Brown, of Carrollton, is the guest of Mrs. J. Lee Byron on Elm street. Miss Lena Williams has returned to her home in Atlanta, after a pleasant stay here with friends. Col. and Mrs. A. W. Lane were re ceiving the hearty congratulations of their many friends here this week. J/isses Pearl and Estelle Carmichael will leave the iatter part of the month for an extended visit to Monroe and other points. Rev. J. H. Eakes and Col. T. J. Dempsey have returned from Oxlord where they have been attending com mencement. M rs. S. 11. Morgan and Master Joint will spend some time at Perry. While there will attend the Holtzclaw-Roh ertson marriage. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. offer 1000 yards Zephyr gingham at 10c yard, worth 15c yd.this week. Mr. T. B. Dillard spent several days smiling on old friends here this week. He Das at present a temporary location in the Hentral City. Mr. John VV. Moore is at home tor the summer’s vocation after some months absence attending school at Emory college,Oxford. Miss Carrie Hitchens is expected home soon from her prolo iged trip, accompanied by Misses Davis of Ath ens, and Law ranee of Crawtord. Zephyr ginghams at Fennell, Thompson & Co’s, only 10c yard this week. Dont fail to see those new things in erim scarfs, slashers and mats -v lich come in sets to match, at The Star tore. The general meeting of the first district ot the Flint River association will be held with Macedonia church connneuciiig on Friday before the sth Sabbath in July next, 1893. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. have a few pairs red slippers worth $1.75 which they are offering out at 75c to close. Mrs. Daughtry, the silver haired mother of our esteemed lownstmeu. Messrs. I.eßoy and Hampton Daugh try, is spending some time in otu lit tle city. Prof. Carle It. Thompson has re turned from a visit to relatives at Columbia, Ala., and is notv the guest of Mr. J. W. Moore at his beautiful country home. A fine line of ladies’ Vests at Fennell, Thompson & Co’s, from 10c to $1.50. See them, they are sure to please you. Miss Myras Peavy will leave soon to accept a music class at Elgin. Miss Peavy is a gifted young lady and we wish for her unbounded success in ibis untried realm. Dr. Bryans and wile have returned from Omaha and the Colombian Ex position. They report having a fine time and that the Fair is the biggest thing ever seen in this country. Misses Elia and Mattie Love, o( Quincy. Fla., are expected here soon as the guest of Mrs. T. M Furlow. All will remember with pleasure the delightful visit of these young 1 dies several summers ago, and look for ward with joyous anticipations to their return. Dr. J. W. Lee and little son, Master John W . Jr., spe it this week in Cov ington attending Emory .commence ment, and witnessed the graduation of Mr. W- I*. Lee, Jr., who was awaided Frst Honor over the largest class that lias ever gone out from the clasic halls of Oxford. McElree's WINE OF CARDUI ior female diseases. Mr. Claude Gray is home again to the delight of his many friends, lie has won high distinctions at Mercer University, winning the medal over a large number in the junior class. It is said that during the commencement this year he was the recipient of spec ial courtesies, and his baskets and | waiters were the moJ beautiful to be I seen, i Fennell, Thompson and Cos. | sell the famous Asbestus lamp | wick. These wicks never burn j out and never have to be triined. This is a great saving as well as i convenience as one wick will last j for years. Try one. Mr. Frank McKibben read ‘\Sarge Plunkett'’ in Sunday's Constitution, and said we shall help the old folks. Mr. T. L. Williams an ex-con federate soldier, who gave an arm for that no ble cause, for whi< h Mr. Weaver gave ; his leg, went to work assiduously for | his comrade inarms. The love in a soldiers heart actually grew* stronger as time rolls on . Every man and wo man seemed anxious to give their dime and some even tendered more. As is characteristic of Ja.-kson and her people, the good work goes on , until Jackson will show as good a work through Mr. Williams as any of her sister towns of equal size. A SMALL FIRE. About 4 o’clock on Thursday morning Mr. T. L. Williams’ bam was discovered on fire. liis horse was in the house but fortunately was removed before injured. A small quantity of corn, fodder etc. was lost. It is supposed rata had caused a match to ignite. No in surance. m\ AN OLD NEWSPAPER. We have in our possession an old newspaper that is more than ninety three years old. It is the Ulster County Gazette, printed at Kings ton, New York, Saturday, January 4th ISOO. and contains accounts of the death and burial of George Washington, who died on Decem ber previous. The paper is printed in mourning for the illustrious dead, and also contains the resolutions by congress and the reply of President Adams ever the mournful event. There were but few papers printed in the United States at that time, and no doubt there are but few now in existence. It is a prized relic. NECKWEArT NECKWEAR!! Youhg man do you w r ear neck wear? If you wear neckwear, dont buy neckwear anywhere un til you see our line of neckwear, then buy our neckwear aud you are sure to get there. The Carmichael Cos. New York Store. All dry goods at Fennell, Thompson & Co’s, go this week at wholesale prices. Now is the time to get bargains. TAX NOTICE. The City Tax Receiver’s l ooks are non open an 1 ready to receive the tax returns for the present year. Do not delay. D. G. McMiciiael, T. R. ./ime 10, 1893. TAX NOTICE—LAST CHANCE. I will be in JacKSon Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, June 19, 20 and 21 for the purpose of receiving state and county taxes, for the year 1893. Books will close on the 21st. C. R. Carter, T. R. of B. C. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. By order of State School commis sionu' S. D. Bradwell, I will hold an examination of applicants for teachers license on Saturday June 24th at the court house, commencing at 7 o’clock a. m. Only one day will be allowed for the examination, E. E. Pound. C. S. Com. B.C. TEABHEIIB* INSTITUTE. The annual Teachers’ Instituie will be held for Butts county commencing the 19th day of June. Ail ] ersons holding a teachers’ license whether engaged in teaching or not, are required to attend the Institute. Teachers whose schools arc in session, arc hereby ordered to suspend the same during the session of the Insti tute. E. E. Pound, C. S C., B. C. W KEN YOfcfvisiT MAC9N Don't Forget To Carl On T. W. BOND. AT SIS NEW BAR AND KESTAIMT, Cor. Third and Poplar o: 508 Poplar Street, Where you can get the BEST MEAL and FINEST LI QUORS at living prices. K 8 ffi BB ' U|i I BEMEMBER" , .sra i &iSSI XA 1 Be. _ # A'3§g s careful investigation as to our responsibil- ■ s gj 6a EH f ity and the merits of our Tablets. | f ▼ Double Chloride of Gold Tablets jr Will completely destroy the desire forTOBACCO in from 3 tos days. Perfectly barm- XX less; cause no sickness, and may be given in a cup of tea or coffee without tbe know]- /f' X edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a few days ** >43^ DRUNKENNESS aM HOEPHIHE HABIT * the patieut, by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. % Et Duringtreatmentjpatients are allowed the free use of Liquor or Mir. A PPW phine until such time as they shall voluntarily give them up. .X fe % X H J. JJ if VVe send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall IPnotinuminln be glad to place sufferers from any of these habits in communica- : '-3k .X 1 UoliiilUiilalS tion with persons who have been cured by the use of cur Tablets. T&y /? HILL’S TABLETS are for sale by all first-class f from persons druggists at $ | .OO per package. ✓ V% ■'='• . , , If your druggist does not keep them, enclose ns $| OO /xU ¥f\ StiA. > Who nave been and we will send you, by return mail, a package of our X" -£a>. 'yX Tablets. * * / cured by the use of Write vour name and address plainly, and stato Y;-a >• SSMST are ,or Tab * c ~> Morpl “" 6 “ /%Gf|v% ®/ Hit! c TrsMpfc DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing V* %% ktllE ‘ J B wl/I'UW, any of the various nostrums that are being ./ THF.OnmrurvTir nn • offered for sale. Ask for HILL'S X %;•'?’ '?/?'' dear Sir : --Y Vivo been ncini* TABLETS and take no other. >/• cure for tobacco habit, aud found it^wonld Manufactured only by v *3h w* and > what you claim for it. I used ten cent* xv worth of the strongest chewing tobacco a day, —THE x ijp-K S' aiJ d trom one to five cigars; or I would smoke NXxX from ten to forty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed mPUrMTP AT PH .r vglk and smoked for twenty-five years, and two packages UllilJlillinL tlUij Of your Tablets cured meso I haveno desire for it. ..... The Ohio Chemical Co.:—Gentlemen sent LIMA, OHIO. 23k for $l.OO worth of your Tablets for I received A j&l them all right and, uithough lwas hot h a heavy smoker and chewor, PARTICULARS they did the work in less than three l:iys. lam cured. 'vlk Truly yours, MATHEW JOHNSON,P.O.Box4S. The Ohio Chemical Co.:— Gentlemen :—lt gives me pleasure to speak a xX jt , word of praise for your Tablets. _ My son was strongly; Udicted to the useof •s* Jr liquor,and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and 4 S' ’vcS constant drinker, but after using yonr Tablets but three days ho quit drinking, X * 5gL iSjsA Nkfey X and will not touch liquor of any kind. I have waited four mouth before writing Y r you, m oraer to know the cure was permanent. Yours truly, The Ohio Chemical Co:— Gentlemen :—Your Tablets have performed a miracle in my case. tHLm S' 1 have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, and have been cured by the use of WHt f two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAY. y’ Address all Orders to . Ss THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., J 51, 83 and 60 Opera Blosk. LIMA OHIO. si VARIETY STORE. NEW GOODS. 1 ast experience proves to me, as well as to my customers, that I buy at lowest prices and will continue to sell at bott >m prices I bought for SPOT CASH and will interest you in prices, quality and style. You will find in my stock, Lard, ougar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Spices, Soda, Starch, Tobacco, Cigais and Confectioneries. I have a fine assortment of Dry Goods such as: Silks, A eiling, Mulls, Shallies, Henriettas Lawns, Chamhries, Cords, Ginghams, Prints, Cheviots, Outing, Cashmere and domestics. Everything is complete in my line of Notions. Shoes to fit BVEET'BODT' large or small at ROCK BOTTOM prices, A fine and select lot of style and prices guaranteed. West side of the square Jackson, Ga. Xj„ IR. Cason, ' - VARIETY STORE. H.F. Gilmore’s Machine Shop. MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, * SASH, * BLINDS, Mantles, Tables, Brackets, Balisters, Moulding, in fact all kinds ot Ornamental Work Turned and Pannelled. All kinds of lumber dressed or rough. Shingles all grades. Anything thing anybody needs for building purposes. See sample of work in 1. L WMML’iS Mgs Spiny. We compete with any work, anywhere both in quality of work and prices. Open at all hours. H. F. GilniOreProprietor We take pleasure in informing the public that w° have formed a copartnership for the purpose of doing a General Millinery And Fancy Dry Goods Business. Our Spring stock will consist of of the most complete and best selected lines of Hats. Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, Ladies’ Umbrellas, DRESS GOODS, Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Hosiery Etc., Ete. ever brought to Jackson. DRESSMAKING This department will be in charge of competent hands and all work will be guaranteed. ituated on West s'de of public square. Very’ Respectfully, Mrs. t. w. Nutt, Mrs. Tassie tucker.