The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, September 07, 1893, Image 3

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mmi ii eh i in u The New York Store will keep it brim full of bright fresh news telling of the new stylish goods 'and big bargains soon to arrive. Their buyers are now in New York and other eastern markets, where they will purchase the largest and most complete stock ever brought to this market consisting of all the la test novelties in dress goods, trimmings millinery etc. CLOSING ODT ALL SUMMER GOODS. Come at once and secure the biggest bargains of your liie they most go in order to make room for our for our fall stock For tig bargains visit The New York Store. All Seasons. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: GOING NOICTH 4: 50 U. 111. “ “ 12: 30 .pm. going south 9: 37 a. m. “ “ 9: 17 p. m If U O a $, gWT ’er in. Money scarce. Good times arc coming. R. J. R. M oving reason. Chew R. J. R. Ii sells itself- —R. 1. R. To’moc). Chew the only genuine R .1 R. To bacco. There is now plenty of paper money for all business purposes. The best co >1 drinks are to be found at Hi kers & Byars. A pure ar.iclo is the well known Ii .1 R. Tobacco—fry i;. David Gail Hard will b<> at the Railroad Warehouse this season. See the list of jurors for October term of Butts Superior court in this isstm. Mr. Gunnell’s and bis son, Char ley, has just finished one of the best and most spacious barns in the county for Mr. Jaek Smith. A bushel of fine pears can find ready sale at this office. WINE OF CARDUI. a Touic for \\^>men. The R.l It. Tobacco is made out of a pure rich waxy leaf and free from steins and grit. All the merchants and clerks like to sell I? J I?, because it gives satis faction in every case. Col. Y. >. Wright is attending the Great Council of tbi United States of the Imp. Order of Red Men in Desmoines, lowa, this week. Thin coats, light wioght pants reduced in price 25 jer cent for the next few days. Carmichael Cos. ‘"O-ange Blossom" is a pailess cure for ail diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by W. L. Car michael. Try BLAGX DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. There is no mistake .about it Itie Atwood suspend* r is the best in the world. You can find then: at New York Store. David Jaillia and will ha at the Railroad Waiehouse this season. lo t evervone Rtml up fur the hank certificates, as it U the only way tlie So'iili can “get away' 5 with Wall street. Tin sc certificalrs ate > good as, and will an-wer every purpose of, geld cuius. 1 Cotton low. Scupperuongs. The big rains damaged cotton. Dont be decieved —Chew the only genuine R .1 It. Tobacco. Mr. George Carmichael lias accepted a position at the Alliance warehouse. Every man, woman and child in Butts county knows what R J R. means. Mr. Irb Norman, the noted baseball , pitcher, is now handling goods tor the | New York Stoe Something new dressy, and neat in the shirt line just recieved at the New York Store. Any kind of a hat you want can be found at the New Yofk Store. See those new shapes. BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Mr. T. J. Barue a , ot Crystal River, Ida , after spending a snort time with relatives and friends in and around Jackson, returned to his home last Monday. Miss Anna Strickland, of Ingleside, Ga., who has been visiting Miss Agnes Carmichael for the past two weens, returned to her home Wednesday morning. “Orange Blosson” is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, Any lady can use it herself. Sold bv W. L. Carmichael. It should he remembered that our prica for printing obituaries is 75 cents, which should be handed in with the copy. David Gailliard will be at the Railroad Warehouse this season. “Orange Blossom' - ths common sense Female Remedy, draws out pain and soreness Sold by W. L, Carmichael. McElree’s WINE OF CARDUI for female diseases. Mr. Ivimbell Aiken, of Savannah, was married to Miss Lillie Harvey, at*the residence of the bride's grand father. Hon. Win. Ilodge, on Sunday, Aug. 27t'n, Rev. G, H Carter offici ating. Fennell, Thompson & Cos, sell the American Fru t Preserving Powders. A 25c package will preserve 32 lbs. fruit. Fruit can be kept in a jar till used up without spoiling. Try a package it will please \©tt, Unde Alex Wilkinson has retired from the Hotel business and moved into one cf Dr. Mapp's dwelling s , on First street, and will take only a lew boa liters. Miss Genie Wallace, a lady from Geenviile, C , has taken charge of the Wilkinson House and will continue it as a hotel. R J R takes the lead in all high grade 9iuch 4s tobacco. Ste that the three R JR red letters is on every plug when you ask for this brand —noue is genuine without ! these letters. Whenever you can band or send us in a news itsm it will be appreciated. \v are sorry to learn that Mr. E. S. Wynn is confined to his bed with tvp oid fever. Mr. Walter G. Jesier, after a short visit to relatives and friends in our midst, returned to his post of duty, at Americas, a few days ago. The party having a good one, two or three-horse farm near Jackson can secure a good tenant by calling on Prof. J. C. Blasiugame. Mr. Claud Lord, of Griffin, after a ! two weeks’sojourn in our town, left tor his home yesterday. Mr. E. 11. Branneu aud family, of Chattanooga, Tenn., have moved to their home in our .county. We are glad to welcome such prominent citi ! zens in our midst. YYiu can buy one dollar’s worth of dry goods, at The Carmichael Cos., for nim ty-five cents with Jackson Bank ! certificates. Everybody and their best gir 1, too, either took m the Holiness camp meeting or the Primitive Baptist Association last Sunday. The genial cou.itenanee of Mr. J. 11. McDowell, an ex-typo r,t this office, beamed upon our sanctum lasi Mon day. He is now manipulating life insurance instead of type. Success to you, old boy. Only two tickets are required, of course, to convey any two individuals over any dummy line in this country, but il is said that one of Jackson's society boys became so exciled last Sunday that he actually did buy three tickets for himself and his best girl. MeELREE’3 V INE OF CARDUI for Weak Nerve* All millinery greatly reduced at the New York Store. Ladies now is the time to get Hats etc. at your own price. Try the American Fruit Preserving powder sat Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Ton can find it in nbarjy everv store in Butts county—R JR. Tobac co. The Towaliga Primitive Baptist Association tint was held at Bethel on Saturday, Sunday' and Monday was well attended, and everyone was weii pleased at hearing the sermons preached. David Gailliard will be at the Railroad Warehouse this season. The New 5 ork Stoie is now offering great bargains in Ladies and Misses slippers, determined to close them out. They will go at one third regular price. Jackson Bank certificates are bring ing a premium of 5 per cent., in the dry goods department, at The New York Store. Tbe Carmichail Cos., Proprietors. A GOOD SELECTION The Jackson Institute school board lias elected Miss Mary Goodall as teacher in the Primary Department. Miss Goodall recently graduated at Wesleyan, and her selection will give general satisfaction. and PER CENT. PREMIUMS ON BANK CERTIFICATES. For all Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes or Millinery bought ot us and paid for in Bank Certificates, we will allow a premium of 5 ier cent, on all such sales. For instance, if a person bnys $6.00 worth in our Dry Goods or Millinery room and gives us a SIO.OO Jacksou Bank Certificate, we ’will give him $4.30 in silver, making the $6.00 purchase cost him only $5.70. We always lead, others follow. The Carmichael Cos., Prop. New 1 ork Store. THE SCHOOL BOOMING. The fall term if the Jackson Insti tute opened on Tuesday with the most brilliant and flattering prospects. One hundred and forty-seven pupils were enrolled on the first day, and several have entered since, and a number will go in next Monday*. Prof. Blasiugame and his co-workers are doing good work for Jackson In stitute, aud they only need the co operation of our people to place our school at the very top of the list in Geoi’gia. The cirriculum is high, and the graduates of Jackson Insti tute are well prepared tor the battles of life without any further training. ~SETTLED. The committee in whose hands the Alliance Warehouse matters had been placed met at the ware house on yesterday and agreed to accept the proposition recently made by Mr. Mallett, to—wit: to 90 accept SI,BOO for the entire ware house property. This money is to be paid in two payments, 60 and 90 Jays hence. The entire alliance funds then in the hands of the Alli ance is to be distributed to the cer tificate holders. We trust this will end the wrangle over this matter, and that hereafter things will work more smoothly. We understand that the warehouse will go into the hands of a number of the leading farmers of Butts county and be run as a farmers’co-operative union. DEATH’S SAD ROLL The angel or death scooped a full share of our people on Sunday and Monday. First, on Sunday night, at 7 o’clock, Mrs. Ophelia Thomas, widow of the late Silas Thomas, passed away after a short illness of typhoid fever. Her remains were laid to rest on Monday at the Clark burying ground, after a fu oral by Rev. J. T. Kiinbell. On M mday morning the immortal spirit of Mrs. Jack Hanes, neai Sandy Ridge, took its everlasting (light. A little boy of Mr. Jeff Harris also died on Monday. The saddest death that has oc curred in a long while was that of little Carter Carmichael, twelve year old son of Mrs. Rose Carmichael,on yesterday morning. He died from the effects of congestion of the brain, after but two days’ illness His remains will he interred it Jackson cemetery today. Thus it seems that, while there is no local cause for disease, many of our people are passing to their long homes. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved. butts COUNTY’S MACHINIST. You can have anything done, tint; can be done outside of a foundry, to your engines or other mach nery now. “A stitch in time saves nine. A S2O 00 job may save a thousand-dollar breakdo vn. If you want work done, call on or address E. H. Brannen, Jenkinsburg, Ga. A NEW JOKE On the liver. When itis out of order and you feel blue, try a few doses of Beggs’ Little Giant Pills. Your liyer will appreciate the joke. So will you. For sale by Dr. W, L. Carmichael. A. B. C. v Asthma, Bronchetis and Con sumption result from a neglected cough or cold. Don't neglect but 1 cure promptly witu . f w doses of Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup, ©uli by Dr W. L. Cfumiehael. Put up your fruit with the Ameri- Fruit Preserving Powders sold by Fennell, Thompson & Cos. 25c pack age will preserve 32 lbs truit. The Atwood Suspender will cost you no more than the ordina ry suspender it will actually last twice as long as any other. For pale only by Tb.e Carmichael Cos N. Y. Store. A PUZZLE To many ladies is how to keep their hair in curl on rainy days. The solution is easy. Ask Dr. W. L. Carmichael lor Nonpareil Hail Curler and the puzzle will he solved THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use Peeks' Blood Purifier. It purifies tne blood, makes the skin clear end the com plexion beautiful. Try a bottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Car - michael. •'•SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that your hair needs invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew er promotes a healthy growth of hair, prevents its tailing out or turn ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Carmichael BUTTS COUNTY TAX ASSESSMENT. GEORGIA—Butts County. The County Court Sitting for County Purposes: It is ordered by the Court that 4 04.100 mills per centum be levied on the taxa ble property of said county for the year 1893, as follows: For General Fund, 1.0 “ Jury ‘* 1, “ Jail “ .40 “ Pauper * c .50 “ Bridge “ .72 Commission “ .JO “ Coroner “ .01 “ Court I louse “ .01 Total, 4.64 .Being a tax of 464 100 dollars per one thousand dollars of taxable property. It is further ordered that T. J. Cole, Tax Collector of said county, do collect the above per oentage for taxes for county purposes for the year 1893. By the Court. B. P. Baii,ev, Judge C. C. B. C. FOR .LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA—Butts County. To all whom it may concern: B. T. Deason, amrnistrator of L. O. Deason, deceased, lias in due form applied to the undersigned foi leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the iirst Monday in September, 1893. This August 7tli, 1893. J. F. Cakmioiiael, Ordinary, W.L. DOUGLAS f)3 SHOE NOT FAP. Do you' wear them 7 When next in need try a pair. Best in the world. $5.00 14.00Jk %2.58 $3.50 H? %$2.00 v aliF FOR LADIES f 2.50 ®P^ : T 1 j#2.00 #2.25 %: mk H 1.75 .. ft „ wNmmm FOR boys If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made in the latest styles, don’t pay $6 to SB, try my S3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you v/ish to economize in your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy. W. E. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. Sold by J W, CRUM. * WR EM yTh visit macqn om’t Forget To Call On T. W. B©ND. AT SIS NSW ME AND KESTMIIT, Col Third and Poplar os 508 Poplar Street, Where you can get the BEST MEAL and FINEST LI- ' COLORS at living prices. R*3 &?} mnlummunnnipjunww ■'T l ?. .'.<”’•! XI \ fed f”• s-8 tii cur responsibil- : ■ G3 l i l ,i- r? / ; ’■ .••! the:. of our Tablets. | A v ■^4M yg&y ■- y ••• 1 - ■ ■•• . ■ - \ y <\ ;■■ 8 •••“ - : • •• use - o- " y )\ f ; f;W S ; ‘ 1 / te r i - ,': v x TOEimoniais | y from persons £ v;ho have | ' cured ■ " ' •*** ■ - Tf -f * J* . mcl'; arc - ivcw. a..-- , - ) :. ■■ j 6 5 r* *< ;.--r 'Va'ff* 4 : .... r _ ■.- ••• ;sHI b aWHJIS. ■ OT n.: Df;tni * .> r:. • ' n.-;r': \ -. . 3 various no.-i-m. i ' .. Yn:: Cos no CffEsrrcAL Cos.: ' ■ a-- 1 : ~ ’ , 7 3 " •" . DE.- ■! SiH; —I have i en raring your- r ..Li „'. . ' - . _ 7 ..a' f-rtnoacf o habit, and found it- would * ' ' f i v h-t . •’• claim for it. I used ten cents “ ■ ■ “ - - - ' / . : - i: ; strongest chewing tobacco a day.. ? _rj-T; r- , - r - cl !•...•■ <■ -,.0 i > cigars; or I v.ould smok; - r ..” \ '•• / from ten to i ,r? v pit of tobacco. Have chewed. ! _r_.... v - jt' rr.d smoked for tv only - ' i - L • r-, and i v.o packages* , y o: in TAblels . k ■ •••.•••. r. >*:•:-ire for if. / \ x ~ j," * . 1. JaYLOhL), iXislic, jiich. * ♦: . Vi Sours FEritr, N. Y. V y> \ ■-< . u/ttcal Cos. :—'iTiMTi.t’CUN: —co::n> tiuie ng'o I sent r * . A, OHIO. y \ ' " f-r si.OJ worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received, y ♦ . * d' 4 .'1 a:.;i,it?jough 1 >* as both a heavy rtnokt-riuid ciiewer x *j "LASS ■'f ' ’ • .• y ILcy did the work ia less than t'nrco •’•;!>>-. I am cured. I ~- , V Truly yours, MATH AJCIiMSOK, P. O. 80545 j • y /<' . . i y Pittsburgh, Pa. i * * # ' A- ' ./ Ts: CrkojChb' .cm. Co.:—Gr.sxi.Esiss:—lt gives me pleasure to speak a g % -,v \ : ■ f ■ - r >. - t-'. >i j” son was atTongiy addicted to fbo use *f g 7 " ‘ ; 4, litre or. a?..-! tbroudb a friend, I was led to trv your Tablets. lie was a heavy a: ri I y y con.-fint drinker, but after usinir your Tablets but three days be quit drinkin®. - -k y' and vfl'i no; touch liquor of any kind, i have waited four tnomh before writing is \ \-y y ycc. i.; u „;n-v . re t?as permanent. Yours truly, J I MRS. HELEN MORRISON. f y y Cincinnati, Ohio. | SV The Ohio CHEHICa l Cos Gentlemen Your Tablets have performed a miracle in my case. 1 i have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, and have been cured by the uswif 1 two packages of your Tablet.", and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAT. | Yhddress all Orders to 1 THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., J : “ 51, 03 and 05 Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. ~ G-OLL, = SILATEB BANK CERTIFICATES TAKEN IN PAYMENT OF COAL and INSURANCE. ETHERIDGE & KINAED. XIOTBSIE-SIEIOIEXIiVTG OURSUI'h .TY. The undersigned have formed a eopaitnership an licitthe patronage of the public in General Blacksmith Repairing. We claim to be the finest liorse-saoers in id die Georgia and will work as cheap as ti e cheapest. All we ask is a trial. Come and see us in front <> f die county jail J. 11. THITR and O . 1) F. TUaXTOa. RAILROAD WAREHOUSE, Hag been enlarged and can now shelter at one time 500 bales cot ton, Cheapest rate of insurance of 'any warehouse in the county. I,v. JACKSOXVIIAK, s. F. & 20 p.m. L.V. BRUNSWICK, - E. T. V. & p.m. kv. JESUP, - - - “ 1025 p.m. I.v. MACON, - - - - ii 15 a.m. - 5 20 a.m. L,v. ATLANTA, - - “ 2 10 p.m. - 6 35 a.m. Ev. ROME, - “ 455 p.m. - 910a.m. I,v. DAETON, - - - “ - - 602 p.m. - 10 17 a.m. Lv. CHATTANOOGA, Q.&C, - 725 p.m. • II 40a.m. Ar. CINCINNATI, - “ 7 20 a.m. - 10 40 p.m. Lv. CINCINNATI, - - BIG FOUR - 802 a.m. C. H. &D, 1050 p.m. Ar. CHICAGO, - “ ■ 5 15 p.m. “ 8 00 a.m. Sleeping Car to Chicago, without change. An elegant vestibuled observation coach is attached at Alanta, which goes to Bristol. becoming- a part of the famous“WASHINGTON and CHATTANOOGA VESTIBULE” at 11:20 a.m. N- I IPJITEfU? tra fare for the observation car or on the LIMIT EDS. fl UftlX II Latin I I Elf leaving Macon at 11:1c a.m., carries Pullman sleeping- cars to Chicago without change, connec tions at Chattanooga tor Memphis and the West, Knoxville, Virginia Springs, and the East. WRITE OR CALL ON a n >’ ticket agent of the E. T. V, &G. Ry., or address, B, W, WRENN, G. P. A., KNOXVILLE, TENN. QUICIC TIME FROM TIIF SOUTH’ 1 CHICAGO