The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 12, 1894, Image 4

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THE AR6UB. Mr. J. li. Maugham's mule ran away Tuesday on the square. Nothing huit except the lamp post and buggy, ‘the latter was a complete wreck. Nice, long, wide lace curtains* at 50c a pair. The Carmichael Cos. R. O. Bryans A Cos. is head quarters tor Toilet Soap, perluiL erv, etc. One of our thriving merchants confis cated ft diamond pin belonging to Mr. J. 11. llanett. a drummer for an Atlanta grocery firm, one day this week. Mr. Barrett is not decided as to what he will do in the matter, and the groceryman is a little uneasy about the result of the joke. He may let him down easy, how ever, by telling him a big bill of goods on the strength of it. Full line of negligee and dress shirts. The Carmichael Cos. Ladies, if you want anew dress, a nice slipper, at the low est prices, you can find them at Cohen’s. For artistic workmanship, Mr. K. H. Calvert can’t be Beat in the art of sign painting. Nearly all the signs of Jack son hear evidence of this fact, and we have never yet heard a word of com plaint arising from his work. Mr. Cal v<* r * gave us a nice job in a sign for the “argits office,” and all w’ork intrusted to liig care we will recommend as being fully up to the standard. He also con tracts for house painting, and can save the citicens of Jackson money by con aulting him when anything in his line of work is needed. We have the best stock and styles in straw ha s we have ever seen in Jackson. New York Store. The best shoes in this town for the lowest price at Cohen’s. Miss Carrie Mahon, one of the Port’s most popular and charming young ladies leaves for Georgia on a visit shoitly and last Friday uight her friends gave a ball at the Mahon house in the spacious diuing hall. There were seventeen dances on the list for the occasion, and it was far into the uight when the festiv ities closed. All of those who attended reported having had a most enjoyable time. It was the first big dance that has taken place in a lengthy period and there was a large attendance. Mias Mahon has relatives in Jackson, and will probably make tfiis her stopping point while in the Empire state.—Port Lava caen (Texas). When we say 4-4 fruit of the loom bleaching, you Know what we mean. Will sell it at 7 l-2c lor the next 30 days. The Carmichael o©. R G. Bryans & Cos. is head quarters for Toilet Soap, Per fumery , etc, A FAMILY REUNION. Mr. John Andrews, age 74 years, and his good wife, age 65 years, had a reun ion at their home on April Ist. The old couple had their fiva childreu and their wives and husbands, together with the grand children. They enjoyed the day finely. Cohen has just received anew lot of Ginghams at sc f a yard. 12 oz. Cow Brand Soda tor 5c at the Blue Store. Hanes is receiving a nice lot of stationery. DEATH OF COLE NALL. At half past one o’clock Monday raorn ig Coleman P. Nall died of ulcer of the stosiach at his home in Griffin, Georgia, after a brief illness. He was buried Tuesday from the residence of his brother, Thos. Nall, by the Odd Fel lows. Cole Nall, as be was popularly called, was a gentleman of many excelleut qual ities—upright, honorable and honest in all his dealings and a true- hearted friend to all who were admitted to the eircle of bis acquaintance. He had been in poor health for a year or so past, and was fully piepared for his death, which he met with calmness and intrepidity. He was a bachelor, about forty years of age, and as a cotton buyer was well known all through this section of Butts county, a; well as in other parts of the state, and his death will be learned with general regret and honestly mourned by many. Cohen offers special bargains in Gents Furnishing goods. Hanes, the jeweler, is adding new goods to Lis stock every day. Call and buy what you want from him at lowest prices. NO PICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Stockholders of the Jackson institute are requested to meet at the court house •n Saturday, sth day of May, foi the pur pose of electing boaid of directors and transacting such other business as may come be i ore them. W. Ik. Mau.ett, Chin, board directors Jackson Institute. LOST—A very large plain gold ring. Engraved on the inside “Jennie to Tube.” The finder will be rewarded by r returning ring to this office, or to T. L. Williams. 4t CORRESPONDENCE. (We are inn# wise responsible tor the view* expressed by our correspon dents, be be Demorraf, Repub’iean, People’s P.rty, r Prohibitionist; but w> ar* responsible for all on our edi t* rial page uncrediied and without •denatures.] — Eds. STARK. Editors Argus: —Wo have passed through the cold wave and are stil on top with a slight tendency up ward and onward. Another mercan tile house opened up last week at this place. Mr. Charles Saunders has em harmed in business, and we trust that Dunn & Cos, w ill never have to pub li>h his t.ame to the world. We also have a blacksmith shop, carriage and repair shop started heie since the year tet in. A noted citizen of this place is a supply boas and prin cipal bookkeeper. Hi books are cor rectly ami neatly kept, and reflects some credit for a short while and con siderable gloom over the neighbor hood. There are yet some lovely openings around here for the right kind of men. It is a fact, not known to everybody, that one mile from this place the grave of Robert Greer, the almanac man, can be seen The marble slab that marks his resting plate beats the following inscription: In memory of Robert Greer who died May llih, 1848, ag* 68yeatv We have been told by some of the older citizens that he was a spl< n li.l neighbor and highly esl emed by all who knew him. In politics be was art enthusiastic Whig of the Henry- Clay school, and was quitea admirer ot the distinguished Kentuckian In religion he was a Presbyterian of the associate reform order. One of his grandsons lives right there in your city—the distinguished surgeon and physician, Dr. Itobeit Greer Bryans. Another illustrious character died near this place, that of tne Rev. Jesse Mercer, for whom the Baptist college in Macon was named. He die*l here •■n the 6th of September, 1841, at the residence of Rev. James Carter. The house is yet standing just as it was then. It now belongs to the estate of the late W. W. Moore. The body of the great preacher was carried to Penficld for burial. The escort reached Montieello the first night after leaving here, aud we have often h ard it said that nearly the w hole town sat up with the corpse that night. If there can be found two names in Georgia more familiar to the people than Robert Greer and Mercer, we can’t imagine who they are. Occasional. A DUMMY LINE From Jackson to Indian Spring. Mr. Editors, it is more than pass ingly strange that Jackson, with all of her push and enterprise, has not awakt n and -o the importance of contie* t ing Indian Spring to herself by rail. Why do not some ot wiir businessmen get together and perfect a plan where by his enterprise can be carried out ? There is no reason in the world for waiting for some shrewd Yankee to come clown here and get the glon and profits that would accrue from it. The money is here, the brain is here, but ala 9, and alack! the great southern summer resort is five miles away and Jackson, noted tor able financiers, stands idle. I submit tbit plan : Call a mass meeting, elect a presiil cut and board ofdiieciors; find ou ! , through a civil engineer, the probable cost of the road, then issue dock at 125.00 per share, and, in tn\ opinion, every man in Butts count\ will subscribe liberal] and promptlv. More anon, Ajax. The above suggestion from Ajax, who is one of our most enter.rising citizens, meets our hearty approval. We would be glad some of our o‘hei citizens would speak right out in meeting on this subj-et. Jackson has always been equal to tne emergency, and the above en terpri*e would make our streets stick ith visitors, and Jackson would leap a rich harvest. WHAT A VISITOR SAYS. If tbe patrons of Jackson Institute knew more of its workings, they would appreciate it more. To know more of its working* they must visit it oftener. Every patron of the institute should visit it at least once a month, it inspires both pupils and teachers. They should be sure to attend its monthly, Friday even ing exercises, which are very interesting. Some of its pupils show a marked degree of excellence, as did Elam Dempsey, Nannie Sue Ham, and Roy Daughtry of a few evenings ago. All its pupils did well, but tbese deserve special mention. You shou'd attend tbe opening exercises in the morning. See the bright faces as they assemble in the chapel. Hear them as they heartily join in tbe muisical exer cises, as they are required each morning and I assure you, you will be inspired to greater efforts in the discharge of your duty to your children and to the in stitute. Visitor. Don’t take internal remedies for te male diseases. Common sense re quires a direct application like **Or auge Blossom.” Sold by W. L, Car michael. J. B. Guthrie and J. VV. Goddard had a sparring match over at Thornton & Hooten’s livery stab , on Thursday last and Guthrie kicked Goddard out on the 25th round. Jim Thornton was refene, while Charlie Grevham acted as time keeper. Ist round : Some lively sparring on both sides, resulting in a victory for Goddard. From the 2nd to the 25th rounds Goddard was having decidedly the best of it, when Guthrie let in to kicking like a Texas steer, putting God dard to sleep and wounding him on the limbs. There would have been some lively infighting, but the news was re ceived that someone had opened up a keg or be°r dowu uear Flovilla, and the fight was decided a draw after the most terrific struggle ever witnessed in the Jackson prizering. The purse —two Old Glory cheroots —was divided evenly be tween the two contestants. See R. G. Brvins and get his prices on patent med.cines. “Orange Blossom” gives immediate relief and permanently cures all dis eases peculiar to ladies bo dby W. L. Canuichael. H F. Edwards keeps the fin est western beef. Go to R. G Bryans for Marbles, Tops, Fish hooks, and Basa Ball goods. •* ' - THE BUMPS ON fOUR FACE Are caused by impure blood, aud will never he well unless you cleanse it and build it up in richness and purity. Bo tanic Blood Balm, th great blood puri fier aud tonic, is what you need. One bottle will clear your complexion and purify yur blood. Try it. Price SI.OO par bottle. For sale by druggists. Harp sells fresh meats of all kinds. Hanes still fixes all the clocks, watches, etc., so they stay fixed. Domestic sewing machines for sale at Yellow Store h J. W. Crum. Old machines taken in exchange. Edwards keeps tresli bread all the time. VALUABLE PRESENTS FREE We wsh to introduce our System Pills into every horn -. We know that we manufacture ihe very herd remedy on earth for r lie cure of con stipation, Btlliousnes-, S k head ache, Kidney Tr. uhles Torpid liv er, etc.; and that when \on have tr ed these pills v n will gladly re commend them to other**. ©r take an agency 7 , and in this wav we shall have a large well-paying demmd created. Asa special inducement forever* reader of this paper to try these pills and take an agency at o ice, we will give to each person who sends twenty five cents in cash, or thirty cents in stamps, tor a h- x of Sva tern Pills, one of ihe following pres ents: A Handsome Gold V’atch, a Good Silver Watch, a Valuable Town Lot,, a Genuine Diamond Ring, a Casket of Silver vare *r a Genuine $5 Gold Po.ce. Even pur chaser gfns one of these presents. There are r o eX'-eptio'-s S oaw Reined* Cos., Ru'hertord, N Y Edwards will sell 30 cents bread tickets for 25 cents. R. G. BRYANS & CO. DRUGGISTS ml Mm Slaliooory, Mil Boots, Bother Bools. TOILET ARTICLES. &C. Simmon’s Liver medicine 15c .Black Draught 15c. S. *S. S. small 69c. A/other’s Fiic'd 1.05 c. P. and W morphines 85c per b -ttle. Hood’s Aarsaparilla 71c. Alefris Cordial 69c. Bradfield’s Female Regulator 69c. Peruua 71c. Pierce’s Golden J/edical Discovery 71c. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription 99c. Moise s Indian Root Pills 17c. Pills, all other brands, 15c Cuticura Aoap 18c. Brown’s Iron Bitters 71c. Soothing Syrup 18c. Braiix cro'.ine 35c. Brewer’s Lung Restorer 71c. Mustang Liniment 18, 36 anti 71c. Heloni* Cordial 61c. Koval Germ at tire 70c. Sulphur 5c pound Copperas 5c pound Epsom Salts 5c pound. Scott’s Emulsion 73*:. R. & BRYANS A CO. Jackson, r a., April, 12, 1894. Don’t ail to see the new shoes and goods at the Blue Sto r e. ■ AFOUL MURDER. Messrs. W. J. White aid Ossie Mc- Nair went fishing on *he Ocmulgee river Saturday and in a drift of trash near the water’s edge they found an infant negro child, that had betn placed there when born before it was ever dressed. Coro ner Hardy was summoned and in hold ing an inque>t i; was declared that Sarah Dillamarr, who is now in jail, gave birth to the child in February, and her broth er, Wm. Dillamarr, who is the father of tbe child took it out of the room as soon as it was born, and it. had not been heard of nntil found as aboye stated. The man, who is guilty of two of the darkest crimes knewn to humanity, is at large. The opaning at the New York Store for this season attained a degree of ele gance and a display never before equaled in Jackson, and hardly surpassed by any city in Georgia. Mr Torrence, the well k own traveling man, who was here that night, said: “I never saw its equal. Why, I feel like I was a* High’s corner iu Atlanta.” These gentlemen, who are all wide-awake men, from the manager. J. H. Carmichael, down to the delivery boy, deserve great credit for thus adver tising the town, besides the treat given all lovers of beauty, who cared to go out and see. The crowd of ladies and pretty gills who graced the opening with their presence, was a deserved compliment to this enter rising firm. .See R G. Bryans and get his prices on patent medicines. i|i m* DISSOLUTION. Having increased ray interest in the Carm cbael Company, I have, by mutual consent of all parties concerned, with drawn from the firms of Etheridge & Ki uard and Etheridge, Ktnard & Cos. Mr, Ivinard assumes all responsibilities for the old firm, and all notes and accounts are payable to him. Thanking you lor past patronage, /am, Very respectfully, R N. Etheridge. Jackson, Ga., March 26th 1594. Having purchased the interest of Mr. R. N. Etheridge in the firms of Etheridge & Ivinard, and A’theiidge, Kiuard&Co.. I take this method of thanking the people for their past patronage, and hope by fair dealing and honest treatment, I may merit the continuation of the same in the tuture. Y’ery iiJespectfully, 3-29 4t 8 B Ain ard. See R G. Bryans and get his prices on patent medicines 35 Complete Novels. NEATLY B *UND and a Y ar Smsctrption to a large 16 page illustrann monthly magazine lor ONLY 30 CENTS. This i- a most liberal ot let a.- Household Topics, the mag azine lehr'tdto la a Digit' 1 sa pa per replete with stories at love, a i Venture, 'ravel and a o; t ir. >*j> *tu g and aiructive ak* tch***. ©! fact and bine) ; and in the lift of 35 nov* I<- are auch treasures a** ‘A Bl Ve Coward. * by R *=eri Loud- S e en son ; ‘A Bbickfiuith's Daughter '' by Etta W Pi ice; *Nmet<a* r a moat piea-itig mery "> M. T. Cad -r; **A Gilded Sin. # and “Betwnr Two So.a,” by the author of Do a Thorn ; “The t*lnh of It. 7 ' b\ tin popu nr writer, Hugh Conway ; and the “Moore House Tragedy,’ - ' rath er sensational by Mrs Jane C Austin ; ‘A a delightful Morv bv Mis. Reherea H Davis; ' Wall Flowers,” by the populat Marion Hrlai.d and the great ston 'fjuiliX or Nb.t Guil‘.v. v by Amand. M Douglass Space forbids men Honing the other novels; hut the* aie all the sanie high grade, • opu lar, bright, romantic, spicy, inter eating stories. The 35 novels and the current iSfUenl HoU EH' I.D Topics Will he Sefit \OU Ilied-iy \ our order is te ceived. Tbi-wtl' soppl ".u with as. anon's tending for a mere so jg ; and will he aesorited by all in tin household Si nr* atom e 30 em o H u-fhold Topics Pub. ' o P O B. x 1159 New York Cn ~ N Y Concur* Save 40c. B a-k Draught ho *e powders 34c. De Wilt’s S raparilla 71c. Perrv Davi>- Pain Kide,- 19c. Lemon El-xii 39 and 69<;. Beso XXX Envelope* 5<- package. WhitmarV Dandy shoe polish 17<* Whi'mar’s Gihedgc shoe polish 18c. Whit mar’s Royal Glos polish 7c. H .ckleherr, Cordial L9o. Angii-t Flower 39<\ Pierce’s Cderv Compound 69c. Elect. i ir Bin* r 410. Liquid Pepicnoids 69c. Gypsy Secret 31c. Vasaiine4<z bottle sc. S. Jacob's Oil 26 Houm hold Ammonia ICK Alcoek’- Porus Piaster 10c. Wine Cardui 69c p,rker’s Hair Balsam 35c. Moffett’* Ter-thina 18c RadawHv’a Ready Relief 36c. Bvrup Figs 36 and 69c liorsford’* Acid Phosphate 36, 71c. Go to K. G. Bryans for Marbles, Tops, Fish hooks, and Base Ball goods of all kinds. NOTICE, This is to give notice that tbe firm of Tbut stou & 2 haxtou is this day di-solved. All accounts for work done in 1893, are in the bands of .A H. Thurston. All accounts for weik in 1894 aie payable to D F 1 haxton, who assume all responsibilities, and will continue the business at the old st nd, having bought ur. Thurston out. Tbaukiiig the people for their past patron age, I respectfully s licit a continuation of the same, promising good work at reason able rates. Respectfully, 4 5-4 t D- F. Thaxtok. Is as safe and harmless as a flax seed poultice. It acta like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time*, it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J.A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold by DR. W. L. CAIiiIICHEAL. Ldwards will keep ice bv tbe carload this spring and summer- mß&k BLOOD BALM. 1 A household remedy for all Blood and f Skin diseases. Cures without fail, Srrot t ula,Ulcers, Rheumatism.('atsrih. Suit Rheum f and every form of Blood Disease from the 1 simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty 1 years’ use with unvarying success, dtm -1 onstrates its para mo im, healing, purify t ing and building up virtues. One bott e t has more curative virtue than a dozen of 1 any other kind. It builds up tlie h( alth f and strength from the first dose. [ @”lFfirTfi for Book of ll’oh* f derful Cures, sent free on appli- I cation. [ If not kept by your local druggist, send i SI.OO for a large bottle, or $5.00 for six bot j ties, and medicine will be sent, freight 1 paid, by (BLOOD BALM Atlanta, Ga. Fresh at Harp’s market. THE STAfIDMID. DURANG’S Rheumatie Remedy Has sustained its reputation for 18 years as being tiie standard remedy for tbe quick an t permanent cure of Rheuma- ■ tisin, Gout. Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. • >lt is endorse 1 1 by thousands <>i i’liysi- . cians. Publi.-mers and I’atienis It is ■ purely vegetable and builds up from the ■ first rinse.* it ti ?ver fails to i lire. Price is one dollar n bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Our :0-page Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, Drag's R&Kimatio Rsmsdy Cos. 1316 L Street, Washington, D. C. Burn nrf's hirer I*illsi\rc The best on earth. They act with an ease that makes them a household blessing. PRICE 25 CTS. FEB BOX, or 5 BOVS' SO”. $1 FOR Ef-LE EY DRUGGISTS. H. F. Edwards lias one of the best bakers in the whole state A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The following remarkable event in a lady’s life will interest the reader: “Fora long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which flut tered almost incessantly. lhud no appetite and could not sleep. I would be compelled to sit up in bed ana belch gas from my stom ach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. 1 couldn’t sweep a room with out sitting down and resting; but, thank God, by the help of New Heart Cure all that Is past and I feel D a another woman. Be fore using the New Heart Cure I had taken different so-called remedies and been treated by doctors without any benefit until I was both discouraged and ilv husband bought me a bottle of Dr. Mies’ New Heart Cure, and am happy to say I never regretted it, as l now have a soiendid appetite and sleep well. I weighed 125 pounds *. ben J be gan taking the remedy, and now I weigh 130‘/4. Its effect la my case has been truly marvel ous. It far surpasses any other medicine I have ever tuken or any benefit I ever re ceiv’ed fi'o-n phvslcians.”-Mrs. EarryStarr, Pottsvllle. l'a.. October 12.1802. Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure is sold on a posi tive guarantee by e l druggists, or by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos., II khart, Ind., on receipt of price, U per bottle, six bottles 15, express pre paid. This great discovery by an eminent specialist in heart disease, contains neither opiates nor dangerous drugs* For Sale by v-, L. ARMK’HAEL and R. G, BRYANS & CO. Foffr f X dyspepsia / rf ' \ Sick or INDIGESTION N urinhrur n \ Bu ..v-uN.v / HEADACHE. B/l/oi/smess\ }Jaundice Sourness Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature ofM.A.Thedford dm FrcntOe Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.(&- ■ ■■■ Rome. Ga. h. F. Rd wards is the man that you ought to buy y nir in from. He is the summer butcher. Harp’s sausage is the best. SHOES. We keep Shoes to lit everybody’s foot, fancy and pocket book. shoes, Sunday shoes aud holiday shoes, all for prices that cannot be duni at * MILLINERY. Weae the leading VliMinors in Jackson, tor the iva-on Uiar we hav ing and diversified experience. We have all kinds of hats m the very u^, 1 J styles, combining French and American piize designs. ttl ] DRY GOODS. Our line of Dry Goods is composed of all the latesl and most fadfinnithl shades, ami of qualiths the best the markets of the world can afford Co- i and see. FANG! GROCERIES. Our line of shelf (4roc ries cannot he surpassed in prices and q-miitv I Our tobacco i-s< c ea> tint the euple are surpri ed a> I h qu tl \\ uf-uijjl when tried. We keep all kinds ofsnutf. Come to see m ami be convim'd j L. I CASON, i Prop, ofthe VARIETY STORE. I GUANO! GUANO! JACKSON HIGH GRADE! EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE! EUTAW FERTILIZERS! Wa desire to state to the farmers of Butts and surrounding countiei that we are now fully prepared to cater to your wants in the way of frtin.erj for 1894. As i* a well known fact, we handle the famous Jackson High Grade, A guano that nas stood the test and came out ahead of all competition. It h manufactured right here in your midst, and is made only of the best mated* ais, and uader our personal supervision. Those who have tried it ar pro* fuse in their admiration of its qualities. It Leads Them All! We will also handle ihe Eutaw Acid Phosphate and Eutaw Fertilizers, two well known brands that have stood severe tests as to their quality aud re sult ta. Come and see us when you come to Jackson, we have enough for all, and shall be ever pleased to fill vour orders Very truly your friends, ALMAND, MOON & GO. FANCY GROCERIES! E. G. GILMORE & HENCELY, May s Block, Next Door to Livery Stoll .e on 3d Street- Everything ke?t fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We keep country used potatoes and onions, in fact, all kindd ol country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly fi led idg a business-like manner. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade! and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. ; Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8 1804 NEW LUMBER YARD On the Square. Having opened ud a new lumber yard in (own, I can save you hauling from the depot. I propose to keep all kind of building material. I have the best No. 2 Shingles in Butts county, and will sell you as cheap, if not cheaper, than anybody. Will contract to build your house, if you wish it. Come and see me, and get priee Respectfully T. M. FURLOW. • " 1,000 WOMEN Become afflicted and remain so, suf fering untold miseries from a sense of delicacy they cannot overcome. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, by stimulating and arousing to healthy action all her organs* rACTS AS A SPECIFIC. 1 It causes health to bloom on the cheek, and joy to reign throughout the frame. It never fails to cure. The Best Medicine ever Made for Women. "My wife has been under treatment of leadino physicians three years , without benefit. After usir.c three bottles of Brad fields female ltegulatvi the can do her own cooking, milking and washing." N. S. Bbtan, Henderson, Ala. BRADFIEL.D REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga Sold by druggists at SI.OO per bottle. The best saus tge ever maru faotured in Jackson, aEo the “cleanest , ‘ can be found at H.-rp's meat market. . it. ( . . r r'tjgf * ' ***# coci; v, 150 First Class B. W. WRENN Q P & T V. Kr-nr nr/Tfliw * - ] ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND BLOOD TAINT. Cevsral bottles of Swift’s Specific (9.5. S.) entirely cleansed my system of contagious blood poison of the very worst tvpe. Wm. S. Loomis, Shreveport, La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FORMS. I had sCROFt-LA in 1884, and cleansed my system entirely from it by taking seven bottles of S. S. S. I have not had any symp toms since. C. W. Wilcox, Spartanburg, S. C. * >\L KVJJj HAS CURED HUNDREDS BBfiS CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed fre* SvnrTSficmcCb-, Atlanta, G*.