The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 10, 1893, Image 3

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!* ;j, ; j'l.'i;; to cnicag ■HI \ ‘ Hy., will inaugu ■ )!■ \ : -T, the quickest lime from a < i.u-ago. Two daily vesti as line as any in the Uuited- H, ; M much to the comfort of („ liic World’s Fair. ||„ m cured in the elegant Hotel < m .posite the main enhance ■ / v -i:ion without exta charg ■ lica'ion to Agents. v. ;r tickets l s', i K T . V . V- :V .; (i A C. loads the reeognizeb 1 * 'oriel’s 7 ; air. I xHi; WORLD’S FAIR I AND AMERICAN RAILWAYS. H nK (>[■!■. f.x & Crescent Route, H ( , lv known as the road running the H:At Trains in The South,” is in the Ho to carry everybody from the South Hj. e World’s Fair at Chicago. No ■A? the Southern country is left un- Hjjfnr hv this great railway and its H; eC ;T,n' . The through Car System Hi a.hni ruble exposition of the won- H; a l capabilities of American rail- Hjing- i'rom New Orleans, Through Kepin-. r mrs run daily—morning and carrying its passengers via or Louisville, as they may ■f ro! n Shreveport, Vicksburg and Hjtson, another Through Sleeping Khine conics to join and become a Ht of the magnificent Vestibuled Hough Train* which,passing through and tlic famous Wills Val- K o f Alabama, It joined at Chatta- H-a by the train ifo/11 Jacksonville, Wh. hrunsvvick and Atlanta, Ga., over He E. T. V. & Ga. Ry., and proceeds H r t|, over the beautiful Cincinnati Hthern through the grandest natu- Hscenery and most attractive histori- Kcountry in tlie world, to Oakdale, Here another magnificent Pullman His received, coming from the Rich- Hind and Danville System from Char- Hton, S. through Columbia, S. C., ■. beautiful French Broad country ■d Ashville, N. C. and Knoxville, Hnnessee. ■The time to Chicago is made so as to Hord the most convenient hours for ■partuns from the principle cities, Hd arrivals in Chicago. ■Passengers can purchase tickets good Hr one line north of the River, and ■turning via another, if they desire a ■ruble route without extra charge; ■ they can go via Cincinnati, return ■ff via Louisville, or vice versa. ■Sound trip tickets on sale at reduced ■vs. Agents of the Chicago line will, ■ request , assist in looking up rooms ■ace-uiim.idation for visitors to the ■r. ■Everything that an almost perfect ■y:;i e;m devise to deserve the praise ■ no ! - nn:ge of the travelling public ■ vrfi provided. Auy of the agents lib company named below, will Rjpi'bdly ; ive all possible informa- Ha and . istance ; R. 11. Garratt, ■w Orleans, ha. I. Hardy, Vicks ■r.T. Mi s. .1. R. McGregor, Birming ■n. Ala. L. T. Charlton, Chatta ■ra. Term. W. 1). Cozatt, Junction ■ty, Ky., or D. G. Edwards, Cincin ■ti. Ohio. SEN YQcl VISIT MACON Don't Forget To Cali. On \ W. BOND. AT SIS NEW 11 AND HESTAURiIIT, r, Third and Poplar os 508 Poplar Street, hero you can got the BEST MEAL and FINEST LI QUORS at living prices. V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Mp. I you wear them? When next In need try a pair. Best in the world. 45.0q^e**" 1 %J13.00 $4.00 M A*2.50 Ls3so ~YI *2.00 42.50 uST ■'"‘•y’ |$2LOO 42.25 'a JfcL *1.75 to on 1 VtiilHrl TOR BOYS fyou want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest q don't pay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and is well. If you wish to economize In your footwear, so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and wstamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy. •L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mas*. Sold bjr J W, CRUM. ROYAL SEWING MACHINE! 1 11 i.i:i:i!i:i;iiiii[i!iiiiinn;iiiiiiiiiwii[iii[iiiiniiiiiii;ii" GRANTED IYEARS ||Jf ’ i||E3a£E!9s2j|Tj l:i:i:i!i!i!it!!iiii:sii!iiiiiti;iitl>lil!lilililililtlilililt^ ®*sn Targe High Arm. sa*5 a * a Seif-setting Needlet S BB a Self-threading Shuttle. , “as Ko Equal In Construction* ’ “as a Mechanical Appearanoe, • “as an Elegant Finish. s ; “as a Perfect Adjustment “s a Positive Take-up. i “as Stylish Furniture. ; .“as More Good Sewing Qualities and— a Larger Range of General Work = “ an any Sewing Machine in the World. Examine THE ROYAL for points of | excellence, and you will buy no ether. ! ROYAL S. M. CO., Rockford, lil. f tiill|!|i|;|j|;|ii;[ : j.|ij:|!o|;|||:|||:|[|'|:|;|l|ll4|||illim Nawre-s / SchenC,? Remedy \tz —■=== FOR ( tViANDRa^! cJL^ntIKIS local briefs. train ARRIVALS: going north a. a o t< 4: 43 a. m. TANARUS: 30 .p m. going south n . J: 37 a. m. “ u 9: IT p. m Sirup making. Congress is in session. Now look for better times. We need every cent due us. The heaviest rain of (he year fell on Sunday. Mrs. Laura Will,*, of Albany, is vsi iting Mrs. S. C l au l. A party of Jicksouites, including several ladies are camping and fishing on the Octnnlgee. A party of about ten or twelve la dies and gentlemen will leave* for Chicago to see the Fair today. Messrs. Mallet and Ilarn lett on Sat urd y morning for Chicago where they goto see the big show. Two daughters of Mr. J. N. Gray were rccieved and baptised into the Baptist church on Sunday. L ttle Alexandria, the infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rhodes, has recovered from a few weeks serious illness. Miss Minnie Atkinson has returned home afther after spending several weeks pleasantly at Canton and Or ange Ga. J. W. Rhodes is stopping in the Gate City at present with G. A. Rob erts; they report they are doing good business I lie littl) babeot Mrs. J. H. Logue. on Oak street, died on Sunday night, after two weeks of severe illness. She lias our sympathies. Mr. J. D. Cross, one of Canton’s most enterprising young men, spent the past two weeks with the family of Itev. A. Atkinson. :Y c l Iruc s WINE for female diseases Thin coats, light wieght pants reduced in price 25 percent for the next few days. Carmichael Cos. M isses Hattie and Annie Lou Cobb, two of Canton’s most fascinating and entertaining voting lad’rns, have just returned home after a two weeks’ visit to their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Atkinson.. New gouds daily coming in at the Variety Store. Miss Jennie Powers, one of the mod charming and entertaining young ladici of Peny Ga. after a few weeks visit with her uncle, Mr. S. 11. Mor gan has returned. Mr. J. S. Hale sent to this office on Monday a curiosity in the shape of a watermelon vin?. Where the melon should have grown was a mass of small leaves much resembling a cau liflower. Try BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. Misses Julia and Marylu Tomp kins, two of the most charming and accomplished young ladies of Albany Ga. after two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. A H. Smith have returned. They made many friends during their stav who regret to see them leave. The Atwood Suspender will cost you no more than the ordina ry suspender it will actually last twice as long as any other. For sale only by The Carmichael Cos, N. Y Store, Mr. O. A. Pound and wife, of Jack sonville Florida,are visiting the form er’s father, MayorE. E. Pouivdon Third street. They were accompanied by Mrs. Pound’s mother, Mrs. Morhard of Grand Raj ids Mich. There is no mistake about it the Atwood suspender is the best in the world. You can find them at New York Store. We leave today, accompanied by our two boys, for Chicago to visit the great World’s Fair, aud during our absence The Argus office will be in charge of our daughter, Pauline, from 8 to 11 a. iu. and from 3 to 5 p. m. who will attend to such business matters as may need attention. The paper will be printed next week as usual will but be two days late. The New York Store is now offering great bargains in Ladies and Misses slippers, determined to close them out. They will go at one third regular price. At a conference at the Baptist church on Thursday night the pastor. Rev. G. H Carter, was granted a month’s vacation, and consequently there \vi 1 be no preach ug at that church ou next Sunday. Rev. J. 11. E.ikes of the Methodist church has a!>o been given a month’s rest and Rev. B. H. Sassnett will fill his pul pit next Sunday. These good men deserve these favors from their flocks and we trust they o ill be spent both to profit and pleasure All summer goods now offered by t e New York Store at about halt price. Wo are determined to close them out, come at once and secure the biggest bargains of your life. The Carmichael Cos. Big assortment ef ladies under vest at half price. New York Store. Marble playing continues. Judge T. S. Hammond, of Elgin, was in town on Monday. Sam Foster, from Towaliga, was in town this week. Mr. W. T. Nelson, of Milner, Ga. was in town last w eek. J. 11. Carmichael will leave next week for New York, via Cbicaeo. Mr. R. L. Daughtry will leave tor the eastern markets about Monday. Ihe date for the 45 Georgia reun ion has been fixed for 26th inst. ill Manley, of Griffin, speut a few days with Thos. Buttrill this week. Iry the American Fruit Preserving powders at Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Rob’t Carmichael has accepted the position as cashier for the Carmichael Cos. We are proud to see Mrs. H. P. Al mand Jr. up again after several weeks illness. Itev. J. Jl. Eakes and family are in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Georgia this week. Dr. Mays is spending several hun dred dollars improving his dwelling on Walnut street. Reese Thaxtou Jr. spent a few days in the country last week working the insurance business. Miss Annie Walthall, of Worthville, spent a few days with relatives in town this wcck. Esquire T. P. Bell and Mr. Thorn ton, of Patillo, were in town on Mon day and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Joel B. and A. Me. Watkins af ter several days visit to Slulby and Rutherford N.C. have returned. L’he roof of the great holliness tab ernacle has been finished and the oth er work is being pushed rapidly. Miss Annie Blount Becks, of Griffiu, aud Miss Johnson of Atlanta, two ac complished young ladies are stopping with Mrs. L. D. Watson this week. Put up your fruit with the Atneri- Fruit Preserving Powders sold by Fennell, Thompson & Cos. 25c pack age will preserve 32 lbs iruit. tor Weak Nerves All millinery greatly reduced at the New York Store. Ladies now is the time to get Hats etc. at your own price. Fennell, Thompson & Cos, soli the American Fru t Preserving Powders. A 25c package will preserve 32 lbs. fruit. Fruit can he kept in a jar till used up without spoiling. Try a package it will please you. Something new dressy, and neat in the shirt line just reeieved at the New York Store.' M isses Martha Jane a id Annie Car michael, Mary Duke aud Clyde Mc- Callutn spent a few days with Miss Neva Fletcher near Towaliga this week. Any kind of a hat you want can be found at the New Yofk Store. See those new shapes. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas of Fenton Ala , who have been visiting in this county for several weeks re turned on today, well pleased with their trip. The Butts county S. S. Association held at Mallet’s Springs on Friday was well attended and enjoyed by all. The addresses and declamations were well selected and delivered in fine style. Mr. J. G. Bryans, of Beersheba, came to town on Tuesday with his left hand badly lacerated. He was running a sawmill and put his hand 100 near the cruel teeth and the little finger was cutoff and the palm terribly cut to the bones. Dr. R. G. Bryans dressed the wound which is a sufficient gaurantee that it was done well. yje- SLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. In another column will be found a letter trom our valued fair cerrespon dent H. R. It reached us too late to use it all this vteck aud consequently we will continue it over next issue. “O-ange Blossom” is a pailess cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by W. L. Car michael. SST" WINE OF CARDUI, a Touic tor Women. Next week we will begin the publi cation of ix wa> - reminiscence by a Butts couotv soldier. No one should miss this story as it is a true sketch of the authors war life. “('range Blossor,” is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, Any lady can use it herself. Sold by W. [* Carmichael. “Orange Blossom' - ths common sense Female Remedy, draws our pain and sureties i Sol i by W. L, Carmichael. Our buysrs will start for New York and other eastern markets in ten or fifteen days to purchase our fall and winter stock- \Ye ar- and termined to close out all summer goods, they will go for the next Ihitv days at about half price. The Carmichael Cc. THOSE WONDERFUL GIANTS IN TOWN!! If you wish to them call on Dr. W. L Carmichael and ask tor Beggs’ Little Giant Pilis. Every bottle guarnteed. From what we gather from the Floviila Enterprise, it seems that the alliance rally at that place on 3lst ultimo, was nothing more than a third party meeting. That paper says: Perhaps I am not of the improved kind of Alliancemen, perhaps I am out of the order, having not been in a lodge in five years, but allow me to say I had ever held to the idea that the Alliance was one thing aud poli tics was strictly another. I have no fight to make on politics. If you want to have a political meeting then call it a political meeting hut don’t besmirch the fair name of Alliance with politics. You can vote or speak for the democrats, republicans, peo ples party, prohibition party, or wo man’s suffrage but in a fair name of the great insritutiou that we call Al liance, don’t mix them all together and make a conglomerated mass that it would take an Aristotle with all his wisdom to straighten out the cha otic mixture. $1 00 A DAY~AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. That is all it will cost any read er of The Argus for lodging, who will cut this ont and take it to the headquarters of C. E. Dorn &Cos , 62nd St. opposite World's Fair gate, who are the proprietors of the Columbian Union of Hotels. They have seven hotels built of brick and stone, new and elegant, and their rates vary from $1.50 to $3 00 a day. These hotels are distant only one to three blocks from the cerftral en trance to the World's Fair. The Argus has made a contract with C. E. Dotn & Cos. to take our friends lor SI.OO a day, and we are prepared to accomodate 1,500 peo ple daily, within one to three bleeks of the Worlds Fair entrances. C. E. Dorn & Cos. absolutely gurrantee satisfaction. This notice will secure rooms at contract rates, but to reserve room in advance, call on or write to the editor of The Argus and pay 50 cents for certificate of registration, and this will reserve your rooms for any time you want it, The 50 cents will be credited you on your hotel bill. This is absolutely the best arrangement that can be made and no one who tries it will be dis appointed. The regular rates will be charged unless you can show that you are entitled to The Argus contract rates. We have also acon tract for good meals at 25 cents, or table d'hote dinners at 50 cents. You can stop at one of our good ho tel-? for $2.00 per day including meals. To reserve rooms, remit 50 cents to the editor of th? Argus who wilt issue a certificate entitling you to accomodations at SI.OO per day at any time you designate. For full information, and a free guide to the World's Fair, address C. E.Dorn & Cos., Central Office, 02nd street, opposite World's Fair Gate, Chicago. Mr. Wancn Lovett, a gentleman well known to our peopli,is with these hotels and will take special delight to care tor any who will call on him. LOST. One black silk parosol on Saturday July 21st between the residences of Mr. J. B. Settle and D. J. Thaxton. If the finder will return it to this office he will recieve a liberal reward. PUBLIC* SPEAKING. We are requested by Hon R. T. Nesbitt, Commisiener of Agriculture, to state that he will address the farm ers aud others ot this county at the court house on 19th inst. on Agricul ture and the woi k of that department. The speaking will begin about 10 or 11 o’clock. "a. B*C. Asthma, Bronchetis and Con sumption result from a neglected cough or cold. Don't neglect but cure promptly witn doses of Beggs’Cherry Cough Syrup, ev!:’ by Dr W. L. Ce r miehael. THROUGH CARS Vi A QUEEN & CRESENT ROUTE To CHICAGO. From Jacksonville, At lanta and Macon, via Cincinnati and C, H. & D. and Monon. Route. No change of cars between Jacksonville and Chicago Through cars also run from Macon, Atlanta and Chattanooga, t? Chicago without change, via Queen A; C-esent Route to Cincinnati and tlie Big Pour Route to Chicago. Ask agents of E T. Y. & G. or Queen and Cres< nt for information as to reduced iates, etc. D. G. Edwards Gen. Pass. Agt., Cincinnati 0. A REUNION. Ou Saturday, the family of Mrs. G. C. Thaxton, held a reunion at the old homes-tead near Elgin. The family was a somewhat remarkable one, there being twelve children— six boys and Fix girls. The oldest was a boy and the next a girl, and alternating all the way through. The ninth was still born and tt e fa ther and oldest boy died in 1885. These living children with their wives, husbands, children and grandchildren, numbering 36 grand children, eight great-grandchildren and a few other near relatives cast themselves together in and around the old house in which they were reared and spent the day as one great family. Then the sun reached the meridian a long table was spread under the broad beautiful oaks near “The old oaken bucket, The iron bound bucket, The moss'-covered bucket, That hangs cn the well. I '' from which a feaat indeed was par taken, eighty two persons being the whole number who partook of the tempting meal. It was a day of pleasure, but as vacant chairs were seen and thoughts of those gone before would arise sadness would fill our hearts and sometimes the willing tears would freely flow. There were absent 14 grand children 8 great grand children and 25 dead, making the whole number emanating from the mother, still living, 84 souls. Program —OF X— PR9TRAGTED MEETING. AT CORINTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. You are cordially invited to hear our pastor (W. E. Daugherty ) discuss the subjects in program below: Our preacher accords honesty to all. He doe snot ask you to believe any thing he does not prove. “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath ; for the wrath of man worketh not the right eousness of God.” James 1:19, 20. Sab Aug. 12. 9. am. Zeal. “ 12. B .p m. Faith Reward ed. Sun. “ 13. 9a. m. The Commu• nion , “ 13. B.p m. Repentance : Its importance. What is it? What produces itl Mon. Aug. 14. 9. am. Justification. “ 14, B .pm. Sanpfication. Tue. “ 15. 9. am. Sayings of Je sus. “ 15 - 8. pm, Prevailing prayer. Wed. “ 16. 9 .am. Conscience. Is it a guide. lt “ 16, B .p m How doper sons become Christians. Thu. “ 17. 9. am. A sermon to husbands. 17- 8, pm. Regneration. T y, 'i- “ 18. 9 .am. [Ashamed of Jesus. “ 18. 8 .pm. Thedeceit fulnessoi sin. You are cordially invited to hear every discourse. Respectfully, The Committee. THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use Beggs' Blood Purifier. It purifies tbe blood, makes.the skin clear and the com plexion beautiful, Try a bottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Car michael. MHII I ’C [Remembersi Xj c?niMi.i ■ § careful investigation as to our responsibil- 1 Jr ■ H B mmtM BIS I ity and the merits of our Tablets. | A v Lpsifil Double Chloride of Gold Tablets A\* Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 tos davs Perfect'v harm N /' £BSsSfSSSSSSS&B!f^ISWS£S£ES ,^SS^^^S r < f> J&tJ'' ■ mmm am morphine habit ssszs&vrs&z&T' / v/ •. the patlCl *by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURB TABLETS. <\ Y- S During trostm are allowed the free use of Liquor or Hor- J? S ! r — ' ''all voluntarily give them up. pT s? ■ ■■■ t . Wescnapu, ihlet of testimonials free, and shall J 5 m begiad topiaee su ay of these habits in comnmnica- TPC ’ J •; tion with persons who have cured by the use of our Tablets <l%. /r AUCt ‘' J , HILL’S TABLETS are for sale by all first-class %%. m S from pr-r or ~ druggists at $ | ,pO per package. jy >Kf\ J? If your druggistdoes not keep them, enclose us £I OO s' who have : and we-will send you, by return mail, a package of out ™f Write your name and address plainly, and stato Ob., cd Ly tho *. .. whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Morphine or Jr 'Csk sr WW•-<-d' v g* •* - Liquor Habit. gf*Jg C fi *3 If * • DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing jf mm mmW/ Elial S fi CllfV . ~ .* sa’&ar"sswsasjs-*/ ?•= TABLETS take B Z. W%j,m X core fSISSJSShA^W^S Manufactured only by d<> w hat yon claim for it. I used l _ TT _ JT ySk N£K\ \r Jr worth of the strongest chewing toba< THE and irom one to five cigars; or I v.oui from ten to forty pipes of tobacco. Have,. OHIO CHEMICAL CO., /■ ! 61. 63 *65 Oper, Block, I IMA OHIO >lfbv Tnc Ohio Citemical Co.:—Gentlemen*:—Sometime-’ LIiUA, umu. S ■. for $l.OO wort nof your Tablets for To! aeeo Habit. 1 , , i PiBTifTT a TOk IHt enialJ right and, although 1 was both a heavy smokeram. ci. PARTICL LARS \B3aßk they did the wore m less tnan three ; avs. I am cured. ___._ Truly yours, MATHtW JOHNSON, P. O.' 9 HI ° Chewical Co.:—Gentlemen :—lt gives me pleasure^to' , .. word of praise for your Tablets. My son was.stronglv addicted to i . ■. ,f •f X-A ir L uor t a r q through a friend, I was led ‘to try your Tablets, lie was ah .J • S ' at using your Taolets but three days he quit ■ . WL and will_not touch liquor of any mud. I have waited foile month before -i you, m oruer to know tbe cure was permanent. lours truly, I Co;—Gex t lemew:—Your Tablets have performed a , V-;-m j J? orpb J? e v ’ , h ypodermically, for seven years, and have been cured by t l \ two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTa CV. ~ t all Orders to L THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. y .J y q.^aa-num.Sl, S3 and S3 Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. ..iG* ETHERIDGE MINIM AGENTS. Fin, Lift, Mining, Mu ail M M INSURANCE, We represent six of the best old line fire insurance companies on earth, whose surplus and cash is snffi cient to pay any loss they might have. Pay us a small premium and have peace of mind, sleep well at night and let the responsibility rest on someone else THE OLD RELIABLE MAHHATT AN * Is with us to afford’the widows and orphans protection it has borne the losses of forty three years without s murmer and have not contested a single claim whoso name has never been associated with any scandal and is free from criticism, Insure your stock against death by disease,tire, light nng or accident. COAL! WOOD! COAL!! We sell the best Montevalla, Jellico, Roanoke and Forge coal at lowest price*. Office in Bank Hall. F(EEBe THAXTOn. man*™.:. ARE YOU GOING TO VISIT THE WORLD’S FAIR ? IF SO BUY TICKETS BY THE EAST TENNESSEE LINE TWO LIMITED VESTIBULED TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA DAILY AT 6:35 A. M. AND 2:10 P. M. WRITE B. W. WRENN, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE, FOR RATES AND OTHER PARTICULARS. HORSE-SHOEI3NG OUR SPECIALTY. The undersigned have formed a copaitnership and so licit the patronage of the public in General Blacksmith Repairing. We claim to be the finest horse-saoers in idtlfe Georgia and will work as cheap as tl e cheapest. All we ask is a trial. Come and see us in front of die county jail. j. h. THURSTON. D F. THi. XTOK.