The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 12, 1894, Image 2

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THE ARettS. N. J. HAIt.UOK A J... Lilitors und Publisher*. / I'Uiea at (fit Pnxiu r> ut Jor kxon an src'iTid clan* u ail m> lln. ITBLISHEL EVE V IIIL RSDAY Suck< ~ April 1t?! I&.H. ONh 1)0: LAR PER ANNUM DEUOCinCY 1 RIGHT. This is a ir\ inji time for <1. mocrac.' but i' is said that just bof today i> th* darkest hour of the night. sin cerely hope that (lie dawn of day is near at hand. A sinner is never eon vested until he Icel that he is The demoeia'ie par • n tv til 1 1 • bow 8t Veil l\ t iel‘ e iij 111 •' • I o the K( i”ii ni h . Mr. Cleveland; ni es in Make-am: we are inclined to think that this t* one that be ha.- mad-', especially the recommendation of m re hotel- W e are confident that tni-i- wronj; Out debt is ureai enough now and on taxes are high enough without an\ more interest bearing bonds. \V< have no eensure lor the president,ou!\ that we think be lias made a mis a e 'the democratic party is nit rwspoii Bil>le tor the acts ot tlie ir*~i* out A tifntm ratic Itoii-e and set aI k passed the bill and they ate the re percent a tivesef the p< ople. 'I he pat tv is not napoiiciMe tor the arts of indi* itual> ad this is an tie’ of Mr Cleveland and not of the l* mo ia t it* part'. D may cripple ilie p .rt somewhat hut wi can overcome it. The pilucipUa gt democracy ate right 1 iiis * vei \ true son'lierne* will admit. Then let us carry them out and do not he discourag'd at out failures lut try agam, perse*<re ami we will succeed at last Do not be come di-cou a ed, Dili tin end and el u- be doing tor tin re is u > lime t loose. The lb publican parly v\ il, take ever> advantage the\ can uno with their al iesthey will tisei'. We have no tear of ttic repnblieauß in the South directh but indirectly. l h“i< are a great main go* and m n iltat think tin van ri- hi in li in ih<d mo cratit |>a 1 1 \ and e. u-iiig all thedivis ‘ il) they rati and lliev never eotisidei while they are ci i j*ul ill r the deni ' iliev are strengthening ‘he i: t off ' "an party. If you break , ' Vt ‘buh) ri s i u thestien>- *' ‘ 'nu ~, . bin /u\ ~ 1 !,ev ,iave ~r, - - , have /. since the war. as soinheriMtentofetw^^ minds. The populist pat tv to the contrary notwithstanding. Pin? pop ulist would have us believe tha* out only hope is to abandon the democrat ic party and work with tin m Now consider for t. moment what good tha. coil Id p(>a 1 1)1 y do if vvt* were a!, 1 p join the populist w Inch there is m. danger of us ever doing. We on Id do no more *lian we ate doing, for we must give the populist rep esemalive in congress eie.lit lor voting with u upon ahriost even mea-tire that ha been introduced. So it we were t< all turn populist ~ml vole l-.gethei how could it eh nge the s,tnation Besides it has taken the dmi-crat thirty years to get into power and w. are confident it would take the popu lit much longer titan that to get there. Therefore you slnm and a ban don your vain hopes aid fall bark j, ranks and let us fight whe e there i a cltanco for victory. Let u- uni,, again and fight the enemy in solid rank, let in get tog, tlier again whet " e "’ill have but one common euenn to fight and then we ma look for-uc css. The Birmingham Age-Hera and sa\ -: A htige tut in te,- of factories in tin south now have gins attached ami bin cotton di, cl from the planters. Ihe product i-superior, the lint being SUVed the llijurv inevitahlv re ultiny from the o| e,a on of pa, king. Then is nothing complex in ii is It i- p, r feet Iv simple, ami can be ami -lion and be done cverx w heie. The diffi ip, ha- lain in il,e so ppo.-l, ion ti,a a fac tory requires a luge outlay ot mo.* \ and a high deg,, 0 ( m,-, h ii- al skih. As a matter *t hut, the small m ll are gtov\ mg in favo* - and are dotting the Carolina*. We have more tin,u one conspicuous sum*— in this state. Nor is any skill needed in the simp , process ot spinning \ arm The tend ency is strong toward localizing the industry, and the time ma\ not he ▼ci v uir fit when h. latmcr wil haul hi* cott n to tin* local fin-urn instead of the local yin, pay a to! for *pinning it ami get it back for ►ah •ml shipment in the shape ot b h- oi yarn instead of bale- ot li.,t. Tim ev olution would he and natural • ne, ami has aieady made a start. A little more development of the mechanic turn amottgoiir people, and even vi - la K and liamlut will have i 8 vain mill.” v Jaekso ought to have one, and we leatu there is a steady sentiment growing in that direction am-ngmen of our town who *re aide to do such things. We can t afford to let oiltet places reap all of the benefits from •uch enterprises. Todav Griffin would be named Dennis but toi her lactone-. Take hold gentlemen there is tuottev end glory in this move. KiAl MIEHIFF S LES. GEORGIA—Butts C’oiiDty. \\ ill be sold on the first Tuesday in \'ay next, at the cou t bouse in said c uuty, wid ii tie legal sale hours, to tlie bights' bidder, lor cash, the following property, to wit: Bixtv acie* of land in he fi 2 isob tG. AJ., of Butts county, Male <1 G<o gia. in the shape of a lectan gie extending across the north part of laid lot, number not known, and bounded on the noitli bv landsowned and posses-ed h} Micajab l). Duke, ou the east by lands owned and possessed by Byars and Mallet, on the west by lands owned and possessed bv Byai> aid J/.dlel and f. .1. Holifield, and ou ilie south in lands owned and pos sessed by I . J. Hob field, bounded, also, on the north, easl and west by the original land lines of sail lot, said land lying tlnee miles east of Ja< ksou on the public road from Jackscn to Macedonia. Said land lev.ed on as ihe property of Jabez 11. 1 . Ilolifii Id to atisfi> an execution issu and iioni tlie Mipeii i court f sad count*, in lavoi f Lqui able J/nttgag CompaiiVj auaiu t aid Jub< z H O liolifield. feu am in possession given wiiiten notice. Hiis, 27ili day of A/ateb, 1894. J. l> Beaurh mo bh, i tf G. C Also at the same time and place the fol owing described property, to wit:— Eight\ acres of land, more or less, as the life inteiest of Rsa Cook, said lands iying and being in the 552 distuct, Butts county, an . hounded as follows: West by lands ot W. M. Mallet, north by lands W. A. Ronds, east by lands of S H. May-, and south by lauds ot M. L. Ciane. .Levied on by virtue of ore execution is sut and from the justice court of the 552 dis tnct, O M , Aults county, in favor of A G Treadwell against G. W. Thomas and Rosa took. Levied on as the property of Rosa Cook. Tenant in possession given writ en notice. Levy made by W. A. IFhite, L. C. 552 district and turned over to me to advertise and sell. 7’bis, Apii 3rd 1894. J. O. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. C. G! OKG A-- Bu ts Oonnt . Wi 1 he sold b.'foie the cou it bou-e door in said county, o the first Tuesday in M ay next, 1894, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following desetibed property, to wit: One church house and lot situated at Pepper Torn, in said county, and known as Zion Rspii-t church and bound ed, as fohows; north and west by lands of .1 R. Wtiglit, south by lands of E. T. V. & G R. R., and east by lands of A. mc 11'atkins, deceased. Levied on by virtue of one fit a issued from the Superior court ot said county, in favor of J A m P!un et vs. Zion Baptist church Property pom ed out by.J. A Plunket. \\iitten notice given Win. Horne, Zack Byais, Jac b W ise, and Monroe Atkinson, dea cons or tiustccs ot said cliur h. This April GEORiilA— utts i omity Bv virtue of the power vested in me by a mortgage executed by T. L and IF. M, Chambers on the 22 day of April, lt>92. and recorded in book Go* mortgages on page 529. on the sane date of ex edition in the clerk’s office of the Super ior court of Butts county, I will on the fir-t Tuesday h, A/ay. 1894, before the south door of the court house in the town ot Jackson, said county, w ithin the legal hours of salt, expose to public s-ale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to pay the debt and interest, an I attorney’s fees s - by said mortgage and all cost, the following described lauds Iyi g and being in sad county of Z/utts and state of Geor ia, towit Cue hundred act es, in Worth ville distiict G. Al , bounded ou the north by lands of Rufus A/addox. on the east oy lauds of d/astin Hendrick, on the south by land- of Mrs M * Yau ey, and on the west by lands of Marsha 1 Benson. Title to an estate for and eluting the life time of 1 • I,' ( hamhers will be made to the pur chaser as specified in said mortgage. This dptil 4ih, 1894. R. W. Mats. dndersou & Curry, Plff’s. ait’ys. NO! ICE. hJS'< IL'GlA—fiutls County. I shall apply to the judge of the Super ior court , t the Flint , heuit on the first day of Juuc 1894, as the guardian of Aaliie /idle Nolen, James L. Nolen, Maty Ziou Noleu, I e-sie M. Nolen, and /sauc 11 iVolen, ninor* residing in said county, for leave to sell the following laud belonging to said minors: Lot bounded on the north by lands of IF. '. Wind by, on the east by lands of I. L. P\e. on the M, utb by lands of G TANARUS, Carson, and on die west by luiuis of .1. A. Smith contaiu iug eighty three acres mote or less, lying I and eing in above said county, for the! purpose of reinvesting the proceeds in other lands. 'I he reason for makiug said application is that said lands are cros-ed by a railroad near to the dwelling house, and the children are young. Ihe oldest being ten and are exposed to constant danger of being hurt by the trains of said road. Said railroad makes said lauds very inconvenien; fur faimiug purpose. Jhis is fiuc farming land, ,hiee miles from Flo rida with ouiin&ry improvements. Said application will be made iu Griffin, Spald ing county, Georgia Ibis M c h. 15, 1894. IP. A Nolen, Guardian for above named children. errati >. GK'IRGIa —Butts C untv. Wtiereis, B L. D **soa r* presents to the court in bis petition. dn y filer! no ente,ed <*n record, that h~ Ins f ,11\ nd inn istere.l Laura 0. Peason’s estate. This is. • Imreioie to cite all }>eisoi s con cerned, heirs and cieditors t£ sh.-w cause, if any they can, why said admin istrator shoird not be discharged from his administration, and ,eceive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1894, J F. Carmichael, Ordinary. Jan. 25, 1894, • 3 m . GEORGIA —Butts Countv. Mary B atson residiug in the slate of Geor ia, having applied to be appointed guardian of tliepeison an<l property of Bennie Ghenney and Maxtv Belle C’hen uey, minors under f. urti-en years of age, teaiden s of said count , 'hi- is f.cite all pet sons co! c< u t and to be and appear at the May term , 894,. f the com tof ordinary and show cau-e. it any they can. why said i/aiv Watson should not be entrusted wiiii the guaidianship ot the person and property of Bennie Chcuney and Maxey Belie C’hecuey. my < tficial signature this, the 28 day of .l/aicli. 1894. J.F Cak .iiciiAEt., Ordinary GEORGI ibitts Countv. I o a* I win m ii may Con ern : Robt Bivins having in due form ap plied to the uudeisigned for the guardian ship of the per-on of R hi. fivin*. Jr, lsiaah Bivins aid Reese Bivins, minor children of L wis and Miunie Bivins, laie of sa.d co' utv, de cast and. JL lice is here by given ill at his application will he bead at my office ou ihe fiisl Monday in May. next Given under my hand and official signature this, the 2 t.ay of ,-lpul 1894. J. F ('akmichael Ordinary. G FA )R(JLI Bulls t\ miity JFhereas. J. O. Beauchamp adini.iistra tor. de bo us non of John Reaucliaifkp, repteseuts to the couit in his petition, duly filed and entered on lecord that lie has fuily admimsteted John Reauchamji’s estate. 'Hits is th refo e, to cite all per s n& concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, it any tin y can, why said ad iniiiisirator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission ou the first A/ouday inA/ay. 1894. J F Carmichael, 3-m Ordinary. February 8, 1894. NOTICE TO OItBIOKS ANDCUED<* I Olt*. GEORGIA—Butts County No!ice is hereby given to all persons having demands against li. t Kinard. late of said c* unty, dt ceast and, to present them to me properly made out, within the time allowed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And ail persons indebted to the said de ea ed are hereby requested to make settlement wiihma. R Carmichael, Adni’r <l iJ. U Kinatd. March 1, 194. fit ANNOdNCEMENTS. All announcements are $5.00 payable in advance, and un er no circumstances will we publi li a candidate's annuunce meut until tiie be is paid. So please do TaxCotti'ctor. Having been solicited by man friends to make site race for the office of tax col lector, I have decide > to abovv the u-e of i my name ipr that office, subject to the ac tion of the democratic nartv. W E-LEY W. PH ASTON. 'V e ai e authorized to announce the name of (l. E. Harmon a a suitable per on for the democratic patty to n 'initiate for the office of lax collector. His name i- sub ject to the ac ion of the democialic par y. M e are author ized to announce the name of Mr //oiuer C'. Clark as a candidate for the office of tax collector, subject to the action of the democi alic party. Tax Iteceiver. We are authorized to an non ace the name of J. H llam for he office of tax receiver, subject to the action of the dem ocratic party. H r e are authorized to announce the name of Mr. F II Gilmore as a candi date for the office of tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party. Mr. Gilmore isacttppled ex confederate aol d)er. We arc authorized to announce the name of Mr tv L). 1 ours ~u as a candi date foi tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party, We are anthotized to announce the name of M. M. Mills, sr., for the offiee of tax receiver, subject to the action of th** demonaiic party. Mr. \ ills has been blind for several years, though he cau see to write now It e are authorized to announce the name >f VY A d/aimlmm as a candidate for the office of tax receiver, subject to the tuliugs of the democracy of Buts county. A CAUSES Constipation, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, AND DISTURBS THE SYSTEM GENERALLY. For all such ailments, and to impart a natu ral, healthy tone to the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take AYER’S PILLS Every Dose Effective Match out at Gilmore Hencely’s lor all kinds of case goods, such as apples, peaches, pickles, etc., fresh and of tli bfst quality. 4-5-2 t IBTT~Sr TKK I'SOKSCSr D J- VT —— TI AM4 ternt t) vY--- J. R. Carmichael, J icison, Ga. i.. vbove, you have a cut of the Finest Carriage reposi tory south -f the r hio river; or, at least, car riage nu n who should know. >ay so Ga to tie Msaa Mg) Msy k sajiMsg K J. R. CAimiCHABL. BEEF BONE AND BLOOD Tin beO fertilizer ever offered in Jackson, imsmuch as its -ales every vcr are double <t g I hand unh <1 -t class t/rv,<ts con taining fieri) 12 TO 18 PERCENI OF AVAL \RI ,E f*H< )>J , O(,R|(. / ’ aCIO, and from Ijk tw 2 pet cent •r' muriate of potash no cheap chenth als ti- and. . My Guanos circulate in fiv*'counties a'j n ing Butts and I avc given Universal Satisfaction. Call on meat the W a rein iw in Jac-s<m nd l wi l he p cased !•> fi I voiir utile's. II spedfnlh. f. M. f’ALLETT. Jannan . 11, 1893 3 n irrr xf rMI Cl\ fN) > F THE - BLUE :-: STORE. Just from New York, with the cheapest line of IVy Goods, cloihing. .'hoes, Hats, raps and Fancy and 1 amity Groceries, in fact everything you can think of has ai rived and is arrivinn* daily AT THE “BLUE STORE.” JUST LISTEN -A corkeag ging hams at 6 cents A good gingham at 5 cents per yard, well worth 8 cents. Calico* s at 4 cents and upwards Thirtv-six inch Worsted at 11 cents per yard. All linen towels at 5 cents each. White Jiuen table cloths a< 24c per yard. Ladies and gents handkerchief* trorn 2 cents up. Coats cotton ai 4c a spool. Rouss M ils, 2 spools for a nickel Ladios Ribbed Undervests 9c each. Heavy shirtings at 7c per yard. Suspenders Irani 4 cents up. Fine 28 inch trunk, iron bv'tom. only $2.24. Ten q. arter sheeting bleached onh 19 eonts per vard, woith 30cts SHOES!SHOES! LOOK! Ladies Dongola kids only 99 cts per nair, Ladie’s glove grain only 99 cent.*- per pair. A ladies shoe for $2 24 worth $3 00. Undone thousand too numerous to tmnlir.n All '**\ All ask i.s lor y.*u to come H . .1 see for }ourself. All Groceries cheaper than ever neard of Come and see for yourself. Money refunded for al goods not os repressed x our.s anxious to please, G-'U-xlizl & UPotrts. NOTICE. lam prepared to do all kind of garden work. Such as plow *ng, hauling, etc., and will do vour work right, on shor* notice Call on Mil Benn y near H p Gil acre's plaiting mil!. 3 g-4t CONT i: A CTOJ i s~\77 11 p. Am p rtHi w q _ ! <t ■ *"k. •. Iwo k i , >) xperience in -'ohh r trt* k, -in h ’is dara- hniit. Mas:ing wh#* and *;t nits i us**!, or in ail -m b work Ot k houses or pi#r*j. Call on G W Watkins. D*cl-1 vr I-, k <hi, Gd For a chance to get a gold watch, genuine Elgine uovement worth s2c, for 25c. Go to Bickers & Byars. Children’s shoes from 29c tip. .(iron * shoes : a fin - Kangaroo at $3 49 worth $5 00 Another at $2 97. A French call a- 2 24. Another fine shoe t 1 14. Men’* brogan- a' 63 cents, f ea*her ticki ng at 13 * p*-r vard. Another grade ~t 9 cents. Uidaunrtered shirts at 34 cents, worth 65 cents. Working shirts m 19 c * nts. Men sdiawers at 19 <enis per pair Hose and socks irum 4 cents up. Gent's puff shirts worth 125 only /9 cents Gent’s summer shirts 18c each. CLOTHING! LOTS OF IT! A man’s suit at 3 33 and up. Fine buy’s suits 99,. ant j up> Good jeans pants at 49 cents and Upward. Overalls fr 05ri 49 ce nts up. Good jeans cloth 13c per yard, f'ne pants 99c and up. Myna hat* 23 cents and up. W 00] aid fur hats. J ■- . . .. , - The Largest Retail CLOTHIERS in the South. —ONE PRICE TO ALL. —) • • MACON * • • 1 | . . ATLANTA. . . 55k-554 '- herry St*eet. i .... , J - ! 39*4 * Whitehall- 33-34 S. Broad. f mmm m i ■ “ i■—i - ■ ■ - us P, V’ l MO.l 1 . - I'tltHi JEWEL.I. JuilhS. LiJltr— .vur r*. S'kgfA ■ • ■'■Y/ATCHMAKI-.i: - T kte AO y \ 1 . r a. i‘AJJ a&i f | vgJi.ti L lit 1 , ", s lacton Gs,, f *-■ 1 iti ■<• M(JLB ’ \ 3 . k A S|, <• a'i v y j * | i - A jJ a K; UMiA JACKSON :-; INSTIDTTE, Jackson: : : : : Georgia. Spring Term Begins Jan. 2, ’894 HATE OP TUITION: Primary Classes, per term, : : $6,50 Inermediatj and Coll egiate Classes, t rm $9 50 Art Lessons* per month, : $2.50 to $3.00 Music, vocal or instrumental per mo. $3-00 Part nts, do you want your boys and girls biouglit up to tlu highest possible peifection of manhood and womanhood ? Il sc on inu-l h ive ih* v* ry be.-t teachers t> help you. We hav# them in the Jackson Institute. Not a s diool in Georgia is more thorough, systematic, or latter disciplined Mo t excellent dvantages offered in Art, Music, Elocuti< n and Oratory. The tuition is as low as you could ask Ho n’d can be had at from ten to twelve dollars per month, Catalogue and a'l information ch-ertully sent on application. Address, JAS. C. B LASING A MR, Iv<u,! " President ef JAIKSON IKSTTUTE. ■ - AA; wJ-C <r% i 5 ' 4’ ' rgs * ' '■ *8 6*5” ■ 4 a■! ■■ i: > \ > ~ ;■ ■ ■ A • ' Jj. ■ ■ c. • ” Wt ' ■ *■' - ;> ’• > wy.fli>-ift'- > . *■% ■ % t' ?. v* * '•■n £ ' It £ J- *. 7 • ' 'n, . i *:’zOFf?b-l ■' , ' . > S %*.■& - ..'w.:: Leave Cincinnati by Q& C. 7:OG . : . 9:00 A. It.. Arrive Atlanta, by E. T. V. & Ga., 11:10 A. M. 1:50 A. M. Arrive Maomi “ “ .... 1:54 P, M. 4:45 A. M. SIZIT ' a -in vi-te -F"*r- p,r n Ajr[, \ nwT , - Arri • • va s: nnTF~ r -i F?a‘i ’ll ;■ i5.:.? •* ?r - ~ ‘ • ~ - fl i : L (EcsGlar 'Dr <!ati.te s .) ' and most specialists am } u sic it |f • Vo-iitaadiiiki .<?'; •’ - /"•fe- A die aged men. i d‘- ; ■ y t> , , j v \ lTfjrirtr*\ft n f< I f ■■ j \ fcnlt.; h..v, ; ffi: -\v- I ; ' \ gn Caw ; • MttMßl 1 I Sr** .#sp?f "/.’ hj; j j&ft&jfr V •<;. v •...: h'. • t, ’i ■ . y. ■ u •* *•* -‘ov.'. ,■■■' ' . , .-!•'■ "; .> ;•••;•.■. <:i • • ■<: men T~' &&:%&&•■•■'*** organs, • , 1 arc sutt'erin L**F -*44—Kr • ':' ■< :' ‘•; ilh tn 1 ' - SJL \ i TK* 4^.;4 *V ° • ;,,:rvo * *i xm I ,*4 •-.>* L,';/ V'i n ... iu ;o gnara nieeto ail patient*. If 'noL'-^-; om- Oku exclusive tscatme, | tvlil htturu <iCiirci WO Don’t yon -want to go 1 eu-ed of-u weakue., wltha treatmenttl.Vr 4 c hoi)>e w.-iiuut Insrruojcnr- ? Our W (•••• i ‘ meut a< cured others. Why not you. Try it CAT llt ail, and diseases of the Skin,3io Heart, Liver and Kidneys. ‘ Uw _The most rooM. and effectiv' remedy. A complete Cu.-o Guaranteed. S’f.rv niSEASTS of all kinds cured '*djC many o.he.s have failed. rarxATiruAJL kischarors prompt j cured i’i a few days. Quick, sure and safe, ftiis includes Gleet and 6onormea. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chron'c Diseases the have failed to get cured at the hands of other soeefa Uts and medical Institutes. p * mbaREUCUBFE that there Is hope for Tou. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain oar treatment at once. .v.®5 ware ? f free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate pr.ees—as low as cen be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the oidee or F rja!l i Thorough examination and careful diag nosis. A home ’reatment can be given in a majority 2L C “*;®; Jt end for Syinntom Blank No. 1 for Men; ?[o. Woman; No. £ for Skin Diseases. Allcorre- K ;?, ce ® v, sw , eri i pi-omntiy. Busfnessstrlctlvcon fldentlal. Ent re trenrineutßent free from observe •on. i.tier to our patients, banks and business men Address or evil oa DR. HATHAWAY & CO . sa i-a South. Ziroad Street, ATLANTA. CA '* to Ilmjt’-i in* at market Ar ire-ali meats of a 1 kinds. CAUTION.—If a dealer offers W. L I>oug/as evhoes at a reduced price, or su;-l he has them without name liampetl oa bottom, put him down as u fraud. *S°AdT'Nl o oter J 4%l*i if-. ghf. : |ss|n te l-, 0 ' i " : ' 5 W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE uffeTm . VT. L. DOUCT.A3 Shoes nrc c-V h, ea-y ft tint, and give bc.. r satisiuclion rtl..c prk.jed. vertised than an/o.her make, 'i y one p; ir r. i beconvinccd. The stamping of w. L Locyl.i* n ime and p ice o.i the bottom, which puarar.icri their value, saves thousands of do.iars annually to tho :e who wear them. Peelers vho th* W. L. Dou' las Shoes pain custoire’-*, Which helps to Increase the sales on their tuli of'roods. They ran afford to sell .-1 a lesspreft, and we believe you can save money bv bavin:' ail your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. R>S.DOUUhAa,Brockton,UM.. Sold/ Jujfct- 4. W CRU*I MEN, WOMEN, Can make money Rnvs and oi. c rapidly doing BUIS, (IICLS few iianm work . each week 1 n°ine. .Vocanvaoeing nothing dif* ticull or unple. sant. Plan entirely new' and oritr nul. Write uk enclos* i 1 - the amerk’.an iiotik i,®! ** *A E, 35s Dearborn Street, Chicago. B. W. WRENN, JR. Attorney-at-Law, Commercial law . rr .„,. A Specialty, GEORGIA,