The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, October 19, 1893, Image 3

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vuqvmhd NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ENDLESS PROFUSION! If rimiUKli (ll.MYli Are now rceiving and opening his week the biggest, the choicest, the latest stock o uew goods, comprising th e latest novelties in dress goods, trimmings and fancy goods, clothing shoes, etc, ever before upon exhibit in the city of Jackson. ROGRE3S ON AND UPWARD” OUR MOTTO. The taste of the people must be met, and The New York Store folks are the ones equal to the emergency, NOT ONLY THIS, BUT PRICES WILL FIGURE largely this winter. Bearing this in mind, it his been our main desire and highest ambition to buy cheap and to sell cheap, underbuy and undersell. With this idea burning in us, we have waged war, fought battles and came out conquerors and will ►bow a line of goods, in every line, at prices the like of which has never been known befoie. All we ask is that you look and see and price. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is even more complete than ever. Mrs. Thurman’s excellent taste will be readily iccognized, as she in perscn made all the selection. While in New York she attended several large openings and is “up” on the very latest things of the season. The La dies are cordially invited to visit onr practically new rooms and see what it is impos sible to tell in such short space. THE GtllHEl COM!, PROPRIETORS. MI!. O. L. WELCH SHOT. Early Tuesday night Mr. Welch returned home, and seeing a light in his store, near his dwelling, Opened the door, when two negroes, who were inside, fired on him, one ball i pacing through his right hand and the other graziug his right temple, lie could not tell who the thieves were. MULE AND BUGGY STOLEN. On Sunday night some thief or thieves went to the home of Ben En glish, 001., near Weaver’s mill, hitched hit mule to bis buggy and drove away. It seems t hat they expected to take a trip and return before day, butjust b< fore reaching English’s homo the buggy broke down, so they unhar nessed the mule and turned it ioose, leaving the buggy and harness in the road. HOME INDUSTRIES. Every man who is a lrien l to J tcksoti, or a friend to his country, and who believes in developing his own home should carry their cotton need to the Jackson Oil Mill. They pay out seven thousand do’iars annually to our own laborers to be spent with our merchants, aad to furnish occupants for houses to rent by our real estate men, and one thousand dollars to our farmers for wood that could find o market. It is suicidal to refuse them your patronage. They work about two thousand tons of seed each year, aid could work twice that amount, and should have every seed that is raised in. Butts county. Why should we ship our seed and pay freight on them e.ud freight on the fertilizers back to us when we could have oir seed worked at home? What would the farmer* think of a man who would order all his corn from the wee* when they had pleaty to sell at bumf? Let’s all do ngh about this matter and stick to home industries. A TUZZLE To many ladies is howtokcrp their hair in curl on rainy days. The solution is easy. Ask Dr. W. L. Carmichael lor Nonpareil Hail Curler and the puzzle will be sol ved “SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that your hair needs invigorating. Biggs' Hair Renew* er promotes a healthy growih of hair, prevents its tailing out or turn* in* gray. Sold and guaranteed by JJr, W. L. Carmichael LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: qoixq noktb 4: 50 a. m. “ “ 12:30 p.m. ooino south 9: 37 a. m. “ “ 9: 17 p. m If U 0 a $, ’er in. Cotton worth 8 cts. Cotton seed 52 cts. Frost several mornings this week. See the grand jury presentments in another column. All meats bought of me will be de* livered free. H. F. Edwards. The Argus and Weekly Coustitu lion for $1 25. Subscribe at once. It always makes ye editor feel bet ter to have the ladies visit our sanc tum. Mr. T. R. Hendricks, of Cochran, spent Tuesday visiting his “courin,'’ Miss Mattie Paul. ‘ O'auge Blossom” is a adinless cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by W. L. Car michael. Try BLACK OWAUOMT tea for Dyspepsia. We have a full line of corsets, amoug which are the R. & G Thomp son’s, Carmichael Co.’s special make, the best 50 cents corset, on earth, real value 75 cents. N. Y. Store. Best Beef and Sausage at H. F. Edwards. H. F. Edwards handles fish of different kinds. Time to Subscribe for The Argus and get the Weekly Constitution for 25 cents. H. F. Edwards will be glad to sell fish in lots to the country stores. Better hurry tip and get The Argu and The Constitution for $1.25 before the offer is withdrawn. ’> WIWE OF CAWOW fee feiaaie rtmsaeer We are with the Camrichael Com \ any only. Unequalled,unsurpassed. Call and sets us. Respectfully, Atwood Suspender We can fit the eye, as well as the head, with the prettiest roll-brim hat on earth. The Carmichael Cos. •0- BLACK-DRAUGHT tee cure*ComCjaUod. Se*.— The handsome Shell Panel Ladies’ Victoria, just completed, at the J dckson Carriage Factory. Price, $250.00. You will bo surprised to Know such fine work can be bnilt in Jarkson. But, then, first-class mate rial and first-class laber produces first-class work, and you shouldn’t be surprised. i MaCUBEgB vmior CAUGUftorWsakKsrw. Singing at Wocthville on fiftu Sun day. Cool east winds today. Several colored people have recently died around acksou It is said that the grand jury found quite a nbmberof true bills last week, and some ot the uufortunates have skipped. Col. Billie Weaver comes to town very often these days. He may be looking atter his “interest” in some ol the business houses in Jackson. fair WINE OF CAROUI. a Tonic tor Women. Last week beat the record in the number of criminals tried at one ses sion ol the court. Nine men, all col ored, were sentenced to the chain gang and penetentiary for terms rang ing from six months to eighteen years, to-w it: Ira Taylor, 18 years; Wily Pope, 10 years; Bolding Lyons, 5 years; Alex Stillwell, 1 year; Lucien John son, 10 months; Willie Ilambrick, 9 months; Jesse Gilmore, 8 months; Harmou Gilmore, 6 months. John Tonsill plead guilty of larceny from tho house, in the count/ court, on Tuesday and was senteuced to 10 months. How detestable and despicable the idea that our monetary system, or any other Americau system should be submitted to any Euro pean conference.„ The republicans agreed to give employment to the uneraploi ed when the McKinley bill went into effect two years ago, but instead of that the number of unemployed have doubled ever since. Let it be repealed. A FEW WISHES. BY H. P. HIGH. When I think of the many Prodigal Sons, Who leave their kind parents to roam, I wish I could truly convince them That “there's no place like home ” When I think how they use strong drink To drown their so-row and eai>, i wish I could persuade them to drink Of the beautiful fount of prayer. When I think how they reject the gospel, The sweet promises to young and old, I wish I c uld get them to consider— “ The half has never yet been told.” When I think how Satan deceives them, And plunges them into sorrow and sin, I wish I could show them their folly And induce them to “let the Stranger in. When 1 think how thier dear mothers Over their disobedience weep and pray, I wish I could explain how they’ll regret it When she shall have passed away. When I think how that disobedience Cauaes to regret, mourn and sigh, I wish they would ask Christ for pardon, And try to meet her in Mansions in the Bky. A NEGRO SHOT. A negro, Tom Buckner, was sh*t by Asberv Hawthorne' early yeslcidi) morning Bu -kncr had gone to tie* tiou-e of I. zzie Gr- er, col., and while drinking water was shot from behind, the ball lodging in the right shoulder. Ha .vthorn- lud the negro woman bax e fled. ADMII'TED TO PR ACTICE. ' Judge J. F. Carmichael, who for thirteen years lias been tlie popular Ordinary of this county, was admit ted to the bar as a tvguiar lawyer ou Saturday. Judge Carmichael was already well up in legal lore, and now that he is fitted up for regular busi ness we bespeak for him a liberal share of the legal work ot the land. HARNESS MANUFACTORY. A, G Hitchins has opened up another enterprise. He is now manufacturing hand-made Buggy, Carriage and Wagon Harness and using only the best hand tanned Chestnut Oak Leather. He warrants his work, and also keep 9 in stock ail the parts of harness so he can fit you up in a moment’s uotice It is his intention to give you HAND MADE Ha mess at about tho same prices you would pay for machine stitched. Repairs well and promptly done. Take your harness to his shop and have it repaired, liis is the onh manufactory between Atlanta and Macon. Call and take a 1 >ok 'through his large stock of fine Buggies and Car riages, and buy you one ofthosc Fine Barnesville Buggies and a set of his Fee Hand-made Harness. He will be pleased to show you through, and if you wish to purchase will save you money. JACKSON DID NOBLY. When Jackson heard the second time of the distress and want atnonv the Brunswick people, she opened her pocket-books the second time and taised a neat sum. Mr. T. J. Lane, whose heart is as big as bis whole form, took the matter in hand ag in, and the following list will show how needy peo ple down by the sea : J W Carmichael, $2.00; E P Newton, I. SJt s'mith 50; N R McCord, 25; James Barkley, 25; Reet J/cMichael, 50; J u Beauchamp, 1.00; A Cohen, 50; T J Lane, 2.00; T J Goodman, 2 00; Dr Byron, 50; W A Newton, ,50; D G McMichael. 2.00; T W Lah.r, 1.00; J M McMichael, 25; T L Williams 1.00; 1 J. Dempsey, 50; JM T Mayo, 1.00; W W H-Foster, 1.00; J B 2’haxton, 25; D. Hardy, 10; DR Moore, 1.00; C L Red maud, 10; C A Dutner, 25; O J J/artin, 25; Dev GII Carter 2.(M1; ,/udge Dailey, 1.00; J C Blasingame, 5.00; S C. Mc- Candless, 5.00; John W J/cCord, *Sr., 25; Mrs VV J Tennant, 25; Miss Addie Tennant, 25; B F M on, 50; J M Gog gans, 50; J J Thornton, 25; O B Willis, 25; A G Hitchins 5.00; John Barkly, 1.00; J T Bickers, 25; M J Clifford, 25; J M .Byars, 25; Hepsley & King 20, Dr Can trel, 25; J R Sams, 25; H V Bayne, 5.00; E O Huson, 50; J W Truman. 50; C R Gresham, 25; T J Christian, 25; Tto Dil - lard, 25; W M Potts, 25; O S Hanes, 50; M G Barfield, 25; Fennell, Thompson & Cos, 2.50; W R Weaver, 1-00; L D W'at son, 50; .7R Wright, 2.50; J F J/cKib ben, 1.00; HE JV>; W E .Harp,2s; J L Kelly, 1.00; Nmith & Htberidge, 20.00; Dr. Carmichael, 50; M Cason, 25; J R Carmichael, 5.00; Atephen Kinard, 1.00; TH Malone, 100; J W Car michael, 1.00; Rev JII Eakes, 50; AW Lane, 50; Cordy Barnes, 25; J R Respess, 2.00; J G Nutt, 25; J B Lyons, 25 ;T W Nutt, 25; W R Tbax ton,2s; J A Plunkett, 25; M W Beck, 5.00: Dr Byron, 50; The Carmichael Cos, 5.00; J H Carmichael, 1.00; W S. Tennant, 50; J L Crawley, 25; IK Norman, 25; J H McCadum, 50; R N Etheridge, 50; T N Brownlee, 25; E C Robinson, 25; Chas Pinkney, 25; W II Higgins, 50; Miss Anna Snell, 50; A F Whitney, 25; E L Smith, 26; Jas. McKibbeu. 50 ; Tim Furlow, 1.00 ; James Land, 50; Jackson Mercantile Cos., 3 00; R L Daughtry, 1.00. $11.50 of the above amount was subscribed by the colored people of the town, through the efforts of R* v. Haygood, col., and all together amounts to $127.30 In addition to the above amount, the teachers of the Jackson Institute have raised a nice little sum. the amount cf which we have not learn When i sell P^rk -Sausage. I meanall hog aud a “yard wide.” Henry Edwards. NOTICE TO^FARMERS. We, the undersigned mer chant!* o Jackson, Ga., have in duced S M Inman & Cos. to send us a first-class cotton buyer and open an office in our town. He will be permanently located here and will pay the highest market prices lor all cotton bt ought to him. When you sell him your cotton he marks the ticket and you come to either of us and get your money in greenbacks, gold or silver to s lit yourself. Bring vour cotton to Jackson, se.l it, get the cash and- be happy. We are yonr friends. Yours truly, Fennell, Thompson & Cos. Jackson mercantile Cos. Almand & Moon. LOST—FOUND. One (Inc silk umbrella, with white metal handle. The owner can get it by ealijia on Dr. U. A. Butner and (taxing fifty cents for this notice. j*. WORD TO EVERYBODY. Come to the Variety Store for any and everything you need, as it is just filled up with the latest goods out, at bottom prices. L. R. Casok, Proprietor. BUTTS COUNTY’S MACHINIST You can have anything done, that cau be done outside of a foundry, to your engines or other mach nery now, “A stitch in time s-aves nine. A 120 00 job may save a thousand-dollar breakdo n. If vou want work done, call on or address E. H. Brannev, Jenkiusburg, Ga. Leave your orders. 1 will do mv best to satisfy you. H. F. EDWARDS. I will always wait on the child ren and servants as we.l as it y u were here. H. F. Edwards. - 1 ■ FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. Cn Cor. Second and Holly Sts. JACLSON. GA. I guarantee Satisfaction. Meals only 25 jenfs Ham and Eggs, 20 cents; Beef Steak, 20cents; Butter and Bread, 10 cents; Mutton-Chops, 20 cents; Chicken, 20 cents. Meals at ALL HOURS. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Clothing neatlv and promptly dyed Call and see me. ELIZABETH FEARS. FOR 12 MONTH’S SUPPORT. GEORG/A—Butts County. To All Wnom It May Concern. The appraisers appointed to set apart twelve months’ allowance for Katie E. ATelly, widow of P. P. Kelly, and her four minor children, have set apart said support and returned ihe same within the time prescribed by law. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said P. P. Kelly to be and appear at December term, 1893, of the Ceurt of Ordinary for said county and show cause, if any they can, why such allowance should not be confirmed. October 10, 1893. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Butts County. To All Whom it May Concern: Dr. C. A. Butner having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration ou the estate of Gabe Bell, late of said county, this is to cite al and singulai the creditors and next of kin of Gabe Rell to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why per manent administration should not be granted to Dr. C. A. Butner on Gabc Bell's estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 21st day of September, 1893. J, F. Carmichael, Ordinary. 11. F. Edwards will pay good prices for best Beef, Pork and Snusage. CITATION. GEQIKiIA —Batts County. To All Whom it May Concern: S. M. Weaver having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of F. M. Weaver, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and uext of kin of F. M. Weaver to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can. why permanent administration should not be granted to S. M. Weaver on F. M. Weaver’s estate. Witness my hand aud official signature, this 2nd day of October, 1893. J. F. Cakmi iiabl, Ordinary. “('range Blcsson'’ is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, Any lady can use it herself. Sold by W. L. Carmichael. AD.IIIMISTRATOB’S SALE. By virtue of an order issued from the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, at the October term, 1892 I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court House door in the town of Jackson, Butts countv, on the first Tuesday in November next, 1893, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock p. m. the fol owing lands, to*wit: Sixty six and two third I acres more or le-s lying situated and be ingin the county of Bu'ts, immediately upon the public road leading from Indian Springs to Covington, situated about two andone-nalf miles from the famous Iu dian Springs and about three miles from the town of Jackson, known as the lands belonging to the estate of the late Sarah F. Turner, deceased, and bound on the north by tbe lands of Mrs. Carry Johnson, on the east by land' of Marion. Prestou, south by Mrs, Giles and we-t by Eliza beth Asberry. -Said lands are level and now in a high state of cultivation, with | good tenant house, etc. iS'dd as the lands |of estate of Sarah F. Turner deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts ot th estate and making dis'ributions among the heirs. Terms cash. 1 his October 2, 1893. Joseph C, Pithan, Administrator of Estate of Sarah F, Turner, deceased. INSURRE YOUR HOUSES AGAINST CYCLONES i- AND-;-WIND-;- STORMS. We issue a Cyclone Policy separate from a Fire Insurance Pol icy. NOW is the time to insure. You can sometimes put out fire with water, but you have no controlling power over Cyclones. Buy Your Coal Before You Cet Cold! Respectfully, ETHERIDGE & KINARD HAVE YOU.? BUCCIES BUILT AT The Jackson Carriage Factory, 18-Crsr Old Hickory, Tennessee, Mil burn and Studerbaker Wagons at-Tile Jaclgson Carriage Factoiv. HAVE ' ' Your repair work well and substantially done at The Jackson Carriage Factory. HAVE" Your horses shod at The Jackson Carriage Factory, by che bestshoer in town, at 65 cents cash. BTTY Your Buggy and Wagon Harness of all kinds, Saddles* <>ridles, Whips, Win er Lap-Robes, etc., at The Jackson (Carriage Factory. Respectfully, J. R. CARMICHAEL. RAILROAD WAREHOUE HAS The Cheapest Rate of Insurance DF ANY WAREHOUSE IN THE COUNTY. Only one having Metal Roof and Water Supply pressure from Elevated Tank, Being 00 pound to square inch, can throw an inch stream of water into any part of the building or yard. Most conveniently located for SHIPPING. Cotton can be loaded diiect into Cars from Warehouse. Can shelter 500 Bales at one time. N \ Cottton placed on the GROUND Liberal terms made lor the storage and manufacture of Fer lizers. MEAD HENDRICK. RROB'T H. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallarv. CIIAS. II HA , , SMITH & HALL, DEALERS IN STEAM ENGINES i BOILERS, SAW MILL, ' ‘A V| GRIST MILLS. BELTING, LUBRICATING OILS, E £0 ;•Special Agents tor Perkius Shingle Machinery. Address, ifim-tm MACON GA Manager. FTtf?nS3SOß—Boys can you tell me best route to the World’s Fair ? TIMMIE—Yc* vir! The East Tennessee by all odds. PROFESSOR —Why ? Jimmie —Recause it has two Vestibule Trains leaving Atlanta every *** j too a.ra.j 2:10 No erher line runs through trains or cars to Chicago via Cincinnati. It puts you within 50 feet of 100 hotels where rooms can be secured at lroir 7?Cts. a day and upward. Its trains stop within seventy feet of World’s Fair gates. Stopovers are permitted at Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville. Indianapolis. PROFESSOR— The class will buy tickets by East Tennessee Route. _