The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, November 30, 1893, Image 3

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THE RUSH IS Si MID STILL THE¥ COME, PRICES TELL THE TALE. TIE HEW TORE STORE Leads the van, while others follow in vain. They know who it is that is fighting high prices and show their appreciations. I lie record of the NE'V \ OUK STORK has always been “the most poods for the least money, and erst while an ambitious competitor, green with envy, will bark make faces and shake their hoary locks, abuse and cuss us. We have neither the time nor the disposition to listen to their little croaking, being satisfied with the ver dict of the people that the New 1 ork store is the cheapest place in Middle Georgia to buy goods. Then let the welkin ring. LET THE GOOD NEWS GO FORTH. Till Hie Children At The Fireside. Blazen every hill top and roll with gilt and golden letters that THE NEW YORK STORK stands head and ►huulders above all competition, are the leaders always ol low prices, the friend of the people and the Gullivei of the situation. For the Next Thirty Days Lookout For Things To Hum. Qome to see us and buy your winter goods of us, and we will save you money. Don’t you forget it. proprietors T2ae ITew Tork Store A SKIPPER. Tne East Tenne -see Vestibule Limited Train hims o< tween Atlanta tit'.H Macon, 2 hours ; :td 29 minu -s j - 90 mulus. |,e .v- A1 . 11:25 A M , ami Mac* n 10:45 A M. No extra change tor t-eats on this train. now TO GET RICH. A young m >n wi es to know how to gel rich, says the Atlanta Con stitution, at. and their formula, it says is ‘•inn U and certain, which it gi es as follow s: Save all your inconn- ; doi/i invest your savings in anything that will build up your country, but lend it r, the highest rale of interest you can obtain ; grind the needy when ever occasion offers ; never make a donation to anything ; never be hos pit able always remember the fact a tat kitchen makes a lean purse; never have any politics or religion. Observe these rules 11 ;ir*t 1v T and it you live any thing hk the allotted tioe for man to live \ou wll be rich and whenever vou die everybody, including your heirs v\ill be glad ot it. 4 m OUR ORDINARIES AND CLEERS’ Since the coi a y has had an existence it has had but tive ordinaries and sev en clerks of the superior court. The first ordinary was Mr. Henry Hendrick, who served 8 years, from 1852 to 1860. JudgeJ S. Doynton served from ]BOO to Cl when he resigned to enter tin* ConlWlerate army M \V'i’> . Goldman ti led the uuex ptre i lerm ot Judge* Box ntoii aud 8 V<-di ■* IllOt'i" to i3- jli' p, \i. Compton served from 73 to *Bl when Judge Camiichael elected and is now tilling his third trna The firs, eleak to serve the superior court was Abel Robiuson, who wa> superseded Win C. Ferrell- Then came W R. Bankston, \\ . R. lhaxt"n, S. H. Mays, L. D. Wat .-on and Joseph Jolle. Awarded"Highett H x P° r^ or |^J a fasil 1 li. S cas $ | >" -... s ? -T/n| £* y V.' . •> vi - **•" •_ The only Rure Cream of'JLartar l'owuer. —.No Auiuiouia; ' - Used in Millions of Homes —40 Years the Stan ar LOCAL BRIEFS. TRAIN ARRIVALS: GOING NORTH 12 : 05 p. m. “ “ 6:30 p.m. going south 9: 45 a. m. Chew “R J R”. H. F Edwards will make your sau sage for you. The ‘ flying jeuuie” is ready for you to bring your children and give them a ride. Cabbage, onions, potatoes and dried fruit at H. F. Edwards. Those fine Kentucky horses at Thornton & Hooten’s are daisies. Time to Subscribe for The Argus and get the Weekly Constitution for 25 cents. . o-Irae'. WINE OF CARDUI for femaie diseases. Beef at 5,6, 7, and 8 cents a pound at H. F, Edwards’ Better hurry up and get The Argus aadThe Constitution for $1.25 before the offer is withdrawn. It would surprise you to know how cheap Thornton & Hoyten are sel ing stock. N*-xt Tuesday will be a big day in the way of land sales in Jackson. By reading our advertising columns you will see quite a number of tracts for sale. See that the three R J R red letters are on every plug when you ask for this brand none is genuine without these letters. 5 case- of alpine hats, cheap at ! $2.00, will sell them for only sl. Ihe Carmichael Cos. If you want a good brood mare, call on Thornton & Hooteu. 30 pairs ot odd pants —j< b lot— will sell 25 per cent below whole sale cost. Biggest bargain \ou ever saw. The Oa rmichael Cos. It is aid that tin- Jazz’ing display of an immense stock of goods aud the HStoinsning low prices shown at The .Star store 9<iue‘imes eau>e ladies to faint when the\ enter that great cm poriuni. Such was the case a few days ago when a lady from Jasper county walked in and realized th*r the half hail int beeu told about tn s wou derfid star in the mercantile world. “R J R” Jackson has received over ten thou sand bales of cotton to date. County court has been at work this week and a number ot cases have been disposed of. What are you to be thankful about ? Thank Goa that you are living and living on the best part of ihe universe. A pure article is the well known ‘R J R” Tobacco—Try it. Just as we go to press we learn that there is going te be a wedding near town but cannot learn the particulars. I keep chickens and buy chickens and want to sell chickens and fish. H F. Edwards. As the weather crows colder Judge Carmichael’s pocket grows heavier with dollars received for marriage li cense. lam iu the fresh meat business to slay. I don’t expect to quit when the cold weather is gone. Give me your patronage and thereby we can have a good market all the year. Edwards. There is no occasion to complain of hard times when plenty of rabbits can be bought tor ten cents each and one Molly Cottontail will make a meal for a good-8 family. 5,000 yards of nice dress ging ham. dark colors and good quali ty at 5 cents a yard The Carmichael Cos. Messrs. Sherod Pope and Hamp Daughtry say that if a fellow who has lived in town all the year and has not enjoyed a good square meal, will just be so lucky as to receive an invi tation to a dinner at Mr. David Car michael’s xhe appeti'e will certainly be satisfied. When you visit Jackson, don’t forget to go to the Jackson Car riage Factory and seethe fine stock of Buggies, Phaetens and Surreys made right bore iu Jackson. she has blue eyes and blonde hair with beautiful dimples iu her cheeks. Such is (he description ot the young lady tk; t made her appearance at Mr. George Thompson's on Tuesday. She weighed nine pounds and her time of stay is unlimited. Thornton & Hooten have just received a car load of fine horses and mules which th y offet very cueap. Call and see them in the rear of the New York Store. Don't be deceived —Chew the only genuine “R J R'* Tobacco. The Baptist Ladies Aid society sent a large box packed full of clothing, werth near a hundred dollars, to far off* Indian Territory on* day last week to be given to destitute Indian chil dren. That was missionary work ot the first order and many will be the thanks that will ?o up in broken En glish by the little red skins. COST! COST! COST!! COME ONE, COME ALL, COME AT ONCE, I have this day commenced to close out my entire stock of Goods in the Yellow Store at Cost. Consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps and Hardware. I Mean flat I Say. I fast Money. Don’t wait for Saturday, we are always crowded on Saturday, come any other day Samplest vi> mi j cjsfc Very Resptfull). imov. io, 1893. j \v. Crum. Prop, of THE . LLOff STORE And DRUG STORE Adjoining No*, a single person has said to us yet about eating with them a thanksgiving dinner. NOTICE THIS. To those indebted to The Argus : In the lease agreement recently made with Messrs. Ha:mon & Mc- Donald all dues to the paper, sub scriptions, advertising, and job work, were reserved to myself and I hereby notify you that lam com peiled to collect every cent of it. A statement of your accounts have been mailed to a large number, and I do trust you will respond at once Do not wait for me to call in person on each ene but come or send at once what you owe. After a reason able time if ihe account is not paid. I will be forced to place it in the hands of an attorney for collection. Therefore save cost ad trouble and help one who has served you so faithfully, by arrangeing this matter now. Teeth extracted without pain at Dr- Cantrell’s dental office. “R J R'* takes the lead in all high grade 9 inch 4s Tobacco, Mr. Joe Wright says the grandest sight and happiest figure yet seen on a merry-go-round was Mr. Buck Gan on Saturday afternoon, No need to ride on a sack when you can get a saddle cheap at The Jackson Carriage Factory, If the city authoiilies could take up all the tramps that eome along and make them work ten days each on the streets it would be a good thing. 50 fine cloaks well worth $7.50, will go at 5.00 Thursday Friday aud Saturday. They can’t be duplicated in country towns. The Carmichael Cos. Hen. T. J- Dempsey has recovered from his recent illness and is uow at his post iu the legislature. Another large shipment of those nobby overcoats just re ceived. Prices low enough to interest you. The Carmichael Cos. Mr. E. G. Gilmore has a pitcher that has been iu his lamily for several gen erations and is claimed to be over two hundred years oid. H. FfEdwards will sell you meats as cheap as can be sold for a profit. H. F. Edwards is not connected with Mr. Bankston, though he is at Banks ton’s old stand. Go to The Jackson Carriage Factory for Saddles, Blankets, Riding Bridles, Buggy IVhipps, Lap Robes, etc. Every man, woman and child in Butts county knows what ‘ R* J U ’ means. All the merchants and clerks like to sell “R J R*” because it gives satisfaction in every case. You can fiind it in nearly every store in Butts county—‘R J R’* Tobacco. The ’'R J R” Tobacco is made out of pure rich waxy leaf and free rom stems aud grit. In reply to a question ot an agri cultural journal, “Do Hogs Pav in the South?" The Savannah Press savs: ‘‘No: not when they can help it. They are just like the northen breed. The climate has litile effect on them/’ MARRIED. Mr. J. L. Lane, of Jasper county, was married to Mis 9 Lillie May Thompson at the residance of the bride’s father, Col. S. L. Thompson, in Flovilla on Tuesday evening. The Argus offers its best wishes. DON’T BE MISLED. The fact that so many other manu facturers try to imitate the “R. J. R.” skeleton red lags, is sufficient evi dence that they recognize the“R J R” Tobacco to be the best. Take no substitute. ABOUT TEETH, All those having dental work to be done will please come right on now as I will be out of town from Christmas day until the sih day of J in. Respectfully, O. H. Cantrell. I sell the best meats that can be foued in the country. 11. F. Edwards. I have beef, pork, sausage and head cheese all the time, and is always fresh and good. H. F. Edwards. SILVER THREADS A MONG THE GOLD,” Are a sign that your hair needs invigorating. Beggs’ Hair Renew -9r promotes a healthy growth of hair, prevents its tailing outor turn ing gray. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. VV. L. Carmichael. Eugene Edwards is now with his brother, II F. Edwards, and will be glad to know every one and toseil to all who want meats of any kind. ‘•O-auge Blossom” is a adinless cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by W. L. Car michael. —GoTo W. M. POTTS. FOR ALL TOUR FutjuiFuiljllmn. Canned Goods, Fruits, Nuts Cranberries, rates, Pins, CANDIES, APPLES ETC. In Fact Everything. Usually kept in a first ciass Fancy Grocery. All goods deDvered in the city. W. M. Potts. A PUZZLE To many ladies is how to keep their hair in curl on rainy days. The solution is easy. Ask Dr. W. L. Carmichael for Nonpareil Hail Curler and the puzzle will be solved “Orange Blosson” is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed Poultice, \ny lady can use it herself. Sold by W. L. Carmichael. THOSE WONDERFUL GIANTS IN TOWN!! If you wish to see them call on Dr. W. L. Carmichael and ask tor Beggs’ Little Giant Pills. Every bottle guarnteed. Chew the only genuine “R J R’* obacco. WIND, FIRE and DESTRUCTION Have you a home or other proper ty uninsured? If so, why take the risk and re sponsibility upon yourself longer, when OUR strong old-line compa nies, with large surplus, and cash capital are anxious to relieve you of all uneasiness. Insure with us today for tomor row it might be TOO late. We in spect property on short notice, and insure you in some of the strongest companies in existence and guaran tee satisfaction in every case. ETHERIDGE A KINARD. REESE THAXTON, Manager. HAVE YOU.* BUGGIES BUILT AT The Jackson Carriage Factory, :B"dnsr Old Hickory, Tennessee, Milburn and Studerbaker Wagons at The Jackson Carriage Factoiv. HAVE Your repair work well and substantially done at Tho Jackson Carriage Factory. HAVE Your horses shod at The Jackson Carriage Factory, by the best shoer in town, at 65 cents cash. ZBTZHST Your Buggy and Wagon Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Win er Lap-Kobes, etc., at The Jackson Garriage Factory. Respectfully, J. L CARMICHAEL RAILROAD WAREHOTJE has The Cheapest Rate of Insurance 3F ANY WAREHOUSE IN THE COUNTY. Only one having Metal Roof and Water Supply pressure from Elevated Tank, Being 60 pound to square inch, can throw an inch stream of water into any part of the building or yard. Most conveniently located for SHIPPING. Cotton can be loaded diiect into Cars from Warehouse. Can shelter 500 Bale* at one time. No Cottton placed on the GROUND. Liberal terms made tor the storage and manufacture of Fer- I izers. MEAD HENDRICK. THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use Beggs* Blood Purifier. It purifies the blood, makes the skin clear rnd the com* plexi n bcautilul, Try a bottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. W. L. Car michael. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. I am now better prepared than ever to furnish fine photographs of every description My rooms are newly fitted up and my facil ities are equal to any in Atlanta or Macon. Fine Cravon Por traits, life size $4 and $5, with el egant gold frames. Cali and see me before you place your orders. J. B. Guthrie, The Photr. TAX IVOT3CE. 3RD ROUND. I will be at the following places on the days mentioned for the purpose of collecting Sate and County Tux of Butts County for 1893. Wotlhville —Monday, November, 27. Old Iron Springs—Tuesday, ‘ 28 Jenkinsburg —Wednesday, " 29. Towaliga and Kain’s store —Thors day. NovemV>er 30. Mt. V ernon church—Friday, Dec. 1. Lamar's Mill---Wednesday, “ 6 Flovilla —Tuesday, “ 7. Indian Springs—Friday, “ 8 I will also be in Jackscn Saturdays and Ist Tuesday and from Bth to 18th, on which day my books will close. Resflfectfully, T. J. Coli, T. C. B. C. GUARDIAN SALE. By yirtneof an order of the court of ordinary granted at the Nov. term, 1893, said court, will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Jacks ;n, Butts county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, in terms of law, the undivided interest of Martha R. Douglass and Nellie Douglais in the lands on which Indian, Spring’s Holliness camp ground is lo cated, containing twelve acres more or less. W. F. Douglass, Guardian. GEORGIA—.Butts County. Jo all whom it may concern: J. R. Me Cord having in proper form applied to me to have letters of adminis tration on the estate of W. E 2 ucker, late of said county, issued to the Clerk of the Superior court, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of km of W. E. Fucker, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to the clerk of Superior court of Buits county or some other fit and proper person on the estate of W. JE. Tucker. Witness my hand and official signature, this 8, day of November, 1893, J. F. Caemiciiael, Oruioaay. RESTAURANT. FIRST-CLASS On Cor. Second and Holly gtj. JACLSON. GA. I guarantee Satisfaction. Meals onir 25 jenfs Ham and Kgge, 20 cents’; Beef Steak, 20 cepts; Butter and Bread, 10 cents; Mutton-Chops, 20 cents; Chicken, 20 cents. Meals at ALL HOURS. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Clothing neatly and promptly dyed. Call and see me. ELIZABETH FEaRS,