The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, February 08, 1894, Image 4

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THEAROUS. is. J. II Alt HON A J, nrDOH.UD. Edilor* and Publisher*. oh fi ICI A L OROA XOIJA ( KSON. Oh h ICIA L OROA XOh R UTT6 CO L'NTY. Entered at the Rost oj.ce at Jackson at seeond class mail matter. ON K DOLLAR PER ANNUM. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Jackkon, (•., February s 1894. ADVERTISING RA'IES. Ins. 1 \vk. 1 mo. 3 mos. 6 .nos 1 yr. 1 I .00 | $1.25 | $2.56 *4.00 $6.00 2 | 1.00 | 2.25 | 4.50 7.00 11 50 3 j 1.50 ( 3.25 | 6.50 11.00 16.00 4 | 1.75 j 4.00 7.50 12.50 21.00 icl j 2.00 | 4.50 • 8.50 14 00 27.50 icl | 4. 00 | 8.25 1 15.00 27.50 52.50 col. I 7.60 i Jo.oo I 30.00 55 00 100. £©eeif® items. Misses Hattie and Mamie Buttrill, after a pleasant visit to friends in Haw kinsville, have returned home, Car load of Tennessee Horses and mares to arriye first of next week. J. J. Thornton. Mrs. B. C, Iloltzclaw, of Perry, visited her sister Mrs. Morgan this week. Miss Glenn, of Atlanta, after a pleas ant visit to Miss Annie Jackson at the Morrison House, returned to her home Saturday. Go to the City Grocery lor jellies, Olives, and Mince Meat and other tilings too numerous to mention. Mrs. J. 11. Bullard, of Maolien, spent last |week with lief sister Mrs. E. E. Pound, on third straet. Mr. D. J. Thaxton spent Saturday with home folks. Misses Amanda Varner and Irene Eld er, of Indian Spring, spent Saturday in the city. Candy, Candy, until you can’t rest at the City Grocery. Professor Buttrill, of Finohsrville, and N. H. Ball, visited Indian Spring, Satur day afternoon. Times are “mity v hard, but the City Grocery will sell you good To baeco at 25c a pound. Mrs, J. W. Burke, of Macon, is visiting Mrs. J. W. Crum, o* cornsr of Third and Churuh streets. Miss Woodward, of Jsnkinsburg, is visiting Martha Jane Csrmichael on First strest. Carry your watch to Hanes and have it cleaned. “ Our photographer Bays he don’t know bo much about moving his callery to Jenkinsburg, but he thinks our Junior editor will move his paper out in the vi cinity of Stark —a young lady has re moved thither. Everything at rock bottom prices in the way of Can Goods, at the City Grocery. Mr. Guss Webb and family, of Newton county have moved to their new home on College street. Go to Hanes, the Jeweler, for watches Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spec tacles—Prices to suit the times. Mr. Shine Smith spent a part of iast week with his brother Charlie. Mrs. Y. A. Wright and Mrs. A. G. Hitohins visited Atlanta last wsek. Rev. and Mrs. Bell visited friends in Jenkinßburg this week. Suppose Jackson organizes a musical olub. Let’s hear from the talented. New Clothing at the White Store. Mr. Lamar Pound, spent Saturday with his family in this city. The many friends of Mrs. Sarah Ethe ridge will be glad to know of her recov ery. Thompson Bros, the White Store. Mr. John Mohrliard and daughter, Mre. O. A. Pound, have returned to their home in Michigan. Miss Clyde McCallum, lias returned heme after a pieasaut visit to Seney. New Goods at the White Store. Messrs R. L. and 11. L. Daugtry, spent Saturday in Maeoa, visiting their moth er. Buy your Shoes, Hats and Cloth ing from Mack Barfield at the White Stcre. While a gentleman was eating some cheese and crackers at Mr. Gunn's store one day this week, Joha McCallum stepped in and ventured the assertion that the council would tax him $5 for running a restaurant. .The city grocery sells the cricket cigar—hand made. Wonder if that poor fellow who walk ed all over town one night this w eek, looking for a candy pulling, has found it yet. • Event! Bros. Shoes at the White Store. * A few more enterprises such as a cut ton- factory, or anything giving employ ment to labor would greatly benefit our city. R. and G. Corsets at the White Store. Go to the Ci‘y Grocery for Fruits and Vegetables of all kiads. “Cousin” ./abe Ilolifield shot tw* hawks | Tuesday that measured six teet irom tip ! to tip. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired by Hanes, the Jeweler. First-class work at reasonable prices. Professor Blasmgame is happy over the , fine progress being made by 250 pupils in ! attendance at the Institute. The school is I thorougholy systematized and one of the i first in the state. One more year with I Mr. Blasiugame at the helm, and there is no estimating the strides that will be ac complished iu learning in our own town, and the childien are all at home with par ents at night. By request all Evans men will please meet at the court house Sat urday the 10th inst., for the pur pose of organizing an Evans club. Leaye your orders with the City Grocery for Groceries of all kinds. All goods delivered at your door free of charge. STREET TAX NOTICE- The books arc now open for receiving street tax, which are now due Those subject are requested to pay same at once, Feb. 7th. J L. Lyons, C. T. R. and C. Office. Western Union Telegjaph Cos. Fine young horse, well broken, for saie cheap, lor the cash. Call at Carmichael’s wood shop. HIT IN THEDARK. Mr. John Thompson, who lives in the edge of town, was called up last night at 3 o’clock, and when be went to the door someone gave him a blow’ on the eye, which laid him out unconscious for some time. When he recovered he put his dog on trail and the dog went to a negro houst, ext door to Thompson’s and stop* pad. The cause and the guilty party are alike uuknown. Stanley Shirts at. the White S. ore. TAG YOUR D OO. AW dogs in the city of Jackson ate sub ject to a tax of sl, and if not properly tagged they will be impounded for 24 1 iouis and if not then claimed will be killed by the marshal. The tag can be bad at my office. M. M. Mills.. Clerk- Jackson, Ga., February 8, 1894. Thompson Bros, the White Store. Air. R. L. Daughtry leaves in two wetks for New York The stock of dry goods that he put in last spring surpassed any thing heretofore seen in these parts, and he said he is go ing to buy a lots of goods this trip that will out strip any thing he has attained to in the past in quantity quality and Prices. His customers may expect something nice for his experience qualifies him to cope with the best in the land, when it comes to buying goods. Hello friend, where did you get that fine cigar? I bought it at the city grocery. They are the best cigars in town for the money. Go to the city grocery for fine Hams, Breakfast Bacon, etc. Thompson Bros, the White Store. KINARD'S MILLS. Tbeie wheat and corn mills, run by wa ter and situated atTowaliga, Ga., are in a splendidly equipped condition, and can grind ftorn 60 to 90 bushels of grain per day. So you need not be delayed long if you patronize these mills. Besides the courteous and accommodating miller, Mr. J. C. Moore, always keeps on hand fresh ground meal to exclianglie lor corn with those of his customers who do not wish to be delayed at all Meal and flour on hand at all times for sale at market price for cash. lour patronage to the mill is respect fully solicited. J. K. CA.KMICHAKL,^dm’r. February 8, 1894. 1 m Sewing Machines, needles, and attach ments. See me before you buy. Domestic /Sewing Machine at $25.00. New Home “ “ “ $22.00. Favorite “ “ “ $18.50. Singer L. A. “ “ “ $20.00. Singer 11. A. “ “ $25,00. A. G. llitcuins. Jackson, Ga. , Feb. 8, 1894, 4-t SSO TO $75 FOR $25. This May /Sound Odd, but it is Neverthe less sTrue In this eminently progressive age, the education of no young man, no matter what his intended avocation, can be regar ded as fully qualifying him for success unless he possesses a business training. Where to get that of the most practical character most quickly and cheaply is the question. This paper ventures nothing in saying that investigation will prove the Ga.—Ala. Bnsiness College of Macon, Ga. to be the very institution. J/any young men in six to ten weeks, at an expense of from S2O to S3U, have recently finished bookkeeping, telegraphy or shorthand there, and, in spite of the ahrd times, immediately stepped into positions pa)ing from SSO to $75 per month, 2Tiere is usually a disposition to wait and begin with the Aew Fear; but if a business education is of any value at all, the quicker it is gotten, the more valuable it is, and by writing to the principals, Messrs. Wyatt & Martin, itfacon, Ga., at once, much better terms can be had than by waiting until later on. Placed six graduates last week. THE COUNCIL. Some people are laboring under the impression that the present council has a desire to raise a large amount ot money, or in other words, it is a coun cil for revenue only. Whereas, the fact is that they do not anticipate any emergency or special reeds for more money than has usuall' been raised by former councils, and they do not intend nor desire to collect more money than has usually been secured by license, except, perhaps, an insig nificant sum in keeping with the prog ress and growth of the city. Not, however, iu proportion to its growth, for in that case the neeces9ity tor funds would nearly double but a stun to keep the city with a re spectable bank account. The whole object of the council is to so regulate the business of the place as that every man will be encouraged to concentrate all his money and en ergies in one special line, and then make every house a first class one in its line. For it there was but one or two firms io town dealing in any par ticularline they would be first class, and if there were twenty in the same line, and made it a specialty they would al! be first class. Now, it this is the object of the council to make the town better, it is certainly a iaudalle one and will be endorsed by every citizen. It is true that we have some business houses equal to those to he found in Atlanta, or any other city, but that is no rea son why we should net, improve. The charter says very explicitly that no one business can be taxed more than $25.00, and no matter what construc tion may be placed upon the ordi nances, we do not believe the council will supersede the bounds set apart and defined by the fundamental law ot the city, and no one will be hurt by the ordinances when they are con strued equitably. It under a strict construction the agglegate of funds raised bv the li cense would be $4,000, and we did not need but SI,OOO, the 25 per cent would be collected, or if a man’s tax was SIOO twenty-five would pay it. We mean to say the end sought is all right iu our judgment, but the plan the couiTcil lias fallen upon, we ven ture no opinion for it seems that the majority of business men difler with the council and wa would not be 60 egotistic as to set up our opinion against the men who have made this the best town In this country, and un der a different plan. ONLY $1 25—GAZE ON THIS. We call special attention to our elubbing arrangement with the great southern weekly, the Atlanta Consti tution, which enables us to offer both papers for the remarkably low sum of $1.25 a year. The first duty of every good citizen is to patronize his home paper. He wishes to become thor oughly conversant with his county matters, and only through his home paper can lie expect to be supplied with the current county news, which is ot the closest interest to him. After he has provided himself with his home paper his next, consideration of those who are not within easy reach of a first-class daily newspaper should be to select a first-class weekly newspaper supplying all the general news ot the world, and paying special attention to features which are of par ticular interest to the household and the farm. Just such a paper is The Weekly Constitution, published at .Atlanta, Ga., and having a circulation of 156,000 copies a week, the largest of anv weekly newspaper published in America, It is essentially a farmer’s paper and stands at the head of the weekly press of this country. Its agricultural department alone is worth the subscription price of the paper, while it numbers among its contributors such well known names as Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Joel Chandler Harris, Sarge Plunkett, Bill Arp, and a host of others, whose rep utations are world wide. Its women and childieu’s departments are pre pared with a special view to please the little folks and the women, and its news columns literally cover the face of the earth. We aie enabled to oiler both papers at practically the price of oif, and we will take great pleasure in forwarding to The Constitution any names sent us iu connection with our clubbing offer at the remarkably low price above given. ABSOLUTELY FREE. A Business Education to Some Worthy Boy or Girl. This is no advertising, scheme, hut a plain, simple statement of facts. Within tne next thirty days, the Georgia-A1 ibama Business col lege proposes to give to-one worthy ambitious boy or girl, in tach coun ty of the an unlimited schol arship, entitling the h lder to the full course in the Book keeping Shorthand, Teiepraph or Pen-art department, without further ex pense. The award will be made on the ground rft' merit ; and we would like to rear at once from every boy and girl who desires to secure this valu able scholarship. Address all correspondence to Wyatt & Martin, Macon, Ga. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS! All copy for new advertisements, and copy for change of ads. must be in the office by Monday of each week, to assuie their appearance in the following issue. This is positive, as we are always crowded with-eopy and must have ample time to get it up. Please bear this in mind and ave a few hard feelings.—[Em. How does this strike you ?JOfITTHE Argus and The Weekly Constitution one year for only $1 25. Our offer to give the Weekly Constitu - tiou and the Argus oue year for only $1.25 will last but a few days longer, so now is the time to avail yourself of the opponunity N(TITLE. We-, the undersigned members of the firm of Fennell, Thompson &Cos , agree to place in the hands of Anderson & Curry for collection all uncollected notes, mortgages, and open accounts of Fennell, Thompson & Cos. C. G. Fennell, W. G, Thompson, S. FI. Morgan, M. G. Barfield. J. G. Thompson, C. N. P. Jackson, Ga., Jan. 25, 1894. To my friends and customers You will see from above that I aud my partners have agreed to place all notes, mortgages and accounts in the hands of Ander son & Curry for collectic n, as I will not be here to look after t hem. I trust yon will pay them promptly when called upon. Thanking you fur the liberal patronage given me during my stay iu Jackson, and trusting that at sometime in the future, you will still give me your pat ronage. I am yours anxious to please, C. G. Fennell. GEORGIA—ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGES, Macon, #a., and Montgomery Ala. Only Chain of Business Colleges In The South. Instructions purely practical. Stu dents of each college con luct Actual Business Transactions with those of the othei by Mail, Freight and Ex press. Four Departments—Commercial, Stenograph, Telegraph and Pen art. Pupils Guaranteed the comple tion of any coinse in less time at less expense and more thoroughly than any other institution. Both colleges open the entire year. Graduates assisted to positions, or full particulars write to WYATT & MARTIN, Macon, Ga,, or Montgomery, Ala* CONTRACTORS NOTICE. Any person wanting first-class work, by a workman of 20 years experience in stone or brbk, such as dams built, blasting, where dyna mite is used, or in all such, work as ock houses or piers, Call on G. W. Watkins, Decl-lyr Jackson, Ga. Remember that our arrangements to club The Argus and Constitution far $1.25 is limited, and you should not miss this rare opportunity to get two papers for so small a pree. Don’t take internal remedies for Female Diseases. Common sense requires a direct applica tion Lke “Orange Blossom.” Sold by W. L. Carmichael. NOTICE. GEORGIA —Butts Comity. Beginning Ist day of January, 1894, all cost* due by executors, administrators or guardians, and all costs due in cases tried before and under and by virtue of the sev eral statutes of this state must be paid when workis done, or judgement entered. J. F. Car high AST,, Ordinary. j Pectoral TNE BEST EMERGENCY MEDICINE FOB THE CURE OF Croup, Whooping Cough, LaGrippe, Qolds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, AND THE VARIOUS Throat and Lung Troubles Threatening Every Household. Prompt to act, sure to cure mARCH SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA— Butts County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in Jackson, said countjy on the first Tuesday in J/arch next, within the legal sale hours, for cash, the following de scribed property to wit: One bay mare mule 12 years old named Kit; also one two-horse wagon, Tennessee make; also one hundred bushe.s of corn, more or less, fifteen hundred pounds of fodder, more or less. .Levied on as the property of J. R. J/cGougb, by virtue of and to satisfy four fifas. Three issued from the county court of Butts county. One in favor of the Carmichael Cos. against J, R. McGough; one in favor of R. C. Brown, executor of Arch Prowu, deceased, against J. R. Mc- Gougb; one in favor of W. T. McG'ongh against J. R. McGough; also one issued from the justice court of the 615 district, G. M , said county, in favor of J. E. Bankston & Son against J. R. McGough, Property pointed out in fifas. /Said J. R. Me Gough iu possession at the time of levy. This, Jan. 26, 1894. J. O. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. C. A Iso at the same time and place the fol lowing property to wit: 3,000 pounds of seed cotton, more or leso; also one two horse wagon, iron axle, made by J. R, Carmichael Levied on as the property of Ann Raglin by virtue of an execution is sued from the county court, of Butts county, February term, 1893, in favor of Duke, Wright & Cos. against .4nn Raglin This, Jan. 30, 1894. J, O. Beauchamp, Sheifff B. C. Also at the same time and place the following described propertj to wit: One three room house and lot, situated in the town of Jenkinsburg, Butts county, Geor gia, said let containing one half acre of land, and bounded as follows: East by lands of Mrs. Sarah itankston, North by lands of R. A. Woodward, West by lands of M. L. Harris, and south by lands of G. E. Harmon. Levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. Rebecca Harris, by virtue of and to satisfy one execution issued from the justice court of 615th district G. M., Butts county, Ga., in favor of The Carmichael Company against Mrs. Rebeca Harris. Property pointed out by plaintiff, lenant in pos session given written notice. Levy made by Y. Tliaxton, L. <?., 613th district G. M., said county, and turned over to me to advertise. This, Jan. 30, 1894. J. O. Beauchamp. * Sheriff, B. C. Also, at the same time and place, the following described property: The Wig wam Hotel and fixtures; said Wigwam Ho tel situated at Indian Springs, Butts county Georgia; levied on as the property of the Wigwam Hotel Cos. by viitue and to sat isfy one tax execution issued by T. J. Cole, tax collector of Butts county, for the year 1893, in favor of the state of Georgia and county of Butts against the Wigwam Co, Tenant in possession given written notice. Levy made by J B. Brooks, L. C. Indian Springs Dist. G. M , Butts county, Georgia, and turned over to me to be advertised. 2 his Feb. 1, 1894. J, o. Beauchamp. Also at the same time and place the fol lowing described property towit* One house and lot situated near Pepper Town in Butts county, Ga., one mile east of Jackson. Said lot containing one half acre of land and bsunded as fellows: North by Fj. T. V. &G. railroad, west by the Carolin* Cardwell lot, south by lands formerly owned by Gen. Darden, and east by lands of the estate of A. Me Watkins, deceased. Levied on as the property of Tildy Bell, by virtue of one execution issued from the justice court of the 612 district O. M., said state and county, in favor of G. W. Allen against Tildy Bell. Property point ed out by plaintiff in tifa. tenant in possession given written noiice- Levy made by J. E. Price, L. C. 612 district O. M., said county, February 6, 1894, and turned over to me to advertise and sell. This, Feb. 6, 1894* J. O. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. C- CITATION. GEORGIA—Butts County. Whereas, B. L. Deason represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ad ministered I,aura O. Deason’s estate. This is, therefore to cit* all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to how cause, if any they can, why said admin istrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1894, J. F., Ordinary. Jan. 25, 1892. 3m. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS. GEOAGIA—Butts County. Notice is hereby given to ali persons having demands against E. 8. Wynn. late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indeb'ed to said deceased are hersiy re quired to make immediate payment to me. J. H Carmichael, Adoa’r. of JE. 8. Wynn. GEORGIA—jButts County. Aotice is hereby given to all persons having demands against F. M. Weaver, late of said county, deceased to present them to me properly made ont, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all per sons indebted to said deeased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. Aamaxtha M. Wbavbb, 6t Adm’rtrix. of F. M. Weaver. HAVE . YOUR BUGGIES BUILT AT The Jackson Carriage /’actor?. Where you can get the best buti r P i Ii , IBTTTr Old Hickory, Tennessee, Mill.■arn I , ,p , Wagons at The Jackson Carriaav 1 HAVE Your repair work well and substantial ;y and >:■ 1C Jackson Carriage Factory. IB’CHZ' Your Buggy a °d Wagon Harness of all kinds, buddies Bridles, Whips, Winter Lap-Kobes, etc., at The .Jackson Carriage Factory. HAVE Your horses shod at The Jackson Carriage Fact. \ bv the best shoer in town, at 65 cents cash. ißTry Your Guano of J. U. Carnrchael at the -Jackson, o m age Factory, where you can get a selection oi many of the very best brands in the market. Respectfully, J ft.Carmicha.el, Jackson, Ga. FANCY GROCERIES i GILMORE & HENCELY, May’s Block, Next Door to Livery Stable on 3d Street. Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and tbe la in? are especially invited to call on us. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly tilk : ii a business-like manner. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade ami we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga , Eeb 8 ] G GEORGIA —Butts County. Whereas, J. O. Beauchamp administra tor, de bonua non of John .Beauchamp, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record that he has fuily administered John .Beauchamp’s estate. Thu is. therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any thiy can, why said ad ministrater should not be discharged from hia administration and receive letters of dismission on the first J/onday in May, 1894. J. F. Carmichael 3-ro Ordinary. February 8, 1894. JHpl BLOSSOM Is as safe and harmless as a flax seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom" is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J .A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111, McElret’s Wine of Cardui and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Butts county. J. W. Lee A Son, Jackson, Almond a Moon, Jackson, R. G. Bryans A Cos, Jackson, W. L, Carmichael, Jackson, .A. Wright Indian Spring, A. F, White A Cos. Flovilla, J. G. Kimbell, Jenkinsburg, M. Cain, Towaliga, D, J. A F. M. Kinard, Towaliga G. L. Washington, Worthville. ULCERS, nNX cancers, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, V RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. these and every kindred disease arising from impure blood successfully treated by that never-failing best of all tonics and medicines. Swifts Specific SSK Bocks on Blood and Skin \ Diseases free. Printed testimonials sent on application. Address ** Swift Specific Cos., Vv 1 ATLANTA, QA. I Advice to Womeit If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, "Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD’S 1 FEMALE REGULATOR CARTERSVILX.E, April 26,1886. This will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for years irom Menstrual Irregularity, being treated without benefit by physicians, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Bradileld’a Female Regulator. Its effect is truly wonderful. J. W. Strange. Book to " WOMAN ” mailed FREE, which contains valuable information on all female diseases. BRADFI ELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. JSOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST S Take , Fofit ( M foSTIVEKESS dyspepsia / H, r Wi M , Sick or Indigestion j Bii/oi/sif£Ss\ )Jaundice Sourness oss of Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature orM.A.THEDFQRn-ON FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thecp-ord Meg.S' } DR. HATHAWAY fe CO (Eeffular Grudaatek.) Arc the leading and mo : ar.ccessfulsocialist■ and will give you help. die a men. ■f Many year. experiijf M. to gum . nib If they can po.~ be restored, ;.i** . a exclusive treatin' will a -t e. WO MTV! ’:• n't yon want to get cured of • woiiliJi-: -s • ihat ccn and fa meet bus cur. v vvhy not y uV Try it. CAT t ISR. ... V' . • s OX . :3 fc.da, b: Heari.Li STPi: T •• •*- nl,l C • n- :of remedy. and. SKI9T :.■!% ' -TS : a-l kl:. cared many o.a- .:'l.. i.:. • m vrri. L . -• re*. r ' ’.)% prorrr eared Include.-: Gleet TRUTH ATD FACTS. We have cured cases of Chronic Dteessestb* have fa:: Itogefc : Ists and medic il l I-: : . ■—x BEMKMItFH that there Is for You. Coasu.* no aa e ' time. Obtain our treatment •>, onco. Beware of free and 1 ; ap tr ■'•..•ments. We u the best and most scicn n.<• tree. ment at raw prices—as low as can be aone for safe a-a sk- •* treatment. FREE consultation at the offiy, or by mall. Thorough exsrninatlon and careful dia nosls. A home treatment can be given in a inato. ... of cases. Send for Symptom Blank bo. 1 J" r ? \ vq 2for Women; Ko. 3for Skin Diseases. All ci* spondence answered promptly. Businesaistrictly con fidential. Entire treatment sent free ®}’ B ?L£ tlon. Refer to our patients, banks and business meia. Address or call on mWijfj DR. HATHAWAY & CO , | aa i-a South Broad Street, ATLANTA, OA-