The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 07, 1894, Image 3

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f Coeafettes. y \<[ I'KNNESSKE SCHEDULE. The followin' is the arrival of trains at jlf u<>n according to tiu.e table in effect A|.iii M ,by 4: NOKTH BOUND. jj 0 12 5:55 a. ax flag. , j | —C .18 p. m. stops .. <j :5b a m stops. south bound. \, II -9:13 pm. flag. *• j;3 9• 16 a. in. s ops. * 17— —5 50 p. m stops. The dress making shops are now on a hot*m. Mi. B. F. Watkins spent Monday ju -ilay in Macon on business. Tin* candidates “are slio” hustling f >r the different <ffi es. The Alto us extends thanks to Kinney Watkins for some “I scream!” p rotten and corn are looking some bet ter than they did a week or so ago. Oui merchants report a very good hade for the past week. Jackson now enjoys the best railroad v hedule of any town in Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMichael spent Monday in Griffin visiting friends and relatives. Two electric cars collided in Atlanta, on Monday killing the motorman and wounding several passengers. Messrs. Kinney Watkins and Jack Slice' visited their best girls in Newton county on Sunday last. Th latest way yet discovered to get li-li s t *rade Id “biicheu” for them. F i fin tlu-r infoi matioii call on Colonel M* K bheuor Brother Watkins. (in Goodman and li.s wife were play iir 'as Tuesday and Gus fell and br->ke his leg. Dr. W. G. Bryant “fixed” it, for him and he thinks it will stay fixed. Stockholders of Jackson Oil Mill Cos. in't at the court h use Tuesday. The report of the directors was satisfactory. The old hoard of directors was unani mously eleoted. One of the unmistakable evidences of haul times is that the houses of au oc casional editor in thisaud in other states are being burglarized. The Masons held a meeting on Mon day night and took in a candidate iu the person of Mr. A. Cohen, our clever dry goods merchant. Quite a ctowd ot’ Jacksonians spent. Sunday afternoon at Indian Spring, list* suing to lh excellent music of the Wig orchestra, which dispersed some very popular airs. Tin re was sixty acres of land lyire in three or fnurn ilts of Jackson soldAthe E'l-*ii ble Moi tage company *-V>. The same laud Hye years ago '•V Olid have hrough* S6OO. Kvuy ody is inviti and to attend tin c ui iiciictineut exercises of Jackson In- Miruu*. It is absolutely the dnty ot ] utmiis to be there. h Mr. Atktuson continues to “bunch” I s counties much longer, all of Georgia "ill be huddled together in a manner vei> discoucei .ing to the Atlanta Con stitution. Miss Myrtice Peavy, after a week of pleasure in Macon, has returned to Jack *on for a short stay before leaving for htrhoniein Greenville, Ga. Prof. Emerson Ilam, principal of Mc- Donough High School, is visiting rela tives in this city.. -Miss Mattie Paul will Icaye Jacksou ou Saturday, where she goes to attend the commencement exercises of the Cochran Institute. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dodson, of Stark, have returned from an extended visit to Texas. Mr. Tom Williamson ha* given us a he egg which is two eggs joined togeth er with a wry small neck. Mr. William mi says it is a Cleveland egg, and that he lias that, kind of chickens for sale at C'St. Attend the college exercises at the In stitute next- wet k. Butts county has the most clever set °t candidates for county offices that there are in the state. Even if they do D "t know \ou, they will come up, shake hands and get acquainted. B >b Lyons and Billy Potts went up to Atlanta on Friday last. H°n. Alex Atkinsou made a speech in McDonough on Tuesday' of this week to d ’nrg" au li. nee of hearers. The Hon. r - , ‘ r * Atkinson is a fluent speaker on all stihj.'cts. Miss. Effie Harris, who has beenspend ‘"3 a•. w weeks in McDon<’ ugh visiting friends, lias retur led to Jackson. Air and Mrs. Taylor, < f Macon, who h*ve spending a few days visiting 411 and Mrs. Valentino, returned home 'dav evening. Ike commencement sermon of the fi'isin.r exercises of Jackson Institute "id be delivered at the Methodist church 0,1 Sunday next. Everybody should go ° ul a '• hear it. AAewi l never indorse Cleveland’s ad ni;i i'trariou until ne quits sending these ? ’ 'naps on the Sou h. The idea of a R ' a ’ putting cotton down to 6 cents and 'vti dmiuistering such doses of weath- H ' we can’t make any at that price. i>> i qually responsible for both and v fare bound to kick. m |! EVERYTHING j| 1 MEFIRST-CLASS.M I VtortnitMy Located. Free E&ct t\ C. R. Gresham, ProprietcH whogocs * uto a nomina o, and then refuses to support the n >minee, could ut all ~f i ; i , ~ “ uv an ot ins democracy n the hull of a mustard seed. Mr. Join, Payne, one of Henry coun -2-n >eKt . CU,Z, ' ,,S ’ Henry county ill ceitainly g u for Atkinson and Spald ,l,u 18 ,u t,ie same boat Mr. Fame thinks Judge Bartlett is the strongest congiessionally speaking, i„ Henry at this date. Mi.T. J. Sowell, a prominent young merchant, of Locum (Hove, was in town Monday last. Mr. M. V. Ty n r, who is a good me chanic, ..I Jones e unty, was in Jackson T , W ® ’ a ,ew turnout , J ’ K ( a umi lmel. Hr is a judge , Wo, k a,ld kn ” w * a good thing when he sees it. Qu It iinibc of our young people went to the Indian Spring Sunday. I is a very popular place for pleasure seekers these waim days. Every picture we tvoi aw of old “nick” he had long shaggy whiskers. Now, we have a different idea to that. If wo were called on to icture the tel low, we would make a man with a stand luK collar ou and clean shaved. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. T.Mayo, who have been on a few week’s visit to Texas, have returned Lome and are perfectly delighted with the trip. Mr. Mayo says Texas is a vsry fine country, but he pre fers the clay hills of Georgia, and is very well satisfied to remain in Jackson. Dr. Cantrell after i week’s ab sence is again in his office ready to serve any one wishing his services. Let’s see now how anx ious you are about having vour work dooe. Henry Gunn takes mue interest in base hall than any mai: in Jacks..n, so if y- u want to get on the inside track see H ;ry before yju do your betting op the game. Billy Po.ts wih some day make a pro sessional by eicliat if his legs hold out. The “M.fltni- c Glory Brigade” will have their next daily conference in front of Mr. Frank McKihben’s furnituie store fcoworrow morning at 9 o’clock. All charter members are required to be on hand as the supply of white pine is run ning short, and a few new members are to be initiated. Frank McKibben is always as happy as a pig in the sunshine. He don’t care for expenses, and is a genial, good fellow. We wish everybody were like him for the world would be better off. We call attention to the announce ment of Un le Alex in this i sue. Ev eryboriy who ver came to Jackson f..r a few times knows him and we can’t see how a man could know him well a and then vote against him. He and “Aunt” Saliie are growing old and mor- feeble with the recede g ycais. He will make afiistclass fficcr, if the people f v*i his desires. We c m lum m n jriimMing on every hi e nowadays. Some mad because it dv n’t and some because it does. But few at ■ thankful for the many blessings they are ei j •yin<r. Many a man who nev r did a hard days w>k in Ids life, and who never did witliout a single thing he needed, and has al ays revel led in extravagnce looks upon an obi man who has worked h .id and deprived himself of every pleasuie to save a c< m petency more highly favored 1 proridence. All a mistake. Good eon duct stakes good luck. Dr.O. H. Cantrell and Colonel F. Z. Curry attended the Sunday School con vention in Atlanta last week, and came near being blown up with dynamite. They were stopping at the residence of M r . J. H. Eakes, former pastor of the M. E. church at Jackson, when about 11 o’clock at night some miscreant threw a dynamite cartridge in the yard adjoining the parsonage and tore both residences up, bruising and frighten ing the occupants considerably. No other harm was done, however. There would be exactly the same sen-e in advocating the free and unlimited printing of paper money that there is it* the free and unlimited coinage of silver There is ;>nl. 49cts worth of • intrinsic” value in a silver dollar, and 61 cents ot government credit bottomed on taxes. Why not make i* all government, credit? Why select silver to stamp the eagle on when ev ry dollar of it cost the govern ment 49 cents when the panel wouldn’t cost hut one cent? There is absolute!* no sense in ’he free and un!imit*d issue of money on any kind of material whos supply is inexhaustible There must be some safeguards of legislation. Some have misunderstood the ohj ct. of the Colored Educational Board which was organized here last Saturday. They have ui> idea hut that the judg ient of the board of education is all light so far as it r* b'tes to education, but their ob ject is to investigate the nun 1 * urpitude of those who teach their children. We fully iudoise the c doled people in this move. For tb y have a better opportu nity to know the moral standing of th ir race. Noimmoialor political person should be al owed to teach. Dr. R. VV. Mays subscribed liberally to building Jacks n Institute and someone chidingly asked: “I> ctor have yon ever gotten any dr idend.-?” The doctor re plied: ‘ Ye<. sir, Ih ve jus paid nine teen doPai s tu tioii for two chi dreu this term, and those two children have been under the loving care of the r mother, where the lamp c*u’d burn d’mly with the wick tuned low al! night, aud she could tuck the cover about them when the air g ew colder in the - hades of the night. It would have cost me ten times the money to have sent them from .home to say nothing of home iuflu -nces. Yes, sir, I am a Jackson Institute m n.” The doctor is personally a uccess, being one of the few men who have made a fortuue since the war, end there is some thing in the above remark. . r ‘ *b Davis, of Jenkinsburg, was in town Monday. Mrs. M. L. E. Treadwell, and her beautiful daughter, Miss Susie, of Griffin, is visiting her daughter on Indian Spring street. Guess what young man took a walk our to J e Wright’s, and couldn’t find the way back until 11 o’clock. We have seen walking the streets of Jacksou this week a negro w* man, Min- tie Stilwell, and she can walk several mi'eßa day, who was 100 years old on the 25th of March last. Great Scott! start ing her second coutury. “Eastern Shoes” for sale at the Star Stre. Such as Bay State at SI.OO per pair. The railroad seems to be standing about *t par. They are not building yet with iron. The only substantial element that has entered the business is our office towel, We guess, however, we will get the road built some later than this. There was a negro child burned to death in Jackson this week It was about s- veu years old, and its parents name is Barber. Bay Slate Brogans are “East ern Shoes. We sell them at $1 a pair* Star Store Colonel M. V. McKibben is a demo crat of the true blue variety. He is an enthusiastic Hvans man. He says: “Not that I love Atkinson less, but Evans more, and if Colonel Atkinson is the choice of the party, and it seems now that he is. 1 am ready to stump the state for the man from Coweta.” “Is there any mail for me?” “No, I never heard the name before ” “What’s the reason there’s no mail for me?” “Because everybody that can write is above writing to you.” “Guess you can’t write!” Lades’ fast black Hose at 7c— regular 15c Hose—at Cohen’s Mr. “Nort” Parnell spent last night in Hotel Beauchamp for the simple crime of appropriating a boat toh mseif which belonged to Mr. Tom Kitchens. “Iago” and “Stubs” must be in the soup. For the last several days they have been as silent as the grave. Our people will be grh ved to learn that Mr. Henry Bankston was called to the burial of his brother Wednesday, Prof. Gus Bankston. He was well known in our county, and his death was very sud den and therefore the more shocking to his friends. There is a fine baby boy at Mr. J. L. Crawley’s. Atkinson will have another supporter in 21 years. Boys’ KNEE PANTS, age 4 to 14, at 35c worth 65c, a better oants at 48c well worth SI.OO at. COHEN’S. Read our announcement column and pick < ut. the man of your choice. They are a!l good men and it is a question of who you prefer to have the office. Mr. Robert L. Bloodworth, • f Atlanta, is visiting friends and relatives in Jack son this we -k. Atkinson gives Evans the “White” on Tuesday and that is the oulyC' unty the General could capture out of the five which acted on that day. The hoys are speaking of getting up a crowd of young men and ladies to go down to the river and spend a week fish ing. They will undoubtedly have a “large” time. In two weeks more Hon. W. Y. Atkin son will have received the nomination for Governor of Georgia. You can get NICE SUNDAY PANTS at 75c up t 055.00 at COHEN’S. Miss Clovis Jinks, who has been at tending school at Milledgeville, returned home on Wednesday last. The New York Life Insurance Compa ny is on a bo<m in these paits. They are now writing the best policy for men •f ordinary means of any company with which we are familiar. Messrs. R. F. Cary, of H<>merville, and C. E. Whi tington, of Valdosta, Ga., spent several days with Charlie Beau champ this week. We have a few pieces Calicoes i*ft—will sell sell at 5 cents per var<l Come and get them be fore they are all gon-*, at COHEN’S. H w would it strike the stockholders of Jackson Institute to turn that proper ty over to the city with the understand ing that she will home bonds to a suffi cient am unt to dougble the capacity and make it equal to any other collf ee in the state? Prof. Blasingame has proved that he is the man for the place he occupies, as well as the remainder of the faculty. There can be no harm in Risking as good school as there is a still better one. . Don't late internal remedies for HVmale diseases. Common cense re quires a direct application like “Or nge Blossom.'’ Sold b> W. L. Car— iii'chael. In this issue will be found the an nouncement of Judge B. P Bailey as a candidate for clerk of .he Superior court of Butts county. Having for a number of years ably assisted Mr. Joseph Jolly in the duties of thia > ffiee, Mr. Bailey is ia every way well qualifi and to fill the poistiou. and, if eleoted, will make a most acceptable officer. He will give the office his entire personal attention and will iu every way endeavor Xo mate rially aid the interests of our county when the opportunity offers itself. Judge Bailey is a good man for the posi tion. and we commend him to the peo ple of Butts county for their support. A NEW RIG! ' The Jackson Carriage Factory recent ly turned out a beautiful piece of work for Mr. W. 11. Gage, the geuial and ac commodating manager of the Singer Sewing M.icliitie Cos., at Griffin, Ga. It was a handsome boggy with a platform attachment to b us* din delivering sew ing machines. Ou y the best of material was used in its composition, and the work reflects gieat . redit upon both the factory and its skilled corps of employ ees. Mr. Cairaichaei secured the con tract ahead of the most promiuent carri- age men in this section and Mr. Gage in forms rs that he i-perfectly deligh’ed with the vehicle, and is confident no better one could have been made that would give hi'U m ne universal satisfac tion. The Jackson Carriage Factory has a well earned reputation for the dura bility, style and workra i iship of its ye hicles, and when it comes to doiug a neat and tasty job it can’t be downed. Mr. Gage spends a large portion of his time in traveling through the coun try in this section, and no better adver tisement is need and iliati this beautiful turnout which convey s this clever gen tleman on his rounds, along with the old reliable Singer Machine. If we were called upon to name two of the greatest successes in their respective de partments iu the state of Georgia—our answer would invariably be—The Jack sou Carriage Fact ry, of Jackson, and Mr. W. 11. Gage, of Griffin. “Eastern Shoes” at Star Store IN ME MORI AM. In memory of our dear brother, C. S. Hart ness, mi Chri-t, he has gene io sleep in Jesus, ami will wake up in glory, the tri* <1 and the true 1 *\alov ing ever faiih'u! friend Mr. Haik ness has g lie from am*>ug us to his Heavenly h me. What can we sav ? •ruly we are sorely bereaved. A mourning family in thinking ol him whom none knew but to love, I fel how utterly inadequate are aty hu •iau words to rentier a fitting tribute to our lovely triend, who fo’eo mam years has occupied a warm place in thousands of hearts now sa dened bi the loss of his wi-e a id faithful coun s** l ; Id* tend* rI ve ;md hope an*'- cneer; hisfeiv. nt pra\crs, and best of all bis bright Christian example. Our beloved brother is not dead: h** has just begun to live. Let ns think of him as with Christ, joining hi •weet voi*,e in the new song to'ev<r and ever. He bore with patience ami mekn* s , without tmm mui-, Ip*hM (t ><l’* will b-* lo'i**. ail hiw i. resting in •<e>us. lli* I* fi a devoted wife and four children to mourn his loss Mat Co*l ble-s the ben avid family and *mv" them in Heaven. Quietly sh ep tieloved op*, . Rest from thy toil thy labor done, Rest till tin* trumpet fr.-in lie open |ingskies, Bids thee from dust to glory rise. P. B M. W. Griffin News please copy WE’VE FOUND HIM! Five Thousand Dollars Reward. Puis cash u ill lie paid in coon -kins, possum hides or other produce, to he collected at or hhour next can.p-tn* et ing, or thereafter, by anv one what catches him ; for a young man tnis ing from your place in the next few da vs Seme have said he * red head ed, cross-eyed, hump backed, knock kneed, whopper-jawed, and pigeon toad, and that be had a tin ear and a gutta-percha nose; and that he wore a spider-web shirt lined with lemon ade, mint julep collar, a neotie cut from the polar wave, snow-flake pants with ventilating attwtehments and r friera f ot* suspenders, ic -cream ve-t with hail-tone buttons, tisstip papet c at lined with -oda wafer, a Irogt-bit * n hat made ot zero and carried a cane cut out of the nn-th pole. Th a i* not correct He is ta 1 complexion ed, about 5 feet 4 i flies of age, sqna*e '•otin'eiiance, pleasant -hoiihlei-, and height 34 \ ear* and 15 months Had •it, when last seen, a pair of swallow tailed, seal-skin trousers with sau-age stripe* and cylinder-escapement se,.t, double barrelled frock coat, slighth •un down at th* h**el; tisualU w**re a -mile n the hack of hi- head with m -light impediment in his looks if m* t in the da*k He wear- a “Grecian Ben ” on hi- upper lip, anil whisker* •ut offshort inside. Was car<-> ing an empt\ carpet la_, ti ! ed with po-t lodes and w heell*arr w seed* in ea* h li ind, and a w* o len bag in ilie other, containing no hi- g hut t few ocean tea un r., iadw\ lumo'ls, toedte iimiMs, -hi t collars and othei tilings Usually wore a high-heeled, -quare oed plug hal. and low crow ed, broad b ioim**d, double- back action, stem-winding, cable screwed boot*. Was born l>el<>re bi-\ounger broth er, a >d is, then f< re. about tour 11 was ott *n heard singing: I’m my daddy’s only son, Gay nd bvely, full of fun; Brother is twice as old as me, So we are twins you plainly see! Any one giving such information a- will lesrti hi ti where he is will be prospi’titi and as the law directs. He was supposed at first to have gone off on his ear, but his was a mistake. Since the above wa- written his friends have learmri to toeir delight that he i now taking picture* aTO* the atr*-et front tLe Anon* office—it’* , Guthrie 1 BARGAINS IT THE NEW TORN STORE. Prices RecLnoecL In our DRY GOODS and MILLINERY rooms. Our Spring and Summer Goods Must Go! VOW IS ME CHANCE TO OET TEEM ALMOST AT * YOUR * OWN * PRICE. We make no prices, but all we ask Is ter you te call and examine tlie many nice tilings ~-We Have to Almost Give Away.*- Twtilj-Fm Fn Oat PCiiihLeii? IEToh? ZMlein. 02? Boys I SOME Am SEE WIAT WE HAVE TO OFFEE M IK THIS LIVE! Yours Very Truly, THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY, Proprietors New Yoik Store. MARRIED June the 4th t the home of the bride’s parents, “Rev.” James Jolly officiating, Mr. J. R. Mayfield and Miss Sallie Mayo. The bride has written many a coral for the ARMUB, and we extend her and her husband congratulations. In this issue will be fund the an nouncement of Mr. T. L. Williams for treasurer of Butts county. Mr. Williams has served in thi* capacity for the past two y< ars, and has most oreditably per form* and his duties with perfect satisfac tion. Tue grand juries of our county have repeatedly complimented Mr. Wil liams upon the acceptable manner in which he has served in this position, and if re elected we are confident he will c mtinue to make a most acceptable Treasurer, aud reflect great credit upon his satisfactory management of the county’s funds. Yes, we sell “Eastern Shoes.” Bay State Shoes are “Eastern Shoes,” We sell the Bay State Brogan? and Bell’s at one dollar a pair. Star Store. JRASHY MEDICINES. Mnv such flood the market. Bo t*nic Blo.xl Balm i* a odium tenuously c mpounded m-dicine, the re ult of f rty year* practice bv an eminent iiliyah-imi. It is the best blood pu*i rier ever 'ffered to the public, and is guaranteed to cure if given a fair trial. [Yi it for all skin and blood diseases, including catarrh and rheumatism in its worst form One bottle ofitcon ains more cirative and building-up virtu** than a doze.i of any other kind. Pry “The Old Reliable’' See adver tisement elsewhere. f OMMEXCEMENT EXERCISES OF JACKSON INSTITUTE. PROGRAMME. Sunday, June 10th, 11 a. m..— Commencement Sermon, Dr. J. W. Rob erts, Atlanta, ua. Monday, June 11th, 9:30 a. m.,— Freshman Declamations aud Recitations. 8:00 p. m,, — Primary, Intermediate, and Academic Exh bition. Tuesday, June 12th. 9:30 a. tn., — Sophomore Declamations and Recitations 10:30 a. m., — Literary Address,—Hon. O. H. B. Bloodwortb, Forsyth, Ga. 8:00 p. m. Exhibition of Ciceronian and Sigma' Literary Societies. Wednesday, June 13tb, 9:30 a.m., — Juuior Declamations aud Recitations. 8:00 p. m..— Concert by Music Class. Whiskers that arc prematurely gray or laded should be coioicd to prevent the look of age, and Buckingham’s D.eex elsall others in coloring brown or black. 25 ggg HERE’S PROOF. Two years ago Prof. Blasingame as serted that Jackson Institute could aud would prepare girls for entrance into the senior class of the Female Colleges of the state. Miss Lizzie Slaughter completed the course at Jackson Institute last spring and last week graduated at the Southern F* male College, LaGrange. The curriculum is higher now than ever before and no parent ne* and have any fear that their daughters will notenter the senior class at college, when *hey J have satisfactorily completed the course here. Moral—Send your daughter to Jack son Institute, aud save from $250 to S3OO a year. Go to Cohen’s if you want a bargain. llis motto is to UN DERSELL and not to be under sold AN HOB ORED GEORGIAN. Hon. James G. Phinazee, of Monroe county, was in Atlanta on ye*>terday. Mr. Phinazee is one of Monroe couuty’s best citizens. He was for several years a representative from Monroe county in the Georgia legislature and has held other offices of trust and honor. He was ohairmau of the board of commissioners of roads and revenues in Monr e for a number of years aud was largely instru mental in placiug the affairs of the county on a safe basis, bringing order out of confusion which resulted from waste and extravagance of reconstruction times. His counsel and advice are called for now whenever Monroe’s interests are at stake. Hie long life oi usefulness prom ises to be prolonged for many years jet, —Atlanta Journal. Mr. Pliinazefe, the gentl man referred to above, is an uncle of our famous cot ton buyer, Mr. Asa Smith, who has a deep hold on the affections of our people. Mr. Phinazee was consulted just before the gubernatorial nomination aud this graud old man stood then like Monroe does now. 20 pieces GOOD Calicoes at 3c per yard at Cohen’s. CURE FOR HEADACHE. Ah a remedy lor all forms ©t Head ache E ertric Bitters h *s proven to be the very In st It • fleets a permanent cute and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its iuflueu e. We urge all who are afflicted to enre a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. It: cases of habitual con -ti pat ion Electric Bitters cures bv giv ing the needed tonic to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it ouce Large bottles only 50c at R. G.Bryans’ drug store. EiUi ii Wt;. REAL ESTATE. Oood smad farm or sale near Stark in Butts county Good five room dwelling in the beautiful town of Flo villa—lot containing one and one-half acres, out houses, fencing and water perfect—we will trade this property tor property in Jackson or Jackson Banking Cos stock. I *-Ve will also sell good farming land : n close reach of the proper ty if desired. Five room dwelling, well fur nished inside and out, pleasantly situated, good well of water, plenty of out buildings, garden, yard and lot all under good fence. Four hundred yards from court house. For sale for less than you could build the house. Call and see us it you want a good home in the best town in the state. The lot of land upon which the above property is sit uated has 95 feet front running back 210 feet. Apply to Harmon McDonald. The BEST Ladies’ Shoes in town for SI.OO at Cohen’s. THIS DISCOVERY SAVED HIM. Mr. G. Cailloue te, druggist, B a versvibe, lll..says: “To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe mv life. Was taken with L. Grippe ami tried all vf the physicians for miles about, but ot no avai , ami was giv<*a up aud told I could not live. Having Dr. K ng’g Nmv Discovery in my store, I sent lor a bottle aud began its use ami f*orn li.e .first dose b*-gan to get better, aud alter u>. tig th ee bodies was up and about agam. It is worth its weight in g*-Id. We won’t keep store or h'-use whin ut it.’’ Get a trial bottle tree at R. G. Bryan*’ drug 6tore. BARGAINS in Shoes aud Slip era at Cohen’s. “Orange Blossom” gives immediate relict and permanently cure* all dis eases peculiar to ladies. Sold by W. L. Carmichael. A lady can drive the wildest horse, in perfect safety, with one of those safety bits. Call on A. G. Hitchins and see them. Many use Ayer’s Sarsaparilla as an “appetizer,” because it is such a fine stomachic.