The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 12, 1894, Image 3

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4 ,a-v\ jmj ppnj! j d£i, Lilli , lILJ 1 1,000 wom% warnj 1,000 BOYS m GIRLS! 1,000 BABIES! BABIES! 1,10 Young Ladies from 10 to 20 years old! TO HOW, TO BLOW, THE TROTH ! TIE TROTH! the hew Tore store has by far the largest and most complete stock of Spring and Summer goods in Middle Georgia— that more care and tas'e never has been displayed, net er th in before, and that the NEW YORK ‘STORE, the “Old Reliable," will always wear the “blue ribbon” as ‘■'l; Leaders a;;, 1 Con tellers of Low Prices.” Clothing, 3tc. This line as alt otheis, i* bought duvet from the manufacturers, and is pprfeet fitting and to =uii the mint, fasti lious in the ]-*r- fad lon’ ail to soa in if yon w • t a sui'. tid we w li I tse you in nice ami quality. Millinery. This if> a fins point; stick pin here Ncx to a nice dress is a pretty, at\lish hat., and our milli ner \ d**pri ment under the direc tion of Miss Jackson is a gem, and our efforts in this line will far sur pass all others. Due announcement of our regular spring opening will be made. Remember the creme de-la-creme will be found under our canopy. The etceteras, gloves, handkerchiefs, hose, embroideries, and all other necessarv p:traphsnalia we show in the very r iat stand most approved designs. Shoos, l:hus. kL sL '•V* .iv 014 v 1 1- 'nine rih hoi 10 r uis mi- -i o; v hv giving th i> and -i 'ii*--' -t ti h* goods ail -:*r. nte*ri. So ft .T*- nart w - il t> s <• s * i *1 and look V i ({iif- n it* >(■ Ihr i luap E is' rotra srih c is •< it >g ->>lo in t* 1 itj t’ ?• i *.ut 1 *-( ' - nfs ije p-trtin ir as on t h* st n<i -v*. ! r <_f kv <r os.. we c :nn *t eiiUiiit i* ie t ! Mit come i see u>, irvite vote trie {> a rl when >oii <lo we feel sine we will -ei.d \ll away a walking advertise merit of 1 lie 1 a >v. beau if 1, - \lisb, as well ohea. tbi irs ve have to show i THE COMPANY, i’iu r neioiS ul iiiO . E i <JEK ofv>KE, JACKSON, GA. Visit Our Store Gil a Prists and mm tin Grul Bijhj i! sn GmJs, K iiiirj, k Otn 11. Hi E.(OI] TO ILL Dress Goods. Our lovely Fo>qch Dress Pattern* with trimmings to match, cannot be excelled in beauty nor price. In act, our Dress Goods depart ment is more elaborate, larger and choicer, and absolutely leaves no excuse fora lady to go to Adaii'a or elsewhere to do hv-r shoiipmg, Kindly give this department a peep ana 'ou wdl h- enarmoii! Mss Arma Snell ami >1 g* jack son, *wo ladies of exqot-ne tasre and expe rience w.ll lend their valuable as instance in our Dress Goods and partm-nt and will -i-e to it that po!l inj is ho~ed off on you that is not in perfect taste. hbsrtf • items EAST I'EN'N£>SKE SCHEDULE. Ihe fallow in i ;be arrival of train-, at Jackson according to time table in effect i April Ist, 1894: NOETII BO ISO. No. 14 6 :05 a. m stops. “ 18 9 :55 a. m stops. “ 12 0 :13 p. m. slops. SOUTH B‘CXD. No. 11 9 :17 a. in. stops. “17 5:45 p. m. stops. “ # 13 Ss7p. m flag. T K BOBTAIL Fi.rsu. * “Take back the club that thou gavest !” lie sang, as he mournfully laid The ace of that suit on the table: What he wanted was one little spade. ♦ There is to he another large mercantile firm in Jackson next fall. Mrs. J. L. Wagner has returned from a visit to relatives in Milledgevillo. Dr. Cantrell and Col. Curry spent Tuesday of this week in the Gate City. Charles Gresham keeps the inhabitants of his side of Jackson always in the most cheerful spirits. Charles is a “sooner.” Mr. James Thornton and Col. Wright left for Atlanta this morning, where they go on legal business. Mr. J. L. Wagner went birding no long since with the unique equippage of aguu and a very broad, old style um brella. Mrs. Steph -ns, mother of Mrs, Cason and Mrs. Forest, celebrated her 82nd birth day on April first. The good lady enjoyed the day finely with her children. We learn that. Miss Kate Strickland is t ine mode lesso-s i > Ala to, under ■ ip ri m* >iu >-• and i s'rtici r. !■• it. is a crime to be po r, there ar a 1 >t of criminals in the vicinity of these “diggins.” Miss Albert Sawyer, of Conyers, Ga., is visiting in J -cks n tlit* guest of the Misses S ell <>n Third street. Miss 8 iw yer will probably assist the Misses Snell in their dress making business this sum mer. The people over on the liver say that the child found over there and over whose hody two inquests were held hy the Uuits county coroner was in Newton county, and under the jurisdiction of that county. There is considerable dif ference of opinion in regard to the mat ter. From the best information we oau get the whole business is a Newton county affair. “Six days shall thou labor,” says the greu * law-give” To do good work in n, must 1) -at hi.bc-f fni-, eon it it <> ihat i ame by u-.* -J A\ jr’s $a r-apa ritla. It ov-ueo oe-, that tire,! l<- ling, quickens t he appetite, im proves digesti-m, Midilliktix the weak St folig. Rev. W F. C iok, presiding elder of the'South Atlanta district, will p each at Elgin on Saturday and Sunday, 21 and 22 inst. The second quarterly confer ence for Flovilla circuit, will he held after services on Saturday. Daily ser vices begin at 11 o’clock a. m. All in vited to attend. The Farmers Mutual lusuran e associ ation of Georgia, chartered by the last legislature of this statg. is a cheap, sensi ble plan to insure isolated property. This plan has been operated in the west ern states at a cost of $1.07 per year on one thousand dollars insured for2o years. “Hones y, energy and wisdom never fail.” W. M. Guay, T. J . Cu WEI.L Jackson, Ga., April 12, 1894. 2t At “Dingly, Dell” fruit farm, near Jack sou, Ga., four (4) boar pigs for sale. Price $5 ach at weaning, about May 15tl>. Breed Berkaaire sow, and Po land China boar, not registered, but pure stock • \V J Wagner Dr. Carter, of Gainesville, preached a very interesting aeimon at the Baptist church Thur-day night last.. The house was crowded to overfi iwiug with people of all deuorninatio s. After he services he was extended the hand end heart of every man md woman present. It was a perfect ovation by the people. Dr. Cartel was p stor here last year, and our i people love On. because he is not only a good-man, but a gieat man as well. Rev. J. B. Hawthorne delivered his inimitable, lecture ou “Manly Men and Womanly Womeu” at the Bapti-t church in tli>s city on Thurs ay night last to a huge and attentive congrega tion. The audience was well pleased with the speaker’s remarks, and a ban ’some -urn was netted for the Ladies'Aid Society for the benefit, of wh ch the iec'ura was give -. Dr. Hawtho ne will aiwivs find a cordial welcome awaiting him in Jackson. Mssß*s ie Bryans, of Indian Spring, sister of Dr. R. G Bryans, oi this plac*-, was united in mn-ii eon Thursday of las* e k, to Dr. ii. L Bry m, of Lees burg. F. i. Dr. Bryan has a large and Im-r.itiv • practice in L. es uig. a <1 is a gentleman of influence, both in church ands a r e. Mt-s Bes-ie is the y >ung st daugh <*rof the 1 ie D . Bryans, f ludi an Soring and is a young !id of tlie highest social standing. Th young couple left on Friday night for their fu tu- lioinr* iii the "Lin i of Fi iwers.” The akgus extends c mgrai u atious. Mr. J S. M Dauie. noticed that, bis turkey had gotten off her nst last week, and weut nearer to ascer aiu the cause and behold a very large su ike was iu the nest and had swalloweu three of the turkey ggs. We are too busy this week §■> To write an advertisement, IT THE GW ABE HERE D ARE GIG FIST. • \ Come and see far yourself, and be convinced. Our Shce trade is marvelous. New goods are coming in on nearly every train. THE JACKSON MERCANTILE CO. The time is drawing near when In dian Spring will shine forth in all her glory. Only one poor little “dar ” got in the pound last week. There is gome talk of getting up a gun c u'i in J cks *n, with J L Wagner and J. G. M Donald as ‘‘chief shooters.'’ Mr Henry Stanfield of Atlanta was in Jackson yisiting his brother, Mr. li. E. Stanfield, our efficient depot agent tit this plaee. Peach brandy may be a little “scace” this season, but look out for corn “licker.” To cure voureold and give you rest, Ayer * Clterrv Pectoral i- th best. Mr. J. G. Jinks spent Saturday aud Sunday in Mill* dgeville. Why wouldn’t each of the following gentlemen make a good representative: J no. A. Gibsou, 1.. J. Ball, T P Bell, W. M. Mallett, C. S. Maddox, and Obe Hendrick? Mr. S. B. Kinard is giv r ng more of bis attention to the insurance business than ever before. He has reverat men work isg for salaries and is doing a large busi ness. S eve is a hummer aid and m’tyou forgetit. . If anyone thi ks Mr. G. W. White has been in the habit of talking too much they are solid now. Dr. B vans cut off some of his tongue on Monday. Guthrie is going to have a photograph gallery built some time soon, and will again begiu taking pic ures for Jack son iaus. What’s the m itter with Mr. W. M. Mallett as a candidate for representative? He is jiint the man for the office, aud would make a most acceptable offi ;er. Beware of a merchant who is too s ingy to advertise his goods. lie will ‘‘do you one” if he gets a chance. A certain young lady told us a few days ago that a certain young man in Jackson needs to be hand-cuffed win n he goes out with the girls. It will be learned, after spring lias fully opened, that nine-tenths of the peach trees, and a large proportion of the f >rest trees, were killed by the re cent freeze, a thing neyer before known iu this country. S veral Jaeksoniins visited Atlanta this week on business. \Ve know of a poor creature (male), wh has three engagements to cany different young ladies on the picnic to Giant’s Park. Poor fallow! Our sym pathies are extended! $4.00 out! Be sides the incidentals! J ckson has about the strongest team of Masons of any town of its siz j in the state of Georgia. There were n * services at the Bap ist church Sunday evening in d* ffereuee to the illness of Mrs. Dr. Gardner. -- wfjj* ' Judge Bailey is now among his friends after an extended visit to Alabama. Miss s Clara Woodward and Emma Foster, two beautiful and attractive young ladies, visited Mrs. Mary Ann McKibbeu last week. ‘‘Uncle” Joe W igner’s gun barreles were so crook* and that be bad to dodge last Friday evening to keep from shoot ing himself in the back. And then talk aljouthiin killing a dove! Co’. “M ij >r” Line, of Macon, spent a few days ii Jackson this week v'siting bis father-in-law, Col. M. V. McKitiben, Mr. D mine Bryans, brother of Dr. It. G Bryans, who set the first type for-the ARGUS after it, was moved to J ickson in November* 1882. is again in Jackson after eleven years journeying over the world. Bv ui g Hall’,- Hair lienewer gray, faded, or tlie* hired hair assumes tlie Hat lira* color <d U'Utli, ami grows lux uriant ami strong, plea-ing everv bod y. There will he a s t ies of protracted services at the Baptist church every night next week, commencing M nday. Hev. G. W. Gardner is earnestly en deavoring to serve the people of Jackson as a faithful minister, aud they should show the r appreciation of 1 is set vices, by giving their attendance to these meetings. We are pained to learn of the serious illness of the wife of the li v. G. W. Gardner, who has been confined to h* r bed for the past month by a severe c *se of sickness.’ We earnestly hope that she mty soon regain her health again. We h am that she i* gradually improving. This year promises to he a hummer for the aspirants to the various county offices. If y<>u intend running it will pay you to put in your announcement as s *on as possible, in order to inform your friends before they are pledged to some other candidate. It is not every man that tak s a front seat in our churches that can be trusted. We know of some people who a. e in the habit of doing this in order to hide their meanness. This is a fact! The planks over the cro-sing on 2nd street, near the C evel *nd Hotel, needs nailing down. The council will have a la ' suit on its hands if somebody is not very ca ; eful. In point of elegance, beauty and gran deur, the Star Store is hard to down when it comes to a handsome display of dtess goods, millinery, etc. Their store was most artistically decorated, and draped with the latest designs, shades, and texture of the finest dress patterns ever exibited in Jackson at their open ing last w eek, aud we have heard many words of praise from an appreciative public c mpHnu nting them upon the : appearance aud arrangement of their elegant display. The souvenirs were a handsome and useful article. The Atlanta police force will picnic at Indi n Spring on May Ist. Isn’t it about time somebody was com ing out a, and announcing for the office of r presentative? S- nd in your announce ment and then you will u it he charged with coming out in opposition to some one else. You’ll he first iu the race. A Indy can drive the wildest horse, in perfect safety, with one of those safety bits. Call on A. G. Hitehins and see them. Mrs. Judjje Carmichael held the win ning number in the drawing which won the beautiful water service at the New York store on Thursday night of last week. The number which won was 217. The water service was valued at $20.00, and was indeed a handsome souvenir of a memoiable occasion. The Atlanta Journal has heard a ru mor that Hon. Alex Atkinson, of Butts county, will be in the race for congress against Col. T. B. Cabiniss.—Macon Evening News. Yes, the augus gave outthis valuable information some weeks ago and nearly every paper in the dis trict has had something to say on the subject. The Honorable Alex is a “stumper from Cork,” aud if he enters the race you will find him in the field as long as there remains a stump to stand upon. Ahorse can’t run awav with one of those safety bits at A. G. Hitehins. When the bird season, opens up again our Junior and Mr. Jas. L. Wagner are goingto have a shooting match to see which will have to “root the peg.” It is a tie as it now stands. They both went out with good intentions to kill or muti late every dove within 4 miles of Mr. Pitts Newton’s place on Friday last. They managed to kill about 4 boxes of cartridges, but the dove- are still ‘‘chew ing corn at the same old stand,” while J >e and the Junior have their arms in a sling from the incessant jar of “banging away” at imaginary objects which never r* ached the earth. Joe says his caps got wet, and every good shot he would get the old gun would fail to fire, hut the smoke over in his neighborhood won’t bear out hi* rssertiou. We are confident somebody lowered the sight ou our gun, however, as we shot just about half an inch below every bird, and Andrew MoClendou says he picked up about two j.ecks of bird's feet iu the vicinity of where we bombarded. Joe can't beat us shooting, and that’s all there is iu it! He may beat us trading at the rate of three for adore, but when it come to shooting, we can load and shoot as quick as any man in Butts county, and that’s all we weutout there to do! Joseph, we’ll see you later 1 See locals ou fourth page of thie issue. Read the advertisements, and then do your trading with the merchants who advertise.