The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 24, 1893, Image 3

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The New York Store win keep it brim full ofbright fresh news telling of the new stylish goods and big bargains soon to arrive. Their buyers are now in New York and other eastern markets where they will purchase the largest and most complete stock ever brought to this market consisting of all the la test novelties in dress goods, trimmings millinery etc. CLOSING OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS. Gome at once and secure the biggest bargains of your liie they most go in order to make room for our for our fall stock. For big bargains visit Ths New York Store. All Seasons. TIE CARMICHAEL COMPANY. PROPRIETORS. LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: uoiNfl north 4: 43 a. m. “ “ 7:80 .pm. oiN*o south 9: 37 a. m. “ “ 9: 17 p. m II U O a $, HtF ’er in. It. J. R. 801 l WOI ll'9 Mot weather. Cotton opening. Muscadines ripe. ( how R. J. K. Old corn p’entifu!. W atermelons getting scarce. It sells itself-—R. J. R. Tobacco. Jaeksonites still going to the Fair. Fat proker plentiful in the coun try. ('hew the only genuine R J 11. To bacco. Xiiß tod tier crop has been saved in good condition. Die best coal drinks are to be i<nind t Hi kers & Ityars. A pure article is the well known R •1 K. Tobacco—L’ry it. A bushel of flue pears can find teadv sale at this office. WINE OF CARDUI. a Tonic tot Women. Mr. Lee Smith is spending a few days at his father’s near Forsyth. The R ,T R. Tobacco is made out of a pure rich waxy leaf and free from stem* and grit. AD the merchants and clerks like to sell RJ’R. because it gives satis faction in every case. Our whole heart full of thanks go out to Mt Tipp Ham lor a lot of fine grapes a few days ago. New goods daily coming in at the Variety Store. Thin coats, light wieght pants reduced in price 25 percent for ttie next few days. Carmichael Cos. "O-ange Blossom ’ is a pailess ° llre lor nil diseases peculiar to ■•omen. Sold fresh by W. L. Car -1 nehael. tea for Dyspepsia. there is no mistake about it 1 e *• it wood suspender is the t est in the world. You can lind at New York Store. He regref to announce the death f fourteen Mtonfhs child of :ir. C. R. 1,1 •*, the county ttx re elver, on -Wl. 11 *•'" J he bereaved ones have s yinp h u-. Read the change i lime of holding con my court. Toe Superior court meets on s' cond Monday in October. Dont be decieved—Che T v the only geuuine R J R. Tobacco. The sanitary condition of every home should be strictly guarded. Use lime freely. Every man, woman and child in Butts county knows what It J R. means. The Holiness campmeeting will be gin next Tuesday and continue ten days or longer. Something new dressy, and neat in the shirt line just reeieved at the New York Store. Twenty five people from Jackson have visited the World’s fair and sev eral others wilt go before it closes. Any kind of a hat you want can be found at the New Yonc Store. See those new shapes. BLACIC-DRAttGHT tea cures Constipation. Rev. J. W. Beck preached two tell ing sermons at the Baptist church on Sunday morning and at night to large congregations. “Orange Blosson” is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, Any lady can use it herself. Sold by VV. L. Carmichael. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will Terrell, of Flovilla, will be pained to hear of the latter’s death, which occurred on Saturday of a lin gering illness. “Orange Blossom/’ ths common sense Female Remedy, draws out pain andsorsnesv Sold by W. L, Carmichael. Mr. Purdue handed to us on Satur day what may be called a twin ear of corn. The ear divided near the large end and forms two distinct cobs, both well filled with grains. McElr’ WINE OF CARDjJI for female diseases. The greatest trouble that now con fronts the southern people is money to move the cotton crop, but Atlanta and business centers are making ar rangements to get all the money that is needed, and we trust they will succeed. Fennell, Thompson & Cos, ull the American Fru t Preserving Powders. A 25c package will preserve 32 lbs fruit. Fruit can be kept in a jar till used up without spoiling. Try a package it will please you. The high prices of meat that ruled last winter, and is still holdiue* caused our people generally to turn considerable attention to hog raising, and the result already shows almost endless numbers of ffoe porkers all over the land. Some of the public roads need \\ orking badly. There is yellow fever in Brunswick, and almost ail the people have left there. Try the American Fruit Preserving powder sat Fennell, Thompson & Cos. You can find it in nearjy every store iu Butts county —R J R. Tobac co. Only a short while and the gr al cotton crop will be ready for market, but it seems that there is no money to move it. Mr. T. Willis Nutt has sold out his lancy grocery business to Mr, W. M. Potts, who will continue the business at. the same old stand. We learn that the canning factory at Flovilla is doing well but twenty five cents per bushel for tomatoes is a poor price to the raiser. We believe in the Bible doctrine that “all things work together for good” etc. and that the present money stringency will work tor the good of the couutiy. Let us wait and see. for Weak Nerves- This country don’t need any speech es right now, but action. It is no time for congressional orators to be tak ing time to make spreadeagle speeches. Let them get down to work and do something on the financial question at once. Jlon. R, T. Nesbit, Commissioner of Agriculture, addressed the citizens at the court house on Saturday. His speech was a good one, advising our people to enrich their lands, raise everything needed at home and the farmers would become independent and happy. All Confederate Veterans of Butts county are respectfully and earnestly requested to meet in Jackson on the first Tuesday of next September to form a Confederate camp of survivors Association. The objects in view are the preservation of our Confederate brotherhood, the care of the poor, and the sick, and the collection and compi lation of reliable history. J. F. Carmichael. Mr. S. J. Smith, in an article in a tiiit'd party organ, has seen dt to abuse • Thf. Argcs and its editor in unmeas red terms be ause we hare stood all the while against the introduction of politics into our alliance meetings.and goes so far as io demand that we withdraw from the order, etc. The alliance was organised as a non partisan body, and *e cannot be an allianceman withonc fighting the con nection ot polities in any way with its meetings, and we care as little for such rantings as that of Jack Smith as a locomotive does for the grass hoppers that flv before its headlights. IS nE.nORIATI. William B. Browning, the subject of this sketch, Wi.s born in Monroe county, Ga., November 3rd, 1839, died in Jack son, Ga., August >4th, 1593, aged 23 years, 9 months ar.d 11 dsys. After preparing himself for business he went to Macon, having been em ployed as traveling salesman for the Macon Grocery Cos. He afterwards moved to Jackson, about the Ist ol August, 1893, to take charge of the books of The Jackson Mercantile Cos. During his short life in Jackson be not only ranked among our best business young men, but by his upright deport ment and gentlemanly bearing had drawn around him some strong social ties* and all who came in contact with him had learned to love and respect him. He had never united with any church, though at heart he was a Mis sionary Baptist, and would doubtless have united with that church soon. While our young friend was not openly affiliating with the church militant, we rejoice in the belief and hope that he was a member of the church triumph ant, having professed conversion and having given himself to God in his fif teenth year, and at his death was trust ing in the merits of a crucified and res urrected Saviour The citizens of our community extend tl.eir deepest and most heartfeit sym pathy to the bereaved family in the loss of their darling son and brother, whose loss is irreparable, and whose grief is too sacred to be reached by expressions of human condolence, and can alone be healed by the balm in Gilead and the Physician there, “How beautiful is death ! After all toil and care and pain are o : er, To close the eyes upon this fading shore, Followed by memories of undyi.ig love, Welcomed by guardian angel? from above, How tranquil to resign bis ltboring breath, How beautiful is death.” A Friend. COUNTY COURT CHANG/IVS. Office of County Judge, ( August 19th, 1893. ) GEORGIA—Butts County. Whereas, the regular qnarterlv and monthly terms of the county’' court of Butts county has heretofore be -n held a t the Court House iu Jackson, said e aunty, on the 2nd Monday in each month for the monthly term and the 2nd Monday in each of the months of ,/amiary, Mpril, July and October of llie year for the quarterly terms, and whereas by leasen of a recent change in the time of holding the Superior court of /huts county, the two courts conflict as to the time of holding same, it is therefore ordered that after the publication of this order weekly, for four successive weeks, in tue Middle Georgia /I rocs, the paper wherein the county ad vertisements are published, that the terms of said court be so changed as that the monthly sessions llietecf shall be held on the 4 h Monday in October, 1893, and on the 4th Monday in each and every month thereafter, and that the quarterly terms of said court be so changed as that (lie first quarterly term to be held after the said publication shall be held on the fouith Monday in October, 1893, and the fourth Monday in January, . ylpril, July and October thereafter for each year. Further ordered that all processes made returnable to the terms of said court as they now exist be and the same are hereby made returnable to the terms respectively designated by this order- AW parties at interest aud the public will take due notice. By the Court. B. P. Bailiy, J. C. B. C. RJ R takes the lead in all high grade 9 inch 4s tobacco. Ste that the three It J R red letters is on every plug when you. ask for this brand—none is genuine without t hese letters. Mr. J. H. Buffington, formerly of this county, gave us a call yesterday. Mr. Buffington is an ex-typo, but is now railroading on the Atlanta & West Point road. Call again. We are always glad to see one of the “profesli.” A NEW JOKE On the liver. When itis out of order and you feel blue, try a few doses of Beggs’ Little Giant Pills. Your liver will appreciate the joke. So will you. For sale by Dr. W, L. Carmichael. FOR Z/EAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA—Butts County. To all whom it may concern: B. T. Deason, ammistrator of L. O. Deason, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September, 1893. This August 7th, 1893. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary, A. B. C. Asthma, Bronchetis and Con sumption result from a neglected cough or cold. Don’t neglect but cure promptly vvitu ■‘ , -w of Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup, ool 1 by Dr. W. L. Carmichael. Put up your fruit with the Ameri- Fruit Preserving Powders sold by Fennell, Thompson & Cos. 25c pack age will preserve 32 lbs iruit. All millinery greatly reduced at the-New York Store. Ladies now is the time to get Hats etc. at your own price. I,IMES WRITTEN IN NK.nOBI Of I.itfle t'liarlie. Son off L, A. Bankston. Formerly of Iluttt County, Ga. I saw a young mother in tender.ess i bend O’er the coueli of her slumbering boy. And she kissed the soft lips as she murmured his name. While the dreamer lay in silent joy. Oh. sweet is the rosebud encircled with dew, When its fragrance s flung to the air, So fresh and so bright to that mother he seemed As he lay in his innocence there. But I saw when sue gazed on the the same lively form. Pale as marble and silent and cold. But paler and colder her beautiful bov. And the tale of her sorrow was told. But the Healer was there who had stricken her heart And taken her treasure away, To allure to heaven he has placed it on high, And the monrnei will sweetly obey. There has whispered a voice—"twas the voice ot God, ‘•I love thee, I love thee, pass under the rod.” A Friend. Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 14, '9B. ROBERT. The three year old stallion weighing between fourteen and fifteen hundred pounds is 15-16 Clyde. He was sired by a thor oughbred Clyde, in a dam> 3-4 Clyde. He is perfectly sound and trained to work in single and double harness. He is a dark chestnut brown, ball faced. The Clyde is superior to in that, while he has all the Nor man’s draught qualities he can travel with any other breed. Pie was brought by me to this stute rom northern Illinois for tm own use, but owing <o a change in business 1 have decided to sell him. I would prefer someone would buy him who would keep him in the community, for ii there is any thing we need here it is better stock on our farms. For further nformation call on me at the obi Wolfe place one and a half miles west of town or address me at Jackson, Butts county Ga. Parties desiring the service of mv horse can be accommodated by calling at my bouse and pay ing $2O. Resp’t. 6m. Theodore W. Lalir. THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use Reggs' Blood Purifier. It purifies tne blood, makes the skin clear and the com plexion beautiful, Try a bottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Car michael. The New York Stoie is now offering great bargains in Ladies and Misses slippers, determined to close them out. They will go at one third regular price. “SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that your hair needs invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew -9r promotes a healthy growth of hair, prevents its tailing outor turn ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Carmichael r HII 1 !REMEMBER"JKBIFMSB| A\ \ m WS W HI . -s careful investigation as to our responsibil- f A 1 HS Ea ■ Staagg I ity aud the merits of our Tablets. | A V A Double Chloride of Gold Tablets A^A^A -* < Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3to 5 davs. Perfect >v harm - A ‘ ># ' „•' less; cause no sickness, and may be given in a cup of tea or coffee without tne know]- A \V*V> A:v& edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a fev/day= A SRUHEEHHEBS iM MORPHINE HABIT <f ••• j thep-ilcr tb y the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TAB!. ETS. A<4& A "'A A \ During treat m- are allowed, the free use of Liquor or Mor- "'-.-A A >’ I r- — u ’'all voluntarily give them up, ' ■ t .' ' Y j Wesendpaxi. ihlet of testimonials free, and shall A A*?' • -v be glad to place sun c... ny of these habits in comiumiica- * A Ns§% ' y A Vji,- tion with persons who have ocen cured by thenseof our TAULi’/i.. HILL'B TABLETS are for sale by all first-class A A 'X ’*-T\ TOill j: .. J. druggistsat $ | .OO per package. jT V- ‘ \ „ " . , It your druggistdoesnot keep them, enclose us § ( CO X.\ V ' y .. Who nCLY and we will send you, by return mail, a nackago of out Vwk 7-.> VW\ ■ W Tablets. SK"*v Yg; • >•' cured by the • : Write your name and address plainly, and steto /a 'v:i v ’ •whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Mornhino or A *s**#?v . \ Vga •' t* 'W .W Liquor Habit. * A i%'' ij 1 , [! v DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing A >V'V '■ V' - --- -AA any or the various nostrums that are being A yiW >w\ c t g ttc, < • • . offered for sale. Ask for HILL’S A ?. - \ // \ W.- . T-A-IBIiLIEITiS and take no other. 'A g cure ft :> •. Manufactured only by ' v >. \ •• x' d-> what THE f o OHIO CHEMICAL co,, 61, 53 4 65 Opera Block, jr _ryp|r~ A' A list* AHift - The Ohio Chemical Co.:—Ge>ti . r LL"iA,^ able ,•< A liquor, and through a'friend, 1 vs sI Jd to tr * A constant drinker, but after using your Tablets but tii’--e dav,-. he quit • m A and will not touch liquor of any kind. 1 have waited four month befoi-- ,u "• i you, in oruer to know the cure was permanent. . the Ohio Chemical Cos :—Gentlemen :—Tour Tablets have performed a miracle ix ■ ■•vc;." ; o ( A * I have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, and nave been cured by f ! WV/ two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. DOTLGAi' [ -Address all Orders to UBfftaJ THE OHSO CHEMICAL ©O., j / 61, 83 and 88 Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. COAL COAL COAL ETHERIDGE h KIND, Insurance agents for the most reliable lire and life Insurance companies on earth all <U which have grown to be what they are !>\ fair dealing. GOAL DEALERS, "W e handle the most popular and best grades of coal, viz: Montevallo and Jellico; also th 1 cheaper grades which we ein sell delivered in your coal houses from 4,00 to 0.25 per ton Your patronge solicited. reesg tHaxtor Ma ri a o'er. COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL. HOESB-SHOEOSTO OUR SPECIALTY. The undersigned have formed a eopa.tnership and o -1 icittho patronage of the public in General Blacksmith Repairing. We claim to be the iinest horsc-s toers in idd’e Georgia and will work as cheap as ti e cheapest. All w(?ask is a trial. Come and see us in fr mt o‘ :.i e county jail. J. IL TOUR~ i N. D. F. THA X rON. W. L. DOUGLAS 33 SHOE NOT mP. Do you wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. Best in the world. s4.ooji #3.50 152.00 ‘g&Lf FOR LADIES $2.50 (ff 00 $2.25 W I *1.75 am .a m-.JSvßmb'i for boys f g| 7s sdsM* If you v;ant a fine DRESS SHOE, made in the latest styles, don’t pay $6 to $B, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well, If you wish to economize in yourfootwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Hass. Sold by J W, CRUM. WREN YQH VISIT MAG9N on’t Forget To Call On T. W. BOND. AT ms NEW BAR AND BESIABRiI, Cor. Third and Poplar 01 508 Poplar Street, Where you can get the BEST MEAL and FINEST LI QUORS at living prices. The Atwood Suspender will cost you no more than the ordina ry suspender it will actually last twice as long as any other. For sale only by The Carmichael Cos, N. Y. Store. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. ! All dealers keep it, SI per bottle. Genuine has : jrade-mark and crossed red lines on -wrapper. ROYAL SERINS MACHINE ... .. Has b targe High Arm. Has a Self - setting Needle. Has a Self-threading Shuttle. Has No Equal in Construction. Has a Mechanical Appearance, Has an Elegant Finish. Has a Perfect Adjustment. Has a Positive Take-up. Has Stylish Furniture. Has More Good Sewing Qualities and does a Larger Range or General Work than any Sewing Machine in the World. Examine THE ROYAL for points of excellence; and you will buy no other, ROYAL S. M, CO., Rockford. 111. WT BROWN’S IRON i .7.'/?$ Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, 1 * Mr. Mala ria, Nervousness, and General I>‘ - :,)• -. physi cians recommend it. All dealers ■ . Genuine bag trade mark and crossed red 11:: • runner. T£ e Consumptive and Fee. Z7lu7ho , auiferfrom exhausting diseases should up-; i,r. u C-mit •• Tonic. It cures the worst Cough, Weak Luo;--, . I— digestion, I'amale weakness, liheumatisii! ~i M,:± <l, HIND ERGO RM R. The on’-.- - -e for Coiuj otops ail piun, Makes walking easy. 1 jet: . : - euggi.-t* gt**xr~ for Tim blog ; Weakness, Malaria, 1; < * ;-,ot au<! take BROW- ? IRON BIT I Xll'-i. It cures quickly. For sale by a., .ieaiers in Medicine. Get ibe genuine. COAL COAL COAL