The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, March 29, 1894, Image 3

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Wanted! Wanted! 1,000 MEN, MEN, MEN! 1,000 WOMEN, WOMEN! 1,000 BOYS AND GIRLS! 1,000 BABIES! BABIES! 1.000 Young Ladies from 15 to 2d fears old! TO KNOW, TO SLOW, TIE TRUTH ! TEE TRUTH! ■==~~ r ■ tHat THE HEW‘YORE STORE has by far the largest and most complete stock of Spring and Summer goods in Middle Georgia— that more care and taste never has been displayed, ne\' er than before, and that the NEW YORK STORE, the “Old Reliable,” will always wear the “blue ribbon” as “Tie Leaders and Controllers ol Low Prices.” Clothing, Etc. ' This line as all otheie, is bought direct from the manufacturer?, mid is perfect fitting nnd to suit the most, fastidious in the tad Don’t fail to see ns if too wad a suit, and we will please you in price and qu .btv. Millinery. Tins <- nfi i<- point ; sin k pin !*• r X' * to a nie* drees is prv. , >*l * tish hat, ami our mill* iei department under iht direc tion < f Miss Jat kson is a gem, ami our < doi ts in thie line will far sur pass all others. Due announcement of our regular spring opening will be inude R nomher the creme de-la-creme will be found under our csQopy. The etceteras, gloves, handkerchiefs, hose, embroideries, patasoD, an l all other necessan paraph nalia we show in the very latest ati 1 most approved designs. Shoes, Slippers. We nave long w *o iu ‘olue rib bon on this Into simply bv H'ving tlv people honest, straight goods ' all guaranteed. Sc< tt Te, nant Wiiii’i Sfll n sh"dd\ 8h e and look you square in the face The cheap Eastern trash that is being sold in com | etiti m but advertises 'hi* de pari me nt as one of he stand *y<. Oi.r flowing business, we cannot enumerate all but couie to see us, in\ite join fiiei ds'and when von do we feel sure we will -end you away a walking advertise ment of the many, beautiful, stylish, as well as cheap things have to show. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY, l' of the NEW YORK* STORE. JACKsON, GA. 1 1 OuAml Spotlit; # Will Take Place Mdiy Si Ttalij, April 4tli & sth. U lisjlij t! ki U, Mltffj, Si. COM. WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL. Dress Goods. Our 1-iVf-l' F-onoh Dress P.Oterns noth trimming* *o rnitoh, c-uihot if excel,* <1 in b-amy not price*. In ao, our Dress Goods depart men', is more ilboratc, 1 and choicer, and ah-olult-h L-hvcs no excuse fora ladv to go to A lati'n or elsewhere to do her shopping, Kindly gt\>* this department ape.-n md tou W.ll he c i T*nel Mss A ina Snell and M ss Ji- ksou, • w ■ ladle- of *xq 11 -te taste and expo lienee w.ll lend their valuable as sis'am e in our Dr-s-* Goods de arrment nod will -ee to it that inching is shotted off n you that is not in perfect taste. Ooeetf * Items. rR.WN ARRIVALS: .i>lNf< NORTH 12:05p. til. “ “ 6: 30 p. in * use south 9: 45 a. in. Prof. 11. B. Carmichael was in town Saturday. Prof. 11. M. Fletchei, of Barnesville, was at home Sunday. Monday was almost as cold as any day wu had during the w nter. Harrold Higgins went over to his room on Sunday evening last to change his miud. Overcoats were in demand on Sunday last, and those who had pawned theirs for a straw hat were decidedly in favor of going south. Miss Jessie Freeman, who lias been Visiting the family of Mr. John Smith for some months, returned to her home at Cresweli last week. Miss Ernie Stafford, of Grantville, Ga., is visiting the family of Mr. Sherrod Pope. Miss S afford is a y<ung lady of high educational abilities, and Jackson gladly welcomes her in our midst. Can't, we place a town clock on the court house? We mentioned this some days ago, and i< is the proper thing for Jackson. Work up the movement and let's have one. Dr. Hawthorne, one of the world’s greatest preachers, will be in Jackson next Friday night week. Remember the date, April Gth. Mrs. R. L. Daughtry has a letter from Dr. Hawthorne saying he will lecture here, f r the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society, April Gth. I 2" WiNE OF CAROUI, a Tonic lor Women. Who are to be the candidates for the legislature this year? They should an nounce and let the people commence preferring charges agiinst them. This ye >r promises to he a lioi one from political standpoint. There are four announcements for tax receiver in this issue, and they haven’t hardly got started good yet. We have heard the name of Dr. Ellis mentioned as a suitable man to re re sent Butts county in the next legislature. How is it Doc? The dove hunters are sloratiug birds by the hundreds. The farm of Mr. Pitts Newton, near Jackson, is the grounds upon which they roam. Mrs. Thomas Shelton, nee Miss Eunice Carmichael, spent a few days in Jackson last week. Gutlnie has embarked in the fruit tree business. He’s quit fishing. Whenever one man tries to rule or ruin there is generally an uprising, and a bad man most invariably, sooner or later finds his match . Miss Alma Peek, a beautiful and ac coinplished young lady of Locust Grove, is yisi ing her sister Mrs. W. C. Bryant, on Indian Spring street. It looked so much like rain Sunday we would not yeuture out iu our m-w suit. But you may keep your eye ou us next Easter. Mr. W. E. Harp is fixing him up a bake oven, and will furnish delicious bread to the hungry multitudes this summer. The. oldest inhabitants say the trees began budding sooner this year than ever before. Our Junior will ride the goat next Monday light harder than Providence Rhode Island. See the point? YVe’ll feel it! We have not been in the dressmaking business very long, but if every young lady, wh > visited Mrs. Paul's last week, bad anew dress fixed up, we are confi dent the merchants will have to lay in anew supply before the season closes. Our Junior and A. F. Whitney made preparations to attend the “Lilies’ Re ception’’ in a “buzzard-wing” coat, but the “buz” failed to materialize in time, so they will pick blackberries in it this summer. The merchants have adjusted their differences with the city council, and are now doing business at the same old stand. We knew it would be amicably settled, all the while, Miss T .m.e F >rd, a charming young lady of M icon, Ga., spent a few days in Jacksou this week the guest of friends. A crowd of young ladies aud Mr. J. B. Guthrie went fishing out to Duke’s p-md on Saturday evening last. Guthrie did not try the seiu he used when he fell iu the pond before, because the ladies were along and he couldn’t find a place to empty the fish out. If your business is not worth advertis ing, advertise i; for sale aud try some thing better and more profitable. The New York Store is selling fancy straw m utiug at 10 cents a yard instead of 20 cents as stated iu our last issue, j These people will treat you right, and as they have a great quantity on baud they will make a special drive iu fancy straw matting at 10 cents for the next few days Others may charge 20 cents for same goods—you know where to get it cheapest. Leave your orders for fresh bread and cakes wbh Mr. Harp, rear of Crum’s store, his oven is now in operation. There was a large crowd out to all the churches on Sunday last to hear the E aster services, aud they were well ie paid. Fishiug parties are now the order of the day among our young people. Several distinguished persons have asked us why Bob Etheridge had such a move on him last Friday night. I Star The Great Sensation of the hay is the GRAND 4 MILLINERY ► OPENING At The STAR STORE will he Wednesday, Thursday k Friday, April 4,5 &6. / \ By attending this grand, dazzling array of beauty you can feast your eyes to their content on things long to be remembered. Miss Covington, assisted by Misses Fannie Pope and Lilly Hightower, will take great pleasure in showing you all the new things. All are Cordially Invited. The Star Store, Jackson Mercantile Company, Proprietors. Ask Colonel MeKibb an if deer have gauls. Messrs. Gage and of Griffiu, were in Jackson on Friday last. Mr. R. L. Drughtry spent Monday of this week in Atlanta on business. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla strengthens weak nerves, helps digestion, and vitalizes tho blood. What’s the uss of going to Macon and Atlanta for a wife, when Jackson has the prettiest assortment of any town in the state? Marshal H difiold captured a “darg” on Friday last, and pounded him. It was an inuocent looking “darg"’ but Mat stayed at the other end of the rope, and eytd him suspitiously. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a un iform brown or black, which, when dry, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen. In our last issue we had Mr. F. W. Gilmore announced for tax collector, and it should have appeared tax receiyer, as this is the office to whioh lie aspires, and his friends will govern themselves ac cordingly. There is noreas >n why children should he allowed to suffer from loathsome scrof ulous sores and glandular swellings when such a pleasant, effective and economi cal medicine as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla may be procured of the nearest druggist. Be sure you get Ayer's, Two young people of Jackson —a male and female—embarked in a buggy on Suuday afternoon, and went out hunting Easter eggs. Sunday was a very cold day to look for Easter eggs—but they re turned abou 6 o’clock in the evening, and they botu looked very ‘-warmish.” Prof. Cornwell delivered an inspiring sermon at the Baptist church on Sunday night last. He is totally blind and his sermon was a masterpiece. He surpris ed his hearers by the eloquence of his words, and those who were so fortunate as to hear him, hope to a ain be permit ted to hear such another sermon from the learned gentleman. For 'he last ten and tys the lead ing topic of conversation among the ladies has been the ‘‘Lilies’ Reception;” nowit’s the .Grand Millinery Opening at the Star btore, which will begin Wednes day, Thursday, and Friday— April 4,5, and 6. - The services at the Methodist church on Suuday last were beautiful and ap propriate. Kev. Mr. Bell preached an excellent sermou to a large and attentive congregation, and his words will bring f Tth good fruit. The church was beau tifully decorated for the occasion, and everything was in perfect keeping with , the sermou. Mr. Bell is a geutleman of ta*e ited mind aud wide experience, and is thoroughly conversant and well read in scripture. The Methodist denomina tion is proud of him as a pastor, and Jaeksou holds him in the highest esteem i as a citizen. fffff It is ever a pleasure for us to boom our manufactories —especially when they be lieve in advertising. Sumo time since Mr. Gage, manager of the Singer Ma chine Cos., at Griffin, solicited bids for building him a buggy, and after trying Barnesville, Griffin, and carriage build ers of prominence in several other cities, he gave the order to the Jackson Carri age Factory, and says we have the best carriage factory in Georgia. Our sheriffs captured Amos Roberts, the negro who escaped by jumping through a car window while being car ried to the brick yards some few week* ago. He is a desperate criminal and was captured on Sam Mays’ place, oue day last week. Sheriff Austin, of New ton county, came over on Sunday and conducted him back to Newton county. He is aso wanted here on a charge of burglary. We will have a grand opening at the augus office on Tuesday of next rveek, to see our new office towel. We placed a handle in the old one and are now us ing it for a grindstone. R ‘served seats 10c. The proceeds will be devoted to charity—which consists of the editors. This is no fake, we realy have anew towel. Why don’t some of our capitalists build up the north side of the square? Why? If someone don’t build it up pretty soon the argus edito s will have to take it in charge and place a few houses ou this vacant space—they’d be frog houses though! Miss Sallie Bell has accepted a position with the New Y rk Store, aud is now connected with the millinery depart ment of that firm. Miss Bell will prove a most valuable acquisition to their large eorpsof e-erks, and her many friends are invited to call and see her in this de partment. Mr. R. L. Daughtry says that our country is in a good condition. When he was in the East he says the poorer classes there were idle and begging. The rich fed them through actual fear. If they should refuse to feed them for just twenty four hours, there would be a riot. The rich feed them in self defense. What an awful condition for free Amer ica. We become more and more fixed in our position every day that the laws should be shaped to protect the poor, and the rich could easily take care of themselves. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Jackson Banking Company on the 24th inst., the resigiuation of Mr. W. S. Witham as president, was read and ac cepted, aud Mr. F. S. Etheridge was elected president to fill the vacancy. The active management of the bank has really been conducted by Mr. Etheridge ever since its organization 6 years ago. He acted in the capacity of vice presi dent, and the success of the bank aud its enviable reputation for solidity aud character, is due largely to his business prudence and sagacity. We congratu late the bauk on its past success and predict for it a large degree of usefulness and success that it has heretofore en ! joyed. Store. The cotron of Butts county is nearly all marketed. Only a few scattering bales remain upon the premises to mark the season’s production. It didn’t do a thing but freeie water in a locomotive boiler with 25 pounds of steam on Monday night. If you do not receive your paper regu larly please report to this office, and we will do all within our power to rectify the error. We intend to give our sub scribers a good and interesting paper, and we desire that they receive it regu larly. Of all cranks that ever cranked, de liver us from the political crank —espec- ially an administration crank. If you desire to dispose of your stock of spring goods, advertise them in the Argus; but if you want to keep them over for another season, we advise you not to advertise them in this paper. Jackson has more sweet and loyable girls than any town of its size in Amer ica. How to get rid of crab grass on your farm—move off and leave it! Webb Fletcher says that he killed two squirrels at one shot one day recently— one was running along the ground and the other was up a tree. Webb is a good shot, and rabbits drop dead as soon as they get a glimpse of him and his gun. Mr. E. G. Gilmore’s little white pony is still breaking hearts. Why can’t Jackson get a telephone line to Atlanta? One can be put up for SI,OOO, and we know a man who will erect it at that price. Mr. W. E. Harp gave us a sample of his loaf bread, baked under the new process and to say that ic would tempt the pal ate of an invalid is putting the quality of the bread below what it realy is. Try a loaf and be convinced of its superior quality. Leave your orders with Harp’s bakery when you want good bread and cakes. Mr. C rnwell, the blind man, will preach again at the Baptist church on Thursday night, 29th inst. Those who heard him Sundry night 6ay he is not blind mentally. You are invited to hear him. The oollege boys debated the question recently as to who should he nominated for goyernor. The Atkinson boys gained the victory. The boys of the Jackson Institute know a thing or two, if they are only school fellows. The fruit of this section was killed deader than Hector ou Sunday night last, b-u-t it may be all right. Yes, of course, it is, ‘‘what is, is right.” For this is locust year aud we would haye been “pizened” eating the eggs on the peaches. Besides J. W. Benson got to eat some eggs that “friz” which would otherwise have gone to the Star Store. B-u-t Obe Hendrick’s corn was all killed. Great Easter. All the latest styles in Jewelry iat Danes.