The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, October 05, 1893, Image 3

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WORLD WmmT EM. FEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ENDLESS PROFUSION! 1111HH1I1 llllll'Hl.TEf Are nowrceiving and opening ibis week the biggest, the choicest, the latest stock of aew goods, comprising th e latest novelties in dress goods, trimmings and fancy goods, clothing shoes, etc, ever before upon exhibit in the city of Jackson. PROGRESS ON AND UPWARD” OUR MOTTO. The taste of the people must be met, and The New York Store folks are the ones equal to the emergency, „ NOT ONLY THIS, BUT PRICES WILL FIGURE largely this winter. Bearing this in mind, it his been our main desire and highest ambition to buy cheap and to sell cheap, underbuy and undersell. With this idea burning in us, we have waged war, fought battles and came out conquerors and will ►bow a line of goods, in every line, at prices the like of which has never been known befoie. All we ask is that you look and see and price. _ OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is even more complete than ever. Mrs. Thurman’s excellent taste will be readily recognized, as she in person made all the selection <. While in New York she attended several large openings and is “up” on the very latest things of the season. The La dies are cordially invited to visit onr practically new rooms and see what it is impos sible to tell in such short space. THE cm. COHfi PROPRIETORS. LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: going north 4: 50 a. m. “ “ 12:30 p. m. going south 9: 87 a. m. “ “ 9: 17 p. m IfU 0 a $, 'er in. Court next Monday. All the merchants are doing good business. Pay your subscription while attend ing court during next week. Pax Cohector Cole has on the war paint, and will shortly be o the war path for shekels goiT WINE OF CARDUt, a Tonic for Women. The next session of Uigh Falls musical convention will be held at Macedonia church, this county. The best cool drinks are to be found at Bi kers & Byars. The Argus and Weekly Constitu tion for $1 25. Subscribe at once. The Star Stoie and The Carmichael Company have grand openings dur ing the weeic. How does this strike yon ?£fIF~fHE Argus and The Weekly Constitution one year for only $1 25. Can’t somebody break the matri monial dullness of Jackson by getting up a marriage ? ‘•O-auge Blossom” is a painless cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by W. L. Car michael. Try SLACK- DRAUGHT tea tor Dytpepsis. Rev. Perry, of Covington, preached at the Presbyterian church on Sunday t 11 m and 7 ~ ni. Sunday <-h'v>! was reorganized at 11 a. *.. Air T. G. JeAfee, <f Griffin, and **©n-iu-law of Mr. VV. Winaitt uf this phtce, ft uni iu Griffin on Friday night, t!is death was caused from a tali he several days previous. have thoughtlessly utoiti fi.-d us this week by the inquin, “Can you change aV ?” There is uo reason v. hv a law-abiding newspaper man should be subjected to the embar rassment of telling people that he has no change. Let the cup pass here after.—Ex. About teu days ago a petition was gotten up and sigued by a large num ber of our.citizeus asking Judge Hoot to postpone court, ou account of there being such great quantities of cottou iu the fields that should he gathered. The paper was sent forward, but up to our time of goiug to press no an swer has been received, and we sup pusc the regular tern of court will be held, beginning uext Monday. J^aiACK-DH AUGHT tea curt# CowtfpaUon. Mr. D. N. Carmichael wishes to swap two hundred bushels of wk?3A for corn. New goods being received daily' at Fennell, Thompson & Co.’s. Time to Subscribe for The Argus aud get the Weekly Constitution for 25 cents. Presiding Elder F. F. Pierce will preach at the Methodist church, at II o’clock, next Sunday. This will bs tiis last visit to Jackson this year. New goods at Fennell, Thomp son & Co.’s this week. Get an Alpine Hat from Fenuell, Thompson & Cos. and be in style. All meats bought of me will be de-i livered free. H. F. Edwards. ] Bargains every day at Fennell, Thompson & Co.’s. Young man, if you want to be in style, get a blue cheveot suit from Fennell, Thompson & Cos., the latest. On Sunday, at the 11 o’clock ser yices, at the Baptist church Misses A/atnie Crawford and Pearl Collins were received into the church and were baptized at 7:15 p. m. Fennell, Thompson & Cos. want 1,000 women, children and men to call at their store and carry oft* those bar gains they are offeriug this week. V.cElree' WINE OF CARDUI for female diseases. I make the best Sausage in the cityl H. F. EDWARDS. , Fennell, Thompson & Cos. are still selling SIOO >*■ in and. v good- for 90 cents iu oasu. Buy you*’dry goods trout Feuueli,j Thompson &Cos They will sell you SI.OO worth lor OOceuts in silver. Feunell, Thompson & Cos. take sil-j ver, gold or gieenbacks in exchange 1 for dry goods aud sell you $1 00 worth for 90 cents. Uu Sunday, at the 11 o’clock ser vice.-, at the Methodist church, the converts re-civet! during the recent meetiug were received iuto tne church by oaptisra. Eighteen were received b> baptism and seven by letter. Mr. A F, Whitney, of Forsyth, is now a sales mau in the clothing and domestic department of the New York Store. Mr. Whitney is a very clever gentleman, and will treat you mighty nice if you will ouly give him a call. We have a full liue of corsets, among which are the R. & G Thomp l sou’s, Carmichael Co.’s special make, the best 50 cents corset on earth, real value 75 cents. N. Y. Store. I We are with the Camrichael Com- j fany only. Unequalled, unsurpassed, j Cali aud see us. Respectfully, Atwood Suspender. We can fit the eye, as well as the head, with the prettiest roll-brim hat I on earth. I Ths Carmichael Cos. | Fennell, Thompson & Cos. sell Evitt Bros.’ line Shoes—the most stylish ■and best fitting Shoe on the market. STARK. Stark is one of the most enterprising in terior toyvns that any county cat. boast of. Two stores in full blast, two ginneries with modern equipments running on full time, two churches with a large member ship, aud a school yvhere the common corriculum is taught, and the farmers sur rounding the little city in the grove is of that thoroughgoing type as personified in the names of such men as Thornton, the Whites, McClure, Redman, Pitman, Andrews, Moss, i/bore, Dodson, the DuKes, J/c.Michaels, Altchens, Outer, Parker, Hilly and others, whose broad fields are covered with the fleecy staple, and it is all open and will soon be gath ered. Dr. J. B. Thurman, the physician, en joys the confidence of the people as he should. He was raised in oui sister county, He nry, and has stirred her red hills under the glowing beams of many a Southern sun. Stark has the strongest sub-alliance in the county, if not in the State The ma jority, perhaps, if not a large minority of those people are of the Tom Watson ele ment, yet The Argus enjoys a large sub scription list there and has the confidence of the community, notwithstanding the fact that our affiliation o are to different parties, The Argus wishes those people prosperity and happiness. A WORD TO EVERYBODY. Come (o the Variety Store for any and everything you need, as it is just filled up with the latest goods out, at bottom prices. L. R. Cason, Proprietor. BUTTS COUNTY’S MACHINIST You can have anything done, that can be done outside of a foundry, to your engiues or other machnery now, “A stitch in time saves nine. A S2O 00 job may save a thousand-dollar breakdo vn. If you want work done, call on or address E. 11. Brannen, Jenkinsburg, Ga. Leave your orders. 1 will do my best to satisfy you.. H. F. EDWARDS. I will always wait on the child ren and servants as we:l as it y u were here. H. F. Edwards. N OTICR SS. We, the undersigned mer chants of Jackson, Ga., have in duced S. M. Inman & Cos. to send us a first-class cotton buyer and open an office in our town. He will be permanently located here and will pay the highest market prices- for all cotton brought to him. When you sell him your cotton he marks the ticket and you come to either of us and get your money in greenbacks, gold or silver to suit yourself. Bring your cotton to Jackson, sell it, get the cash and be happy. We are yonr friends. Yours truly, Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Jackson Mercantile Cos. Almand & Moon. “Orange Blossom"” the common- ! [sense Female Remedy, draws out Ipain and soreness Sold by W. L, iCarmichael. I Cash talks at Fennell, Thompson! l&Co’s. Yon can get SI.OO worth of I goods for 90 cents, if you have the cash. I Silver, greenbacks and gold are all at a premium with Fennell, Thomp son & Cos. You can buy SI.OO worth of goods from them, with the cash, for 90 cents. GEORGIA—Butts County. To All Whom it May Concern: Dr. C. A. Butncr having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Gabe Bell, late of said county, this is to cite al and singulai the creditors and next of kin of Gabe JJell l<* be and appear at my office within ih j ime ai. >wvii t v law, show <ause. it any hey have, why per- I maneiit administration should not be granted to Dr. C. A. Butner on Gabo Bell's estate Witness my hand and official signature, I this 21st day of September, 1898. J, F. Carmichael, Ordinary. H. F. Edward* will pay good prices best BeefjjPork and Snus<ige. Best Beef at H. F. I Edwards. CITATION. j G-EORGI-d —Butts County. To All Whom it May Concern: I AM. Weaver n proper form ■ applied to me for pfmanent letters of | administration on estate of F. M. I Weaver, late of said eounty, this is te I cite all aud sipgular the creditors and next lof kin of F. M. Weaver to be aud appear lat my office within the time allowed by ( law, and show cause, if any they can. I why permanent administration should not |j be granted to S. M. TPeaver on F. M. 1 Weaver’s estate. | Witness my hand aud official signature, [ Ahis 2nd day of October, 1893. J. F. Cakmichael, Ordinary. “Orange Blosson” is safe and ha rmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, j A.O y lady can use it herself. Sold I hy \y ? L. Carmichael. TAX IMOTk;E. I will be at the following places on the days mentioned for the purpose of c llecting Sate and C* Jn*y Tax of Butts Couhtv for 1893. J. T. Cole, T. C. B. C. Jack sen —Octcber 12, 13 and 14— Thursday, Friday and Saturday, court week Worthviile—Monday, October 16. Iron Springs—(Harpers’ shops) Tues day Oct. 17. • Buttrills —(Jenkinsburg) Wednesday, Oct, 18. Towaiiga--(Kinard’s) Thursday, oet. 19, Indian Springs—Friday, October 20. Dublin--Monday, “ 23. Flovilla —Tuesday, “ 24. Elgin—Wednesday, “ 25. I will be in Jackson every Saturday except 4th Saturdays in each month and 1 st Saturday in December. A PUZZLE To many ladies is how to keep their hair in curl on rainy days. The solution is easy. Ask Dr. W. L. Carmichael for Nonpareil Hail Curler and the puzzle will be solved don’t sell stale meat. 11. F. Edwards. THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use Beggs* Blood Purifier. It purifies tne blood, makes the skin clear and the com plexion beautiful, Try a bottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Car michael. •‘SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that your hair needs invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew -9r promotes a healthy growth of hair, prevents its falling outor turn ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Carmichael. Don’t sell your chickens until you try H, F. Edwards. ADMMISTRATOB’S SALE. GEORGIA—Rntts County. On the first Tuesday iu October, 1893, I, B. T. Deason, administrator of Laura O. Deason, late oi said county, deceased, •exposedat public outcry, before the Court House door of the county of Butts, certain lands for sale as the Buds of Laura 0. Deason. deceased, after having advertised the same according to law, and by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Butts county regularly granted at the Sep tember term, 1893, when the said lands hereinafter described were bid off by M. V . McKibben, he being the best and highest bidder for the same at and for the sum of six hundred and ninety dollars. 2hat the said M. V. McKibben as such bidder has refused and still refuses to comply with the terms of said sale by payment of the purchase price in cash. Now, therefore, I, B. T. Deason, by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Butts county, granted at the. Sep tember term, 1893, of said court will re sell before the Court House and oor in the town of Jackson, for cash, between the hours of 10 o’clock al mi and 4 o’clock p. m:, to the highest bidder, at public outcry, seventy acres of land more or less, adjoining the tract whereon Laura O. Deason resided at the time of her death and lands of W. P. Cauthen, M. H. G&s ton, and more particularly describied as being bound] on the north by lands known as home-place whereon said Deason resided at the time of her death, east by lands of Mrs. Lucy Smith, south by M. H. Gaston and west by IF. P- Cauthen. The above lands are well watered by living streams, and about 30 acres are in cultivation. B. T. Deason, Administrator of L. O- Deason, deceased. FOB LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA.—Butts County. TO All Whom it May Concern: W. H. Dunglass, guardian of J/artha R. .Douglass and JPillie Douglass, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell their undivided interest in certain lands in said county, known as the place whereon said W. F. Douglas recendv resided .Said-application wi ih> itSdd. I'uis Cot- 2, i9o. J. F. auMicuakl, Ordiuaiy. ADllOlSTfi ITOK'S SALE. By viriue of an older issued from the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, at the October term, 189*2, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court House door in the town of Jackson, Butts countv, on the first Tuesday iu November next, 1393, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p- m., the 10l owing lands, to-wit: Sixty-six &Qd two third acres more or less lying situated and be ing in the county of Butts, immediately upon the public road leading from Indian Springs to Covington, situated about two andane-ualf miles from the famous In dian Springs and about three miles from the town of ,/ackson, known as the lauds belonging to the estate of the late Sarah F. Turner, deceased, and bound on the north by the lands of Airs. Carry Johnson, on the east by lands of Mai ion Preston, south by Mrs. Giles and west by Eliza beth Asberry. .Said lands are level and now in a high state of cultivation, with good tenant house, etc. .sold as the lands of estate of Sarah F. Turner, deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts of the estate and making distributions among the heirs. Terms cash. Ihis October 2, 1893. Joseph C, Pitman, Administrator of Estate of Sarah F, Turner, deceased. COAL and INSURANCE Bs Sure to Call On ETHERIDGE L EINARD. - YOU WANT—— inI'COAL and insurance.^ HORSE'-SHOEIN'& OUR SPECIALTY. The undersigned have formed a copaitnershipam o peitthe patronage of the public in General Blacksmith Repairing. We claim to be the finest horse-siloers in Middle Georgia and will work as cheap as ti e cheapest. all we ask is a trial. Come and see 11s in front of the county j ul J. H. THURSTOM. D F. THaXTON. RAILROAD WAREHOUE HAS The Cheapest Rate of Insurance DF ANY WAREHOUSE IN THE COUNTY. Only one having Metal Roof and Water Supply pressure from Elevated Tank, Being GO pound to square inch, can throw an inch stream of water into any part of the building or yard. Most conveniently located for SHIPPING. Cotton can bo loaded diiect into Cars from Warehouse. Can shelter 500 Bales at one time. No Cottton placed on the GROUND Liberal terms made tor the storage and manub ctura of Fer tilizers. MEAD HENDRICK. RROB’T H. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallary. CIIAS. II FALL SMITH A HALL, DEALERS IN STEAM ENGINES Jfr % BOILERS, SAW MILL, v TV\£ GRIST MILLS. BELTING, LUBRICATING OILS, E fC ' fcffi £0" Special Agents tor Perkins Shingle Machinery., M §l§ SMITH & HALL, ' " )|MACON GA ; SS . ,-J Manager. j PROFESSOR—Boys can you tell me best route to the World’s Fair ? JIMMIE— Yes sirt The East Tennessee by all odds. PROFESSOR—Why ? Jimmie—Because it has two Vestibule Trains leaving Atlanta every * 7:00 a.m.; 2:10 p.m. No other line runs through trains or cars to Chicago via Cincinnati. It puts you within 50 feet of 100 hotels where rooms can be secured at from 7?Cts. a day and upward. Its trains stop within seventy feet of World’s Fair gates. Stopovers are permitted at Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis. PROFESSOR—The class will buy tickets by T> st Tennessee Route. CHICHESTER'S ENGUBH, RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND A. rEMNfcmu&rWiUS # THE ORIGINAL ANO GENUINE. The only Safe, Bare, tndrdialle Pill for sale. Y>E*/ Ladies, ul Drugrist f>r t tickreter‘l BnqllsX Diamond Brand in Red sol Gold metallic \y boxes sealed with blue ribbon. Take BO other kind. Befutt Substitution* and Imitations. v All pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are danceroua counterfeits. At Druggists, or send ns 4e. in stamps for particulars, testimonial*, and “Relief for Ladies,- in letter, by return MaU. 10,000 Testimonials. Same Paper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Cos., Madison Souara, Sold by all Local lirugglsts. PkILAdtJU JIVIL