The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, January 11, 1894, Image 2

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THE AReUS. N. J. Sc J. G. MCDONALD, Editors and Publishers. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF JACKSON. OFF ICIAL ORGAN OF B UTTS COUNTY. Entered at the J’ostoil ce at Jackson as second class mail matter. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Jackson, Cla., January 11, 1894. ADVERTISING RATES. In*. lwk. 1 mo. 3nios. fimos 1 p-. 1 .0 $1.25 | $2.5© $4.00 SO.OO 2 1.00 2.25 | 4.50 7.00 11.50 3 1.50 3.25 | 6.50 11.00 16.00 4 1.75 4.00 | 7.50 12.50 21.00 Jcl 2.00 | 4.50 I 8.50 14.00 27.50 icl 4.00 | 8.25 I 15.00 27.50 52.50 col. 7.00 j 15.00 | 80.00 56 00 100. Savannah has 280 barrooms in full blast Several are owned and run by wo men. An income tax would not hurt the ed itors of the Argus yery much at present. So let ’er go! There is one consolation we have for 1894, and that is it can’t be any worse than 1893 was. It is rumored that Bob Berner is to be a candidate for Congress from this dis trict at the election which takes place this yeAr. If Corbet and Mitchell can't get ago at each other in Florida, they should get aboard a ship and go out in the ocean to have it out! Sea? Hawaii’s Coon Queen is the general topic of conversation at present. She is creating as great consternation as the Corbett-Mitchell contest. We have just found our one reason why Thomas E. Watson was not re-elected to congress, his name lias the unlucky l 3 letters in it. That’s one reason. The pretty new year calender sent out by the Atlanta Journal is one of the neatest newspaper presentations we have yet fastened our eyes upon. Prendergast, who murdered Mayor Harrison, in Chicago, some time ago, has been sentenced to hang. It’s a mighty poor consolation to the murdered mayor, however. Evans and Atkinson are in the race tor governor and we will bet a year’s sub. scription that one of them will be elect ed. We would tell which one but we’ve promised not to until after the election. If Mithell and Corbett want to fight each other half as bad as they say they do, ■why dont they meet on the streets of Jacksonville and maul each other until both are satisfied—or dead-and then waltz up before the recorder and pay $lO.- 75 for disorderly conduct? There are more ways of killing a newspaper than by stopping your subscription! Now, as Atkinson and Evans have ex pressed their desire for a fair ballot and free count, whereby the winner may be seleoted on his merits, would it not be a good idea for the chairman of the Dem ocratic committee to deposit both candi dates in on® of the safe bank vaults of Atlanta and let them remain there un til after the election? A SERIOUS QUESTION. The State school commissioner has sent out circular No. 13 to the county School commissioners giv ing his construction upon the re cent legislation and the school laws of the state. Mr. Bradwell says the leading point eeem3 to be the qaar ierly payment of teacher*, and thinks it absolutely necessary to adopt the salary plan. Now these two propositions taken together are a bugaboo, because the state gives the money, aot to teachers, but to the children. Now, should Ahold a first grade certificate and B a sec ond grade, we will all concede that A is due some consideration on ac count of his superior qualifications, and should have a better salary. But if R lias a school where thirty pup ls are in attendance, and A has only twenty in his school, we can easily see thu injustice to the (hil dreu in B's school, for whose benefit the state has appropriated the mon ey. It seems that the county school authorities will have a hard road to travel to reconcile these matters and give the necessary encouragement to teachers of the higher grades and do no injustice to the children. In our county the board of education baye left the matter in the hands of Hon. E. E. Pound, who we think is equal 10 the emergency and will take both qualification of teachers and the number of children in at tendance in fixing the salary of the teachers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. There has been a rumor circulated by some mischievious individual that I am unMble to meet my indebtedness, or words to that effect, and I desire to state to the people ef Jkckson and elsewhere, that I am ever ready, as I have always proved to meet any obligation that may be entered into by me, financially or otherwise- If the person who circulated this lie will please call at the Variety Store we will be more than pleased to wait upon him. R. L. Cason, Propr. Variety Store. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power vested in me by a mortgage deed made by E A Fin cher to Fennell, Thompson & Cos,, on the Utli day of February, 1592, and thereafter towit: On the Bth day of February, 1892, at 9 o’clock a. m. ? filed for record and recorded in the clerk’s office of the Supe rior court of Butts county, on page 419 oi book <: G” on the 23rd day- oi Februa ry, 1892, and by them regularly trans ferred by writing thereon to me on the 6lh day of Nov., 1893, and by virture of a decree rendered by the Superior court of Butts county at Chambers Dec., 11, 1893.1 will sell before the courthouse door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, Georgia, on the 16th day of Jan, 1894, between the legal sale hours tract of land described ins? id mortgage to wit: One tract of land lying and being iii Butis county Georgia and containing one hundred and twenty-five acres more or less. Bounded on the north by lands of the widow Stroud, east by lands of Goodman and Cook ? west by lands of A. C. Fincher and south by lands of .T. L. Fincher. These lands ate in a high state of cultivation. The terms of sale will be cash. Title deeds will be made in the name of E. A. Fincher, with guar antee of same by virtue of said decree. J. T. Fincher. A DVII .M 8 S'ESA TO ’J* SALK. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of fiutts county, will be sold at auction, at the court house door ofosaid county, oil the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: .Five shares Southern J/utual Building and Zoan yfs>. sociation stock, Atlanta, Ga., ten shares stock in the Carmichael Cos., Jackson, Ga. Sold as the property of E. S. Wynn, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash. J. F. Carmichael, Adm’r. of E. S. IFvmi. By virtue ot an order from the court of ordinary of Futts county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February, 1894, at the court house door in said county, be tw-een the legal sale hours, the tract of laud in said county whereon S. M- Wea ver resided at the time of his death, con taining 100 acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of J. E. Weaver, J. F. Thaxton, J. sl,lO GIVEN AWAY, it;, Mil -A-HSTID THE Atlanta Weekly Constitution, Ml Piper: One Mr For Oily $1.25! And you get a chance at 2 prizes OP FIVE HUB DOLLIES PEEP OP CHARGE! This is the last chance to get these two papers for the price of only one, and you had better take advantage of it I B. Evans and W. R • IPeaver. Fresh lauds and all in good repair. Terms cash. Samantha M. Wiaver. Adm'rtrkx. of F. M. IPeaver. ROAD COMMISSIONERS. GEORGIA—Butts County. Ordinary court sitting for county pur posts January 3, 1894. It is hereby ordered that the following named persons be, anti they are herebv appointed commiss : oners of the Public Roads, in and through the following road districts, to wit: That fohn L. Barkley, Henry G. Asberry and Thomas O. Woodward 615 district G. M ; That James M, Ball, J. E. Hale and J. W. Fletcher 613 district, G. M.; That J. W. Winter, James L, Pye and S. K Smith 609 district G M ; That J. W, Holaway, J. IT. Cole and J. Van Wright 6t4 dis trict G. AI; That D. B. Moore, Richard M. Harper and Fi ances M. Maddox 552 district G, M.; That Win. O. Crawley, Cornelius McClure and T. H, Noleu 612 district G. M.; That Thomas P. Bell, R. M. Fletcher and J, G. Colwell 610 dis trict G, M ; That J. H. Maddox, John J. Wilson and T. C. Barnes 616 district G. M. AH in s. id county. Saia com missioners are lieiebv invested with all the authority conferred by law on the commissioners of roads ill said county and district. Said commissioners are hereby to do and perform all the duties within said county and districts, which by law, they are required to do and per form under penalty of the law until their successors are appointed and no tified. Given under my official signature the dav and date first above written. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. FOR THE CURE OF Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils, Eczema, Carbuncles, Sores, Arid aS9 Other Skin Diseases. EQUALLY EFFECTIVE IN Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, and all complaints originating in Impure Blood. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Has cured others, will cure you. MB - STILL - THE law York Store LEADS ■: THE :• VM While Others Follow in Vain. Is fir tactics ai Pluto Siiplit:! We have stacks of them, and still they come by the car loads ’ Bciigit iiii tic Sjct Msc sm have is M One Thousand barrels Flour, Two Thousand bushels Corn. One Thousand bushels Texas Rust Proof Oats. One Hundred bbls. N. O. Syrup. One Hundred barrels Sugar. Two Hundred boxes Tobacco. Thirty Thousand pounds Meat. Big assortment farm implements. All we ask is a chance at your bill, and w r e ill rigors to your interest and don’t you forget it. Thanking all for past favors aud earnestly soliciting a continuance of the same, we are Yours truly, THE CARMICHAEL CO. LESSENS PAIN—INSURES SAFETY to LIFE of MOTHER and CHILD. My -wife, after having used Mother’s Friend, passed through the ordeal with little pain, was stronger in one hour than in a week after the birth of her former child. J. J. McGoldriok, Beans Sta., Tenn. Mother’s Friend robbed pain of its terror and shortened labor. 1 have the healthiest child I ever saw. Mrs. L. M. Ahern, Cochran, Ga. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. Book “To Mothers” mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., For Sale by all Druggists. Atlanta, Ga. m ■— —m ■ $350 00 PI AN A FOR SALE CHEAP. One upright Fischer Piana—good as uew—and said to be by best experts the finest toned niana in Jackson. I also have a lot of furniture I will sell cheap. For terms call on C. G. Fennell. Jackson, Ga , Jan. 4, 1894. 3-t DR. HATHAWAY & GO., .^SPECIALISTS-*^ (Regular Graduates.) Are the leading and most successful specialists and will give you help. to guarantee to all patients. If they can possibly be restored, our own exclusive treatment will afford a cure. WOMEX! Don’t you want to get cured of that weakness with a treatment that you can use at home without Instruments? Our wonderful treat ment has cured others. Why not you ? Try it. CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. BYPHIX.IS— I The most rapid, safe and effective remedy. A complete Care Guaranteed. BKIX DISEASES of all kinds eured where many others have failed. OXATTRAL DISCHARGES promptlv cured In a few days. Quick, sure and safe. This Includes Gleet and Gonorhcea. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that have failed to get cured at the hands of other special ists and medical Institutes. ——h cm vvmrg there Is hope for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the office or by mall. Thorough examination and careful diag nosis. A home treatment can be given in a majority of cases. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. 3 for Skin Diseases. All corre spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con fidential. Entire treatment sent free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, banks and business men. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 23 1-2 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA- GEORGIA —ALABAMA BUSINESS CBLLEGES, Macon, Ga v and Montgomery Ala. Only Chain of Business Colleges In The South. Instructions purely practical. Stu dents of each college con-luet Actual Business Transactions with those of the othei by Mail, Freight and Ex press. Four Departments—Commercial, Stenograph, Telegraph and Fen art. Pupils Guaranteed the comple tion of any cout se in less timeatless expense and more thoroughly than any other institution. Both colleges open the entire year. Graduates.assisled to positions. or full pa rticulars write to WYATT & MARTIN, Macon, Ga,, or Montgomery, Ala- GRAPE VINES FOR A ALE. Any one wanting grape vines, Concord or ives, call on B. F. Watkins, Vines at 1J cents each. Experience teaches that one acre in grapes will make more than five acres in cotton. So come and get the vines. Now is the time to set them. dec7-lm B. F. Watkins. NOTICE. lam working at Burford's old stand, one mile north of town. I will do good work cheap—for the money. I will be glad to do your shop work. I will shoe horses for sixty cents- Be sure to call to I see me Respectfully, 6-na L. M. Maston. December 18th. 1893. ' Soterilie low. The Largest Retail CLOTHIERS in the south. ( ONE PRICE TO . . MACON, . . I . . ATLANTA, . . t 552-554 Cherry Street. 39-41 Whitehall— 32-34 s * H faJtUm, tillap. , . ~°~ Jllililfl. nihlai An ihi ,„.. t# _ Ob"** 1 " iifktnOlEiiiiin SEJ ■lll KM)\Ulililllir, HUB Is one Business tliat ALL, Even lis fti petitors, ActooiMp is oil Absolute NECESSITY. IT FURNISHES Our merchants customers, our capitalists renters, our laborers work, our people Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, and Carts that will kill a mule to tear to pieces. IT FURNISHES Old Hickory and Tennessee Wagons in car lots and will have a ear fust of January. Our people can get Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips amt Lap Bobes at prices that can not be duplicated. IT FURNISHES The oldest and largest Guano dealer in town who handles nothing bin the best goods and wili bo amply stocked to supply his numerous from January 1, 1891. Respectfully, j;imi -v i, lan JJLCA RICHAEL hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh S3 AS SAFE A?JD HARMLESS AS JPXsxxc Seed 3PoxiXtio©. It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of -women. Arc; lady can use it herself Sold fcy ALG DRUGGISTS. Mailed to an? address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill & Go, 3 and 4 Panorama Place. Chicago, HI. For sale by DR. W L CAR MICIIA EL, JjkM all Skin ! AND LBlfO DnEAirS m. j ajtl is*' L** iic sk&ak ltfit sph St Physicians tndor&a i'. P. * . as ?. inl.'idld <o:”Lui ailca, ar.d prescribe It with ? r*t Wlitfccllnn for tho cates of ftll f Ttrs ■ind jvj ot P-Seci>;\ B<l TertUry PrV’ff 1 rtywiv.- j. jv* tr j=-a hhhhhhh by Quills Uyr ;t c ;Lumatisoi, bcrciuiouo Ijtceir hTKi Sore*,, Glrt.dulai- Svycllhigs, Malaria, o\,l toonli; Utcc-5 s-iits.; h&vo rcr .ied a 1 ! treatment, Catarrh, fa il Ft c CURES I |fe 9 M JtoMilj ekm DiSKueca, Ccitma, Chronic icimfie Coranimnta. r* eurlal Pclaou, Tetter, Scald Hoad, etc., etc. fry?* ?• I* a .t<xis l •, ana an excellent appetiser. hhhhhh buikl lug up the B>*s*en r&piiUy. Ladies who* a eysteiaf are end nho e blood Is *:* £P imynr? coudlt'-c^ i dao j£jens'tryra! IrrogvJr.riuc*. av? Wt i&i SS r Vila W C I @ i |ji C ** w *--< 1 II jfw fesr f|s ) 3 a Fif n f It 1 m*. him|l 1m j LO L* i2t © il isik £=&£ *L£ U. ii AJ* I peculiarly benefit id Ly the vendor mi t.nlc a. d"b?o'A^ cleansing properties of P. P. P., P/ickly A:b, Poke R?ot &nd Pt-fsinm. hhhhh LXPPHAX? EBGIL, Jraprhtori, ftrwreriats, Lippman’s Block, SAYAJ 5 AH, 6A. CAUTION.—If a dealer oilers W. ! Douglas Shoes at a reduced price, or sui lie has them without name stamped o bottom, put him down as a fraud. aSHf isai istlj ;|k . W. L. Doucla? j>n • BEST IN OriyEi THE WORLD W. D. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices vertised than any other make. Try one pair £ be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Dougl name and price on the bottom, which guarant their value, saves thousands of dollars annul to those who wear them. Dealers who push sale of \V. L. Douglas Shoes gam customs which helps to increase the sales on their full' of goods. They can afford to sell at a less pr< and we believe you can save money bv buying your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address, V/- DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mass. Sold KKavrig'S.'tTV.Ai-iiT' $50,000 IN PRIZES. WILL KM lUSTKMiITLD I AMONG NEW SUBSCRIBER! A prize certificate issued aud nui, bered in the same order as paij%/ scriptions are received will be iy \ - return mail. If not found satisfactoi return it and money will be refund™ I Send |1 50 for a year’s subscription once and secure one of the large pj-i> THE AMERICAN HO A/E J DU RN A *>l r<‘f*. ('hicii-r n