The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 21, 1894, Image 4

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THEY WANTED JUSTICE. And They Got If, but the Lawyer* Got All Their Property. I' corn Texas Siftings. He wanted justice. Yon could *ee that in his eyes afar off. He didn’t want a little bit of justice weighted out in a gingerly manner and doi e up Ju a coarse brown paper, but he wanted justice by the carload, and at wholesale rales, lie hitched his old horse and dilapidated buggy in front ot the drug store, mounted the stairs running up outside of the second story, and his ryes brightened as the\ rested on the tin sign on the door: “George Baxom, Attorney at Law.” The lawyer was in, so was a s2dc®k, two lu cent chair®, a huge cuspidoi, and a dirty stove. “Morning.” “Morning.” “I’m Jim White, sir. Live out b} Gray s corner. Bought the Tompkins farm, you know.” “Ah !” “Skinner ji u s farm> with me. Ills steers got into my corn. 1 want dam ages, but he laiighsai me. I turned my hogs into his hater patch.” “Good. I like a man of spunk.” “And he kills one ol ’em." “What!” “He kills a hog worth $2.” on don’t say ! Well, that man ought to bo made to understand dial liedoesn i own this country. Have you demand'd pay?” “Oh, yes; and he said lie would like to shoot me.” “Is it possible? Why, he is a dan gerous man ; very dangerous.” “I came to ask you if—if”— “Why, of course, you have the best kind of a case against him, audit is your duty to push it.” es; I want justice; but—how much will—” “Oh, the cost will oe nothing. Just leave me $5 as a retainer, and we’ll make Skinner sweat. I hayen’t heard oi such an outrage for years. He probably reasons that you arc chick en-hearted and afraid of him.” “Well, he’ll find that, the Whites have as much grit as the Skinners.” “And a9 much money to law with.” “You bet.” I hat s the talk, we’ll make him a veiy sick man. Tour case appeals to me as a citizen us well as a lawyer and now, we will secure a wairant as a starter.” Skinner visits the other lawyer in the same village, and the conversa tion is about, the same; and White got a warrant for Skinner and Skinner gets a war rant for White. first Year—Two adjournments, a disagreement, twenty-four days’ lost time and a cash expense of ssß* to each farmer. Second Year—Three trials, one dis agreement, four adjournments, oue appeal and a cash expense ot $l5O to each farmer. Time lost, thirty-fit e da) s. Third Year—Two trials, two ap peals, two decisions and two farms ito the hands of two lawyers. FREE PILLS. Send your address to H, E. Bucklen ( <>., Chicago, and got a free sample box of Dr. King’s Near Life Pills. A tiial will convince you of l/ieir merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they hare been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly fie® from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, tut by their giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regu lar size 25c per box. Sold by R. G. Bryans’, druggist. JUST FISHING. Wednesday evening of this week sev en lone fishermen left Jackson for an evening’s entertainment on the wilds neai I ittinan s Ferry. The gang con sisted of Dr. W. C. Bryant, Dr, Crum, Henry Gunn, John McDonald, R. T. Watkins, Ed Huson, and Will Webb, all of whom were well equipped with the necessities of a jumped up fishing excur sion. Aftei reaching the river. Dr. Crum forgot that he left his boat at home, sc he proceeded to hang himself on a limb and fish from the bank, while Watkins and Bryant made trot line® 01 themselves by tying kooks around their necks and swimming back and forth across the river. Henry Gunn cf ught an eel and gave McDonald 25c to take it ofl the hook, then baUed his pole and be gan fishing along the banks for bull frogs. Ed Huson and Will Webb perch ed themselves on a large rock, when the river slipped and they went head over heels in the water. After flound ering around for awhile and scaring all the fish down below Macon, they suc ceeded in crawling out and hung them selves up in a tree to dry. Taken all in all it was a most deightful occasion, and alter swapping off all the superflu ous clothing the party started back to Jackson with a string of fish consisting of two small cats, one mud cat, an eel, and three “Crawley bottoms” at an expense of three vests, one coat, an un dergarment and a hat. If that crowd can t catch ern with a hook, they can just give a Gipsy ten in the deal end beat him trading. They always come back with fish, no matter whether the river is clear or muddy. HOW THEY STAND. The following list shows how the candidates for governor stand up to today—Thursday morning : ATKINSON. EVaKS- Merriwcther 4 Richmond 0 Baldwin 2 Terrell 2 Coffee 2 Elbert 2 Clinch 2 Bartow 4 Douglass 2 Telfair 2 Cherokee 2 Lincoln 2 Oconee 2 Hall 4 Taliaferro 2 Mu nay 2 Gwinnett 4 Clay 2 Monroe 4 Floyd t Butts 2 DeKalb 4 Milton 2 Whitfield 2 Irwin 2 Lowndes 2 Jefferson 4 Randolph 2 Wilkes 4 Echols 2 Muscogee 4 Fulton I Troup 4 Clark 2 Carroll 4 Pumam 2 Dodge 2 Dade 2 Glasscock 2 Camden 2 McDuffie 2 While 2 Fannin 2 Sumter 4 Glynn 2 Warren 2 Hancock 4 Walker 2 Macon 2 New on 2 Coweta 4 J-ackson 4 Chattahoochee 2 s..aiding 2 Catoosa 2 Ware 2 Pierce 2 Charlton 2 Tattnall 2 Montgomery 2 Appling 2 Dawson 2 Madison 2 Paulding 2 Emanuel ■ 2 Jones 2 Wilcox 2 Cobb 4 Campbell 2 Pulaski 4 Wayne 2 Heard 2 Taylor 2 Harris 4 Mitchell 2 Webster 2 Early 2 Dougherty 2 Baker 2 Colquitt 2 Banks 2 Crawford 2 Wilkinson 2 Total 146 Total 78 DOUBTFUL. Polk 2 UN INSTRUCTED. Mclntosh 2 TRASHY MEDICINES. Many such flood the market. Bo tanic Blood Balm is a conscientiously compounded medicine, the result of forty years practice by an eminent physician. It is the best blood puri fier ever offered to the public, and is guaranteed to cure if given a fair trial. Try it for all skin and blood diseases, including catarrh and rheumatism in its worst form. One bottle of it con tains more curative and building-up virtue than a dozen of any other kind. Try “The Old Reliable.” See adver tisement elsewhere. THE STATE OONVENT/ON, When we meet in convention the democratic party of Georgia should this resolution : We hereby reconsecrate ourselves, and declare our' allegiance to the Chicago platform, as constructed bv the party in ’92, and advocated from a million stumps all over this continent. We fully endorse our congressmen, who voted against the unconditional repeal of the Sherman act, and for the coinage seigniorage, notwithstanding the opposi tion to the measure by the administra tion. And we rerere the last act of the lamented Colquitt, who voted for the people’s interest as long as he lived. TO THE SEASHORE. The season ha3 again arrived for tho opening of the seashore resorts and the E. T. Y. & G. Ry takes pleasure in announcing that on May Ist, the hotel on Cumberland lslaud will be epeued under the management of Mr. Lie T. Shackleford, formerly of Hale Sping, Tennessee, a gentleman of wide experience, and one that will maintain the popularity of that re sort. The St. Simons Hotel will be open ed on the 15th, managed by Mr. Chas. T. Dunn, former proprietor of the Carleton Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida, many improvements have been made at both ot the above places. The E. T. V. &. G. Rv will as usual sell low rate tickets during the summer. Any agent of she company will take pleasure in giving lu'l informa tion as to rates and schedules. Uncle George Thurston brought us the fiist cotton bloom we have see this sea son today, 21st. It come from the faun of Mrs, Nancy Chastine. Mr. J. F. Nutt and family, of Grand Island, Fla., are visiting friends and relative* is this county. They will re main with us until September. We ask your attention to the notice of the M. G, M. & A college at Milledge ville, in this issue. We have a pam phlet announcing the facul y, curriculum and showing the building, which any on® can see by calling on us. We hope some of our young men will take it, and goto the college. Prof. Woodward takes a delight in welcoming young men from thir his native county. Mt. Louis Lowenthal, of Atlanta, de.p uty organizer of the Knights of Damon, is in Jackson, and will establish a lodge of that order here tomorrow night. The Knights of Damon is one of the best in surtnee orders in existence, also the cheapest, and being a home institution, is absolutely the safest for an investment of this kind. Mr. Lowenthal has the n.imes of some of tho best citizens of Jackson :*s charter members of this lodge to be established here, and it is unnecessary to say it will prove one among the most promsiing lodges of Georgia. No one contemplating life insurance can do better than to take out a poliey in the Knights of Damon, one of the best orders in existence, ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery kcow its value, and those who have not, have now the op portunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a 1 rial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H.E Buckleu & Cos., Chicago, and get a box ol Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of Guide In Health and Household In structor, Free. All of which is'guar anteed to do you good and cost you nothing, at R. G Bryans’ Drug Store. McGill’s Orange Blossom re duced from $1 to 6cc at R. G. Br ans & Go’s. W. L. Douglas o*l CUAr IS THE BEST. w H NO SQUEAKING. tAnd other (specialties for Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys and Misses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise ment which appears in this Take no Substitute. Insist on having VV. Jj . DOUGLAS’ SHOES, P with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by DR. J. W. CRUM. MALLARY BROTHERS & CO. Macon, Georgia. REMEMBER WE ARE STILL HEADQUARTERS FOR lips, Mb, to Mills, Cotton Sins, Prases, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing us for prices. MALLARY BROS. & CO, MACON, GA NOTICE!! NOTICE? NOTICE! These are Some cf the Prices -YOU CAN BUY DRUGS OF w, l. Carmichael - Call and get prices of other goods. S. 8. S. small per'bottle 68c, old price $l.OO. S. S. S. large per bottle $l.lB, “ “ $1.75. Jlocs’ Liver Neuralgia and Rheumatic cure small 85c, old price 50c. iiocs’ Liver Neuralgia and Rheumatic cure large “ “$1 00. School Crayons per box sc. old price 10c. Note paper, good, per quire 5c “ “ 10c. Envelopes per packedge sc, “ 10c. Green’s August Flower,good for dyspepsia, 45c, old price 75c. Boschee’s Germau Sirup for croup 45c, old price 75c. Lawrence’s Liver Midicine large 35c, old price 50c. Lawrence’s Liver Medicine small 13c, “ “ 25c. Porous Plasters 10c, old price 25c. Pills per boy 15c, old price 25c. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial small 35c, old price 60c. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial large 68c, old price $l.OO. Sarsaparilla per bottle 65c, old price $l.OO. Sarsaparilla •* 50c “ “ 75c. McLeun’s Liver and Kidney Balm 68c, old price $l.OO. White Oil Liniment 33c, old price 50c. Iron Tonic 67c, old price $1 00. Certain Catarrh Cure always on hand. W. L. CARMICHAEL. We are Still at the Bottom, Don t Forget the Place ! R, G. BRYANS & CO. tai these Cash Prices ml Keen [or Moron. Iron Tonic. 40 <S: 60c. Regular Price 75 & 100. Caetoria 25c. “ 35 Cough Syrup 12. “ 25 Wine Cardui 66. “ 1.00 Kendahs Spavin Cure 66. “ 100 Sirnmona Liver Regulator 15. “ 25 Black Draught 15. “ 25 S. & s. 67* * 1.16 1.00 * 1-75 Mother’s Friend 1.05. “ 1.50 P. &W. Morphine 30. “ 50 Sarsaparilla 71. “ 100 Pierces Golden Med., Dis , 71 “ 1.00 “ Favorite Presen prions 60. “ 1.00 “ Pellett's 15. “ 75 Brad fields Female Regulator 69“ 100 Aletris Cordial 60 “ 1.00 Peru na .71 “ 100 Pills .15 “ .25 Cuticura Soap .18 “ .25 “ Salve 40 “ .50 Browns Iron Bitters .71 1.00 Soothing Syrup ,18 .25 Bradycrottne .35 50 Brewers Lung Restorer .66 45 1.00 R. G. BRYANS & CO. The best sausage ever manu factured in Jackson, also the “cleanest’’ can be found at FTarp's meat market. PEf SIONS. BEING located near the government department are able to give your claims better attention than attorneys located elsewhere. Special attention given to difficult and iejected claims. If your present attorney does not suit you and ts slow write us. /Soldiers who have lost their discharges tan obtain new ones. Charges of desertion removed. No fee unless you get a pension. Advice free. Soldiers pensioned at less than twelve (sl2) dollars per month and suffering from disability in additm to that named in their pension certificates may obtaiu in crease under the new law. Peusious for widows and children without regard to cruse of soldiers death; for mothers and fathers who are not dependent, whether they were dependent upon soldier when he died or not. Pensions obtained or services rendertd in A/exican and Indian wars, Mexican pen ions can now be increased to sl2 a month. Suspsnded pensions res to re and PATENTS. Caveats Trade Marks, Designs, Copyrights and all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and ad vice to inventors without charge Address THE NORMAN CLAIM AGENCY, Box 167, Washington, D. C. Mustang Liniment 18 36 & 7L for merly .25 .50 & 1.00 Best A hoe Pollish .7 .17 18. “ 10 25 Felonias Cordial .61 “ ' 1.00 Royal Germature .70 “ 1.00 Sulphur Salts & Copperas sc. Davis Pain Killer .19 # “ .25 Lemon Elixir .39 & .69 .50 &1 00 Best XXX Envelopes 5 “ ,10 Huckleberry Cordial .19 “ .25 Electric Bitters 41 “ 75 4oz Vaseline 5 “ io St Jacobs Oil 26 Household Ammonia 10 “ 25 Allcocks Porous Plasters 9 “ 25 Strengthening Plasters 8 “ 25 Belladonna “ '8 “ 25 Capsicum “ 8 “ 25 Parkers Hair Balsam 35 “ 50 /feethina 18 “ 50 Rad ways Relief 36 “ 50 Syrup Figs 36 &69 “50 a 1.00 Raw Linseed Oil 60 Boiled 63 BllfesOM Is as safe and harmless as a Has seed poultice. It acts likeapoul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom’* is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of sx. Dr. J .A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold by DR. W. L. C ARMICHEAL. Cares. ......Botanic Blood The Great Remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Ulcers, Eczema, Eating: and Spreading: Sores, Eruptions, and all SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Made from the prescription of an eminent physician who used it with marvelous success for 40 years, and its continued use for fifteen years by thou sands of grateful people has demonstrated that It Is by far the best building up Tonic and Blood Purifier ever offered to the World. It makes new rich blood, and possesses almost miraculous healing properties. WRITE FOR BOOK OF WONDERFUL CURES, sent free on application. If not kept by your local druggist, send SI.OO for a large bottle, or $5.00 for six bottles, and medicine will be sent freight paid by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. IHIiIHIWSISESHIM. A Page From Her History. The important experiences cf others are interesting. The following is no exception: “I had been troubled with heart disease 25 years, much of that time very seriously. For live years I was treated by one physician con tinuously. 1 wa3 in business, but obliged to retire on account of my health. A phy sician told my friends that I could not live a month. My feet and limbs were badly swol len, and I waa Indeed in a serious condition when a gentleman directed my attention to Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and said that his sister, who had been afflicted with heart dis ease, had been cured by the remedy, and was again a strong, healthy w oman. 1 "purchased a bottle of the Heart Cure, and in less than an hour after taking the first dose I could feel a decided improvement in the circulation of my blood. ' When I had taken three doses I could move my ankles, something I had not done for months,and my limbs had been swol len so long that they seemed almost put rifted. Before I had taken one bottle of the New Heart Cure the swelling had all gone down, and I was so much better that I did my own work, On my recommendation six others tire taking this valuable remedy.’’—Mrs. Morgan. 689 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, a discovery of an eminent specialist in heart disease, issoid by all druggists on a positive guarantee,or sent by the Dr. MUes Medical Co.,Elkhart, liul., on receipt of price, SI per bottle, six bottles for $5, express prepaid. It is positively free from ail opiates or dangerous drugs. For Sale by W. L. CARMICHAEL and R. G. BRYANS & CO. DYSpiPstA I mmm siokor buHOisnoM Hr \ n £ZY£?JLv Sourness Mmloss ar Stomach Appst/tk None Genuine Without The Likeness And Sibnature orM.A.THEoroRD on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thepford Meo.<§- THE STANDARD. DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedy Has sustained its reputation for 18 yean as being the standard remedy for the quick and permanent cure of Rheuma tism, Gout, Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. It is endorsed by thousands of Physi cians, Publishers and Patients. It is purely vegetable and builds up from the first dose. It never fails to cure. Price is one dollar a bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Our 10-page Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, Drag's Rheumatic Remedy Cos. 1316 L Street, Washington, D. C. Durang's Liver Pills are tiie best on earth. They act with an ease that mokes them a household blessing. TBIOE S6 CTS. PEP. BOX, or 5 BOXES FOB sl. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others op MEN Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored, soth day. np?dfi i tt Ve lI C^ lie 1 i e m r /t n . Wea K nesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting nf e £ ror 22L nd ,ater excesses; the result ■**“, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to the sexual or ****•• S <o,> * unnatural losses or nightly c^, u ®°d by youthful errors or ex e , U3 ® of tobaeeo. opium and Honor, wnicn lead to eoaiumptlen and insaaity. Their use shows immediate improvement. Accept no imitation. Insist upon having the genuine NPrVh Rpfrioc no other. Conven er! T S. rL r, “?> ient to carry ln vest pocket. Price, |I.OO per box. six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cue ussy ease. If not kept by your druggist we win send them by mall, upon receipt of price, in plain wrap- Addi-eM afl mall orders to AMBmCAX NBDICAL CO., ClSUsssU, O. ft* sale bf Or I, Carmichael, —— King of all ,4"' , >! Bicycles, | Light. Weight and v j Rigidity. Every Ala- \?; )%| cfainefiidy warranted If dX'f; ‘ ■ - 435, \\ •. .'T.. T **3? \\ J ' s Style: | ! A ;. _ Highest Honors at the World's Goldman k,:; p, | Send tiWkceat etAinp for our 2.i-page Catalogue-A work ci Art I Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, ?So Vvabash Ave. Lake said .daisied sis„ CHICAGO, ILL. I JACKSON INSTITUTE, Jackson: : : : : Georgia. Spring Term Begins Jan. 2,1894 RATE OF TUITION: Primary Classes, per term, : : $6,50 Inermediate and Collegiate Classes, term, $9.50 Art Lessons per month, : $2.50 to $.3.00 Music, vocal or instrumental, per mo. $3-00 Parent.*, do you want your boy3 and girls biought up to tb highest possible peifection of manhood and womanhood ? If sc on musl have the very besT teachers t> help you. We have them in the Jackson Institute. Not a school in Georgia is more thorough, systematic, or better disciplined. Most excellent advantages offered in Art, Music, Elocution and Oratory. The tuition is as low as you could ask. Board can be had at from ten to twelve dollars per month. Catalogue and aU information cheerfully sent on application. Address, JAS, C, BLASINGAM!;, Ml MBS BUM FANCY GROCERIES! E. 6. GILMORE & HENCELY, May's Block, Next Door to Livery Stab le on 3d Street- Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. W keep country raised potatoes and unions, in fact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled ii a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of all kinds on hand at all times Pure coacocolaon hand all the summer, as good as can he found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8,1894 o#&em±. MEPHISTO RING 250 New and most astonishing op- Yfflpp UtfiTf) YfL tlcal illusion and a Budurci, Jr-TVS nsusa IMS. Hade of two twisted bands of Rolled Gold and Silver. Turn it—the bands • r ' appear to parti Lay it down— they seem to fall apart If Inspect it—you nave a per fect ring!!l All the rage; over 1,000,000 sold in two months at 76c. We send sample with large catalogue, for e&cents postpaid. 1 Dozen ta.oo. INSI'KAsIE WATCH CO., ISO 8. Halated Street, Chleaso, Ilk §lB KARAT QQ GOLD PLATE $1.3v7 Cl T THIS Ol’T and fend It to u* with your full name and addreaa and we will tend you this watch V express for examination. A guarantee for 2 years eent with it and if you find it equal to watches sold everywhere at $4.00 to se.oo and far better than ever advertised before and the grandest bargain you ever saw or heard of, pay express agent $1.99 and express chargee and the watch i* yours; otherwise pay nothing. It is 19k. gold plated full bassine dust proof case, the movement is a fine *i plate Ktcm Wind and Stem Set, finely jewelled polished pinion, oil’ tempered mainspring which does not break and all the latest im provements and warranted the best timekeeper in the world for the money and equal in appearance to a genuine solid gold watch. Write to-day. This offer will not appear again. Ad dre INSURANCE WATCH Chicago* Halsted Street ’ It Is better to eerve the public than to cheat it. It is better to make a friend of a customer than a victim. It is better to help ODe*a patrons than to hurt them. What is fair and just to the consumer is best in the long run for the manufacturer. The Insurance Watch Cos. is run on these principles. contractors notice. Any pireon wanting first-clas!- work, by a workman of 20 years experience in stone or bri* k, such as daras buiit, blasting, where dyna mite is used, or in all such work as lock houses or piers, Call on G. W. Watkins, Decl-lyr Jack3on, Ga. ..THE.. ELDREDGE “gr rm -SMI ’A strictly b;gli-grade Family Sewing Machine , possessing all modern improvements. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and make comparisons. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING CO^ BELVIDERE, ILL Harp sells fresh meats of all kinds. You can get NICE SUNDAY PANTS at 75c up to $5.00 at COHEN’S.