The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, January 25, 1894, Image 2

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THE ARGUS. I*. J.HARnOU Sc J.G. n< DO\ALD, Editors and Publ inhere. OF FJCJAL ORGAN 01 JACKSON. OFF ICIA L ORGAN OF BUTTh COUNTY. Entered at the Tout office at Jackson as second class mail matter. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. PUBLISHED EVERY THURBDAY. Jackioiit Ga.) January 2. 1894. ADVERTISING RATES. la>. 1 wk. 1 mo. 8 mos. 6 mos 1 yr. 1 .0 |1.25 $2.60 $4.00 SB.OO 2 1.00 2.25 4.50 7.00 11.50 8 1.60 8.25 0.60 11.00 16.00 4 1.76 4.00 7.50 12.50 21.00 icl 2.00 4.50 I 8.50 14.00 27.50 icl 4. 00 8.25'16.00 27.50 52.60 col. 7.00 15.00 I 80.00 66.00 100. BTAND TOGETHER. It democrats don’t like what Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle have done, or if they do like it, is no point on which to divide. The truth is, all differences should be settled at prima ries, as usual. To go off and yote for even a good thing, that is impossible to accom plish, Is equal to disfranchising your self. We do not doubt the honesty of people who differ with us, but we fail to see how a man can take a good second thought and then go to work in a way that he himself will say is not expedient, though he may think it right. All we Southern people are democrats and lot’s stand together. It is rumored that there wilt be three candidates in the field for gover nor. Already the papers ot the state have committed themselves one way or the other, and are pulling for their respective candidates. The Argus is for the best man. and we hope be will win, and if the best man is defeated we are still with him. We never give up until our man dies a natural death. As we have said before, if some of our capitalists would put up a few four room cottages in Jackson, they could be rented for a good price by the time they are completed; for houses are in demand here. A MAN’S LIVER, Them was a man once upon a time whose liver was out- of fix. And this man imagined that all the world was going wrong. Dark clouds hovered over the earth, the mutterings of distant thunder could be heard, through it all he saw no glimmering streaks of blue. The country was on the verge of a mighty precipice. He clamored for free silver, but when there was a prospect of getting it tie was dis gusted and said that it would not increase the circulation to any ben eficial extent. And when free silver got a backset he swore by all the gods that the country was ruined and would go to speedy destruction. He said the tariff must be re formed, and when it was reformed he said it was unjust; that bis own particular industry should baye been protected against foreign com petition. He saw death lurking in eyery flower. The gentle treeie that fan ned his pessimistic brow was but the harbenger ot a coming storm, and a little row at an election proved to him that discontent was abroad ia the land and would soon strike at the very foundation of the government. Without hope he •owed his seed in the furrow, as if he expected no harvest time and as though the following day would be the one of general doom. And all this because his liver was wrong. But soon after this his liver be gan to move about from side to side and finally get right side up with care. And oh, what a difference in the morning. Somehow or other the country looked as if she would weather it through. The precipice that he thought he saw was not such a deep one after all, and prob ably we might go over without hurt ing ourselves very seriously. Even the Hawaiian question did not alarm him to any extent; he said it would adjust itself all right and the negro woman ceuld take care ot herself. When they talked to him about silver and the tariff and all of these things, hs eaid the tariff bed and, that he was going to raise plenty of provisions and ge to woik on his farm to make it self sustaining. The dark clouds disappeared, the distant mutteringa were heard no more, he saw overhead the smiling blue of heaven, and-—the country was saved! And all of this on account sf his liysr. INCOME TAX BILL. For the benefit of our readers who d° not fully understand the Income Tax Rill, the Aegfs publishes it below in full, it is a very important measure, and should be fully understood by every citizen of our community: The income tax bill as approved by the democratic members of the ways and means committee, was laid before the full I committee at J/onday’s meeting. It was read in part but the committee adjourned before the reading was finished. The bill provides & tax of two per cent upon all incomes of citizens of the United States, either at home or abroad, from any kinds of property, rents, interest, div idends or salaries on all amounts over and above $4,000. The bill goes into effect January Ist, 1895. In estimating incomes there shall be in cluding notes, bonds and other sucurities, except such United States bonds as are ex empt from federal taxation. The tax is laid on profits realized within the year fiom sales of real estate pur chased within the year or within two years previous to the year for which the income is estimated; alse on sales of live Btock and from products generally. In addition to the $4,000 exemption, all national, state, and county taxes paid within the yeai, losses sustained by fires, shipwrecks and other causes not covered by insurance and compensated for and worthless will bo de ducted. Avery person having an income exceed ing $3,500 shall make a return to the dep uty collector of his district of the amount of his income. FIVE PER CENT PENALTY. The tax shall be collected on or before the first day ef each July, and in addition al to tax of five per cent shall be laid on payment after that date, and interest at the rat# of one per cent a month upon the amount of the tax. Section. 11 relatea te corporations. It requires them to make returns before the 10th day of the month following the de claration of dividend, under an oa'h by a principal officer. Section 12 requires corporations to fur nish, beginning with 1895, on or before the first Monday in each year, a state ment showing the gross profits, expenses, including interest, annuities, and dividends, not profits without allowance for same, amount paid on account of inteiest, annui ties and dividends, amounts paid for sala ries of employes above and below $4,000. Section 14 levies taxes upon corporation dividends, interest coupons and annuities wherever and whenever payable to all par ties whatsoever. A corporation may de duct or retain from all payments made on acccount of such dividends, etc., a propor tionate share of tax so paid. WONDERS OF THE WORLD’S Fair. Many of our citizens went to Chi cago from this section, but if they saw any of the following things at the Fair they forgot to call and tell us about it. And we would be glad they would correct this, if the things below were not there, why say so : A 26 ton block of coal. A nugget worth $41,883. Tree 26 feet in diameter. A handsaw 240 feet long. Some 1,500 year old corn. Tea worth $175 a pound. A steel ingot worth $2,250, A 30,000 pound block of salt. A skycicle or flying machine. A horse model costing $5,000. A 12 ton lump of crystal alurn. An ammonia street car engine. Chickens hatched by electricity. A shawl containing 24000 stitches. Pearl nscklace valued at SIOO,OOO. Log 42 inches square and 41 feet long. A set of 20 stamps valued at SSOO each. The Washington monument in coins. A krupp gun that shoots 20 miles. A gold nugget that weighs 3.030 ounces. An elephant tusk weighing 150 pounds. An $8,750 microscope from Mu nich. A 52-ton gun with 1,000 pound projectiles. A fountain that squirted Califor nia wine. A silver statue weighing two and one-halt tons Smallest watch—less than a half inch in diameter. Kate glass 148 inches by 214 largest in America, A watch with two faces which gives the time in the various cities of the world, contains a thermome.- ter and a perpetual calendar. Glass bricks, a golden chair, a $16,000 clock, a $25,000 organ, an SBO,OOO clock, a $1,500 music box, a SI,OOO arm chair, a S3OO Panama hat, microbe incubators, a $2,500 glass dress, electiical engraving, lace at SI,OOO a yard, a 107 toa loco mative, a buffalo in allabaster, a palace built of corn, milking by machinery, a span glass umbrella, foot gear ot 1,500 sorts, a steam mocking bird. Remember th&i our arrangements to club The Argus and Constitutien for $1.25 is limited, and you should not miss this rare opportunity to got two papers for so small a price. CORRESPONDENCE. [We are in no wise responsible for the views expressed by our correspon dents, be be Democrat, Republican, People’s Party, or Prohibitionist; but we are responsible for all on our edi torial page uucredited and without signatures.]— Eds. JUST FROM JENKIN3BURG. Things are loomin’ up in Georgia, An’ we’re gwin ter have some fun; Tht boys don't tickler want the office, But their friends just made ’em run. An’ that songster up in Billville With his six or more of votes, Can just warble, warble, warble, For the boys will furnish—notss. 8o the modest little Flovilla Enter prise is no moro—such a pity that it didn’t die decently. And Jack the Populist, et. al., are going to hoist the Headlight flag are they? lean see, without half trying, wherein it’s go ing to be light, but “ye little gods and lesser fishes,” who’s goiig to furnish the head? “national Headlight,— that ruakesme tbiuk of the little bow leged son of Ham sporting the name of George Washington. At a called meeting of the Jeukin6- burg council a resolution was passed authorizing the mayor to appoint a committee to wait on Mr. J. H. Mc- Callum and ask him not to laugh quite so loud, as it disturbs the peaca and good order of our town. We notice that the Henry County Weekly has come out squarely against Gen. Evans for governor. It is net often that Brother Fouche gets on the wrong track and we aro coufident that if he will only Hant around a bit he will discover this to be another J. Andrew “scrape,” and will stand from under. We happened to notice a man walk ing up (he railroad from the direction of Macon one day last week, and tak ing him to be a fair specimen of the genuine Hobo, we hailed him intend ing to gel the latest from the Corbett- Mitchell side show at Jacksonville, but we were very muchly mistaken, our tramp proved to be Col. Ed Rea gan, the genial representative of Henry. We were very much abashed but mustered up sufficient courage to ask if the East Tennessee didn’t recog nize passes these days. The Colonel evidently wanted to count no quorum on me for he ignored the question en tirely and exclaimed : “Say, lam a walker didn’t you know it ? lam go ing t© McDonough at the rate of three miles an hour and by the time live nexl race for congressman comes off i >U O OVU, X lid gUllJg LU IJB rUdJUiUg lake a ‘skeerd’ rabbit.” We started to call for the previous question, but he moved for an adjournment and the last wesaw of him he was “counting crossties” like an old vet. Harry Hill is as bad as the French man’s flea. It’s a case of uow you see hiua ; now you don’t. THE GUBERNATORIAL SITUA TION. As it now stands, Evans and Atkin son are running neck and neck in these woods, and on issues identically the same. One has a war record, and the other is relying on the services he has done the democratic party in the past; both are confident they wiil be elected, and the only difference in the two men ie their popularity and pres tige. Either of them is capable and deserving of the office, and undoubt edly would faithfully serve the neo pleif elected. There are other men in Georgia equally as suited to wield the affairs of our state in as satisfac tory manner, and inasmuch as there are no issues at stake, we would sug gest that a few more good men come out and announce themselves just to make things lively. This contest promises to be too tame an affair, and as this is a free country with but few restrictions, we cau see no reason why the political aspirations of some dozen or more good candidates could not be gratified by their coming into the race and awaiting the “round up.” MUST WEAR THE STRIPES. The convicts of the state peniten tiary must wear the stripes. The re cent frolic of Beresford, caused the following order to bo issued this morning by Colonel George Jones, principal keeper of the penitentiary. It has been sent to the captain of every camp in tho state: Dear Sir: Owing to recent disturb ances caused by the escape of Bers fordfrom the convict camp located at Kramer, this state, and incident there to. It is Ordered, that all convicts now in the penitentiary, and those hereafter received, shall uniformly be clothed in regulation striped goods during their term of service therein. Given under my hand and seal of office, the day and year last written. Geo. H. Jones, P. K. P. CONTRACTORS NOTICE. Any person wanting first-class work, by a workman of 20 years experience in stone or brink, such as darns built, blasting, where dyna mite is used, or in all such work as rock houses or piers. Call on G. W. Watkins, DsoX-lyr Jackson, Ga. AND- STILL - THE Hew York Store LEADS •: THE 7 VM While Others Follow in Vain. In In Mb ail Matin Sajjiss! We have stacks of them, and still they come by the car loads Boagiit with the Spot Cash m now taw ii M One Thousand barrels Flour, Two Thousand bushels Corn. # One Thousand bushels Texas Rust Proof Oats. J One Hundred bbls. N. One Hundred barrels Sugar. Two Hundred boxes Tobacco. Thirty Thousand pounds Meat. Big assortment farm implements. All we ask is a cliance at your bill, and w r e will fignro to vour interest and don’t you forget it. Thanking ail for past favors and earnestly soliciting a continuance of the same, we are Yours truly, : THE CARMICHAEL CO. - . DISEASEsI^OpT* H 5 ■•TO WOMEN!? M Have used and recommended it to my friends. All derived great benefit from its use. Mrs. Matilda Larson, Peoria, 111. Best remedy I have ever used for irregular menstruation. Mrs. G. Jett, November, 1888. Selma, Col. I have suffered a great deal from Female Troubles, and think I am completely cured by Bradfield’s Female Regulator. Mrs. Emma F. Sword, Mansfield, O. Book “To Woman” mailed free. BRAOFIELD REGULATOR GO., Nor sale by all Druggists. Atlanta, ga. NOTICE. lam working at Burford's old stand, ona mile north of town. I will do good work cheap—for the money. I will be glad to do your shop work. I will shoe horses for sixty cents* Be sure to call to ■ee me /Respectfully, 6-m L. M. M aston. December 18th, 1893. DR. HATHAWAY & CO., (Regular Graduate*.) Are the leading and most successful specialists and will give you help. die aged men. Remarkable re ■BF \ suits have fellow s' \ ed our treatment. wt> aifc iTfrT Many years of NBEajaS varied and success ful experience In the use of cura- Al tlve methods that we aloneownand control for all dis i. orders of men who ; have weak, unde or dls- Iggllllljpteased organa, or r M §Sa|ggtwho are suffering MV • errors of E*n*>' T^ , *’"''l^gsv-issflHvo u 'h and exee-s _^r “? — mvrWwW’ ~T who or-.- r* rv.m • Htgfßa i 1 I Malßgpffi-and Impotent, {■nH 1 . 5 fidlhe scorn ot their t t i eliows and the I 'contempt of their friends and com panlons, leads ns to guarantee to all patients. If they can possibly be restored, our own exclusive treatment will afford a cure. WOMEN! Don’t you want to get cured of that weakness with a treatment that you can use at home without Instruments? Our wonderful treat ment has cured others. Why not you? Try it. CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. STPHIEIS— The most rapid, safe and effective remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. SKIN DISEASES of all kinds cured where many others have failed. tTVATTRAL DISCHARGES promptly cured in a few days. Quick, sure and safe. This Includes Gleet and Gonorhcea. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that have failed to get cured at the hands of other special ists and medical Institutes. urwrUßru that there Is hope for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain oar treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate price*—as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the office or by mall. Thorough examination and careful diag nosis. A home treatment can be given In a majority of cases. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. Bfor Skin Diseases. All corre spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con fidential. Entire treatment sent free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, banks and business men. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., aa i-a South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA, GEORGIA—ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGES. Macon , and Montgomery , Ala. Only Chain of Business Colleges In The South. Instructions purely practical. Stu dents of each college conduct Actual Business Transactions with those of the othei by Mail, Freight and Ex press. Four Departments—Commercial, Stenograph, Telegraph and Pen art. Pupils Guaranteed the comple tion of any couise in less time at lees expense and more thoroughly than any other institution. Both colleges open the entire year. Graduates assisted to positions, or full pa rticulars write to WYATT & MARTIN, Macon, Ga„ or Montgomery, Ala' Oil Postage Stasias WANTED. Will pay from 50c. to SSO each for the •tamps issued by different Southern cities in 1861 before the regular stamps of the Confederate States were supplied to the Southern Post Officeß. Stamps issued in 1845 from Mew York, Millbury, Mass., Brattleborro, Vt„ New Karen, Conn., At. Louis, Mo., and Providence, R, 1„ and by private companies in the U- S. before the regular stamps of the U. 8. were issued. Will pay from 25c to SSO each. Zt is important that these stamps should be kept on the original envelope. Many for eign and U. 8. stamps not mentioned are worth as high as one hundred dollars each. Zook up your old letters at once. Will also purchase coins, Confederate and U. S, flags, banners and relics identified with prominent persons and events. Address. JACKSON ARGUS. The Largest Retail CLOTHIERS in the South. ( ONE PRICE TO ALL.-' . . MACON, .."7 77 ATLANTA, . . 552-554 Cherry Street. 39-4* Whitehall— 32-34 S. Broad. jl LII, | Jackson Ga I South of Dempsey IBifP* 1 ® 1 {—— }jACKSONGA Is one Business tat ALL Era Its Coi petitors, Aclaiowleto is aa Halt NECESSITY, IT FURNISHES Our merchants customers, our capitalists renters, our laborers work, our people Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, and Carts that will kill a mule to tear to pieces. IT FURNISHES Old Hickory and Tennessee Wagons in car lots and will have a car fugi of January. Our people can gel Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips and LaJ Robes at prices that can not be duplicated. IT FURNISHES The oldest and largest Guano dealer in town who handles nothing bu the best goods and wili be amply stocked to supply his numerous customers from January 1, 1894. Respectfully, is 4 • J. fh CARMICHAEL. 53 AS SAFE AMD HARMLESS AS S©©cX. Potaltic©, rfght to tbs . Any addreaa on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill <Ss 00., 3 and 4 Panorama Place. Chicago, HI. For sale by DR. W L CARMICHAEL, OJRES ALiFkSj 1 AND "fhjsidnus 'endorse P. i\ ?,"m a " acd prescribe it with great satisiactioa for the eurss of all fiiroia au-j of Primary* F#*condarv ami Tertiary hhhhh ftypliliii, byptJUSs irtheuaiatiam. artel Hczfi, <slanaular Swellings, Raeumatlsm, Malaria, old Chromic Ulcart that have resitted all treatment, Catonll, CORES I $ s © I ® K&uy j i OiSy ißkiulnscnce*, LcSSo S, t; hronTc '"SSnui 1a enrlal Poison, Tetter, Scaid H*ad, etc., eto. fr. j ß * M an eycsßrat appatlaer. hhhhh frpfne sy/teai raptoiy. “* Ladies whose systems ere poisoned and whesa blood is in an laufrura ccndiHoa, dee to menstrual irrecularlsiss. are 10 £I j l ILA Kli 1 BfCuliarlybeuSied by tbs s*>d b'itod-" iLswir,* prop.rtiss of P. P. P., PrLhly Adi, Pok dwt m3 i’otwrfam. hhhh imws 3£oi., fceprutsn, ■fcwtgteu, lippinaa’f Block, SAVAI EAR, 44. CAUTION.—If a dealer offers W. L, Douglas Shoes at a reduced price, or say* he has them without name stamped on bottom, put him down as a fraud. isjyitesr W. L. Douglas ffiQ BEST IN &0 Ont/C THE WORLD. W. Jj. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit. ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money bv buying ail your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address, W. L* DOCGLA& Brockton. Mass. Soidr DR- J. W CRUM. $50,000 IN PRIZES. WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG NEW SUBSCRIBERS. A prize certificate issued and num beredinthe same order as_paid sutv* scriptions are received will be "gent by return mail. If not found BatisfadOS& return it and money will be refunded. Send $1.50 for a year’s ifibscription at once and secure one of the large prizes. THE AMERICAN HOJ/E JOURNAL, 358 Dearborn Street. rhiceo.