The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 31, 1893, Image 3

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II 1 111 111 in IB A I The New York Store will keep it brim full of bright; fresh news telling of the new stylish goods and big bai gains soon to arrive. Their buyers are now in New York and other eastern markets where they will purchase the largest and most complete stock ever brought to this market consisting of all the la test novelties in dress goods, trimmings millinery etc. - CLOSING OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS. Come at once and secure the biggest bargains ofj your lire they most go in order to make room for our! (ten jail stcck. For big bargains visit The New York Store. All Seasons. i THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY. j PROPRIETORS. 1 LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: going NoitTn 4: 50 a. m l “ “ 12: 30 .pm. going south 9: 37 a. m. “ “ 9: 17 p. m If U 0 a I, ’or in. it. J. R. Chew R. J. R. h sells —R. I. R. To' acco. Chew (lie only genuine It J R. To bacco. Tlie Leatoojl drinks are lo be tumid at Bl kerj & livars. A pure ar.iele is the well known R .1 R. Tobacco—fry it. David Gailliard will l> • at the Railroad Warehouse iliis season. A buslu-I of tine p ars can find] ready "ale at Ibis otli •<•. V.iMZ OF CAROUI, a Tonic for Women. j The R.l R. Tobacco is made out of] a pure rich waxy leaf and free from] stems and grit. j All the merchants and clerks like to sell RJ R. became it gives satis faction i*i every ease. New goods daily coining in at the Variety Store. A severe wind and rain storm passed over this section on Sunday night and Monday morning, but we learn of but little damage being done. Thin coats, light wieglit pants reduced in price 25 jer cent for the next few days. Carmichael Cos. According (o the recent school cen sus taken wc find there arc 3,586 children within the school age in Butts, and the count} will receive this year $(>,274 50 from ti c schooll funds of the state. ‘•O-ange Blossom"’ is a pailess •cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by \V. L. Car michael. Try BLACK-DRAUGHT top. for Dyspepsia. There is no mistake about it tne Atwood suspender is tliej best in the world. You can find! them at New York Store. David laillia u will be at the, Railroad \Va chouse this season. Mrs. Polk Milne* - , of Baniesv lie, with her s<>n, Magnum, who has re cently graduated at Gordon Institute,! as • I>oi |l>tie dang' ter. Margie, who s > wiviili'r:ill!y well lor a chil.i <>t lior :ge at Commencement in Bon■-v lir. !.< on a to her brother, Mr. \i J. Conquest. h - 3\ ili. Or CARDt’i for WeA Nerve* Dout be decieved—Chew the only! Igeuuint R J R. Tobacco. VV. II Higgins is again at post] —behind the counters at the N. Y.j Store. Miss Dollie Rogers, of Ballvilie, spent Sit unlay and Sunday m our tow n. Every man. woman ami child in Butts county knows what R J R. ncans. l*rof. 11. M. Fletcher, of Cordon Institute, spends a portion of his vaca tion in Jackson. Something new dressy, and neat in the shirt line just recieved at the New York Store. Any kind of a hat you want can be found at the New Yofk Store. See those new shapes. lygc SLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Coustipation. “(Range Blossom is safe and [harmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, [Any lady can use it herself. Sold [by W. L. Caimichael. I It should be remembered that our [price for printing obituaiies is 75 [cents, which should be handed in [with the copy. David Gailliard will be at the [Railroad Warehouse this season. Mr. Robert Carmichael received a box of flowers a few days ago. We suppose his best girl scut them Don’t you know he thought they were sweet ? “Orange Blossom' - tbs common-] sense Female Remedy, draws outj pain and orsnesv Sold by W. L, Carmichael. Mrs. M. T. Holifield, Mrs. Ed.] Perry, Mrs. It. H. Calvert. Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Mrs. Sallie Wilkerson, together with their families, are com fortably domiciled at the Holiness ctmp-grou nd. rlcEtree’s WINE OF CARDUI for iemaiediseases Fennell, Thompson & Cos, sell the American Fru t Preserving Powders. A 25c package will preserve 32 lbs. fruit. Fruit can be kept in a jar till used up without spoiling. Try a package it will please you. Two or three new restaurants have been opened in Jackson within the fast week. With three hotels and [several eating saloons, wc can look: [forward for plenty to cat whether; [any money floats or not. Don't forget Tuesday, September j ?sib, 1893. A married lady said once; j- My husband was thirty minutes be jhind time when he came to get mar-j liicd, and he’s hem thirty minutes be jliind time ever since. Don t forget ■September sth and start your child to [Jackson lustitute a day behind time [or two days or a week, for they will lose something they won’t get the rest [of the term and consequently will be [behind. Dove hunters are abroad in tlie! land. Remember that Jaikson Institute] opens next Tuesday. Try the American Fruit Preserving! powder sat Fennell, Thompson & Cod Messrs. Ceo. II anes and S. B.i jlviiard spent Monday in the Gate* .city. You can find it in liearjv every] store in Butts county—R J R.Tobac-j r .. . | David Gailliard will be at the Railroad Warehouse this season J j Mrs. W. O. Guinn and her mother/ Mrs. Dr. Redding, f Zebulon, have been spending some time with Mrs. J as. L. Hooten. They are now at the Springs. The New York Stoie is now offering great bargains in Ladies and Misses slippers, determined to close them out. They will go at one third regular price. We learn that Miss Daisy Davy, the accomplished young lady who visited friends here this summer, is expected back to attend campmeeting. Miss Daisy is very charming and her many friends will be delighted to have her visit our town again. All Confederate Veterans of Butts county are respectfully and earnestly requested to meet in Jackson on the itirst Tuesday of next September to [form a C onfederate camp of survivor I J ssociation. The objects in view ares he preservation of our Confederate •brotherhood, the care of the poor, and [the sick, and the collection andeonapi [lation of reliable history. J. F. Carmichael. A little grand-daughter of Amos Berry, col., was brought to Dr. Byron's office on yesterday morning with a terrible gash m its left cheek, which was cut by a rock thrown by au eighteen year old boy. He was throwing at another lad and struck (the child. Dr. Byron’s skill put it in good shape, and the child will soon ■recover. i Jackson society has sustained quite |a loss in the removal of Miss Tusie Caldwell from here to Griffin. Her] many friends sincerely regret her de-j parture. Never have we had in our] 'midst a young lady more generally] [loved an 1 admired. She wiil be] greatly missed. We congratulate] ;Gritfiu on receiving such charming, j lovely acquisition to her society. Jackson. Pupils know aud patrons know, if they will only think a moment, that] one of the most important days of a! school term is the first day. Then,] dou’t miss the first day, but come] promptly, for Jacksou Institute ex pects to eclipse anything she has] achieved in Hie past. OUR MOTHER GONE. Our mother is dead: How sad to thiuk about it! Ilow sad it is to write it! Her] [earthly career has ended, and she ha-] "gone to the better world to receive her [reward. Just after fix o’clock ou Sunday morn ! * ing, after complaining a few minutes only, she gently fell asleep, without a struggle [or a groan. She was in her' Ise vcnt} r - ninth year, and for all these years had lived devoted to her family, her neigh bors and her God. All the love, care, devotion and angelic sweetness that can be attached to the word mother had their! full force in her case. She was indeed a| mother in every sense of the word. Her mortal remains were laid to rest beside our father in Towaliga cemetery, at 12 o’clock on Monday, after appropriate funeral service, conducted by Rev. J. T. A’imbell. FareweJ, mother, for a time; we can say no more. ANOTHER SAD DEATH. The death angel vished the home of Mr. L. T. Roberts on Saturday morning and bore away the loved wife and mother [after a brief illness. Iler remains were] laid to rest at Macedonia on Sunday. Our; sympathies are extended. ANOTHER SAD DEATH. It becomes oui sad duty to announce? the death of Mrs. Edmond Dune, on: Tuesday morning, after a long seige of: typhoid fever. Only a short time ago! she lost a daughter, and on returning]; from her burial took bed and never re-[ covered. The husband and three little! oues have our sympathy. MONEY TO HUY COTTON. | Our merchants, apprehending that! [the present currency famine would! prevent the marketing of cotton and! thereby blockade business, have pe-f titioned our bank, The Jackson Bank j ]ing Company, to issue certificates,? [the same that is being issued all over] tlie State. The merchants agree toj [take these certificates for goods oil [debts and the hank to take them on? 'deposit or for debts due them. Should? i t Sit become necessarv the bank has; i- {■ .agreed to comply with the request of |i he merchants, and should the cmer-j: igency arise will issue the certificates] [promptly. Of course, it will only be; [temporary* and local currency, but jwiii be as good as a gold dollar. Tnej :Jackson merchants aic live and pro-] fgressive, and do not propose to be: [left behind. Bring your cotton to] Mackson, tlie best cotton market in] [Georgia, and the closest selling meiy [chants in the S f afo. i t |- RJ R takes the lead in all high [grade 9 inch 4s tobacco. ; Si e that the three R-1 R red letters .is on every plug when you ask for this brand—none is geii'iue without these letters. t Prof. Blasingame tetnrns to Jack •‘son this week and will bring several mew pupils from Pike county, where Lie has been .•'pending a few da\ s v\ iih jhomt folks ami in I lie interest of Jack 'son Institute. I . i • Cotton is opening rapidly, and; iwlien it shows its fleecy whiteness: •in the markets the sordid dollar will; [show themselves in sufficient quanti-? jiies for all the purposes, of handling it] at such prices as Liverpool sees lit to' fix on it. | The fall term of Jackson Institute: [begins Tuesday. September sth. We' •expect a larger attendance than ever [before. There must be a larger en-[ roilment the first day. Let every! matron remember this and help to? [make it the biggest day in theMiistory sof the Institute by sending in •promptly. A NEW JOKE On the liver. When itis out of order and you feel blue, try a few doses of Beggs’ Little Giant Pills. Your liver will appreciate the joke. So will you. For sale by Dr. W, L. Carmichael. A. B. C. Asthma, Bronchetis and Con sumption result from a neglected cough or cold. Don't neglect but cure promptly witn . doses of Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup, ©id A by Dr W. L. Carmichael. Put up your fruit w ith the Ameri- Fruit Preserving Powders sold by Fennell, Thompson & Cos. 25c pack age will preserve 32 lbs iruit. All millinery greatly reduced [at the New 7 York Store. Ladies now is the time to get Hats etc.! [at your own price. The Atwood Suspender will cost you no more than the ordina-j ry suspender it will actually last twice as long as any other. For sale only by The Carmichael Cos N. Y Store. Messrs. E E. Pound, I. J. Slaughter, A Hitchius, D. N. Carmichael, W. W. Logue, S. H. Morgan, J. W. Jones and their families, also Jim Thornton and E. O. Husou, are tent ing at the Holiness camp-ground. A PUZZLE I To many ladies is how to keep their hair in curl on rainy days. \ The solution is easy. Ask Dr.W L. Carmichael lor Nonpareil Hail! Curler and the puzzle will he s o 1 vec THE FII?ST BALE. ! The first hale of cotton made its ap pearace on yesterday, and was [broughtiu by Mr. W". M. Ilarkness land carried to the Alliauce ware house. It weighed 54-3 pounds and was sold to Smith & Etheridge a; 6 1-4 cents. SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that vour hair needs' invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew-j er promotes a healthy growth oft hair, prevents its tailing out or turn-? ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by| D*-. W. L. Carmichael BUTTS CC'UNTY TAX ASSESiSMEN7V GEORGIA —Butts County. The County Court Sitting for County, Purposes: It is ordered by the Court that 4 G4.100j pulls per centum be levied on the taxa-j |bie property of said county for the year J 1893, as follows: | For General Fund, 1.6 I “Jury “ 1, “ Jail “ '.4.0 “ Pauper “ .50 “ Bridge “ .72 “ Commission “ -JO “ Coroner “ .01 “ Court House “ .01 Total, 4.64 .Being a tax of 464 100 dollars per one thousand dollars of taxable property. It is further ordered that T. J. Cole, Tax Collector of said county, do collect the above per eentage for taxes for county purposes for the year 1593. By the Court. B. P. Baii.ey, Judge C. C. B. 0. : | FOR i/EAVE TO SELL. .GEORGIA—Butts County. To all whom it may concern: B. T.g sDeason, ammistrator of L. O. Deason,| deceased, has in due form applied tos [the undersigned foi leave to sell the lands;! belonging to the estate of said deceased,!! [and said application will be heard on tluo [first Monday in September, 1893. This August 7th, 1893. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary, , W. L. DOUGLAS) S3 SHOE not rVp. | [ Do you wear them? When next in need try a pair, | Sest In the world. #4.00 M %$2.50 #3.50® -fFORLAoPE* #2.50 ftp fiS #2.25 m Jy. 1*1.78 am nit for boys If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made in thejatest styles, don’t pay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to economize in yourfootwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy. J W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by J W, CRUM. WREN YQH VISIT MAGQN on’t Forget To Call On T. W. BOND. ATNIS NEW BAR AND kESTADROIT,! Cor. Third and Poplar 01 508 Poplar Street, j Where you can get the BEST MEAL and FINEST LI QUORS at living prices. Hjso E3 jr:*uijnuaiiruuimnnni'iwmETirT!niirimmmi;rrirßrr.'irrTmTj S WE GUARANTEE A CLP.K I jf i * S nCllltlflOtlS and invifo the most § JP _£>_;! ’w I&2 p _ Bti '/} g careful investigation as to our respohsibil- s \ @ EUi£Es%?3 ggfflfega s ity and. the merits of our Tablets. § ,V' <\ v 3 , I, - anilliumililiiiiiiniiruiu! m aaiiiiimii<iiJm/uii<Bmi::iiii.iiiai.; 4- ,A ] l~d Double Chloride of Gold Tablets J I Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 tos days. Perfectly barm- /Y V j. \ 1 less; cause no sickness, and may be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the lilnowi- Va':> • j edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a few days. V l'/ /-l a . 5 SRDMEMESS and MORPHINE HABIT &?£/•*.■• / <f> v <'’• v i I the pailc;;by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. \ ' 1 During treat?:' are allowed the free use of Liquor or Mor- \ >:6 ; . / : '* 1“ ,-k-- r - i ’- ’'all voluntarily give them up. \ V V. A v ‘ ' \ ' \V e send p:u. ihlet of testimonials free, and shall xVX \ \v // m..| bo glad to place sin. <. ay of these habits in communica- " 7 I (JM - turn with persons who have cured by the use of our Tablets, Vy-.JA 7? * : HILL’S TABLETS are for sale by all first-class 'X V ' x from p '/ - ’ S druggists at $ | .QO per package. v t . . -. > li: your druggist does not keep them, enclose tig 3 | .CO X.V\ \t ? \ - > :C.\ * and we v/111 send you, by return mail, a package of our jy V^v | Tablets. 'f' Cl’.. i’.DV ti-3 Write your name and address plainly, and state* vv .. ...... > „ 5 whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Morr-hino or -r \ Vi'.. \ ' • .. ' '' 3 Liquor Habit. N -• *. v*fj£'t ' . DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing ,7 V 3 any of tlie various nostrums that are being - t offered for sale. Ask for HILL’S ,f X. ' TAELETS and take no other. . Manufactured only by 7 V '\i '.V. -'7 •—tiie— . V'V V^;VX l r.:i:v:.:/- 1 OHIO OHBMICAL CO,, .-V 71X7:77 ; . ' : ] 6: - 53 ” 50:!t ' 2E ' cci l/X %•' “V : . j urncriAM S < VP X liuiml 6 ™£ !j3 V:", , ■/ ' 7? s . 'a Truly j , ,I\o. —iiEOino Chemical Cos Gsntlkmv'N : You. yr-uli't:- have per i '' l : : 1 i i have used morpxiine, hypodermically, for seven years, aud have been < area by tv . i S two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my pa: t. V> .L. LOT . t ■ Address all Or dors to L >/ THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. s X r , ■ ™ 51,53 and £5 Opera Slock. Lf?&%, OHIO. Jr (In writing please mention tins paper.) * ' ■ * SV r nt I inr II In ' ■ I m II ■ wI I itmm i ■ n x-wr - a, -■ ■■ . . - ■ ~ COAL ETHERIDGE 4 KIN4RD FIRE \ LIFE INSURANCE. Makes the safest of all investments. Affords immediate relief to family. Not taxable and requires no care. Helps to support and educate the children. Assures cash when most needed. Takes care of the widows and orphans. Thojoughly protects at all times. A more profitable investment than a saving 1 ok. No contest but expect premiums promptly. REESE TriAXTOR Manager-. COAL COAL HOESB-SHOBQ 3- o:;i The undersigned have formed a copai tnershi j ; rd licitthe patronage of the public in General Blacksmith Repairing, We claim to be the finest hou e-snoors in , iddle Georgia and will work as cheap as li e c tea pest. all we ask is a trial. Come and see us ; n fo :; ho county jail. J 11. TTUK I'■> . D F. TIJaX hJN. EAJLROAL WAREHOVE. [Has been enlarged and can now * shelter at one time 500 bales cot ton, Cheapest rate of insu? mo©c: ? any warehouse in the comity. I.V. JACKSONVIUUU, S. F. AW. . . . „ - <3 20 pin I.v. BRI NSWICK, - E. T. V.&G. .... 810 pirn! Uv, JESUP, ... - 1025 p.m. l,v. MACON, - ■ * “ 11 13a.n1, - 320 a.m. Wv. ATLANTA, - - “ 2 10 p.lll. . 6 35 a.m. I.V.ROME, ... “ 455 p.m. . *> 10 a.lll. I.v. DAI.TOX, - - - “ - 602 p.m. • 10 17 a.m. Iw. CHATTANOOGA, &C. . 725 p.m. . 1140a.m. Ar. CINCINNATI, . “ - 720 a.m. . ,0 4 p.m. l.'V. CIKCItNISAXI, - - BIG FOUR . 802 a.m. C. 11. & D 1050 p.m. Ar. CHICAGO, - ■ 515 p.m. “ 800 a.m. FAK? limits©” AAA Sleeping Carlo Chicago without change. An elegant vestibukd observation conch is tra fare for the observation car or on the LIMITEDS. ILWSj II L-U ?! S P Ifl leaving Macon at 11:15 a.m., carries Pullman sleep.;ng cars f. Chicago without cl™"e, connec tions at Chattanooga lor Memphis and the West, Knoxvilli . Virginia Springs, and the East. WRITS OR CALL ON any ticket agent of the E. T. V. & G. Ry., or address, B. W. WRENN, G. P. A., KNOXVILLE, TENN. QUICK TIME • FROM THE SOUTH” CHICAGO COAL