The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, September 21, 1893, Image 3

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tom warn am, NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ENDLESS PROFUSION! Arc receiving ami opening 'liis week the biggest, the choicest, the latest stock of new goods, comprising the latest novelties in dress goods, trimmings and fancy goods, clothing shoes, etc, ever before upon exhibit in the city of Jackson. PROGRESS ON AND UPWARD” OUR MOTTO. Ihe taste <f the people must be met, and The eM York Store folks are the ones equal to the emergency, NOT ONLY THIS, BUT PRICES WILL FIGURE largely this winter. Bearing this in mind, it lus been our main desire and highest ambition to buy cheap and to sell cheap, underbuy and undersell. With this idea burning in us, we have waged war, fought battles and came out conquerors and will td)ow a line ol goods, in eveiy line, at prices the like of which has never been known befoie. All we ask is that you look and see and price. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is even more complete than ever. Mrs. Thurman’s excellent taste will be readily recognized, sis she in persen made all the selection l While in New York she attended several large openings and is “up” on the very latest things of the season. The La dies are cordially invited to visit our practically new rooms and see what it is impos sible to tell in such short space. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY. PROPRIETORS. LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: going south 4: 50 a. ill. : “ “ 12:30 p.m.! going south 0: 37 a. m. “ “ 0: 17 p. m If U O a L fW* ’or in. It. J. R. Chew R. J. R. Trado wiSh those who advertise. li Mills itself—ll. J. 11. Tobacco. V ( hew the only' genuine R J R. To bacco. Col. L. L. Ray, of Athens, C.a , is spending some time in Jackson. The host cool drinks are to he found at lti kers & Byars. Tiik Arhus and Weekly Constitu tion for $1 40. Subscribe at once, A pure ar.iele is the well known R .1 R. Tobacco—fry it. Thirty-one persons have gone from Jackson to the World’s Fair. Furnish your feed ami put your horse in May’s stables. How does this strike you Argus and The Weekly (Constitution onr year for only .$1 40. WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Our Populist friends have opened a warehouse in the Hall hall on Third street. Mr. Marion Weaver had a life in surance policy in the Northwestern, which will be paid an soon as the papers can be arranged. The R ,1 R. Tobacco is made out of rich waxy leaf and free from stems and grit. All the merchants and clerks like to sell ltd It. because it gives satis faction i! every case. .lackson i> the boss cotton market in Georgia. ltyors pay Savan nah prices every day. ‘•O aiiige Blossom" is a painless cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by d.L. Car michael. Try GLACK-DB AUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. Sie that the three R J R red lolteis is on every plug when you ask toi this brand—none is gc-tr ine without these letters. “Orange Blosson is safe anti harVnless as a Flax Seed Poultice, i Cny lady can use it herself. Sold l V W. L. Carmichael. ■ We said hist week that the haek ■ bone of summer had been broken. e w re mi-taken, nr else the break- ■ ln e has giv< n it a vcr> big t fever, Wt hav4> |,ad some of the hottest s °f the tear during the past rJkeek. Time to dig pumpkins. Judge Thos. A Hammond, of Elgin, was in town Monday. Dr. Mays has opened his Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. New goods being received daily at Fennell, Thompson & Co.'s. Dout he decieved —Chew the only geunine R J It. Tobacco. If you have corn, fodder or hay for sale call at Mays’ Stables. Time to Subscribe for The Argus and get the Weekly Constitution for 40 cents. Every man. woman and child in Butts county knows what R J R. means. ggy- SLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Mrs. M. V. McKibbeu and son, Van, left on Saturday for the World’s Fair. Dr. Mays went to Atlanta on Mon day and supplied his stables with some fine horses. Bargains every day at Fennell, Thompson & Co.’s. Col. 1. A. Wright returned on Tuesday from the World’s Fair and Des Moines, where he attended the Great Council of Red Men. Mr. J. R. Miller, the popular Mul berry street jeweler, will move this week into the store with Mr. W. M. Potts, on south side of square. Fine >oung Ilamiltonian-Lotlery stallion, Henry Grady, owned by Dr. Mays, will stand at Mays’ Stables. Call and see him. Young mau, if con want to be iu style, get a blue cheveot suit from Fennell, Thompson & Cos., the latest. Miss Zipporah Lynch, one ot the fiuest artists in the State, after spend ing several days with relatives and friends in our midst, returned to her home in Fiovilla last Saturday. McELBEE’S \ iNE OF CARDUI for Weak Nerves The Argus regrets to hear of the death of Mrs. Cornell, of Maeon, daughter of Mr. W. A. Elder, of In dian Springs, which occurred on Wednesday of la.-t week, and her re mains were interred at Indian Springs or. Friday morning. Prof. Clotleltner, who has been teaching an art class in our town about two weeks, composed of Misses Mollie Newsome, AUie Jester. \\ illie Collins and Messrs. Luther and Andy Plunket, lett for his home in Conyers last Saturday. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. want 1,000 women, children and men to call at their store and carry oft’ those bar gains they arc offering this week. There will be a colt show in Jack son next Saturday. Messrs. George Thompson and J. L. Hooleu have offered a fine premium for the finest colt for their respective horses, aud the show promises to be a lively affair. McEIreeVWtNEOFCARDUI for femaie diseases Two good mu es at Mays’ Stables to he su apped for horses. The silver question : How much longer do you am: to keep those five dimes and two quarters you owe The Argus ? Come forward, let’s have a short session in our sanctum and settle this silver question and not wait on congress any longer. R J R takes the lead in all high grade 9 inch 4s tobacco. AVe learn that Miss Nora Kimbell, of this county, was seriously hurt at Bethany singing on Saturday by a horse that Oliver Upchurch, of Mc- Donough was riding, knocking her down. AVe understand that it was a piece of very careless and reckless work on the part ot Upchurch and that he receives severe criticism from all w r ho witnessed it. New lot Evitt Bros.’ Shoes just re ceived at Fennell, Thompson & Co.’s this week. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. sell Evitt Bros.’ fine Shoes—the most stylish and best fitting Shoe on the market. The Planters’ AVarehouse, now run by W. M. Mallet, will be a stock company. The charter is being pre pared, aud very soon all arrange ments will be completed for the new company. The shares will be fixed at $25.00 per share. For information call ou Mr. AV. M. Mallet. Right now von should plant your Fall advertisements if you wish good results. We were pleased to meet our young friend J. M. Johnson on our streets, a few days ago, on his way to Dah louega to enter the North Georgia College. Mr. Johnson is a bright young man, with much energy, and we trust his determination to gain a thorough education will succeed. He secured a scholarship through Hon. T. J. Dempsey, Representative. You can find it in nearly every, store in Butts county—R J R. Tobac- The Jackson Oil Mill is a home in stitution, and should receive the pat ronage and encouragement of every citi/.en of the town and county. We would like to see every cotton seed brought to Jackson ground up in this establishment. Patronize home in dustries is our motto, no matter how small the enterprise. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. will sell you -f 1.00 worth of goods for 90 cents in silver. Arc you behind with your subscrip tion ? If so, atti nd to it at once. We are behind and must pay. We are trying awful hard to get out a good paper, and uuless peojfie are very de ceitful we are doing i. Now, if vou will favor us with what is due. we will promise you a stiU better paper. It is a trifling sum from each individ ual, but with the large list that we now have it will be a large sum to us. WILL MOVE TO J ACKSON. We aie pioud to know that Mr. Gus Wehh, if Newton comity, ha> bought a lot from Col- Dempsey and I will immediately build on the same land move to Jack-on ties tail. Mi. Webb is one of Newton's best and most wealthy citizens, and Jackson will gam much by the addition ot him and his family. HELP FOR BRUNSWICK. i Jackson ha; always done her part in all matters of a charitable nature, and her record lias been kept up this week by sending a goodly sum to aid the yellow fever sufferers at Brun swick. Brunswick people are in a deplorable condition, and contribu tion-, however small, will be thank fully received by those unfortunates. REVIVAL. A revival has been going on at the Methodist church since Sunday, and much interest is being manifested by both saiuts aud siuicrs. Three ser vices each day are held, at 10 a. m., 4 m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. L, Morrill, of Cartersviile, is assisting Pastor J. H. Eakes. These meetings will continue through the week and probably longer. 11. F. Edwards will pay good prices for best Beef, Pork and Snusage. DOG DAYS AND RAIN. It has long been a common saying that if it rains on the first dog day there will be rain ou every day of that mouth, but Mr. Scott Tennant, who is quite an observer of things pertainiugto nature, has handed us a record he kept of the weather during the recent dog days as follows : Rain, eleven days. Fair, eighteen days. Light rains—mere sprinkles, on seven days and cloudy one day, but no rain. Thus it will be seen that the old saying referred to did not work this time. Best Beef and Sausage at 11. F. Edwards. YELLOW FEVER. A case of yellow fever pas-ed through Jackson Wednesday morning en route to Atlanta. When the 4:50 passenger train rolled up to our depot yesterday morning the con ductor notified several parties to steer clear of the rear coach, as there was a case of yellow fever aboard. While some parties were discussing the matter at Cai micliael’s drug store, a cer tain young man remarked: “Well, if that be the case, I’m surely out of luck.” “How’s that?” someone inquired. “Well, you see, my gill went up on the train this morning, and I guess she’ll have to hang up at the quarantine station ten days before 1 can go with her any more.” “Sweet to love, but, oh ! how bitter,” To sigh, “I fear yellow fever’ll get ’er!” — I make the best Sausage in the city . 11. F. EDWARDS. LIST OF SOLDIERS BURIED IN MACEDONIA CEMETERY DURING THE LATE WAR. Some time ago we sprung the ques tion of how many soldiers were in terred in the cemeteries in Butts couuty who died while they were actually engaged in warfare. We are indebted to Mr. AValter Andrews for the following names, who were laid to rest in the Macedonia cemetery, during the bloody times, between sixty and sixty five : Frank Mayo, James Cole, AVilliam Andrews, Alex Andrews, Charlie Giles, Elihu Duke, George Maddox, Johnathan Carter, Jesse Holifield, Joseph Fuller and John Powell. NOTICE TO fARMERS. We, the undersigned mer chants ol Jackson, Ga., have in duced S M. Inman & Cos. to send us a first-class cotton buyer and open an office in our town. He will be permanently located here and will pay the highest market prices for all cotton brought to him. When you sell him your cotton he marks the ticket and you come to either of us and get your money in greenbacks, gold or silver to suit yourself. Bring your cotton to Jackson, se.l it, get the cash and be happy. We are yonr friends. Yours truly, Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Jackson Mercantile Cos. Almand & Moon. MR. MARION WEAVER DEAD. Mr. Marion Weaver, after one month’s illness with typhoid fever, died at the home of his fatner, Mr. J. E. Weaver, on Friday, and his re mains were laid to rest in Fellowship cemetery on Saturday, after a funeral by Rev. J. T. Kim bell. To Mr. Weaver’s many relatives aud friends this will be sad news. He was a young man of much prom ise, and by industry and economy bad secured a good home, built a good dwelling, and his piospects a year ago were very flattering. He leaves a young wife and one little child, be sides many relatives aud friends, to mourn his an timely death. A PUZZLE To many ladies D how to ketp heir hair in curl on rainy days. Ton solution is easy. A k l)r. W. L. Carmichael tor Nonpareil Halt Curler and the puzzle will he solved g,&~l don’t sell stale meat. 11. F. Edwards. THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use Beggs’ Blood Purifier. It purifies tne blood, makes the skin clear and the corn* plexion beautiful. Try a bo Hie and note its wonderful effects. S dd and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Car michael. I will always wait oil the child ren and servants as we'l as il y at were here. H. F. Edwards. •SI LV E R TH REA DS AMONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that your hair needs invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew* er promotes a healthy growth of hair, prevents its tailing outor turn ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Carmichael. When I sell Pork Sausage, 1 mean all hog and a “yard wide.” Henry Edwards. A. B. C. Asthma, Bronchetis and Con sumption result from a neglected cough or cold. Don't neglect but cure promptly witn doses of Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup, eh 1 by Dr W. L. Ca r michael. Leave your orders. I will do my best to satisfy you. 11. F: EDWARDS. Don't sell your chickens until you try 11, F Edwards. BUTTS CCUNTY TAX ASSESSMENT 1 . GEORGIA—Butts County. The County Court Sitting for County Purposes: It is ordered by the Court that 4 64.100 mills per centum be levied on the taxa ble property of said county for the year 1893, as follows: For General Fund, l.<> “ Jury *• 1, “Jail £ ‘ .40 “ Pauper '* £ ' .50 “ Bridge “ .72 * £ .Commission ££ .40 “ Coroner “ .01 “ Court House 4 * .01 Total, 4.64 T>emg a tax of 4 04-100 dollars pe one thousand dollars of taxable property. It is further ordered that, T. J. Cole, Tax Collector of said county, do collect the above per centagc for taxes for county purposes for the year 1893. By the Court. B. P. Bailey, Judge C. C. B. C. H. F. Edwards handles fish of different kinds. H. F. Edwards will be glad to sell fish in lots to the country’ stores. BUTTS COUNTY’S MACHINIST, You can have anything done, that can be done outside of a foundry, to your engines or other mach nery now. “A stitch in time saves nine. A S2O 00 job may save a thousand-dollar breakdo vn. If you want work done, call on or address E. 11. Brannex, Jenkiusburg, Ga. Begging this week, we will put on sale 5,000 Shoes for women, men and children at a special price. If you don’t wish to go parefooted this win ter, now is the time to get your Shoes at a bargain. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Oil I I REMEMBER /J 1 Eja Di Wi S careful investigation as to our responsibil- s ' U gg fed vTgli xHgl/ 5 ity and the merits of our Tablets. | S ▼ A ES9 Double Chloride of Gold Tablets Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 tor, days. Perfectly harm- T J less; cause no sickness, and may begiven in acup of tea or coffee without the knowl- Jr' a A/’ / edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoLiu 'or che ving hi a few'days. jr jSr wT > PROME3M ad MORPHINE HABIT SSk’agf*. / e WV + "by theuseof our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURB TADLt-Td. f r-'V-T During trrr,: ‘■‘'"y+s are allowed the free use of Liquor or L: r- / A * H ’nil voluntarily::' L We send r. v. jhletof teatm-'v:s •; -t sb !1 ,f . A iPpofi ; :; i;|ij he glad to place sn r ny of these habits, in e. .. 'K, luullu. nidiJ tion with persons who liav c „vui cured by the use of our T ax.l, . --s. C' J' *-*** n cr^..u HILL’S TABLETS are for sale fcy all nwci S druggists at g | .OO per package. , \ / who have ’ ' _ If your druggist does not keep t-bem, enclose us $ | .OO SJaL S* u ~ctv - and we will sencl you, by return mail, a paemig.: ox ou J' 'ry * r-iwr>r\ in/ fh<x • • Tablets. , , J* Y"i X ? ' • > y ouiouuy uib *. Write your name and address plainly, and Vj' r- t<( -* ~ . whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Morphine or ;• .j JT hn r* }i do: Liquor Habit. , \ , -L MIIIE f! dl). y DO NOT DO DECEIVED into purchasing r-t\ T>%. . J . „ any of the various nostrums that, are being >•; L> • The Ohio Cuemicap Cos.: offered for sale. Ask for T-TTT.t.-R / ,' y. Hear Sir:—l have been nr- '• 1 T\A ELETS and take no other. _ W , \ . wire for tobacco habit, aud found. ~ Manufactured ontybv J' ' hut you claim for it. I used! \ • *-'• Manufactured on.y oy y V ‘ h< t the strongest chewing tobac rr-cT-rr S’ telk .Ia \ ■■ '/ n-u lior.i ( ,ne to.five c igars; or 1 v.our : A -' l - L ‘ V • s ‘ * to forty p’.rf“= of tobacco. Have OHIO chemical co,, - ‘ iBSt ’ : Gl. 53 &53 Opesa Block, Jr aW-v* -■ Dobbs Ferev J p: ; w V. J J ■' . r - .m.'.TtCAI. Co.:—GEXTT.r’tFN*:— Sometime: t LIMA, OHIO. *>vA —of your Tablets lor Tobacco Habit. 1 . - 1 g. i, ai; hough 1 was both a heavy smoker am... ...•■• *. Y </>■.* - ■? J' LL:.y did !! D s Than thre ■•bys. I ;un cured. rprr *- x - v 3- , pit-tsbubc:-. ••• rnLLi jy vvf‘ ? TANARUS.;/ O :; r ' . •:c\: Co.(if.xi:.fmks:—lt gives me pleasure to •. .. J .-i rongly addicted to > • *?• c< t dr ulets but three days < : • ''Ssk aiiE Ohio Chemical, Co:—our Tablets have performed a miracle inmy case. I have used morphine, hyptrJ emucally, for seven years, ana have beeu cured by tb - / two packages of your Tablets, aud without s.ny effort on my part. W. L. LOiT L Al. 1 THE ©HiG Q M EMICAL CO., A L / i- t>i. C>G and v>J Opera Block. OHIO. (In writing please mentiou this paper.) ' GOLD, f|||n if! ill) GO % SILVER |ylj| 3 JlljllJl SILVER OR BANK -:- CERTIFICATES (0) TAKEN IN PAYMENT OF SaCOAL AND INSURANCE,ml 1 ETHERIDGE & IIINAED. HOBSE-SHOEING OUR SPECIALTY. The undersigned have formed a copat tnershipan ; - jicit the patronage of the public in General Blacksmith Repairing. We claim to be the finest horse-snoers in idd’e Georgia and will work as cheap as the cheapest. All we ask is a trial. Come and see us in front o' he county jail J. H. THURsTO D. F. TBaX 10K. RAILROAD WAREHOITE HAS The Cheapest Rate of Insurance- OF ANY WAREL'Ot’ 4IN THE COUNTY. Only one having Metal Roof and Water Supply j pressure from LlevuUd Ta:ik. Being (iO pound to sqmi a inch, can throw an inch stream of water into any part of the b adding or yard. Most conveniently located for SHIPPING. CuUon can bo loaded diiect into Cars from Warehouse. Can shelter 500 Bales r t one time. X.> Cutttou placed on the GROUND. Liberal terms made for the storage and manufacture of F< r tilizers. MEAD HENDRICK. RROB’T 11. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallarv. CIIAS II HATili SMITH & HALL, DEALERS IN STEAM ENGINES f Sr Ja P BOILERS, SAW MILL, GRIST MILLS - belting, • ,s TT f. '4 LUBRICATING OILS, ETC V • ' tJ9~ special Agents for Perkins *• . Shingle Machinery. Andres*, 'Sill t IILU > : v'S ,I’-.' 7 MACON GA. Manager.