The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, November 02, 1893, Image 3

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Keep your eye on this space for the next week. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY will astonish the Natives. Slaughter does not touch the idea of LOW Prices. Watch and see. ONLY $1 25—GAZK ON THIS. \vcall special attention to our clubbing arrangement with iho great south: l’lt weekly, the Atlanta Consti tution, which enables us to offer both papers for the remarkably low sum of •fi 10 a year. The first duty of every good citizen is to patronize his home paper, lie wishes to become thor oughly conversant with his county matters, and only through Ids home paper can he expect to be supplied with the current county news, which i < ol the closest interest to him. Alter he has provided himself with his home paper his next consideration of those who are not within easy toac iof a first-class daily newspaper should he to select u first-class weekly newspaper supplying all the general new sot ihe world, and paying special attention to features which are of par ticular interest to the household and the farm. .lust such a paper is The Weekly Constitution, published at Atlanta, C:’.., and having a circulation ot lab,ooo copies a week, the largest ot any ueekly newspaper published in America. It is essentially a farmer’s paper and stands at the tiead ot the weekly press of this country. Its agricultural department alone is worth the subscription price of the paper, while it numbers among its contributors such we 1 known names as Bret Mart?, Mark Twain, Joel Chandler Harris, Sarge Plunkett, Bill Arp, and a host of others, whose rep utations are world wide. Its women an.i childi eu’* departments are pre pared with a special view to please the little tolks and the women, and its news columns literally cover the face of the earth. We a:e enabled to otter both pacers at practically (he price of on*. and we wi.l take great pleasuie in forwarding to The Constitution any names sent us in connection with our clubbing oiler at the remarkably low price above given. ‘SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD,” _ Are a sigu that your hair needs invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew' er promotes a Wealthy growth ol hair, prevents its Jailing outor turn ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. \V. L. Carmichael \ The only Pure Crcaut cf Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; Ko aih:.i\ Used in Millions of Homes—4o Years the Stand? LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: GOING NOItTH 4; 50 a. 111. “ “ 12:30 p.m. going sooth 9: 37 a. m. “ “ 9: 17 p. m IfU O a s,l*r ’er in. R J R Now Is the time To settle your debts And sleep soundly and happy. The “unknown” pea is the clover of the South. R J R lakes the lead io all nigh grade 9 inch 4s Tobacco, All meats bought of me will be de livered tree. 11. F. Edwards. Time to Subscribe for The Ahuus and get cue >Y eeuiy Constitution for mO ecuts. Baler hurry up and get TiieAiiul’s uil lire (Jonsuuiuoa for <f1.20 oviure ihe offer is withdrawn. SUACK-Di.ALio.t 1' to cures CoiiStlpatioa. V\ c Waul to employ a loot Oaii team to kick Some of our deliu queuis into a notion to pay up. !See ttlal the three id J K rtu letters are ou every plug when you ask lor this uraiid none is genuine Without tueae letters. CUcE. —The tiaudsouie shell Panel Ladies' Victoria, just completed, at the Jackson Carriage factory. Price, $200.U0. You will be surprised to kuow alien fine work can ue built in Jackson. But, then, tirst-class mate rial and iirai-ciass iaooi produces work, aud you shouidu l ue surprised. We very much regret to know that Col. MoKlbueu was painiuuy hurt during Lie are on Tuesday uy a piece of limber falling ou lus .on shoulder, daring ihe war lie was shot through me letv arm aud also thiough tne left ahouuici, 4 which has given aim trou ole ever since, and tins accident, aud u was purely accidental, happsuniiug 10 me same me tuber re idercd it more paiutul, aud it may be some time bc .ore it will be tuily well again. Chew R J F. Wheat sowing. Indian summer. Nut gathering time. Next Tuesday is sale day, Cotton is nearly all gathered. Chew the only genuine R J II tobacco. Congress lias repealed the Shermau law, but silver is not dead. J. G. Maxwell, the harness maker, is iipw situated in the store next to M. V Mclvibben’s law office. A pure article is the well known R J R Tobacco—Try it. As long as we are at the head of the Argus we expect to keep pegging away for anew courthouse and wa ter works. Don't be deceived -Chew the only genuine R J R Tobacco. The fire on Tuesday was a little tiling compared to what w • will see in Jackson some day, if something is not done to protect us Irom the un mercilul flames. We have been considered by some as being a little anxious for our peo ple to spend money for protection, but ii v. e have been cranky, we glory in it. Let’s hare waterworks. The largest administrators sal no tice that was ever published in Butts countv appears In this paper today. It is the sale of the estate ot ihe late Dr. T. S. Sanders, of this county, and ccutiins about twelve hundred words. Parties wanting farms, or Flovillacity property, should not fail to read. The R J R Tobacco is made out of pure rich waxy leaf and free from stems and grit. J. I\. Carmichael desires us to state that his large stock of .lack son Buggies was uninjured by the fire, and he never was more anxious to sell. His two story brick repository was only slight ly damaged. You can fiind it in nearly ever store in Butts county —R J K Tobacco. The lire on Tuesday was the most destructive that Jackson has wit nessed in many year 9. The loss being shared in by only two persons, makes it hard to bear, and the loosers have tile sympathy of the public generally. We lea in that two subscriptions have been started in the interest of Mr. Harp ami family and we trust will be responded to liberally. Every man, woman and child in Butts county knows what R J R means. All the merchants and clerks like to sell R J R because it gives satisfaction in every case,' 1 f WAS A r UCCE iS. '!!-='b.u-bi % the. L and Aid $ .: y < t o Bau^. :Lurch was a grand mccess. The ;liriche- p ;ui I by t : good n .-t ions ami swe t young Indies ot Jack -cti wcieimlcv.; fine and was fit t > ?< opt the line-i epietman < 1 the land, and tno*e who mis-ed the* repast blotted out one of the bright and ph-asatit spots along file's pathway, 'i ids wa? an entertainment in which both < Id and young mingled together it: an evening ot innocent pleasure, and added to the satisf>iug of one's hunger from meals composed of all the delacacies of the season prepared by the fairest hands of the fairest of God's creatures. The social part of the evening was worth all it cost a gentleman to be present, and we are only sorry especially for the young men of Jackson who w ere not there. IN MEMuRIAM. In early autumn, “ere decay’s effacing fingers had marked the fine- where beauty lingers.’ and all animate nature seemed to revel in the joy of existence, death came to one of our best loved homes and claimed as his victim the youngest and fondest of its inmates. Carter Carmichael, the youngest child of Airs. Rose Carmichael, was born in Butts cuunty February 19th, 1881, ami died on September Bth, 1893. 7his is the biie recoid of a young life, which closed its earthly relations in our midst so recently, and saddened inexpress ibly the circle of his friends and relatives. The youngest of an affectionate family, he had endeared himself to them in au un usual degree by his kind and genial man ner, and the lnik in the family circle has been sadly broken. The lonely mother misses the constant companionship of her boy, and his ready assistance in the domestic affairs. 7he silent house is a constaut reminder of the merry song at-d boyish laughter which ad ded to the cheer and happiness of home, now r hushed on earth forever. Ilis illness was short and, we trust, painless. A smile irradiated his features just before his death, which was signifi cant, aial comforting to his irk mis.. ••• a'h has been r, 1 m . ..alid ju the guise of a monster and has ever proven a per petual menace to our Sappiness— a skele ton at the feast, fleece we associate and bii with the shroud ami the coffin, with the solemn funeral r .tes and the lorn ly grave and thus become more c ncerned about our mortal natures than about our immortality. Even Socrates, the heathen, appreciated : his fact and replied to his friend Ciito as to what disposition he should make of his body: “Bury me any where, ii you can batch me.” Reckoning ih i his soul—the real man— would es cape the casket in which it had dwelt for a season. Don id we but regard death #a"F;rn-- mons to our true inheritance beyond, or as asleep from which we shall one sweet day awaken, we should anticipate it, with j-\. The early Christians were imbue., with this idea and as they looked upon the face (f their dead, said hopefully: “Good night, beloved, sleep and take tliy rest un til the resurrection morn.” Tet we weep when we meet and miss him anil there will evermore be a vacant chair. May we all reach the Land of the Leal where the hi art will ache nevermore, A Friend. FOR GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA —Butts County. 7b All IFhom It May Concern: T. G. TTeston, residing m the Mate of Georgia, having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and property of Ophelia Byars, a minor under fourteen years of age, and fi/inerva Byars resi dents of said county, this is to cite all per sons concerned to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held next after the expiration of four weeks from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if any they can, why said T G, Prest n should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the person and property’ of Ophelia By ars and Minerva 2?yars. Witness my official signature. This October 23, 189:-:. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. IrA MX ESS !ANt F a CTO it Y. A, G. Hitching has opened up another enterprise, He is now Lnnrmf-ictuting hand-in ade B-t/pv, fa* i ipo and Wagon Harness and using only the bead band tanned Cb-smnr Oak i.aaiher. lie v. i.-fdj.. •, ii;.i wu ’l', *o keeps in *o A 1 : lie p<r:- of karts-.•> he can ti. you up in a ui'l:! Hit .* t.otire I" is hi' intention to give \ u lIaXD MAi)E Huunss at about the same prices \ou wool i pay I>r ma hi tie stitched R'pair-wd! and promptly done. Take your harness to his shop and have ii repaired His is ihe cult manufact r> betw en Atlanta , ami ii aeon. Cal! am! take a Imk through his large stook ol fine Doggies and Car riages, -.•!<! bay you one of those Fine Baroe*vi le Buggies .ti l a set of his Fi**Hand •made Harness, Ho will be pleased to show you thr ugh, and if you w;di to purchase will save you money. A PUZZLE To many ladies is how to keep their hair in curl on rainy davs. Th* solution is easy. Ask Dr. W L. Carmichael tor Nonpareil Ha.i Curler and the jpuzzle w ill be sol \ ed A WORD TO EVERYBODY. C >!0 to the Variety Store for anv ■vsM-ything you need, as it is ju t ih!ed up with the latest good- ouf. at hoti' m prices. E. R. Cason - , Proprietor. VETERANS TO MEET. Every Confederate soldier of Bates county is requested to meet t the s oui (house at 10 o'clock next Wednes day. Nov. 8, to fully perfect the Con federate Veteran’s Association begun sometime ago. Business of impor tance to be transacted. Don't forget the day. IE C. Tiiaxtox. Commandant. RESTAURANT. FIRST-CLASS Cn Cor. Secon ! and Holly gts. JAOLSON. GA. I guarantee Satisfaction. Meals only 25 ten's Ham and Kgae, 20 cents; Bee; Steak, 20 cents ; Butter and Bread, 10 cent-; Mutton-Chops, 20 cents; .Chi; ken, 20 cents. Meals at ALL IlUl ltS. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Clothing ne tlv and promptly dyed. Cali and see me. ELIZABETH FEARS. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice of intention to apply to the pres ent General Assembly of Georgia for the passage of the following local or special bill is hereby given: county corin' of butts county abolished. An Act to icpeal an Act en titled an Act to create a County Court iu each county in the State of Geor gia, except certain counties therein men tion, approved January 19, 1872, and all acts afnendatory thereof, so far as the same applies to the county of /?utts. FOR 12 MONTH’S SUPPORT. GEORG lA — Butts County. To A ll Wnom It May Concern. The appraisers appointed to set apart twelve months’ allowance for Katie E. /telly, widow of P. P. Kelly, and her four minor children, have set apart said , : and returned lhe same within the lime p.esciibed by law. This is to cite all and singular the c editors and next of ia of said I*. P. Kelly to be and appear at December term, 1893, of the Court of Irdinary for said county and show cause, if any they can, why such allowance aould not be confirmed. October 1(5, 1893. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. Wanted. —To buy a good house and lot, in good repair, in good ueigh ■o: ! al in Jackson. Apply to J/ead Hendrio x ‘ O -tinge Blossom” is a adinless •tire for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by \V. L. Car uichael. CITATION. G/vOßGl.l—Batts County. To All Whom it May Concern: >S. M. Weaver having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of F. M. Weaver, la e of said county, this is to c te all and singular the creditors and next of kin of F. Al. Weaver to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to S. M. Weaver on F. M. Weaver’s e.-tuto. Witness my hand aud official signature, this 2nd day of October, 1893. J. F. Carmiiiabl, Ordinary. “Orange Blossom' is safe and o rmless ns a Flax Seed Poulthe, Any lady can use it herself. Sold bv W. L. Carmichael. ADtII.MSTKATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order issued from the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, at the October term, 1892 i will offer for sale at public outcry before the G'ouit House door in th town of Jackson, Butts countv, od the first Tuesday in November next, 1593, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock p. m. the following lauds, to-* wit: Sixty-six and two third acre.- more or less lying situated and be ing iii, the county of Butts, immediately upon the public road leading from Indian Springs t > Covington, situated about two an done ml f miles from the famous In dian Sp an as and about three miles from the town of Jackson, known as the lands belonging to the estate of the late Sarah F. Turner, deceased, and bound on the north by the lands of Mrs. Carry Johnson, n the c ast by land J of Mai ion Preston, south by Mrs, Giles and we-t by Eliza beth A sherry. .Said lands ate level and now in a high state of cultivation, with good tenant house, etc. £’>ld as the lands of estate of Sarah F. Turner, deceased, for the puipose of paying the debts of th estate and making dis tributions among the heirs. Terms cash. 71ns October 2, 1893. Joseph C, Pitman, Administrator of Estate of Sarali F, Turner deceased. TAX NOTICE. lam now roadv to collect city taxes f. r the year 1893 Your receipts are ready at the drug store of R. G Bryan & Cos. D. G. Me Michael. T. R. & C. ETHERIDGE & EINARD. Fire Insurance, Life Insurance, Live Stock Insurance, Light ning and Cyclone Agents. And Dealers In BERT Lump Montevallo Coal, BEST Roan ike Coal, BEST Lump Jellico Coal, BEST Red Ash Jellico Coal, BEST Etna Shop Coal, At most reasonable prices. We have on hand a full supply of the above coals, and would be glad to take your order for what }ou will want during the winter seasou. Orders promptly filled. Very Respectfully, REESE THAXTON, Manager. HAVE YOU A BUGGIES BUILT AT The Jackson Carriage Factory, ""Sttyt Old Hickory, Tennessee, Milburn and Studerbaker Wagons at The Jackson Carriage Factoiv. HAVE Your repair work well and substantially done ut The Jackson Carriage Factory. HAVE Your .torses shod at The Jackson Carriage Factory, by the best shoer in town? at 65 cents cash. BTJY Your Buggy and Wagon Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Tridles, Whips, Winner Lap-Kobes, etc., at The Jackson Garriage Factory. Respectfully, J. R. CARMICHAEL RAILROAD WAREHOTJE has The Cheapest Rate of Insurance )K ANY WAREHOUSE IN THE COUNTY. Only one haying Metal Roof and Water Supply pressure from Elevated Tank. Being 60 pound to square inch, can throw an inch stream of water into any part of the building or yard. Most conveniently located for SHIPPING. Cotton can be loaded diiect into Cars from Warehouse. Can shelter 500 Bale* at one time. N > Cottton placed on the GROUND. Liberal terms made tor the storage and manufacture of Fer lizers. MEAD HENDRICK MfMNMt Druggists, Llppman’s Block, SAVANNAH, G.3 - l ,V~. - IISMi Iy0 A fe : 1 ll*f S9’ ,| r- • r.- • • rmt^s f nwSmrref ii'i irK.' a fi l * ,J ‘*“‘ THE BEST IS TliftlftFEST. Send TEN cents to r-P Ur.icn Sq, N, V . for our prize game, “Eiir.d Luc*,*' ar ' win a New Home Sowing fir. : r.c. The New HomeSewinsr Machine Cos. ORANOS, K-ASS. mm zwk?z;&:&^ ILL. b° 3^C —*• cau •fciow**' FOR SALE BY Mg'* VOR TitE BI.OOU, esMSs- Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion anc Ei2!t“taM. take BKDWk 7 IROX BITTERS. It cures quickly For sale by all dealers in Medicine. Get tbe genuine. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi cal authorities and ar pre sented in a form that is be coming the fashion every where. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure dyspepsia. habitual constipa tion, offensive breath and head ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. R pans Tabules m.r ! be ob tained cr nearest druggist. Ripans Tributes are easy to t„ke. quick to ret, znd/& save many a doc- * tor’s bill.' ™tW Nature's Remedy foh J9* Liver Complaint Sche NCR'S Mandrake Liver Pills